Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

Bats in the Belfry Edition

Previous Thread: Please don't stop shitting up the thread with politics, memes, and race-baiting
Do respond to bait, do not hide and report. Party on dudes (And dudettes) (And gyrocopter-identifying dudes)

>A Hobo's Guide to the Mortal Realms

>Misaligned Portents: Behind the Screen

>Resources, I swear

>Core Rules, all four pages

>General's Handjob 2017!C5BSgTDK!Sx74f87D86frlU0NZ1XKyGP0WEgar52X1Hatj1OA5y0

>Legion of Spooks!L44kEbRJ!VooTlhCe_WTmf5SFEds_wni8Z0EQDfBBsB1KBY_8ZW4

>Malign Piss!7x5hgZZL!l3KcjIUfNjDbEhjFeH31M9mRFfPf03yUFuN-jMU1JBg

>Army and Skirmish Warband Builder, though no-one plays skirmish

>Potato Farm Generator

>Daughters of Khaine (DoK) PDF!5cI3ATaL!2FnDYkQnjUzgY3_A6DVvQ8IOwHf4BoagXwk5Y9NducI

Thread Question
>What's the dumbest gimmick list that you ever thought about running? Did you do it, or not?

Attached: 99800207013_BatSwarmNEW01.jpg (920x950, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

first for good elves

Attached: Ulgu_Hysh Aelves Please.png (895x400, 662K)

First for Sylvaneth. Go trees!

Attached: Sawtooth-Oak.jpg (450x352, 57K)

Those bats might be the worst models GW are still selling.

furshit faction when, i need my fap material

Seraphon,Skaven and Beastmen not good enough for you?

bara for gays so not me
only disgusting pestilens, other battletomes when
user pls, another barafaggotry

>bara for gays so not me

>Forgetting about skinks

skinks are male too, there are no seraphon females

>Wants furshit
>Complains about too many men

Attached: 1517314541606.png (412x393, 51K)

All Seraphon are sexless.

But they can still lick ya dick

furshit is not synonymous with gay my good friend

All we need is some soycast memes and this is the worst thread beginning in months

>furshit is not synonymous with gay
That's where you're wrong.

Well now you're just being ridiculous.

>all this furshit/scaliefag degeneracy
Bretonnia died for this, you fags.
The Green Knight seriously needs to come the fuck back and kick all your damn furry asses.

Attached: 994569A0-1E05-40D0-B70A-10A6F31F6C7E.jpg (350x482, 105K)


Attached: A362FF68-F258-4112-B39D-89E90A06FB88.jpg (400x513, 38K)

Fuck off, you were used and abused by elves and now you souls are the harem for her daughter.
You have no right to talk shit on anyone.

Zigmar Thundercracker

>elf worshippers
>talking about degeneracy

tfw no amazon futanari seraphon to love daemons into submission

Somthing is wrong with my brain

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stop bully and provide fappable females

Yes. Tomb kings split among the factions. Some falling to death, others standing with order

into fire dumpster it goes

Aaaand I forgot to spoiler it.... whelp

have a nice vacation

unless you delete the file in time


I was phone posting

Let Franz rest in piece, him and his world are dead and gone.

>These nigga's don't play on hard core

Attached: exmilitary.jpg (1440x1080, 218K)

>dumbest gimmick list
Pure Freeguild gunline. And I mean pure. Just running a regiment of handgunners, without giving them the benefit of getting screened by Freeguild Guard. At most, 20 of the fuckers screened out in a line for a Great Company. But just 120 or so handgunners, dying in droves as they fire off volley after volley.

Imagine going to a game and fielding a miniature like that one with a straight face.

Attached: chinese man raffing.gif (320x200, 1.9M)

LoN has a lot of really A+ models in it. The fact they didn't at least put out new zombies or dire wolves since they're 2/3 of the battleline choices is just hilarious.

Attached: 99120207051_DeadwalkersZombies03.jpg (920x950, 199K)

I think everyone knows that you should buy mantic zombies instead.
Some people like the current wolves, but even then you can use the 40k ones if you prefer realistic ones.

>I think everyone knows that you should buy shitty illegal 3rd party minis and shill for Mantic

>buying mantic shit ever
>being serious about it

hahahah shill somewhere else, GW zombies look like shit, but mantic is still below them.

Not him, user, but he's right. Mantic's zombies are explicitly better than GW's. The rest of their line is hit-or-miss, but their Zombies and Ghouls are head and shoulders above GW's sculpts. And not everyone lives in the land of assault butter knives where third-party models are against the rurus.

so I already have 10 GG with shields and 5 hexwraiths and I just got a Barrow Lords box.

Should I make 10 greatweapon GG or 10 more shieldboyz? Also, for the sake of variety and for battalions, should I make black knights, or would I be better off with 5 more hexwraiths?

>oh no, it's retarded

>Mantic's anything are explicitly better than GW's
You lost all subtlety shill.

Are you fucking serious?

Attached: Undead%20Zombie%20Regiment.jpg (300x300, 12K)

Is this gay?

Attached: 09776370865.jpg (540x783, 95K)

>he thinks these ACTUALLY look good.

Oh you're serious? Let me laugh harder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: 140413-zombies-20-b.jpg (1218x750, 253K)

Red, black or blue, what shirt are you?

Why do you think that the only person that's shared his zombies in the past month are Mantic zombies? Because only mentally-deficient inbred Bongs with rotting teeth actually buy GW zombies.

>bad kitbashes have any relevance on the actual units

Hell i'm not even a fur-fag and I'd fuck the shit out of that thing. Just put a bag over its face and badabing

i would fuck that

where's the proof that its a kitbash?

I don't understand the hate for furrry, if you crop the head off it is literally a normal girl with bodypaint.

