Speaking of someone who hasn't given a piddly toss about instances since the Dungeon Finder turned them into a chore instead of an adventure, I was fine with that. MoP was the expansion that made world exploration worthwhile again, and that's what I loved it for.
its not out yet, since this preview was HEAVILY w3 based
>Arthas Did nothing wrong >The Lich King is a different entity, not arthas or Ner'zhul >Death Knight Arthas is simply an echo of arthas soul >The Lich King was stronger than the Legion and the Void.
Asher Martin
Fuck it, gonna post the rest of these. I like 'em.
Yeah, that's fair. I think that the Jade Forest/Krasarang/Valley chain is technically well set up, I think it falls flat in execution about midway through and there's serious issues. But Kun-Lai, Townlong, and Dread Wastes are all solid.
I just think the dungeons are not fun to play and are actually pretty fucking annoying lore/story-wise.
Hunter Harris
>>The Lich King was stronger than the Legion and the Void.
He sure went out like a chump
Noah Nguyen
Zul'drak? And prob not. Wasn't it just the story of some trolls rise to power in the Scourge?
I just loved delving into that trapped tomb in the Vale, dodging animated statues while hurling Incinerates at mogu (because Tome of Sacrifice Destruction was ridiculously fun in MoP). That, and finding treasures in odd nooks and crannies all over the continent. Sure, I usually had better gear on me, but damn it if it wasn't fun nonetheless.
>Chronicles 3 reveals the Church of the Holy Light is pretty fucking corrupted by the Twilight Hammer and their Old Gods, not just the head leaders. >It's noted Third War Lordaeron survivors who fled ended up also becoming Twilight Hammer, beyond those who didn't go to Theramore or stayed north. >mfw the same Church who condemned the Scarlet Crusade happened to be a light hating old god void hell hole wishing to cause chaos among humanity, notably via not reclaiming Lordaeron and allowing the order to crumble and die.
Does this mean Sylvanas is gonna kill our Death Loa?
This is probably the Lich King
Grayson Nelson
>void elf >demon hunter we already have a demon hunter that was "of the Dark Embrace", so why not expand that?
Brandon Smith
Bolvar will return after we have dealt with the void lords, reanimating Azeroth's dead world-soul and raising it as a Titan of Death
Luis Phillips
>Lordaeron is a bunch of Old God worshippers lmao and these fags want to drive the Forsaken out because they are "evil"
Noah Stewart
Well tomorrow it'll be retconned that the Forsaken are actually not only saints who return the unjustly slain to another chance to live, the Blight actually accelerates the natural rehealing of the land and Sylvanas is destined to defeat the Void Gods, but also that they're canonically the ones exclusively responsible for beating every enemy in the game ever. I'm sure you're so proud that one of the writers had yet another brilliant idea, right?
Jordan Ramirez
They already pulled that with Illidan, don't act surprised when it happens.
which race/class combos do you want to see violently shitcanned?
Luis Bennett
Night elf druids. I want them all to go insane and evil and have to be put down by worgen, tauren, and trolls and for Malfurion to be raid bossed.
I just want to see how far night elves can be dragged down.
Joseph Bailey
No. also they're putting pines in Arathi. Arathi doesn't have pins.
Jacob Nelson
David Cooper
Yeah, but who would want to play in a zone as garbage as ordinary Arathi Highlands? It's just dumb, bland rolling hills dotted with ancient standing stones.
Carter Robinson
orc warlock. Garrosh had the absolute right idea in hanging them all. Every orc who deals with demons is a traitor and deserves worse than death. That Thrall allowed them back is just another symptom of his decay
Ayden Foster
Blood Elf Warriors Blood Elves were unique when their melee prowess came from either Farstriders or Blood Knights
Bentley Jackson
So every other warlock is ok except for Orcs?
Jonathan Phillips
>The lich king sees the living as useless to defend and maintain order in azeroth against the legion or the void
Camden Perry
>losing the only people who could spot if someone's been trying to reassemble the Legion
Jeremiah Murphy
Forsaken Paladins. I like the idea of a sect of "dark avenger" paladins operating in the depths of undercity. They're not necessarily rebels, but they have different ideas of where to take the Forsaken. Call then the Rusted Hand, that would be pretty metal.
