I'm seriously scared to share this.
>be me, 23
>High school sweetheart & I file for divorce
>"Can I kill myself?" Becomes daily thought to contemplate on.
>Friends come around and want to be supportive
>"user, come by on wednesdays, we do some Veeky Forums."
It's a long year to say the least
>Year goes by.
>Play Casual Magic, some heroclix,and 40k.
>find a passion in painting figs
>Suicidal thoughts start to diminish with an outlet and something to look forward to.
Things were looking good, then the spergs invaded. 3 of them.
>the three show up, 40k players.
>One, K, only plays Imperial fists. Constantly WAAC in everything.
>The second, T, plays 40k exclusively, uses soda can can drop pods.
>Lastly, A, Grey knights player, just as WAAC as the rest.
>All three refuse to paint their armies, T claims he bought drop pods but we never saw them.
>For the first few weeks, the original group tries to mesh well, and play nice.
>Tourney lists, arguing every stat, argue every rule.
>I got crushed, so did everyone else.
>Losing was fine, being mocked after wasn't so great.
A few weeks pass
>We start a Kill team campaign
>K/T/A start mocking the campaign
>"You all would totally lose if we we played 2000 point games"
>Catch K lying about stats
>Catch A rolling loaded dice
>T refuses to bring a legit codex instead of his printout.
All three of them start ribbing the rest of the group pretty hard
>"You'd never win a tourney with that shit list user"
>"Your figures are painted like trash"
>"The group here is a bunch of betamales"
Two of these assholes have their mothers drop them off.
>Switch to doing some magic for a couple of weeks, try to live and let live.
>K gets caught Manaweaving after trying to say my deck is shit.
>The other two start bashing anyone who isn't playing 2000 point 40k games.
>The casual group is getting tired of this and we all start to disband
That feeling of losing a comfortable setting to just have fun was crushing.