Can my fellow Veeky Forumstards and I get a rate?
Can I leave this for a month?
Blockfolio thread Rate er
REQ is making me ponder a lot
Also thinking to go all in on TRX by selling LINK but it can correct at any second
Help a CHBUK out
Just make sure to sell the news.
>no vechain
>no ICX
Best mid term gains
>no ENG
U can leave that for a year and come back a millionaire.
Need some ICX. minimum 3x by end of jan.
Yep same I did shed some REQ late today it should correct before Friday news if you can hold
how we doing?
That’s the plan my man
Don’t really know enough about ICX and I got out of vchain last night shoulda bought now at dip maybe
Don’t let the anti Jew propaganda get to you Ripple is a long time hold I think
So u got out before it went up 30% kek
Don’t buy back in if u don’t plan to hold for a while, keep these weak hands away from my precious x10
GRS will dominate the planet.
>That’s the plan my man
Wanted to make sure you were aware, good luck bro.
I'm thinking just through January
Rate meeee my friend
Poorfag trying to accumulate
2018 is gonna be a great year. Good luck to all of you faggots, we're all gonna make it.
Mirin that XMR stack.
Haven't looked into either POE or DBC so can't really say, but if you did your DD on both then you're probably fine.
buy Payfair, wait 1 month, 10x your money.
praying for 100k end of Q1
any advice is welcome anons
Agreed. There is a big XRP normie bubble going on and they will keep buying in over the next couple weeks as they figure out how to get their shekels from their banks to an exchange.
TFW I see all these studs here who are gonna make it, then there's poorfag me
You really think so? Nervous af since i picked some up on ED. Bought ATH like a cuck
Stop holding btc
>none of the Blockfolio charts are loading
looking for another coin to buy into not sure what yet...shoulda put it all in trx earlier today lol hindsights 20/20
I brought the chrissy dip.
R8 me