Christian Harris
Panda Druids powered by the Celestials finally showing up for Wild God meetings.
Logan Cooper
Blood Elf Druids, if only so I can jerk off.
Noah Thompson
other warlocks deserve the rope, too, but orc warlocks deserve a special place in hell
Kevin Gray
paladin void elfs because fuck the lore, I'm paying a sub and I want my blue berry pallies.
Kayden Garcia
>implying you need to dip yourself in fel to recognize it
Hudson Williams
>forgetting spellbreakers
Luke Ross
Because the timing was too perfect to ignore. Kung-fu panda 2? had recently come out and blizzard has NEVER been above blindly bandwagoning- so when mop launched with fat martial arts pandas, a chink theme and all the rest, well you don;t need to be super /k/ to connect some dots and reach a conclusion. MoP was also the first expansion that really sold the "no you're assholes" angle and nobody wanted that in their heroic power fantasy.
However once you got past the look and plot mop was perhaps the mechanical peak of wow. Warlocks are never going to be as good mechanically (albeit overpowered, but the tools where sound) as they where by siege
Jack Russell
You are brought onto the design team of World of Warcraft for the expansion after Battle for Azeroth. The primary gimmick of this expansion is that all of the classes get a new specialization, bringing Druids up to five specializations, Demon Hunters up to three specializations and every other class up to four specializations.
What new spec do you come up with for each class and what's the lore/theme behind it?
Angel Cook
>it's another episode of circlejerk agaist based warlocks
I think it was a few Blizzcon's ago where Metzen stated that the world of Azeroth we play in isn't as "real" as he would like it to be. Such as characters riding dragons around the middle of Stormwind, or mammoth parades in Dalaran. That being said, not every character in the Horde/Alliance is a "good guy". Think of real world societies. We have active members of the Klu Klux Klan in the South of the USA, and countless other "undesirable" factions that are still (from certain aspects) members of society.
Warlocks in WoW are an extension of that, in my opinion. Warlocks are undesirable to have in our societies. But what are we supposed to do about it? Slaughter them? That would make us no better than they. Outlaw their magic? How do you go about even beginning to enforce that? Where do you draw the line, exactly? Especially when "heroes" come forth wielding these "dark arts" to support your war effort and aren't betraying you?
Life is rarely black and white, and neither is the lore in Warcraft. right?
You start off with your nice little imp and that neat little chaos bolt spell and before you know it you're flinging infernals all over the place and growing horns and hearing the whispers of Sargeras as you sleep and...
Why does the Alliance in particular tolerate warlocks? Because they're powerful. Real, real powerful. And warlocks, being experts in demons and demonology, possess considerable and invaluable knowledge of how to combat, control and contain such problems. (And this feeds an arms race: if one faction has warlocks, the other must have them as well.)
yes, because tolerating powerful individuals that deal with creatures that want to destroy the world has went off so good everytime someone on Azeroth did it. Plus the fact that fel magic literally destroys the world around it, just look at Hellfire Peninsula. That's the future you get when you allow warlocks to practice their art unchecked
See, the thing is that Cataclysm (and to a lesser extent Wrath) already made me feel like an asshole, it just never acknowledged it. So when Taran Zhu started cussing out my questgivers, it actually felt relieving in a way. "Thank god, at last someone else realizes these guys are all cunts."
Granted, I mained Horde since Wrath because of guild friends, so that was also a factor. I miss Thrall's Horde so much.
>it's been 8 years since the release of the WotA CoT dungeon and there's still no Queen Azshara mind control bad end smut why is this allowed?
Cooper Taylor
>Shaman "Warder" or something similar, a tanking spec that draws on the STRENGTH OF THE EARTH type stuff. Pretty easy to justify, since shaman has always dabbled in most areas.
>Paladin If we're giving shaman a tank spec, giving paladin a ranged spell DPS spec would finally have the two classes mirroring each other properly. "Be purged by the light!" kind of thing, dropping consecration at range and blasting with holy spells out of a book.