Do you not have eyes? Half of those parts don't exist on the Mantic zombie sprue. Ffs, you've got a skeleton in the dead center. This is what the zombie models actually look like.

Attached: DSCF0808.jpg (1600x799, 382K)


Furry ain't always gay. Just most of the time.

Attached: 1505011664740.png (736x1098, 275K)

The proof is actually owning zomnbies from Mantic, autismo.

at least post warhammer stuff my dude to be semi-relevant

meh, maybe they'd look better with a better paintjob or something

Let me see your zombies which are Michaelango masterpieces compared to those, then? For a horde of zombies, those are the best you can get your hands on, and they better than the straight-up Happy Meal-tier garbage that GW is still peddling.

>Contemplate conversion for WEEKs
>Take forever to plan every little thing you are going to do to make it perfect once you get the green stuff out.

>Conversion takes 10 mins tops and it's just harding now.

Why the fuck do I torture myself this way?!

Attached: 1472833134533.gif (1280x720, 1.37M)

Here is a better paintjob imho.

Attached: a.png (1021x346, 950K)

meh tbf lola bunny always made me harder than a diamond but maybe i've always had a tiny bit of furfag in me for a while.

Someone post some sexy Lizardwomen being ravished

Only Mantic employees, shills, or Fantasyfags buy Mantic.
You want to play Warhammer you buy Warhammer.

>fingerless socks / leg warmers
very much gay

yeah that looks a lot better. I like more realistic tones rather than the stupid cartoony green.

I concede, mantic does look better than GW zombies, at least with a good paintjob

power of autism

Don't think I have any, desu.


user pls

They also combine even better than GW's zombies with the corpse cart's ones.

Attached: 20151109_173915.jpg (4128x2322, 1.86M)

Fishelves preview when /aosg/? WHEN?

Yeah, just snatched one off the web asap. The dude in this thread that's been painting some has a pretty solid paintjob, too.

why are you posting the last free board on this cursed site

Ha, I didn't realize that. Pottery.

>You might be wondering… “Are they rescheduling the cancelled Warhammer Age of Sigmar Open Day?…”

Yes we are!

The Events team are currently processing refunds for the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Open Day and Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Grand Clash, and are planning for when the Open Day can be rescheduled to.

For us to reschedule means talking to a few teams, making decisions about other events we’re already planning, and about Open Gaming for general visitors. If you’ve seen our calendar, you’ll know that there’s always something happening at Warhammer World!

Rather than rush into a decision, we’re looking for the date which is best, and we’ll let you know big and loud once that decision is made.

back in the day, they used to be the most autistic group on the internet by far
but nowadays the competition got much harder

How would I get this metallic look? To me it looks like gold with a heavy edge of silver. anyone know?

Attached: Screenshot_20180310-030149.png (1440x1005, 1.86M)

why can't I have link related
GW pls

Because you're an autistic faggot, and only Paizo actually caters to that audience?

>Because you're an autistic faggot
but we all are

>tfw you'll never have a tiny-titty rat gf

why even live?

>AoS thread full of furries
As God intended for your heresies.

>As God intended for your heresies.
>is on Veeky Forums
>complains about furries

Not our faults you aren't some chaos-worshipping, animal fucking patrician

We're going to be moved to /trash/ at this rate. Is that what you people want?

>moved to /trash/
sounds fitting to me desu


If it means more lizard(wo)men porn

couldn't care less about a generic as fuck faction that nobody gave a shit about until they got squatted

Nuke the whole thread and rebuild from nothing. Fitting for AoS

>ratfolk generals
>kobold generals
>catfolk threads
>rabbitfolk threads
>aquatic beast race threads

Veeky Forums is not even trying to hide it anymore so why should we?
even pic related often appears in 40kg

Attached: 5dd64f23df038f62898a8a56ead9c0a7.jpg (1024x1453, 243K)

Pick one

as long as I get to jack off to hot skaven whores at the same time we're discussing the same army list over and over then idc where we end up

So how can Stormcast/non-sacrament death deal with Tzeentch's spell/ranged spam?

I'm thinking that with Stormcast, the only way is to stay away from heroes and snipe them with longstrikes. For non-sacrament death, idk. I play Legion of Blood/ Grand Host and I don't have Arkhan.

>Just finishing up Start Collecting: Seraphon
Played against Flesh-Eater Courts for my first game. Lord was an Old Blood on Carnosaur, 12 Saurus Warriors (5 with Spears, 5 with Clubs, Drummer and Standard Bearer who I counted as clubs but kept in the back), and the 8 Saurus Knights I just kept as vanilla Lances because I didn't have the Riders assembled and put on.
What do I buy next? I'm torn between a box of Ripperdactyls or another Start Collecting so I can pad out the Saurus Warriors and Knights, as well as throwing in a Troglodon.
Are we just an ass army?

Lizardmen are a legacy army, yes.

So are ghouls, boyo.

>mfw I bought these a long time ago
They aren't around anymore, but the Ral Partha ones don't look bad either.

Attached: masq mini bats.jpg (488x480, 41K)


Another SC! box for the savings. Bastiladon is neat also

Those are pretty decent. I was planning on using these for a Zombie army before LoN gave the zombie warscroll a savage dicking. Great Fell Bats and Bat Swarms.

Attached: Murderbirds.jpg (639x639, 65K)

Seraphon are still bretty gud. I'd say you should pick up a Bastilodon, Troglodon's aren't the best.

If you really want one, follow the advice in this post (pic related).

Saurus Guard are good for mainline as well, and I've heard good things about Slann.

I'd second another SC! as well, the value is too good.

Attached: 37534-5ee21004564e5fa7781a708c924be71e.jpg (450x600, 54K)

why would anyone build that? it looks like trash