>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/: 58409001
Who have you played from popular media in a DnD game? Pic related.
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/: 58409001
Who have you played from popular media in a DnD game? Pic related.
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Is there any interest in homebrew classes here?
Extensive homebrew is the only way to make 5e not suck.
If I made a spell that damaged the opponent based on the level of a spell they cast, would it be worth the effort? You'd think it'd be a viable way to slow down an opposing caster, which martial characters would probably appreciate.
I played a warforged rogue that was basically a Blade Runner.
Anons, I want to try and convert a planetouched race from 3e; anyone got any suggestions?
The race in question was the Dread Genasi - a variant genasi based off of the Dread Elementals of Ravenloft.
Blood Elementals are tainted water elementals made of living gore, who can suck the blood out of people they touch. In 3e, Blood Genasi could track bleeding creatures as if they had Scent and cast (reflavored) Grease 1/day, and had a unique racial feat to cast (reflavored) Gaseous Form 1/day.
Grave Elementals are corrupted earth elementals who can cause people to be dragged underground by skeletal hands, where they suffocate. Grave Genasi had no need to breathe, the ability to cast Soften Earth & Stone 1/day, a racial feat that gave them +4 natural armor, and a racial feat that let them cast Stinking Cloud 1/day.
Pyre Elementals are violent, destructive fire elementals who can animate corpses as burning zombies/skeletons. Pyre Genasi did +1 fire damage with their melee attacks, 1 fire damage/round when grappling, could cast Produce Flame 1/day, had a racial feat to grant them Fire Resistance 5, and another racial feat that gave them the ability to cast Fire Shield (Flame) 1/day.
Mist Elementals are foggy air elementals who can force an alignment switch to Evil on anyone they touch. Mist Genasi could cast Obscuring Mist 1/day, lessened the concealment from fog & mist, had a racial feat that let them cast Fog Cloud 1/day, and another racial feat that made them better at Mistwalking.
So, Yeah, I'm really open to suggestions on how to take this race and work it over to 5e, because they had some pretty interesting "dark fantasy" fluff.
Anons? Two simple questions about tieflings & homebrew:
First: is it overpowered to let tieflings switch their size to Small or take the Powerful Build trait?
Second: if I wanted to convert the unique tiefling strains from Pathfinder - oni-blooded, kyton-blooded, etc - would I be better off using the rather clunky tiefling subrace rules, or just making them as entirely new PC races?
So, out of curiosity, being aware that fennec-people were actually a thing in AD&D (Lupin Vermin Hunter breed, from Dragon #237), I was inspired to give making a 5e version a shot. How overpowered would you rank this as?
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom
Size: Small
Speed: 30 feet
Vision: Darkvision 60 feet
Desert Born: You are Acclimatized to Extreme Heat, which means you are immune to the Exhaustion loss caused by Extreme Heat (DMG pg 110). Additionally, you only need a half of a gallon of water per day, or one gallon in hot weather, and have Advantage on the Constitution save against Exhaustion caused by not drinking sufficient daily water.
Keen Hearing: You add double your Proficiency bonus to Perception checks based on hearing, but suffer Disadvantage on saving throws against the Deafened condition.
Lucky: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, you can reroll the dice and must use the new roll.
For comparison, back in AD&D, Fennecs looked like this:
+2 Dex, -2 Str
Movement Value 6
Bite attack that inflicts 1d2 damage
Infravision 60 feet
83% chance to detect if a person is a werewolf
+2 bonus to detecting invisible and ethereal beings
Free proficiency in Blind-Fighting
Tracking skill equal to one-third Wisdom (rounded up) with a Ranger adding a bonus of +3
Can recognize a race by smell with an Intelligence check with a +2 bonus and a given individual in the same manner with an Intelligence check with a -2 penalty
-1 penalty to saving throws vs. odor or sound-based attacks
Hear Noise Proficiency of 40% + 2% per level
1/day, can reroll a single dice result for itself, an ally or an enemy
Does anyone actually play with significant homebrew, though? I've seen a lot of overhaul pdfs or custom races/classes but never had a group that wanted to actually use them for more than a session or two.
I'm not forgetting anything when I believe that there are no melee weapons that can ONLY scale with Dex, right?
ROC LAWMAN! A former lawyer that was disbarred when he burned down the courtroom as his sorcerer powers manifested. Was gonna be a Phoenix Sorc, went gold dragon when the dm didn't allow UA
How could the Armiger work in 5e? How it could be done with the current classes, spells, and wathever?
I'm making a Fighter, no shield. Can't decide between 14/14 Dex/Con or 12/16.