>Death Knight "Ash" spec, justified by Bolvar being the new Lich King. I honestly don't have a lot of clear mechanical ideas, but it feels like it would fit thematically. Would retcon the Four Horsemen to make Nazgrim Blood and Mograine Ash so as to have all four specs represented.
>Priest "Awakened" or "Wakener" or something. Another DPS spec, but one focused more on using both holy and shadow magic. Inspired by the Order of the Awakened and the ancient Apexis. Sort of the damage equivalent to Discipline, as Shadow is to Holy.
>Warlock I was trying to figure out if there was any way to come up with a cloth tanking spec, and the best that I've been able to come up with would be one around a warlock buffing themselves with fel magic and summoning a demon pet that serves as a pocket healer/buff bitch. Basically an inversion of the Demonology relationship. "Binding"? "Mastery"? Either way, you get a devoted demon bitch at range whose abilities protect you while you apply demonic magics directly to the forehead.
Brayden Gonzalez
>Outlaw their magic? How do you go about even beginning to enforce that? Presumably the same way that they outlawed necromancy.
Which, sure, didn't always work out perfectly, but it's still a thing that was done, and necromancers still aren't playable.
Nolan Perez
gimme sum fishtits
Lucas Thompson
>I miss Thrall's Horde so much
I don't have a fucking clue why they keep hitting the Horde with the villain bat when their redemption was one of the things that made Warcraft an interesting setting.
I've seen two general theories going around-Blizzard is filled with people who got so high on the Horde as badass warriors they forgot to keep them compelling, or that since Alliance players mostly play Alliance for their generic heroic fantasy they're afraid they might riot if made even slightly gray. Could be both or neither, I don't know.
Course they could do both by just not having the fucking faction conflict, but I guess war in warcraft too stronk.
Austin Jenkins
Sure, fine. Red drae or blue I don't care. I just want to see them and for blizzard and its faggots to stop deeming this the final, impossible line they wont ever cross. There are enough lore raping things in wow already that there is literally nothing to loose.
That's fair. I've never been big on horde, the mudhuts, hunched orcs and general uggo vibe never quite became endearing for me. Still it's curious to see a fan of Thrall's Horde nowdays. After garrosh I'd swear that the only horde left are 13 year old tryhards and middle-aged men swept up in the PG:13 badass
Connor Edwards
>MoP was also the first expansion that really sold the "no you're assholes" angle and nobody wanted that in their heroic power fantasy. I want that in my heroic power fantasy. Hell, when I was grinding the PvP world quests for the artifact appearance, I was constantly bitching out Genn under my breath. Fucking warmongering asshole, a garrison in this warden tower would be a vital strategic fuck you.
Hunter Phillips
>Still it's curious to see a fan of Thrall's Horde nowadays
I've seen a lot of Horde players pissed at the villain batting. The garry posters are just as loud and obnoxious as their idol.
Luis Howard
No, Azshara was okay as a semi on the sides villain that could be a villain on par with maybe Illidan at best.
The nelf fanboy wank of "AZSHARA IS LITERALLY SO FUCKING POWERFUL THAT SHE CAN ONESHOT KIL'JAEDEN" is tiresome, she slipped past her time for major villain, at best she'd be the equivalent of what Gul'dan was for the Legion in...well...Legion, the first patch final boss who gets killed off.
Christopher Reed
If the horde cleaned up just a little and kept the thrall/nazgrim mindset I'd be there. Thrall was perhaps a little soft but hell even garrosh could have become a proper noble savage. His big contravery could have been breaking org apart and taking the orcs at least back to an organised tribal level
Nolan Gomez
I'm a huge fan of Thrall's Horde. The only reason I ever went Alliance was that my real-life friends drank the purple elf Kool-Aid and didn't care enough to go blood when that option became available. After promising me that they would, so I went ahead and played the first two expansions as a troll. Ben, you lying fuck.
I still wonder if the reason that we've moved so far away from Thrall's Horde is that Blizzard misunderstood the complaints about Green Jesus in Cataclysm. Nobody had a problem with him redeeming the orcs, we just hated having to follow him around and put Captain Greenskin back together with our Planeteer rings after Fandral fractured his mixed emotions.
