/SWG/ - Rolling Artillery Barrage Edition

Previous Thread: Are your Troopers up to the task of stopping the artillery ball?

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tiny spaceships

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For a new thread since the last one died when answering this dude

Let's start by looking at the base smuggler skills
>coordination, deception, underworld, perception, piloting space, skullduggery, streetwise, vigilance
4 of the 8 depend on cunning, 2 on agility, 1 on willpower, 1 on intellect

And the bonus skills
>Computers, Cool, Deception, skullduggery
2 of these are based on cunning,1 on intellect, and 1 on presence.

so right out of the gate you have a strong argument for a good cunning score. the late tree presence of clever solution also can really justify a good cunning score.

None of the tree itself really concerns itself with computers in any meaningful way, so I don't think you gain much from intellect (outside of fuckery with crafting, in which case you are a filthy cheese monger)

Of all the talents in the tree itself, Smooth talker really seems pointed to you using deception, but you could justify a decent presence because of natural negotiator. You won't be using stealth with this character much (if you were, you would have gone for the thief smuggler) so natural rogue is largely for skullduggery.

As for how to rank talents, the way the tree is laid out means that is sort of chosen already, just work your way along the G shape, and pick up that extra rank of second chances.

On a personal basis I would be satisfied with anything that can have 4 cunning and 3 agility, and maybe one other 3 in some other stat. the versatility of the smuggler career as a whole means that you could justify a 333322 build human, but being another human smuggler is fucking boring.

None of the smuggler trees really want brawn so that is one stat you could leave at a 2 or 1.

oh no, they are adorable

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>tfw you will never be an officer in one of the Sith empires
>tfw you will never be the personal adjutant/pilot to a qt Twi'lek Sith

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To add to this, I think gambler really is more of a second spec you buy, rather than one you play straight out of the gate. The tree does not help you do things in the way most trees do. It's access to rerolls and double or nothing is really powerful and unique and is a big point in its favor, but it just doesn't do it for me.

From the same career you have 5 specs that all let you do stuff in a number of ways.

>...or just seeking medical help for his wife like any non-retarded person would?
It ws a force vision my dude. Nothing corporeal could change it.
If he takes her to a hopital she will just die there.
This is a "why didn't they use a gun to shoot Voldemort" tier argument.
You're being uncharitable to the fabric of the story's reality.

As you drift off into your final rest, turn your mind to these things. Your brain will create a dream-state as you drift off that thrusts you into that very world, and you'll be none the wiser.

I wonder what it would be like if that made it into Legion.

Isn't Legion's scale too close-ranged for on-map heavy artillery?

Would depend a lot on the deployment, so it'd be inconsistent.

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>It ws a force vision my dude. Nothing corporeal could change it.
>If he takes her to a hopital she will just die there.
Where is this stated, shown, or even fucking implied in the movie? Why is it that a Force technique (with a corporeal effect) will be the only thing that can save her?

Showing him going to a hospital and her dying is pointless, and Anakin wouldn't risk it after his first vision coming true.

So, you're saying is that it isn't in the movie and you just made it up in a desperate attempt to look like you actually knew what you were talking about.

Not that guy, but why would it make sense for Anakin to go to a hospital and risk her dying?
He's not the kind of person to not take it into his hands.

Because the alternative is something that is so completely out there that it boggles the mind that he would even convince of it. I mean, if she were dying of a mysterious illness that doctors couldn't cure, fine. Or if it was excitly mentioned in the movie that no matter what )reasonable) thing he tried in the vision, the result was always the same. But none of that is in there, so the fall doesn't make any sense at all.

Refute this statement
>Sitting in a hospital room is not in character for him
by explaining how it's bad writing and not a character flaw.

meant for

>that he would even convince of it
But he didn't conceive of it...

Holy shit do not buy those duplicate expansions for those reasons.

Anti Persuit lasers are basically free- just buy them online or trade.

TLT you don't need that many copies of- you would end up with 5 and unless you are running some boring nonsense like quad tlt, 3 copies (2 form the K and 1 from the aggressor)

If you need multiple falcons, get HotR+normal falcon first, and then you can get a no-cards falcon online for next to nothing. Then, your triple-falcon list is probably going to be really bad.

if you want a third mk2 engines, that's not worth $20. just get 1 punisher. For the other stuff in the lambda, you only need one.

What exactly is the list you are looking to try out? I know two of them have to be Outer Rim smugglers to fit, so the list likely isn't going to be great. someone can likely loan you cards and help you figure it out?

Also, you do realize that most of those expansions have 2 of an upgrade card, right?

