Old thread: >Pastebin:
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
What's the best Pack Totem in WtA?
>New Geist preview
>New Deviant preview
>General Creation Kit
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Also new question:
If you could add, or remove, one thing from your favorite game line what would it be?
>What's the best Pack Totem in WtA?
Best how? More powerful? The one that gives better combat traits?
First for requesting Enemy Action and the Beast Player's Guide.
Please and Thanks.
Remember when chronicles of fagness used to bake breads
I miss that faggot
Add cryptids to Mage. They don't have to be Supernal, in fact that would probably ruin them.
But I want to be able to find non-spirit versions of classic Supernatural non-playable creatures.
Or rather, have non-Horror rules for them.
Crytids are already canon in Awakening 2e. They just aren't discussed much.
..I would basically take oWoD mummy, transfer it to COFD, make it an echo of the Rite of Return from COFD mummy, and bolt them onto the purified. So you have regular purified, then you have a 'greater' variety who are just Purified with a purpose and a few refluffed powers, serving one of a pantheon of spirits from out in the Anima Mundi in a way that boils down to 'try not to be a gibbering lunatic'.
I really liked both games. Nomenclature was so much fun, and running in a crossover game in nWoD where the vampires never realised he wasn't actually one of them was even better.
I'm aware they're a thing, but a thing without rules or much in the way of direction can hardly be called a thing.
I could make that shit up myself, but I just would prefer some direction from people who get PAID to write rules.
... Or if we want truly untouched things to add:
Combat/Social Mage Merits based on Arcana.
Like, Teleport-fu, Mind-reading fighting, Forces combat styles about redirecting the opponent's forces, shapeshifting in combat.
I get that this stuff is generally worse than "oh, I Unmake/Unravel/Gravity Control him", but it's fucking cool and I wish we had something for it.
I'd remove the Lancea et Sanctum from Requiem. I personally don't grok them and their 'monsters for God' schtick could be folded into a more monstrous version of the Crone.
Use the monster creation rules from the most recent CofD to make cryptids.
Reposting from the old thread in case the user(s) see this.
Eh. According to the lore stuff that's going on as detailed in Beckett's Jyhad Diary, a Gehenna is actively HAPPENING during V5. In part the Sabbat's Gehenna Crusade, but also all of the happenings for a Gehenna as detailed in 1e (more of a cyclical 'things blow up, world is destroyed, things build back up to modernity again, repeat) to be occurring.
Nordic LARP is a term for a more heavily immersion-based game, with a heavier focus on the actual setup and immersion and storytelling. There may be physical combat, but there isn't always (the Convention of Thorns LARP was a Nordic-styel LARP, but it used very freeform rules for conflict, not physical boffer combat).
They're as cringey as the group and the local scene involved. I've played a lot of WoD LARPs (Masquerade, Requiem, Lost, Forsaken, Awakening, Apocalypse) in the past 13 years and some things have been cringey (mostly part of the larger organizations like the Mind's Eye Society) but most have been awesome. WoD LARP can draw in a certain type of crowd which, when left unchecked, kills things. But this also happens with any genre (vis a vis, catpissmen meme).
>mfw I can't translate my bound to 2e
welp time to make a new character
Either remove ES ignores Withstand or remove Withstand.
Which is what I mentioned that I didn't want to do.
Other than mage, because they'd clearly win, which splat would make the best chefs?
I can't make the character I used in "Geist the Sin Eaters" for the 2nd edition of that game, so I need to make a new character
vamps if cooking is dex
prometheans otherwise
Didn't someone shorty time a game where the PC pack tried to bind the spirit of christmas as their totem?
An antagonist group in Awakening that take the Atlantis myth all too seriously and style themselves in such a way that they have found was recorded of Atlantis. Very Gargoyle and the Neo-Atlanteans from Nadia, though with less SUPERSCIENCE angle.
Looking for some opinions. We were running a kind-of-crossover as a break from our usual games, where everyone had three characters, each of a seperate splat, but that just detonated into a spectacular shitfight when someone accidentally on purpose called up the end of the world. So now we're doing another.
I've got a character concept I'm running of someone a bit cracked, looking to reshape the world into a better one - through magic. Three major arcana, prime, time, space. I don't think the chronicle will last long enough for her to end up as a master, but her 'stated' goal will be to vanish into a tiny little singularity universe of her own making (prime/time/space) where she's in control. Since ascension is a canonical pipedream, wink wink, nudge nudge, oh no, the imperial mysteries totally don't exist.