I feel like 12/16 is better, but can someone with a little more martial experience give me some pointers?
Is it just me or is Haunted One the perfect Background for Vengeance Oath Paladins?
>Who have you played from popular media in a DnD game? Pic related.
>Not homebrewing your background
What class/specialization seems to best represent a master (dexterity focused) swordsman?
I want to play someone who’s swordsmanship is their most known quality and while I get he won’t exactly be a master swordsman until say 15th level I want him to be working towards that.
Battlemaster fighter pops up as a pretty obvious example but I can see arguments for champion, swashbuckler, kensai, or even maybe college of swords bard (though that one is probably a stretch)
I like swashbuckler for a more playful character, Battlemaster for a more serious and level-headed character.
I'm assuming you're doing a strength build and going heavy armor. 12/16 is better here
you literally just named all your options. congradulations.
you could go for barbarian. your rage is less of a rage and more of a battle trance.
One of the few classes I have never played and have never had a player in my games play is Druid. It is just by chance, not by design. The class actually looks really cool and fun.
Redpill me on druids - what are their best circles and coolest features?
Op as fuck, on low levels needs no help from party members to perform ANY task. Has crazy utility and power spike levels, still good outside of them
Moon is the best if you wanna focus on being a frontline tank since you get access to way better wild shapes earlier. Everyone shits on land but it's not bad for what it's supposed to be, which is the wizard of nature magic. Shepherd is super good, especially bear totem. for giving you team a bunch of THP
Most powerful class until 8th.
oh, yes, forgot to say, moon druid is just superior.
Who's a powerful ice themed diety, or ice themed patron option? Like a powerful ice demon, or ice god/goddess, etc. Doesn't even have to be explicitly ice-based or ice-themed. I'll even take a generic powerful deity/creature if it could bestow ice powers on a whim.
I'll take any and all recommendations, thanks in advance.
This actually sounds pretty fun. I assume you spend most of your time in wild-shape decking fools? It really looks like you only need Wisdom since your shapeshift will take care of your physical stats so you can easily choose to both have high wis and high int/cha for social encounters.
Inquisitive Rouge
Uuuh... You don't get to use xanathar's subclasses.
Nice headcanon.
In combat you're usually wildshaping into a big ass bear in order to lay the smack down on the enemies. Out of combat, you're using your spells for utility and wildshaping into smaller critters in order to scout or sneak around. The latter gets exponentially easier whenever you get access to fly speeds.
You're essentially a one man army. You got fullcasting for utility, wildshape into big shit to steal the fighters job, and wildshaping into sneaky shit in order to steal the rogues job.
Can someone tl;dr explain the lore behind the Raven Queen?
She seems interesting.
>Who have you played from popular media in a DnD game?
The mastermind.
Look up basically any inuit god.
Thanks bud
Thoughts on an encounter where an enemy does no/minimal damage but inflicts failed death saving throws?
Best Metamagic for Sorcadin? Need 2
Quickened - Action economy cheating
Extended (Haste, Other buffs)
Careful (Fireball, Web)
quickened and twinned.
Potentially incredibly frustrating, depends on how many of the enemy there are and how quickly the enemy dies. Losing a character to this can be really frustrating.
Twinning GFB doesn't work, do you still think twinning is worth it?
All enemies inflict failed death saving throws if they're at zero HP. If you mean they inflict death saving throws without downing them to 0 HP that's an interesting tactic, you just need to figure out how it actually works. How do players get out of it? Is it some sort of condition? What happens if they're at 2 death saving throws?
What do you mean? If they hit you that's a saving throw you can't make? Probably pair it with some kind of horde like creature where if you stick around and try to fight them the chances of dying become greater.
Probably keep the creature that has this ability as a sort of boss encounter an make it its legendary action
Not explicitly but I am taking a fuck ton of queues from FF15 that and I want to play a Fighter who's essentially Gladiolus
you can still twin booming blade which is generally better than GFB. you can also twin haste, twin chromatic orb, and twin hold person. if you're a divine soul, you have even more options like twin guiding bolt, twin healing word, and twin raise dead. twin is just too good to pass up.
I typically like playing characters with high social skills that focus on "leading" a.k.a. buffing the party/debuffing enemies etc. What's my best bet in 5e?
Quickened and twinned are generally the best.
Subtle has its uses, but it won't mesh overly well with the Paladin side.
Everything else is a trap.
bard. bard all the way. paladin and sorcerer do this to a lesser extent.
It would only be a singular enemy that could only do it in melee range and would likely be supported by other melee units.