TLDR- your shopping list is a waste of cash. Don't buy ships just for the cards, post your list idea and we can see if some of the purchases aren't needed.

Shill kys

Anakin scarcely has visions and has never had one pertaining to Obi-Wan. When he gets visions, people in them die. He had visions of his mother in his dreams and she died, even after he went to her on Tatooine.

I watched Revenge of the Sith again just last night, and another time early last month. Immediately following the death of his mother, Anakin is steadfast about not letting anyone else he's close to die.

The only things keeping him from proposing to rescue Obi-Wan on Geonosis is guilt for subverting his mandate and bringing Padme to Tatooine for virtually nothing (he failed to save his mother) and a direct order from Mace Windu. But once he's on Geonosis, things change. His responses to Padme and Obi-Wan being in danger are immediately clear and increasingly severe. Then in Episode 3, when Obi-Wan has been knocked out by Dooku and Palpatine is telling him to leave him, Anakin looks Palpatine right in the eye and in no unclear terms states that if their survival hinges on Obi-Wan's demise, then all three of them are going to die. In this regard, Anakin is already unhinged.

But later on in the movie, the dream about Padme hits. Perceptive as always, (when it comes to these dreams anyway) Padme presses him about it. He explains the nature of the dream and they both go into a state of denial.

Stop acting like what's transpired is completely unreasonable for these two characters in their Fantasy story. There's enough in the films to justify what transpired.

>Killing Kids.
Nobody likes that scene and everybody wishes it was gone. But there's even a justification for this too if you want one.

What sorts of manned starfighters did the Sepratists use, and how would they fare against their GCW-era successors?

Whatever model Grievous' fighter was
Magnaguard fighters
Geonosian Starfighters
Umbaran Starfighters
Last 2 are used by local armies only though

This one mod has inspired an entire campaign. walk with me on this:
>Hidden sub-ocean rebel base, located in a pocket in a cave beneath the limits of sunlight
>used as the training grounds for aquatic races in amphibious assault
>starfighter squads launch into the ocean until they pop out and strike the target from the skies.
Seriously, imagine the scene in VII where the x-wings are skimming the water, but they start out submerged and we see the cockpit slowly rise as they approach the shore until they pop s-foils and scramble in the air
>an excuse to use all the shoretroopers and AT-AT swimmers I want
>constant runs to replace supplies of air and life supporty systems in the base for the non-amphibious staff
>I can have a beach episode whenever I want as filler

The only ones of note are the Belbullab-22 (grevious', but little is known about the standard model) and the Rogue-class (a modified Porax-38, mostly used by magna guards. But no real details, the base ship is noted to be a tough little thing)

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I love the Rogue-class ones they used.

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Most likely superior to the standard trash that the Empire fielded.

>Umbaran Starfighters

>Last 2 are used by local armies only though

Those turn up in CIS use later on. The Geonosian ones were also used abroad in Legends at least.

Huh, I didn't know that. Where did Umbaran ships appear?

>The Geonosian ones were also used abroad in Legends at least.
By expat geos, I imagine? Non-Geonosians can't fly Nantexes.

Legends A-wings and Legends TIE/LNs would beat most of them in straight dogfights. The Belbullab-22 is pretty good for its time, however, seeing as it's a "heavy" fighter with a higher max atmo speed than a T-65 and 6 guns. Its armament, however, is inconsistently portrayed so it's uncertain whether it could carry guided ordnance. If it can't, then it loses to pretty much every letter-wing at long range. I don't think writers ever agreed on a consistent maneuverability, so we don't know if it can out-turn a T-65 or not.

>>Killing Kids.
>Nobody likes that scene and everybody wishes it was gone.
I love that scene though. Lucas cast a Lloyd looking kid for a reason.

Please answer.

>Nobody likes that scene and everybody wishes it was gone

Speak for yourself fag. It cemented how far he had fallen

>when it comes to these dreams anyway
As opposed to?

I may have been incorrect. Cannot find out where it says they are used later other than Umbaran machines "fell into CIS hands".

>By expat geos, I imagine? Non-Geonosians
can't fly Nantexes.


> Though the Geonosians did not sell these fighters to outsiders, they were seen being piloted by InterGalactic Banking Clan-owned and operated OOM pilot battle droids during the Battle of Muunilinst in which swarms of them, deployed from orbital gun platforms, faced off against the clone-piloted V-19 Torrent starfighters utilized by the Galactic Republic during the battle.

I think that was the Siege of Muunilinst seen in The Clone Wars Cartoon.