What I'm not sure of is what path to take her down. Obrimos, Acanthus or Mastigos. All of them sort of fit her personality notes in one way or another, and I can make their minor arcana work for me.
What's the dumbest thing you've ever seen at your table
Someone rolling enough paradox to summon a rank 5 abyssal entity because "their character wouldn't know that paradox gets worse if you cast more spells."
Could you make a Demon character that is radically different post fall?
Like their true form is a combat monster. But all their covers are mental/social focused?
How the fuck did they resolve that in game? How much of a shit-fit did the Guardians throw?
Okay. Why?
Doesn't the 1e book mention that they usually just kill the poor bastard in question, since the manifestations are linked to their continued health and wellbeing?
IIRC, the highest Gnosis a player in the party had was 3. So they all died.
In Masters of the art, they mention offhand a few sorcerers who have found a path to immortality. What Sorcery path is that?
Well, most demon powers are social oriented and they do best with maxed finesse attributes.
In the first game there were Thresholds; Torn, Silent, Stricken, Prey, and Forgotten. My character was "Forgotten", they died by things they considered random happenstance. e.g. you trip down a flight of stairs and survive only to stumble into a speeding car. you're out at night and get struck by lightning.
In the new edition, those are absent and there isn't really a direct translation. So I'll need to make a new character to play. I'm excited
Going by Sorcerer Revised:
>Alchemy 5 could probably squeeze immortality out of Vitae, Alchemy 6 could do it without side effects.
>Fortune at 5 could probably ensure you have an extremely long, enjoyable and full life. Fortune at 6 could give that to your descendants as well.
>Healing at 6 dots could bring you back from beyond the grave, if properly performed.
>Summoning could summon something to give you immortality.
Maybe? Awakened law in general works out as "You fuck up, you die".
Why do you fags keep fucking up the opening post? And why is there a new thread before the old is over?
I made it because the thread was sitting on page 10 and I expected it to fall off faster than it has.
No changes at all are needed. You get one key from the geist and one key from your death. That is the only mechanical difference.
You still get two keys to start, so pick the chance one.
I'd remove Brucato from Mage.
What would M20 be like if it was developed by DaveB?
In some alternate quantum reality, they're reading a version of M20 that doesn't suck.
Hmmm, I wonder if a Momento could be used as a Yantra/Tool for Moros Mage?
With bonuses if the spell fits within the Momento's key?
Sounds neat.
Perhaps the Greater Momentos are even more powerful Yantras, which would get Mages interested in fighting over them as well as Sin-Eaters and mortal Occultists.
Spirit of erections coming through
>banished by the mage who summoned it or the mage's death
>banished/unmade in general
Too bad Galliards can imagine a more beautiful entity into existence
Can you even target Abyssal spirits with magic do they just fall under Spirit or?
According to a sidebar, Gulmoths follow rules for Spirits, while Acamoths follow Goetic rules.
However you treat them with regards to spells is up to you though.
I personally don't let spells affect them as if they were their respective 'normal' ephemeral entity.
That makes them too much like 'evil spirits' rather than the 'glitches in reality that cause your organs to grow teeth and eat their way out of you'.
Great question.
Gulmoth are effectively spirits. Acamoth are effectively goetia.
I would flat out have an acamoth remain in your Oneiros, being creepy and harmful, indefinitely.
They do however tend to have maximally weird influence -- influence of some euphemism of "shitting up your magic xD" would be a good choice.
A custom numina to make it so controlling them yields freakish results would be reasonable.
Annunaki are rank 6+ arch ephemera of no specific type like Mad tulpas, iirc.
>I personally don't let spells affect them as if they were their respective 'normal' ephemeral entity.
Good idea, though given the choice between a mage mind controlling a gulmoth and using spirit to banish one, I would prefer the latter.
A friend let me read his copy of the Beast Player's Guide, ask me anything.
Can you give me a quick rundown on BEAST SPAWN?
any especially brutal new lair traits?
Why are Beasts and their players such faggots?
>What would M20 be like if it was developed by DaveB?
It would be so glorious our whole world would awaken at once, user.
What do you feel about Matt McRapeland's child abuse intro fiction?
Am I misremembering or wasn't Matt McFarland basically run out of OPP after being accused from a few angles of skeevy sexual stuff? He's still the listed dev on the Beast PG
He was contractually bound and this stuff was being written alongside the core. Anything he wrote here was written before rpg.net decided he was a rapist.
Don't forget, he too decided he was a rapist, and who are we to deny his identity.