What level are the classes the most balanced amongst each other? Thinking about running a goblin one shot with pvp encouraged/expected but I'm not sure what level to start at. I was thinking 4 or 5
Thanks Lads, I'll send a crit roll your way
What would you do if a player came to you wanting to make a character with the sole purpose of killing another PC?
That's the Bard's whole thing, and the Paladin when it comes to combat.
Tell them to find another game.
The difference between balance at 4 and 5 is fairly minimal, most classes have a big spike at 6 that shuffles things around. 4 is probably a little better just because being only 1 level away from that spike can make your characters inadvertently look a little anemic through no fault of their own.
I don't know if Mastermind is any good in practice but in theory it could also be on the list?
how do you react when someone made a character with the sole purpose to kill you?
The DM was helping him too
I barely survived
Mastermind is good, its middle features just aren't as much about player buffs or enemy control. The distant Help bonus action is aces for it, especially if you have a mind to flavor that in different ways.
Tell the player and the DM to fuck off and if they don't find a new game.
Did he do this because you are That Guy? Are you the problem?
do you add your proficiency to your *passive* perception?
If you are proficient in perception, then yes.
>letting the party fight and kill each other
Yes, Passive _____ is just what you get when you roll a 10.
>this is a 30 year old virgin
If you go through with this, I suggest you take a look at the Will-'o-wisp's Consume Life.
Like, instead of making it an attack roll, you could make it a Constitution save. Or you could straight up say that this creature, as his action, can force a target to roll a death saving throw. If the target fails 3 times, they die. If they succeed 3 times, they become immune to this action for 24 hours.
Of course, that implies death saves aren't reset because of this creature. Maybe give it like a 60ft aura of decay/death that prevents that from happening, to give it a mechanical justification.
I don't think so, but that guy rarely seems self-aware, so I'm troubled
Surely they'd just talk to me if I was behaving like that? And I only survived because the other party members dropped everything to help me
want the full story/greentext to judge for yourself?
I didn't want to, but I'm not gonna lie on the ground when he wails on me...
mastermind is often regarded as the worst rogue archetype. I think it's a bit underrated because of how useful bonus action help can be a lot of the time, but all you're doing is giving allies advantage once a turn or so. as a bard, you'll be doing far much more as a support, especially as a lore bard. you'll be handing out free d6s to add on top of allies attack rolls and skill checks, you'll be debuffing enemies with your spells, you'll be using your inspiration to make enemy rolls worse, you'll heal your allies whenever you rest, and better yet, you have a ton of different options in other things you can specialize in. want a free warhorse? grab find steed as your 6th level magic secrets. want a pegasus with a 90ft fly speed? get GREATER find steed as your 10th level magic secret! want to be a blaster that blows enemies up? use your magic secrets for fireball! want to be a sneaky pick pocket rogue? grab expertise in stealth and sleight of hand as well as pick up greater invisibility so you can be invisible while you do it! party face? expertise in persuasion!
tired of being good at just about everything? don't worry, there's three whole classes that make a pretty good multiclass for you. wanna bring divine vengeance on your foes and get bigger armor and melee damage? paladin! wanna get sorcery points and blast spells? sorcerer! want to be an eldritch blast turret with short rest spell slots? warlock!
That evil is on the DM. There is a time honored tradition that thru the power of love & friendship a group of teenagers kill god
I care more about the flavor of the character than necessarily the mechanics, so I will look into that subclass as well. Still need to look throug hall the abilities and fluff of the classes you suggested and pick one. My friends are usually quite shy and get anxious even in DnD situations when shit gets serious so I have to talk us out of stuff, that's why I am focusing on this type of character.
Yes bard certainly sounds like a really powerful option but I will also take into consideration what the rest of the party picks because I don't want to hog all the attention by being extremely charismatic and talkative AND be the star in combat encounters. I will keep it in mind for certain, though.
Thanks for the help!
I tried to add the Map assets from Matts Massive Collection to my Collection for Dungeon Painters Studio but none of them are showing up.
I put them all in the right folder but none of the images are appearing. Any advice?
Was waiting an extra week to release the UA part of your plan?
Your hexblade charisma weapon guides your hand for you, like a JoJo's Weird Adventure stand.
Probably the stupidest Warlock build ever?
Rather do it as levels of exhaustion. More levels til death and players get less effective if they slog it out
>if you destroy a wizard's spellbook they lose every spell that they don't currently have memorized
really spurs on the neurons...
I'm working on a primer for how D&D works for a bunch of people who've never played rpgs before. What do I need to include?
So far, I have an explanation of the core mechanics, the concept of a roleplaying game, as well as the race/class system.
