You were leaving your room then suddenly a mysterious girl Blocks your path

you were leaving your room then suddenly a mysterious girl Blocks your path.

whats your couse of action?

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

thumb to the eye

hug her

I roll to rape.

punch her in the ovaries


Girls don't exist, silly user.

roll for initiative

Vibrate away at high velocity

t. beta Flash

Ask her to move?

push her down

Is anyone else getting serious shining vibes from the pic?

"A hooker? This isn't my birthday!"

>pick her up and place behind me

So you walk right into her.
Then what user?

I tell her she's getting awfully uppity for an empty advertising logo.

She laughs and calls you a newfag

Sup Wednesday, IT is in the next room down.



Roll for diplomacy
"Pardon me young planeswalker, but I must make leave to bring glory to the Emperor."

Have That Conversation with the DM.


If satisfied, say hello. Prepare to abandon session. See if there's X-Wing on Tuesday night's again while I find another group.

check my inventory for salt and holy water

Inform her that she is cute.

Violent, violent rape

I push past her and continue onward to my destination.

No bratty, self-important cunt is getting in my way. If she wants something then she can speak to me like an adult, and not while impeding me from moving forward.

"Can I help you with something?"

Cutting words
That'll teach her

I try to haggle some goods off on her.

That's a man

"Uh, hi. Need something?"


"S'cuse me."

If she keeps blocking me, call her an autistic cunt and shove past.

Plunge a sacrificial dagger into her chest and offer up her soul to Lucifer.

Build a bridge out of 'er

Ask her to step aside, please.

Go around. Plenty of space.

Walk up and start mirroring her until she gives in.

This shit's obviously happening at a con, it's a very "yes and" atmosphere.



I tip my fedora

Why is that a gif?
And to fix that diplomacy mistake...
Forgive me, I'm new.

>Why is that a gif?
Higher picture quality.

smile at her then watch as she runs away.

I say hi, she runs away, disgusted.

>Why is that a gif?

Nedroid used to be published as gifs.

ann frank?

'Excuse me'
Then I walk around her. I'm a pretty chunky bugger but there's more than enough room either side of her to sidle past.

Either that or if you want a more entertaining answer, I pick her petite ass up and throw her over my shoulder like a viking raider for later surprise fun times (The surprise being it'll probably only be fun for one of us, ect, ect)