/osrg/ - OSR General

Welcome to /osrg/ – the OSR General, devoted to pre-WotC D&D, retroclones, and all other related systems.

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Forcing dungeons to 'make sense' is masturbatory.

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What's a good module set in an evil castle?

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Am I the only person in the world who doesn't like Yoon Suin? I'm just not a fan of "Oriental" settings

False D&D Thread, Get Ye Gone

Eh, I think it's nice, but I'm not sure I could use it in a game adequately.

It's just a flavour, user. Some people like cumin. Some people don't. Don't worry about it.
>Forcing dungeons to 'make sense' is masturbatory.
Really depends on your game type. In a refereed game, players vs. procedural world, then dungeons are just collections of challenges. They don't need an economy.
In a game that's more simulationist, you do need some way of explaining why things are present. The explanation doesn't have to be deep or compelling, but it does need to exist. Players can exploit it. How do the Orcs in room 2A get food? Where do they sleep? Can they be followed or bribed?

Finally, once you get into the proper mythic underworld, rules start to bend or warp. Creatures live off nightmares and dance in shadows. Don't use surface "sense", but still use a sort of literary or mythical sense to tie things together.

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What if I want to play a RPG without dungeoncrawling

Use wilderness rules, and/or run a city adventure. Alternatively, play a non-OSR game.

Lots of options.

Please recommend me a fantasy novel, novella, or collection from the last decade that feels OSR-ish.

Especially if it's on audible so I can listen while I work on a project I have to finish by the end of the month.

>play a non-OSR game.

I'm allowed to do that?

All those conan books and them fafhrd books or whatever. Randomly pick something from Appendix N and check out if they have it on Audible.com type in audible.com/OSRG for your free trial now

I play mostly OSR and storygames.
I think both are great and only get annoyed when "gamey" and "narrative" elements are badly slapped together so I have to randomly switch mindsets.

I've read all of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser (legitimately teared up when I realized it was over) and a chunk of Conan. I specified "from the last decade" because I wanted something different.

I do appreciate it, though.

>Forcing dungeons to 'make sense' is masturbatory.

What about when that leads to player skill? Funhouse dungeons can have anything, but those cultists must be getting food from SOMEWHERE.

Yeah sorry, those are the only "OSR" books I can think of off the top of my head.

If you want general fantasy though, check out the Black Company series, or for something more gonzo, Perido street station

And if you haven't read any of the discworld novels, shame on you, I'll be taking your OSR badge away


Go back to /5eg/, you clearly got the wrong thread

Don't bother arguing with them, they hate thinking about dungeon ecology.
>inb4 b-but Gygax
No one cares.

>he doesn't know about Gygaxian naturalism

Stop shitposting and read a book.

I should have probably mentioned that sooner rather than later is good. Session starts in half an hour.

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I like the setting and tables a lot, but (as I've mentioned before in these threads) I don't like how bad the writer is at D&D math in general and the trade stuff in particular which is so weird that it's impossible to actually use it, you'd have to rewrite all of it from scratch.

Also, in my print copy the illustrations are pixeled to hell and back, the map of the Yellow City area for example is unusably muddy.

>try to help
>realize I unironically don't know a single fantasy book published within the last ten years

So just got drafted into my first game of 2nd edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and rolled up
>15 (actually 3 but he let me reroll)
I was looking at kits and the Elven Archer seems fun I remember it kicking ass in Baldur's Gate anyway
Any thoughts or suggestions?

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Play any class that seems fun

Don't worry about being optimal, you'll work it out somehow

Don't worry about it.
a) stats matter less than you might expect
b) your character is going to die.

OSR games are much less about "building a character" and more about progression through play. You get to be cool by doing stuff in game. You don't get to start off cool. Just pick something that looks fun and try not to make stupid in-game choices.

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>having a DM that lets you reroll

Anyway, AD&D 2e isn't OSR. Make your own thread.

>devoted to pre-WotC D&D,
We spruced up the OP last week SPECIFICALLY so they wouldn't make their own thread.

