Thank god I didn't listen to you pajeets and sell this beauty


mfw I had sell order at +50%
feels bad

15 cents by tomorrow. IF you meme it and dream it you see it!

Yeah I like it. The whole alt market is on fire right now

also is it just me or is binance lagging like fuck right now?

It's all Tron's fault. This thing is smokin'!

i sold 50k at 300 sats

Dude. I didn't spend anything on this piece of shit. I got 500 for free in an airdrop a few months ago. As of right now, I have $60 for doing nothing lmao.

Could be worse, I sold 300k at 88 sats...

why is it mooning so hard? is that crypto dog shit about to release or something?

bought 150 on a whim at 8 cents yesterday for absolute funsies now it's mooning hell fucking yes boys i might have to invest more

I held 220k this shit for days from 243. I finally sold this morning, and then this shit happens. I rebought at 740 sats. I now have 75k.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you tron. I have learned my lesson

I believe it has already released

It's already out and the fuckers already crashed the site trying to buy cryptodoggos. Tron isn't stopping tonight. China is going all in on it. 20% coin burn soon too. Crazy stuff

my whole portfolio is on fire. I'm afraid it'll crash hard tomorrow. This is too good to be true. 2018 is starting BIG for me.

I sold 20,000,000 at 50.

shit there would have been 100x gains in gen 0 doggos for sure

I feel like pumping this shit

1 million dollars tomorrow

FUck off, tomorow back to 10 cents, don't buy now faggots or you ll get REQT again, holy shit

wtf just happened

Ugh. WHY maintenance now. This was a beautiful thing.

Ive held on since i bought it at less than a cent