Owen Davis
i know it's a dead horse beaten into jelly at this point, but that probably that would have been easily solved with three factions instead of two. good guy alliance, neutral horde, evil something else.
Alexander Sanchez
Garrosh was FUN, was he awful and did people hate every moment of it? Sure, but his lines are hilarious and to be fair, seeing the Alliance bitch about X or Y patch after patch before and after kinda embittered me to a lot of their complaints, because quite a few were outright horseshit. But to avoid faction shitposting, my point is, there is a raw and visceral fun in being like "DIS OUR TREES NOW" or shit like that. That combined with Blizz's shitty writing means that "Garrosh did nothing wrong" can actually have LEGIT arguments means that he's fun to argue about at times.
Is Garrosh good? No. Could Blizz have done something better? Totally. Would it have been better to not make him a villain or to keep Thrall around or Cairne in charge? Oh fuck yes.
But...I hate the villain shit...but Garrosh is just so...I dunno, so meme worthy...
Levi Thomas
>MoP was also the first expansion that really sold the "no you're assholes" angle and nobody wanted that in their heroic power fantasy. That's not true, I love my heroic power fantasy and I also love feeling conflicted about having to do unforgivable stuff because of good intentions. Heck what made the Battle of Serpent's Heart so... heartbreaking, was that Jade Dragon didn't even scold me for it. No angry rebuke about how much we'd cost them in the efforts to "protect" them, just a statement that I need to do better and she believes that I can.
Ofc there's Taran Zhu being a dick and a writer's voice piece but aside from him there are so many memorable Pandaren NPC's I can't even count. >Mudmug >Jade Witch >The Hidden Master >Lorewalker Cho >Chen >LI LI
Back in WotlK Garrosh was, without fail, THE most hated character in the playerbase. There memes about how a campfire would make a better Warchief.
Suddenly he goes full villain and a bunch of people who love him come out of the woodwork.
Jeremiah Sanchez
Garrosh could've been great as a reflection of Thrall and his own failings. That Thrall was like "WE NEED AN ORC WHO IS LIKE THE OLD SCHOOL ORCS" could've been great as an issue to play as instead of "old school orcs are shit" to play as "The Horde isn't just orcs anymore". Garrosh as a guy who wants to go back to the old days only to realize those old days are long gone could've been solid.
Eli Cox
My belief stems from the forums. Where every other poster is "lok'tar of guild BLOOD AND THUNDER" Edgeposting about the same tired shit over and over again.
pvp quests where dumb yes. But goddam if stormhiem didn't feel good from an alliance standpoint. Descending upon the forsken, storming their ships and pushing sylvanas' Little boy toy's shit in before ultimately cucking her outta her prize?
Yeah, I know, but Garrosh in Wrath didn't do any of the best lines that he had in Cata or in MoP. He's just a fucking dick while Saurfang is a total fucking bro.
Wyatt King
Eh, from my look at forums as a Horde player the Alliance is filled with genocidal crusaders who want to kill everything in the Horde-BUT ONLY if they aren't called out for it and still be called heroes.
Forums are never really the best look at things.
Joshua Bailey
>My belief stems from the forums. Where every other poster is "lok'tar of guild BLOOD AND THUNDER" Edgeposting about the same tired shit over and over again.
I mean, if you're gonna use that as your baseline for the Horde playerbase then I can say most Alliance players are DOOS VULT RACE WAR NOW tendie-munchers.
The story forums are even worse than /wlg/ as a cesspit of terrible faction wanking. You shouldn't judge Rednerds or Blueballs by what's said here or there.
Jaxson Bell
"Fuck, if the Alliance is going to keep treating us like aggressors, despite us bending over backwards to avoid ever offending them, we might as well DO the shit they accuse us of."
He was right, in a way. The Alliance never really forgave Thrall's Horde for anything that its forebears had done. Despite the whole "demon possession" thing, and a number of other reasons that Thrall's Horde should really never have been looked at as a successor state to the Old Horde.
What's interesting is that, as soon as the Alliance got a central leader who actually voiced that shit, Alliance players started complaining loudly about it. They didn't want Varian the Warmonger, even though pretty much every one of his opinions had already been expressed by multiple NPCs already in the game.