>mechanically 100% compatible
>old-school playstyle lines up perfectly if you use the optional xp for gp rule

It's OSR no matter what definition you use, dude.

If the OP said that Pathfinder was OSRG, would that make it so?

You are a newfag, plain and simple. Veeky Forums is the only place that calls 2e OSR.

No more (you)s for you, faggot. Take your stale bullshit and go.

So I'm working on a Sci-fi hack of Veins of the Earth, with the intention of creating a Space Hulk style explorable area, with some Metroid thrown in for flavor.

Big Changes:
>Gravity shifts. When entering a new area, DM rolls 1d6. 3 is 1G, 1 is 0G, 5 is heavy G, 6 changes gravity direction.
>Oxygen management. Light, and the mechanics therein, will now be replaced with Oxygen. Plus, there are several ways an area can be low on Oxygen. It can be a vacuum, or toxic, or radioactive. Finding ways of creating more oxygen will be the primary goal for deep delves.
>Map Rooms: The prime goal of any delve into a Hulk is to find that sweet sweet pre-tech and xenotech. Thus, the first goal of navigating a ship is to find it's map room, giving a layout of the ship before it became a horrible amalgamation of damned vessels. Knowing the type of ship gives bonus to navigation.


How's about you invent your own space monsters instead of grabbing 9to5 traumas that have been squeezed through a filter and running them through a separate filter? You keep that up and soon all you'll have is hash browns.

Wasn't planning on using the monster list, save maybe the Rapture.

Sci-fi monster stuff is easy, and pretty much every sci-fi game has rules for making your own. Quickly creating maps and making themes for them is hard.

What is your greatest secret/embarrassment? I for one Always but N. Good/Evil instead of spelling neutral because I'm afraid I'll spell it wrong even though I never do. It's just a weird looking word


>No sign of life did flicker
>In floods of tears she cried
>"All hope's lost it can't be undone
>They're wasted and gone"

Athenopolisfag didn't come back after the threads merged.

>Anyway, AD&D 2e isn't OSR
Stale meme

>hash browns
hash browns are awesome though, unlike VOTE

>What is your greatest secret
I actually pretend to be several different people in this general, even going so far as insulting/mocking myself on occasions.

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3.x-era ecology is garbage, but B4 is perfect. It's terse but explains why the dungeon is the way it is, why factions are there, and how they survive. All stuff that will come up in the game, and exactly what a dungeon needs.

>Here's a (You)
You know that meme means, "Cheat on your girlfriend/wife with me" right?

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This is the right thread.

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How do I get bryce to review my (free) modules without seeming desperate

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It's alright if you seem desperate to Bryce.

How do I kick out a player?

Pay a bouncer.

Like, how do I do it nicely?

Just email him. It's what I did and he reviewed it.

>We spruced up the OP last week SPECIFICALLY so
Actually, I (the user who changed that line) deliberately used the oldest /osrg/ tagline I could find in the offsite archive when I made the new thread. It's from like the fifth or sixth /osrg/ thread. I also used the original OP image. I didn't do this to prevent thread splits or anything, rather I did it to call back to the days of great comfiness and AVOID anything referencing the recent shitposting and assorted shenanigans, after we had that good thread with OC and nice discussion. I wanted it to stay that way.

>Rolling up stats the pissant way of 4d6 drop the lowest
>12, alright solid
>12, cool
>12, alrighty then
>12 goddamit
>17 Fuck yeah
I didn't want an ubermesch or anything but getting a bunch of 12s in a roll was a pretty mediocre feeling

>AVOID anything referencing the recent shitposting and assorted shenanigans
>Forcing dungeons to 'make sense' is masturbatory.

Does that comics page look like the original /osrg/ logo? I didn't post THIS thread, man. I posted .

Kek, I know that feel. Eventually you end up hoping for a 3 or some shit just to break the monotony.

