>Thread question Aside from the obvious Damping Sphere, what cards do you have your eyes on as being Modern playables, if any? How do you think the meta will shake up based on what we've seen so far?
If you want to look at budget decks, start here: pastebin.com/Q9D59Wry If you have a budget deck to add, reply with a link and I'll add it to the list. Feel free to ask questions.
Gavin Watson
That's sweet man, I'll be sure to add that to the OP next time.
Zachary Anderson
>storm >le imb4 combo impossible to counter mechanic deck >never won ANY gp >struggles to get one top8 every year >most banned cards ever >wotc still printing hate cards for it
h-hello? what's the deal here? why does wotc hate it so much?
how can people call this deck tier 1 if it doesn't win or dominates anything?
Besides Damping Sphere, is there anything useful in this edition?
Dominic Scott
I haven't looked too hard at the set notes, but Wizards Lightning is the only care that stood out to me. Of course, that's because I'm a filthy Burnfag and Grim Lavamancer is one of my all-time favorites.
Aaron Lewis
Everyone's opinion on Bloodbraid Elf? Is it like Jace, and not actually a big deal?
Leo Wood
Too random for my taste. Works good in zoo tho.
Ryder Rogers
>Todd Stevens flumping out of SCG opens because he forces himself to play Jace, believing the card is legitimately busted in Modern LMAO
Evan Morales
Why does Liliana look like a Sailor Moon villain?
Ryder Hall
Poor guy :(
Nonetheless I do believe in a U/Gx TurboJace meme. Jim Davis and Todd Stevens lists aren't quite there IMO, same as Guillaume's whackass Bant controlly version (although he went in a very interesting direction and some of those ideas may indeed have merit). channelfireball.com/articles/woo-brews-turbo-land-warp/ The machine needs assembling but I feel like the cards are there, and if they aren't they may well be there in the future. I posted a weird U/G turbomeme here the other day, upon playing it the deck wasn't quite there, but still felt like the makings of something real.
Is the Non-budget version worth it? Looks like a really fun deck to play and have an interesting learning curve. Also i really want to see the opponents reaction IRL
Mason Garcia
>mtggoldfish.com/deck/980269#paper Looks like a really fun deck. Do you already have some of the cards? If you want to build other decks like Delver or Jeskai Control in the future, it's a good investiment. I'm really just all in for people who want to play Blue in 2018.
James Walker
I have most of the expensive cards, but Disrupting Shoal seems like a dubious investment.
Ryder Wilson
I agree that it is kind of a dubious investment, and i don't feel like it fits on this deck at all. For what i know, Disrupting Shoal only spiked in value because people think it's a good way to protect your Jace when you tap out for him. I think that playing 4x Remands instead would be ok, but that's your choice.
Isaiah Nguyen
I was gone for a week in an area with no internet, did anything interesting happen?
Jordan Russell
Jace is meme, and Bloodbraid actually is what many people feared Jace would be.
Aiden Clark
Elijah Jackson
how bad has BBE gotten? we were out and about most of the time i was away so i was trying to look at news, but my cell reception was shit too, but i managed to look at the release notes, any cards spike your guy's interests
Because despite all the hate and bannings it hasn't gone away.
Ryder Peterson
flawed argument. you are implying that if a deck is bad enough it will go away. which certainly isn't the case considering people still play soul sisters and other garbage like emeria control.
Jaxson Hernandez
At least they stopped banning it. I don't think the Probe ban was aimed at storm but they probably weren't very sad that it got hit by it.
Carson Powell
i mean, we do have some pieces Teferi (hooman version) Voidmage prodigy Master of waves wizard replica
We have stuff to work with
Juan Morgan
I'm going to brewing UR Wizard Counter-Burn. The deck is there, I just need to find it.
Henry Lewis
I could see him as a 1 of in affinity sideboard for grindy matchups.
Christian Parker
we need to see what pieces were graced with in dominaria
Bentley Reed
Mmmmm. What would be the wincon?
Teferi is useful by itself, but it really isn't "game-winning".
All those guys, besides the Master, just stall the game.
The gameplan is to counter everything and then slam master of waves for lethal?
I'd need to see more.
Anthony Martin
What's a good deck for someone that doesn't like spending money on cards?
I'm just spitballing based off of wizards I know and that there's gonna be a wizard bolt and counterspell. Could be a thing.
Camden Wood
Hmmmm. Sure.
Yeah, this needs some time in the lab to get what it can do. We got Baral recently, this could be a thing.
Aiden Ramirez
I'd like to see how it is, definitely would be a tempo deck. Might be cool to play with, possibly just a tier 2 deck, maybe tier 1.5. Still would be fun.
Brody Stewart
Maybe something flash related. Lots of wizards with flash.
Adam Brooks
>Counter their important stuff, >remove their important stuff with a mix of the wizard bolt, bolt and willbender triggers (along with others) >Lock them out with teferi and liberal use of reflector mage >Swing for lethal via master of waves
Id say this is suiting up to be a fun deck, flashing in stuff like reflector mages or a surprise Master of waves will be great at least, Aven Mind censor would be GOAT, whats the name of the one bird that when you cycle it you get a stifle?
But still, lets look to the incoming set to give us more pieces,
Supreme inquisitor reprint please god
Brayden Thompson
Affinity player here, 4CC is generally very high but people have already experimented with 1-2 Hazoret in the 75 and it works. I was considering Karn because not only does he +1 as soon as he comes down, but if he dies, it's a 2 for 1 that discarded enemy removal and drew you one, if he survives, he just starts shitting out even more cards or anthem-less Master of Etheriums.
Seems like a really good card in Affinity, other than costing 1 too much mana.
Should add to the pastebin. Filled with Mordern staples for removal as well.
Ayden Anderson
I've gone through the pastebin and all the links in there for ideas.
I've got a set of Bloodbraid Elf and other stuff, and wanted to see what budget things I could do with with. I'm just going through mtgsalvation, but do you think I should even bother with this?
Anthony Miller
It does look interesting, but a similar deck, Faeries, gets some wins because all the faeries also have flying and can hit without worrying about blocks.
Damn, a fucking ton of them are odd numbers for that. Now I have to fucking do math to figure out whether it's more profitable to sell them singly or buy the difference. Thanks tho.
Logan Foster
Here's some spicy tech for a potential counter based deck.
Flip them for bulk rares. Trade in a 5k of bulk rares at a GP for credit. Buy into high value cards. In my experience most vendors at GPs are always looking for bulk in high quantities.
Anthony Cook
Owen Gomez
Np, but figure if vendors give you 25cents per bulk rare (which is pretty fair) in store credit, thats $1250 for a 5k. That's pretty much a few dual lands or a bunch of staples for whatever format you're playing.
How much worse are Avalanche Riders and Molten Rain compared to Fulminator Mage?
Isaac Bailey
A bunch of decks are $1k+. How new are you?
Michael Evans
just a smidge too expensive I think
Carson Watson
Similar statement has been said about every UW walker ever. Alas, I want to believe but I don't think it's gonna happen. All slow blue decks are going to already play bunch of Jaces so there's only so much space for other walkers. UWR control has many more planeswalker/finisher options and even in straight UW there's plenty of competition for the fifth Jace slot.
>enters with 4 >ultimates at 8 Doubling Season though...
Logan Bell
Deck isn't that good
Thomas Ortiz
>Beat some Kithkin Tribal Which one of you glorious faggots was it?