Aside from the more well-known models, you've got the Techno Union interceptors that showed up briefly on Utupau in RotS, the various Sabaoth Squadron fighters from Jedi Starfighter, and the C-73 Tracker (the predecessor of the Z-95). The C-73 was considered an antique by the time of the GCW, though I'm not sure about the others.

Is it me or are the battles in Canon (outside of the first six films) now kind of boring compared to those that appeared in Legends?

And what happened to the creative direction behind Star Wars?

I should not be falling asleep and easily able to predict the plot of a film like TLJ if it's supposed to be "subverting" my expectations.

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You're right, user; we definitely needed to start shitposting about TLJ for the 1,000 time.

Please answer.

Well, when it comes to falling in love with Anakin you could argue that she either

A) Sincerely did not notice that this man was unwell.

B) Chose to ignore it because of love.

How proficient is Wookie engineering in Legends exactly?

I'm wondering how they can build the warmachines and the battle they do when it looks like their homeworld is a pre-industrial one.

Or are they like the Yevetha, in that they inherited that expertise after they defeated the local Imperial presence?

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I've always seen a big undercurrent of the trilogy as Anakin (and possibly) Lucas's mother issues.
He is a attracted to Padme because she's older and mature.
She is attracted to him because he's powerful, complicated, handsome, tall, very direct and intelligent with her, BUT also because she likes to be there for him and mother him.
>To be angry is to be human
It's almost pity, and it's the same thing (good) mothers do- never leave their kid no matter how much of a fuck up they can be.

>battle they do

* Battle engines.

Jesus man, not all of us have nothing to do on a Saturday than sit on /swg/.

The idea that Anakin isn't smart enough to let trained professionals do their jobs and instead goes perusing a fringe force technique from a highly dubious moral source that he's been taught his whole life will try to trick and deceive him is...not really told, shown, or implied in the movies. Anakin is shown to be impulsive, not completely mentally handicapped.

>isn't smart enough to let trained professionals do their job
Why do you keep getting stuck here.
My question is why you think that he would think that that would avert his force vision and why he would accept that and just do nothing while she might die?

Meant for

>The idea that Anakin isn't smart enough to let trained professionals do their jobs and instead goes perusing a fringe force technique from a highly dubious moral source that he's been taught his whole life will try to trick and deceive him is...not really told, shown, or implied in the movies.

That's literally the plot of episode 3


This is a witty post but you're only partly correct. Anakin was desperate, not dumb. He wouldn't put the aversion of a force vision of the death of his wife in the hands of others.

Well premodern Wooks built large arboreal villages in the treetops akin to LothlĂłrien, in size anyway. They didn't have access to advanced tech until Czerka Corp attempted to colonize their planet in the KoTOR era, but even then they already had a relic blade forged from the durasteel hull of a crashed ship.
What I'm saying is, they seem to have an excellent faculty for engineering with whatever materials are available.

>My question is why you think that he would think that that would avert his force vision

Common fucking sense? Knowing that visions can become self-fulfilling prophecies (which would be part and parcel of his lifetime of training as a Jedi) and that removing her from prime medical care would likely be a huge factor in her death?

Again, in order for him to make the decisions he has to, he'd have to be a retard. And again, none of what you're suggesting (that he thinks only this technique can save her) is even mentioned or hinted at in the movie. You're pulling it out of your ass in a desperate attempt to make sense of the senseless.

They're nonindustrialized, not preindustrial. Their tech level is as high as anywhere else, it's just strictly on a craft basis, no factories

State where it is mentioned that Anakin believes that ONLY a rare force technique (that he doesn't even hear of until the space opera) can save Padme.

>Knowing that visions can become self-fulfilling prophecie
His vision of his mother dying was not self fulfilling though.
>And again, none of what you're suggesting (that he thinks only this technique can save her) is even mentioned or hinted at in the movie.
I'm not that guy. We've been through this.
>Again, in order for him to make the decisions he has to, he'd have to be a retard.
You just keep saying "muh hospital". You REFUSE to answer
>why you think that he would think that that would avert his force vision and why he would accept that and just do nothing while she might die
(especially the second part. But you haven't answered the first part either.)

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Because technology and medicine are nothing compared to the power of the force. If the mundane galaxy says the odds of something happening is one to a million against, but the force is telling him it's gonna happen, he'll believe the force


This already addresses that.

>Because technology and medicine are nothing compared to the power of the force. If the mundane galaxy says the odds of something happening is one to a million against, but the force is telling him it's gonna happen, he'll believe the force

Hospital nigger blown the fuck out.