The only thing I'd really be worried about is the stuff pertaining to Technocrats since apparently he preferred them as generic soulless mustache-twirling villains, but the Technocracy section of M20 was actually alright and (unsurprisingly) wasn't written by Phil, so if he was just replacing Phil it'd probably come out fine. Couldn't be worse than it currently is in any event.
From what I understand, he stepped down to not cause problems with the SJWs and trigger warning retards of rpg.net, not that he admitted to doing anything anything.
Doesn't rpgnet think everyone is a rapist? You just ave to go to different chunks to find someone accusing X author of being a rapist?
I believe that user was referring to a comment he made about believing rape accusations from women.
Oh, the quoted thing where he said 'you must believe any woman who says they were raped' thing. I had forgotten about that.
Horrorspawn aren't actually independent creatures, they are more like a shard of the Horror. You can create one temporarily, or buy a one to five dot merit, with each dot representing a permanent Horrorspawn. You make temporary ones by puting a bit of a Beast's Horror into either a corpse (human or animal) or into a cut off limb. The ones made from your own flesh are more powerful. For permanent ones, you can either take the time to enter the dream of a human suffering an appropriate nightmare and use that to create the Horrorspawn, or two Beasts can create one by fucking each other while merged with their Horror. They are created using Dread Powers.
You can feed the Horrorspawn your own Satiety, or it can hunt on it's own. Every Horrorspawn after the first lowers your maximum Satiety by one. You kind of have to micromanage them because if you don't they might try and sneak off, claim a body, and hunt people. Luckily you can puppet them around like your Horror, so it shouldn't be that difficult. The real annoying part is if you don't regularly spend time with them, they become wilder. If you neglect them for more than a week, they'll go feral and might turn on your Horror to try and replace it. If your Horror is dead, one of them will actually try to get back to your Heart Chamber. This can stave off death for a couple of days, but you can keep on living if you manage to feed a ridiculous amount of times. Because it isn't a true Horror you permanently gains the Soulless condition. Also, if a Hero tries to put an Anathema on you it goes to a Horrorspawn instead, same with tracking.
I would usually say they aren't worth the trouble, but they can get pretty powerful.
Nah, its just people with power abuse it, and writers sometimes or often have powers over fans. Or underage girls. Or goats.
Let's not talk about Brucatto's proclivities anymore than we have to.
>Also, if a Hero tries to put an Anathema on you it goes to a Horrorspawn instead, same with tracking.
So more mechanics that make heroes even more useless than the 'has no powers' they already are?
S a t y r o s .
>Awaken my nubile lovers
I don't want to wake up to Satyros' thrusting cock though
Sometimes I wonder if I'm too hard on Brucato. I mean, he is a human being just like the rest of us. A con artist and an IRL Marauder, but still a real human bean.
If you want tuff heroes, go with Tooth and Claw and have them get dream merits and shit.
>con artist
Brucatto is an artist in the same way that Kevin J Anderson is an artist. Or an artist in the same way that a sledgehammer is a scalpel. Or a graceful arc of diarrhea is the mona lisa.
He is very tangentially related, in that he shares some of the traits. His cons are basically asking you politely to con yourself, or you don't support 'art'.
Perhaps conman would've been the better word to use.
Now that Matt isn't on the line I wonder if they'll make playable heroes an actual thing instead of a hack from a hunter supplement, supplements that for every other line were /weaker/ than they were in their own splat books.
hm, why not just be a hunter who uses the I Need A Hero tactic to goad beasts into making over one hundred gorillion hunters until the entire town is nothing but savagely insane Don Quixote types?
I always thought a good ending for a Beast would be an incarnate Beast thinking a Hero has come to his layer, tries to turn it off, only for it to be a hunter who then murderhobo's it and loots its lair.
Thrall gives you Dreamborn (Goetia) that live in your Lair. There are some Traits that lower Resolve, one can even cause the Insensate Tilt if exposed to for too long. Also there's one that creates a botomless pit. It's escapable but I can see it being incredibly frustrating to deal with.
They actually managed to tighten the fluff up enough that it isn't an incoherent mess of poorly executed ideas anymore and answered a lot of questions. Some of this stuff probably should have been in a storytellers guide, but Beast really needed it.
I can't read intro fiction in any game, the colors and weird text makes them painful to read.
I haven't seen any proof he raped anyone, not even a victim. He was accused by some internet rando of assaulting someone else. Either way he was fired during the creation of the Player's Guide so he still technically worked on it.
Pretty much.
There's a Hero who teamed up with an Incarnate Beast described in the book. The book actually refered to them as a "true Hero." The Beast itself was a doctor who's Myth was something like "the creature that heals and protects the innocent."
