What makes for a good cyberpunk game?
What are the must-haves versus the nice-to-haves?
What makes for a good cyberpunk game?
What are the must-haves versus the nice-to-haves?
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>What makes for a good cyberpunk game?
No magic
I can dig that.
>how much cyberpunk can you find in pic related?
Augmentations are a must. Gotta have a few cyborgs in there.
I don't recognize the guy to the northeast of Daft Punk.
>Barbarella and Xena
Neon colored rain, PCs are just trying to survive or pay the rent. No big world changing conspiracys or that the guy they are protecting has a cure for some serious sickness. If you go metal you lose you empathy. If you lose your empathy you go psycho. Very much melancholy feeling but not hopeless.
Why do you want something so bleak...
Only bleak in the feeling side. But everything should look like candy king in LSD.
>I don't recognize the guy to the northeast of Daft Punk.
The android/AI from Ex Machina.
Only important theme is that the World is a technological marvel and could be mistaken for a utopia of human flourishing at the surface level, but that it's disgustingly confining and ruled by corporate structures so massive that no one is truly free while they live and work within the sustem and those who choose not to be a part of the system or are forced out live in comparaitve squalor taking what they can from the dregs of society.
>Princess Mononoke
Well, it was about dehumanization via technological progress, wasn't it.
Cyberspace and plugging directly into the computer.
A lot of that isn't very Cyberpunk. Blade isn't, Xena isn't, Nova isn't, the Predator isn't, Ripley isn't, the jury is still out on Feyd Rautha, etc.
The Major hanging out with Jensen's kind of nice. I like Gillian Seed stuck in traffic, too. And random Daft Punk.
I like this picture a lot, but WHY in the fuuuuuck Is nova in it
who is the guy with the shotgun along with Blade?
I've always been interested in the inclusion of aliens in a cyberpunk setting, but I'm concerned it might be a little too much, and as such will push it to straight up sci-fi. How would you reckon it should be done, if at all?
Take the ordinary cyberpunk setting, stick it on a space station, and fill it full of noir-personality aliens. You could probably make Coruscant pretty cyberpunk if you played up the right bits.
"Tequila" Yuen from Hard Boiled.
Solid advice user, cheers. I quite like the idea of a kind of "Half-Life" or "The mist" event where some corporate experiment brings them in. Or a kind of alien shadow government which I know has been used in some settings
>the jury is still out on Feyd Rautha
Dune is very much sci-fi. Cyber Punk is predicated on "Familiar World, Unfamiliar Surroundings".
So Cyber Punk only really works if you've got something roughly analogous to a modern urban society ramped to 11. That being said, Feyd's world of Gheidi Prime is Cyberpunk as hell, being an industrial dysotopia.
Im gonna disagree completely, and for one specific reason, the word Cyber which is:
>relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality
They dont have much of anything like that in Dune, which is in fact very anti cyber due to religion and so forth. Gheidi prime is not cyberpunk as hell, though it is dystopian
>Xena, Mononoke, Sting Harkoonen, Nova Terra, Mad Maxine and fucking Predator
>no Gally