Garrosh, however, was at least something new. Usually, Horde NPCs would talk about aggression in the context of securing their hold on a place to live, or even just defending themselves against Alliance forces that were likely to continue to treat them as the Old Horde. There was a huge emphasis on trying to broker peace when possible, or at least nonaggression, and attempts to coexist. Garrosh was the first major Horde NPC to say "no, fuck that, we deserve better than this." Which, honestly, the Horde did. He just went about pursuing it in the most retarded way possible, which just reinforced the very opinions and attitudes of the Alliance that had created the situation in the first place.
Hudson Johnson
Or you know just not let there be an evil faction, and don't humor people who want to play the evil side in an MMORPG. But yes, 3 factions, Horde, Night Elf and Alliance would've reduced the intensity of the RvB by a factor of roughly 9.
Adam Baker
>tfw no Saurfang the Younger bro
Jonathan Kelly
Stormheim would have felt a lot better if Genn hadn't been going so far out of his way to let his murderboner cloud the actual reason he was there. Even in the final confrontation with Eyir, it's clear that he cares more about fucking over Sylvanas than actually, you know, freeing the Titan Watcher whose dad we need on our side.
Ayden Wilson
Well, I can't feel bad about the Alliance getting Varian since Varian got jacked off to hell and back to tell you he was morally right and a lot of the complaints died down after Cata and ended up with the Alliance going apeshit in Legion over him dying with more pomp than any other Warcraft character so far.
Jason Gutierrez
this. Thrall's guilt complex and idealized picture of what orcs are had doomed his people and Garrosh was the first to call him out.
In fact, was there not a short playing before the Wrathgate where an orc soldier, who grew up in the Internment camps, curses him with his dying words for trusting humans that, in the end, only turned against them?
Parker Morgan
To be fair, Odyn doesn't give a fuck. If you're a Horde warrior, he doesn't fucking care.
Which makes sense for the sort of asshole Odyn is, though I love it so much.
Caleb Morris
The irony is that "old school orc" should have meant a bigger focus on clans, being more in tune with the elements, a simpler, less warlike or wasteful mindset. The Horde as it existed in WC1 and 2 was NOT the natural orcish way of life, it was a corruption of their values and the destruction of their culture. And yet, Garrosh was if anything even more of a tyrant than Blackhand or Doomhammer were. And it makes no sense, because he and the other mag'har were explicitly isolated from that transformation.
He's not actually well up to speed on Odyn and the mythology or whatever, from his point of view all he knew was Sylvanas was going to recruit more Val'kyr to make more Forsaken and he stopped her.
>ended up with the Alliance going apeshit in Legion over him dying with more pomp than any other Warcraft character so far Yeah, sure, let's play up that old bit again.
Jayden Carter
I mean I could agree if Blizzard ever actually made the Alliance do anything like Daelin again.
But in general Blizzard's attempts to make the Horde hate the Alliance are piss poor. I don't know if Blizzard likes the Horde too much to hurt them or if they're afraid of Alliance players getting mad about doing bad things but they haven't had the Alliance do unprovoked bad to the Horde since Vanilla.
It's why Sylv's (pre-change) speech about Teldrassil rang so hollow. It's like Blizzard wants the AvH to be Black and White and Gray at the same time.
Julian Perry
To be fair, that's because they listened to the Alliance players' complaints and toned down Varian's warmonger nature. With the whole dumb "that was his OTHER personality" angle, true, but they still did it. He grew as a character.
Their response to Horde complaints about Garrosh, however, was basically to just turn him up to 11 so that we could eventually kill him.
I mean, there's also a pretty clear reason for this. Nobody challenged Varian's right to be king of Stormwind. Because he always had been, it's just that he had only recently returned. So the complaints weren't "I don't want Varian as my king," but rather "I don't like the way Varian acts."
Meanwhile, Garrosh being named Warchief made no sense, so people complained that they didn't want him as Warchief. Nobody called for Garrosh to be written differently, they called for him to be written out. People kept saying that they would like the chance to fight Garrosh, so that's what Blizzard gave us.
It's a stupid fucking dichotomy, and one that really only would have emerged because of writing by committee, but I'm fairly certain that's what it was.