Also one of the new Inheritances called Inversion involves crafting a special weapon and killing your own Horror. Other Beasts can tell you did it and a Hero can kill you by pulling the weapon out of the Horror's body, but it turns you into a Hero/Beast hybrid who lacks a Satiety track and doesn't need to feed. They don't tend to live long because they usually go out in a blaze of glory fighting Beasts.
>Also one of the new Inheritances called Inversion involves crafting a special weapon and killing your own Horror. Other Beasts can tell you did it and a Hero can kill you by pulling the weapon out of the Horror's body, but it turns you into a Hero/Beast hybrid who lacks a Satiety track and doesn't need to feed. They don't tend to live long because they usually go out in a blaze of glory fighting Beasts.
Can you still use Satiety abilities on whatever the fuck their powers are called?
Now that's a variant of a old meme I haven't seen in years.
Thanks for that.
I am actually planning on there being a cluster of hunters + heroes in this chron that... won't quite be bedeviling the beast PC (they don't know about him or have a reason to kill him yet) but he will find it strange that weird lucid dreamers are poking around. They run a sleep lab and use lucid dreaming for most of their hunting and recon, especially since in the dream world, beasts are mortal and mortals can return when killed.
whereas there's about a 0% chance that they'd survive contact with a beast IRL (pic related)
So I just finished vtmb yesterday as a Tremere, and my friend is starting up a game of Vampire the Requiem soon, are Tremere still cool in that one?
They don't exist.
If it's the occult nature you like, try the Ordo Dracul. They've got a coil devoted to 'mortal' sorcery. If it's the magic, try the Lancea Sanctum, who have clerical miracles. Or the Circle of the Crone, who are pagan sorcerers. There are a few bloodlines with their own variants of 'sorcery', and there's the threnodies from 1e if your GM allows it if you just like flat out magic.
VERY interesting, gonna have to use this sometime.
>Thrall gives you Dreamborn (Goetia) that live in your Lair.
I love it, esp because I'm an EPHEMERA FIEND. And also, because goetics are so damn hard to get to the mortal realm other than LOL A MAGE DID IT (or A MYSTERY DID IT)
how many/how good are the goetics btw? it'd be really interesting contemplating how that lair trait could present itself IRL for a beast PC to find
Oh. It was the edgy Blood Magic I liked the most I suppose. Thanks for the tips, i'll start looking at stuff.
What splat is the edgiest splat
Vampire or Beast
No, your Ativisms and Nightmares are stuck on neutral.
>how many/how good are the goetics btw? it'd be really interesting contemplating how that lair trait could present itself IRL for a beast PC to find
The Thrall Dreamborn can't leave the Lair, but you can have as many of them as your Lair rounded down and their attributes are equal to half that of the Beast's Horror. They also have access to one Atavism the Beast knows. If you want Dreamborn that aren't apart of the Lair you should take the Well-Stocked Lair merit which can do all sorts of things.
KotE Dhampyr.
Either Garou or Kithain.
>So I just finished vtmb yesterday as a Tremere
My man!
The closest to Thuamaturgy, I think, the Cruac, but you have to be a real dickhole to learn it.
Awesome. Does the book comment further on goetics, like them getting atavisms in other circumstances?
Cruac 5 requires Humanity 5 at worst, and its hard *not* to hit Humanity 5, even if you are a total angel.
Beasts seperate Goetia into three different groups, Actors, Dreamborn, and Horrors. Dreamborn don't usually get access to Atavisms.
There's an entire chapter on the Astral which makes me incredibly happy because the Astral is probably my favorite realm in CofD. It explains what the Primordial Dream actually looks like, what happens to Chambers that aren't apart of the Hive, and more information on the Dark Mother (a lot of information is given on the Dark Mother throughout the book) and where baby Horrors come from.
Threnodies. Sacraments and Blasphemies.
If you're playing CofD, try the Khaibit. They've got some magicy discipline bits and are kind of neat. Their old verson sucks. There are a half dozen bloodlines that will do the job, too. Ordo Dracul and their Coil of Zivaa gives you access to mortal magic, though, with a bloody taint, so that might be your best bet
Did they even have Dhampyr? I always thought it was only the ones who had that prayer art; the one that let them respond to peoples prayers like a god.
>The Thrall Dreamborn can't leave the Lair
I realize I probably should have worded this better. While they can't leave the Lair on their own, since they are a Tilt you should be able to temporarily summon them.
Does it take 4 dots in life to do the things you can do to your self at 3 to others in Ascension? Such as grafting animal parts on to people? Or is that something dumb and useless I read in m20