Gonna die to a poisoned doorknob.
Just sayin'.
It works.
> When entering a new area
So... VotE exploration is highly abstracted. What sort of new area? Also, don't worry about this. Gravity is going to be all over the place because of cave generation anyway. There is no down.
>Oxygen management. Light, and the mechanics therein, will now be replaced with Oxygen.
This is good.
>. Thus, the first goal of navigating a ship is to find it's map room, giving a layout of the ship before it became a horrible amalgamation of damned vessels. Knowing the type of ship gives bonus to navigation.
Eeeh, not sold. Veins travel goes from really zoomed out to "you are hanging off the side of a rock, what do you do?" and back.

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The enemy's gate is down.

"Area" refers to individual ships in the Hulk, as well as the in between ships. One "area" could be an antique sub-light ship that is partially embedded in the thorax of a gigantic cockroach, which has merged with a xeno-tech ship made of cloud iron. I'm working on a set of tables for generating that kind of stuff, the way the original veins did different types of stone.

>reading Castilian Spanish version of 2e MC
>THAC0 is GAC0
>animals have an Alignment of "No"

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>Light, and the mechanics therein, will now be replaced with Oxygen.
Why not both? Seems like an abandoned, hulked spacecraft would be likely to lack both of those things.

More generally, I can totally understand your desire to hack VotE, but I also think you might be better off making it a pretty loose hack or just writing an "inspired by" system. Like said, Veins is really fucking abstract sometimes, whereas your thing might be better served by systems for getting the light and oxygenerators back online, as well as finding maps, tech and what-have-you. Maybe a style-constrained random dungeon generation system, something more like Mad Monks of Kwantoom's system for generating specifically pagodas? I'm sure a system could be designed that graphs out a dungeon level that always contains certain features, randomizes what systems can be made to work without intensive repairs based on how it became derelict, and so on.

>Castilian Spanish version
...Are you implying that there were several different translations of 2e into different Spanish dialects? Crazy if true.

>Why not both? Seems like an abandoned, hulked spacecraft would be likely to lack both of those things.
Presumably, electric light is a thing.

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The first D&D material I ever read was a pirated copy of the Spanish edition of 2E. In .hlp format.

>Gonna die to a poisoned doorknob.
>Just sayin'.
You joke, but this is why I don't really see much wrong with high stats or chargen systems that leave little room for low stats. You're still a fragile level 1 PC even with 18 in everything.

Yeah, but where the fuck is the power coming from?
(If you man the players are going in with flashlights, sure, of course, but the batteries are going to run out eventually and don't have a limitless range, much like lanterns in the Veins)

Most likely a version for Spain using Castilian and a version for Latin America using Mexican.

Large if huge

>Yeah, but where the fuck is the power coming from?
Chemlights, nuclear batteries, solar panels, glowing fungi, the player's power pack, etc.
you man the players are going in with flashlights, sure, of course, but the batteries are going to run out eventually and don't have a limitless range, much like lanterns in the Veins
Nah, with a proper sci-fi nuclear battery or something you could have permanent flashlights. Seems OK to me.
And makes it all the more scary when the lights go off. Oxygen = resource. Light = fear mechanic.

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Favorite class that isn't the standard 7? I'm kinda partial to the Arcane Trickster.

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>tumblr filename
>posting 3.5 prestige class
What did he meme by this?

>animals have an Alignment of "No"
As is right and proper. Animals have no opinion on Roman de la Rose.
Exactly what I'm saying. Good stats... great. Sure. But it's all about how you use them.

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Fighter, M-U, Cleric, Thief, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling.

Ah, good.

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>not Fighter, Wizard, Paladin, Thief, Cleric, Barbarian, Monk
Get ye gone.

>not Knight, Barbarian, Sorceror, Mystic, Assassin, Elementalist and Warlock
You can stay.

The Arcane Trickster existed at least as far back as 2e (as a T/MU kit) and might have been a 1e-era Dragon article as well.

One of the key things to realize about 3e is how incredibly conceptually uncreative it was.