>virgin Wizard
>chad Sorcerer
Bard is extremely good, but most of its magic is support and as a martial it falls way behind the others. They have a possibility of dominating the party by being too much of a face, but the game's luckily not so unbalanced that your party won't have times to shine.
Single classed bard doesn't do much in combat besides buffs and debuffs and their damage is actually quite poor unless you go out of your way to remedy that. Honestly, you shouldn't worry about stealing the spotlight as a bard. I'm playing with two bard in separate games and they don't steal the spotlight one bit. Useful and powerful yes. But they're not the hero of the party or the one dealing all of the damage.
the wizard will still know more spells than the sorcerer
>not keeping three copies of your spellbook in different demiplanes locked inside mimics which you geas'd and are now your personal slaves
sure feel smart now huh sorc-fags?
>should I write a second spellbook for security?
>it takes a negligible amount of money and time
>eeeeehhhh fuck it
GMs, how much "anime" in terms of tone and style do you allow/insert in your games?
>not hiring your skeleton army to fetch all your materials and copy your spellbook from a master copy you made yourself
god, it's like you've never played a wizard or something!
What crowd are you aiming for? Autismos? Normies?
What's the measurement of scale? I know parts of Veeky Forums have a visceral hatred of animu but I need some point of reference.
They're pretty normie.
Inspired by someone in a previous thread I've been working on a Bard/Hexblade Warlock that works as a spy.
>Mask of Many Faces
>Agonizing Blast
>Eldritch Blast
>Actor feat
Could also swap out Mask of Many Faces for Eyes of the Runekeeper if the race is an Eberron Changeling. Eldritch Blast and a Pact Weapon are the best kinds of concealed weapon.
My thought was for them to be a bard dedicated to espionage but during a mission they discover a dagger that begins whispering to them and forms a pact. Thinking dagger might've been the prized killing instrument for an anarchist kingslayer and finds the spy entertaining as they fuck with the nobility.
My group is about to finish LMoP (this has been my first time DM'ing) and I'm not sure where to go at this point. I was originally leaning towards SKT but I've been thinking about CoS lately. Which between the two is friendlier to a new DM? Which adventure is more fun?
SKT recommends having at least one PC who can speak Giant but my only PC that speaks Giant is going to be retired soon. With SKT, I have the benefit of having all the resources (maps, tokens, etc. because we play on Roll20) but with CoS I don't have any of that.
Any tips out there for a new DM who doesn't really have a direction right now?
This guy
I don't know, user - just what elements if any are present in the game. Visual (in your description), tonal, thematic, archetypal structural blocks inspired by the medium.
>hexblade multiclass
ooh boy here we go again
>Want to hexblade/sorcerer for booming blade shenanigans
>Everyone assumes the default is EB spam
Depends on what game I feel like running. For one shots I tend to let tone get dictated by the players or go silly myself, for campaigns I try and enforce a slightly more sincere adventurous fantasy tone. But "anime" is a wide range of genres to pull from, and I consider JRPGs or fantasy anime just as valid to pull from as old novels and fairy tales.
I put a bunch of stuff from dark souls into my games, if that counts
What do they think they know about Dungeons and Dragons already? And what do they know about tabletop games already? What's their favored method of learning?
I suppose all of the above really. I dislike bog standard fantasy visuals and certainly allowing things to be taken up a notch.
I'm talking a dude in European plate armor with sword and board dueling a samurai dude in all of his get up as well and then they go off on adventures together where magic animals are common and you look up in the sky and seeing a flock fo dragons flyinig over head is a fairly common sight as is the floating castle people havn't been able to fully explore.
This is my group:
It;s realyl just me who's Regis, but it's shocking how well the rest of the party fits
Rate my homebrew rules:
>point buy 32, max 16, min 6 for stats
>need strength for all armor (Padded 8, Leather 9, Studded Leather 10, Hide 10, Chain Shirt 11, Scale Mail 12, Breastplate 10, Half Plate 13, Ring Mail 12)
>your character can't solve puzzles with less than 10 Int (higher int determines how long it takes) and can't comprehend books with less than 8 Int
>your character is averagely attractive at 10 Cha and can't get laid without rape or money at 6 Cha
>everyone gets a free feat
>normal humans get Human Determination, variant Humans get any feat that doesn't increase ability scores
>if you carry more than 75% of your capacity, you move at 50% speed, if you carry more than 100% you can't move at all; penalty requirements halved for flying and jumping
>Medium size = 100+(Str Bonus * 50) carry capacity, Small size = 75+(Str bonus * 40) carry capacity
>if you're
>Who have you played from popular media in a DnD game?
pic related