In what situations is it OK to date the owner of your FLGS?
In what situations is it OK to date the owner of your FLGS?
If you're a fag
But what if they're both girls?
>both girls
When it's consensual and based on a mutual interest in one another.
EXTRA faggotry.
If you get an extra 20% off Stormcast eternals, then it is a good idea. Otherwise, they're not truly committed to your hobbies and interests.
Only 20%?
Then you film it and post it to porn hub.
By the way, that pic has battleship and chinese fucking checkers by the back wall... fucking kill me.
Only if you co-own it with her.
also, Torontofag detected
in what situations is it not?
Don't unless there are other nearby stores you can go to if shit goes south. You can't shit where you eat.
It comes up in google m8.
What if you only go to the LGS to see the owner?
>buying from LGSs
>going to LGSs at all
So let me get this straight you voluntarily pay more and associate with greasy fatsos just because it's nearby?
not every LGS has you in it m8
That's Mox in Seattle though.
And they give you better than 20% off GW.
Mutual interest, consent, and no conflict of interest (I.E. you're not an employee at the FLGS).
Also, Mox is a great place. Very friendly staff, nice and clean, stock basically everything you could want (EXCEPT HISTORICALS), and you can grab a beer after your game. The Cafe's a bit on the pricey side, but honestly I don't mind too much.
>tfw no FLGF