2e isn't OSR though, and 1e is on the edge. You're really not helping your case.

Okay, question here and I hope this won't start a flamewar:
I recently bought a set of AD&D books and... did it strike anybody else how many of the suggested procedures are just the result of Gygax trying to rein in problem players or some shit? People are always complaining that AD&D is clunky, but I don't think those bits are so bad; the main thing I'm noticing is how much stuff is really convoluted and expensive, like, "here's all the rigmarole you have to go through to scribe one scroll" or "assassins can study poison to get better at using it but DON'T EVEN IMPLY TO THE PLAYER THAT HE CAN DO THIS, he has to ask".

It's the main thing I'm noticing that Basic and OD&D are both much better at. "Yeah, go ahead do it, make the thing, have some XP while you're at it! Enjoy!"

>2e isn't OSR though, and 1e is on the edge.
Do you never tire of shitposting?

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Nah, other people have noticed it too. That's why there's a growing movement of people claiming that AD&D isn't OSR either. If you really think about it, a lot of things about it do fly in the face of OSR's spirit. But be careful where you say that, or else idiots like who can't accept that Gygax is flawed will call you a shitposter

Please don't respond to the extremely obvious troll, even if he's also you as per .

>idiots like who can't accept that Gygax is flawed
Gygax is flawed and his opinions are nothing more than trivia. That doesn't mean that "1e is barely OSR" shitposting should be tolerated. dumb shitposter

OD&D was a test launch
Basic was literally for kids
AD&D was made to rein in both players and DMs who gone to far afield and teach them how to play D&D the "right" way. IIRC he even mentions bolts from the blue and siccing monsters on your PCs if they're boring you.

Give me more credit than that, user, that wasn't even a good shitpost.

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Probably Rangers.

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This was my favorite from that bunch. If only because I requested it.

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>a growing movement

Try ex-lax, or did you do that already, and that's why you're posting this shit now?

Unironically kill yourself.

u mad?

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It's gonna be hilarious when in a few years, Veeky Forums is the only place still insisting that AD&D is OSR.

This is what happens when you aren't strict about what's allowed in your community. 4erries get normalized.

Druids, Monks, Psychics, Healers, Samurai, Idiots, Jesters

>sudden explosion of shitposts
>unique poster count increased by one (1)
If I hadn't been sure already I guess this would be the incontrovertible proof that convinced me the avalanche of shitposting is all just one guy.

My post quality is pretty swingy, but tends to go down when near low quality posts
t. OP

quit making things so complicated.

Attached: av.png (768x768, 570K)

>gold dragons are aloof superheroes
>silver dragons like to live among people
>brass, bronze, and copper dragons have no unique features and only exist to "balance" the good dragon team vs the evil dragon team
Why was this allowed

Considering that the same batteries that run flashlights also power laserguns, air filters, et cetera, I doubt the players will run out.

I'm gonna do a roll under check for flashlights, modded by Int modifier to see if players were smart enough to recharge the batteries.

Chainmail only had the chromatic dragons (plus the purple worm) and D&D only added the gold dragon.
The other metallic dragons were afterthoughts.

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>that image
I was a teenager when that song sk8er boi came out and I remember finding it really hot in the music video when Avril stood on the car and smashed her guitar against the hood and window.

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Does anyone have a link to a solid analysis of why the FRW save system sucks? I mean, I could articulate some of it myself, but I'd like to see and be able to point to a well-done writeup showing this.

Fuck off, do some real prep for once instead of asking the internet to bail you out.

b-but prep is for 3eaboos OSR is s-supposed to b-be free-wheeling f-fun!

Attached: durrr.png (1280x1280, 940K)

Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d6)

I turn the Ghost of Gygax

What do people think of taking all those “non-osr” archetypes and applying them to racial classes? Like elves can be fighter wizards, or they can be wizards. And on that note, do you think it’s important for a non-human race to have less class options than humans?


Yes, I too, have heard of ACKS.

>Dragon Warriors

Right in the feels