How would you make a tabletop game about dealing with cancer?
How would you make a tabletop game about dealing with cancer?
You're playing White Blood Cells fighting an army of zombie Cancer Cells.
Ala Cells at Work, Once upon a time, Life, Osmosis Jones, Puzzle Body and others.
Call it "Natural Born Killer Cells"
Damn, that's actually pretty bad ass.
Atlernatively: start off with an Osmosis Jones kind of setup, where the players are White Blood Cells who are represented as the body's "police force"... but then, slowly, they begin finding out hints that the police force is "corrupt", and the cops are quietly taking taxpayer proteins to bolster their own ranks under the pretense of a "terrorist threat" nobody but them recognizes. Since there doesn't seem to be any job to do, more and more new cops descend into debauchery and casual violence, sitting around the place doing nothing, occupying businesses and taking protection calories from innocent cells, causing entire tissuehoods to transform into growing "slums"...
The corruption seems to have its root in the academy itself, the formerly prestigious Marrow Institute.
Because it is the cancer.
Make cancer a tangible and defeatable enemy for extra feel-good points?
Is there a story, fellow user? If there is, i hope it will have happy ending.
I found out this morning I have a cancerous tumor and I've spent most of the day interchangeably crying hysterically and feeling completely hollow about everything. I need to cheer up.
Sorry to hear that. I hope you will be OK.
*hug* no homo
What is chemotherapy in this analogy?
Agents from the outside are invited into the force "to root out the corruption", but their methods are so aggressive they end up rendering impotent against real threats by tying everyone up with so much bureaucracy and firing so many good policemen. And the whole affair costs so much entire districts fall into disrepair as resources are rerouted.
Gor starters, all players roll a d20 to see how many months they got left according to the doctor.
Absurd evil science lab sim game.
You have a time limit of your own life, which can be extended with the various experimental treatments you are developing in your evil lab.
Other things you have to deal with in your evil lab: Preventing test subjects from escaping and causing contagion among the populace. Preventing test subjects from escaping and TELLING the populace. Fortifying and arming your facility to be able to lock down in the case of production of foul life. Regular instances of cancer tests going out of control and killing your lab assistants.
Copy the setting of Dark Souls
I'd use some really abstract metaphors.
Veeky Forums isn't your blog, faggot.
The game should be less about fighting cancer, and more about coping with it. Mechanisms that reflect the struggle between hope and futility. Maybe come at it from the place of relationships and how *others* cope with it. Make the cancer an unstoppable force in a loved one all the players share. It's definitely a one-shot. Everyone knows how it's going to end, but it's all about what happens along the way. Do some research about how people cope, find some interesting questions, then try to find mechanics that will support and help bring about interesting answers (or at least more questions) to them. A little fatalistic, but there is a lot of dark humor that can be found in these scenarios.
oh shittttue
>Look mom, I'm being edgy on the four chan! Are my tendies ready yet?
dungeons and that dragon, cancer