I like FFG's star wars rpg's health system.
You have 2 stats, Wounds and Strain. Most species start with about 12 each, but can vary between 10 and 15 at character creation.
When wounds reach 0, you are unconscious, representing that you have gotten cut and bruised and burned so much that your body can't continue, and you are usually bleeding out unless someone helps you.
When Strain reaches 0, you also fall unconscious, representing that you are too tired to continue. Or, in some strange cases, it represents that you are just too distracted to be of any help, whether it be in combat or talking.
I like that it splits your "health" into 2 categories, and that mental strain/tiredness is integral into the health system, since that's important too.
Most weapons do 5 or so damage, some do more. Even a little pocket pistol does 4-5. So if your max hp is around 15 or so, most weapons are deadly. I like that this addresses the DnD "health bloat" that lets you have like 40 hp but an arrow does 1d8+3 or whatever, letting you walk around with 3 arrows in you before you even care.
It also has a "injury chart" that you roll a d100 on, with stuff like hand injury or head injury or bleeding or stunned and results like that, that all have effects on your character's performance, that represent that a weapon does more than just ticking a number down, and that you actually have reduced performance after taking damage, like in real life.
So overall I've really been enjoying FFG star wars. Pretty sure Genesys uses the same system if Star Wars isn't your cup of tea.
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