Take it to /tv/ faggots

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weigh in or fuck off

Wait, how does that make sense? How do you build an airplane without a factory producing aluminum and an industry producing jet fuel? You can't bake a cake without an entire chemical processing industry

>State where it is mentioned that Anakin believes that ONLY a rare force technique (that he doesn't even hear of until the space opera) can save Padme.

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> And again, none of what you're suggesting (that he thinks only this technique can save her) is even mentioned or hinted at in the movie. You're pulling it out of your ass in a desperate attempt to make sense of the senseless.

You're either retarded or being dishonest, because that's just not true. The entirety of the film's plot revolves around him believing that he can only save her through acquisition of a very particular Force technique.

>Sense of the senseless.
Now I know this is bait, but I'll continue anyway.

>Common fucking sense? Knowing that visions can become self-fulfilling prophecies (which would be part and parcel of his lifetime of training as a Jedi) and that removing her from prime medical care would likely be a huge factor in her death?

1) How would he know that visions can become self-fulfilling prophecies? If anything, it's the events of this movie that teach him that.

Side note: >Part and parcel of his lifetime of training as a Jedi.

The Jedi had their ability to use the force diminished in the Prequel Era, I sincerely doubt that full on visions of the future were very common. Those visions are much more severe than Jedi intuition, which is what plays a role in Lightsaber combat. Intuition might be what you're referring to.

>Removing her from prime medical care.

2) Padme died because of Anakin. If they took her to a doctor beforehand, the doctor wouldn't be able to find anything wrong with her, and this would only exacerbate Anakin's concerns. Furthermore, going to the doctor in general is like admitting there's a potential life threatening problem. Padme and Anakin were both in denial. It also comes with a feeling of helplessness that I'd suspect Anakin would be keen on avoiding after Episode 2.

>It also comes with a feeling of helplessness that I'd suspect Anakin would be keen on avoiding after Episode 2.
This is my big point. I don't know why hospital man is ignoring WHO Anakin is. He's not someone to leave an attachment's fate in the hands of others.

>You just keep saying "muh hospital"
Or Jedi healers. Or any other number of amazing medical and mystical techniques that resides in the heart of the Republic capital.

The only argument you have is that Anakin is literally too stupid to think about any other solution other than "learn from the enemy of my entire Order that is known for deceit, lies, and treachery."

The reason it might avert his vision is because he's not a moron and is familiar with the concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy. He's always smart enough to realize that having one prophecy that WASN'T self-fulfilling doesn't mean another can't be. If you flip a coin and it comes up heads, that doesn't mean the next flip will come up heads too.

>why he would accept that and just do nothing while she might die

Not being a retard =! doing nothing.

He could engage Jedi healer friends that he's made during the war.
He could arrange for a better hospital for her to be at than the one she's slated to go to, top of the line.
Hell, he could even pursue the "fringe Force Technique" plan AS A BACKUP, meaning that when it comes time to betray his entire Order or trust a literal Sith Lord that had just admitted to lying to Anakin his whole life, he could go "Well, it wasn't my first plan anyways," and try to actually not harm Windu in the process of keeping Palpatine alive.

He has had precisely ONE vision. Only a retard would expand that to "EVERY VISION I HAVE MUST BE TRUE AND NOT AT ALL SELF-FULFILLING!" There are ways to work to prevent people he's close to from dying, even ways that would make him fall. But the thing about falling is that it's supposed to seem reasonable from the character's point of view from start to finish, and again, only a retard would think that what Anakin did was reasonable.

Aren't we all kind of ignoring the fact that Anakin sees a vision of her dying IN CHILDBIRTH?
Ergo, she would die in a hospital. Ergo ipso facto therefore- going to a hospital is VERY OBVIOUSLY not the solution.

/entire argument

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wookies are great craftsmen, when you give them access to offworld imports it means they can import durasteel/repulsor tech/whatever and incorporate it into their cottage industries

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And does Anakain immediately declare that said technique is the only thing that can save Padme, or are you just making up headcanon?

>You're either retarded or being dishonest, because that's just not true. The entirety of the film's plot revolves around him believing that he can only save her through acquisition of a very particular Force technique.

You keep saying this, but never back it up with any dialogue. Provide proof that Anakin thinks this technique is the only thing that can save Padme. Stated by Anakin specifically, since it's his viewpoint we care about.

>He could engage Jedi healer friends that he's made during the war.
>Jedi healers can save people from death
To quote Qui-Gon- "I wish that were so".
As for the rest of your bile, see

He never sees a hospital, user. he only sees her and hears Obi-Wan. That's it.

If anything, the lack of any doctors, nurses, or hospital noises should have been enough to clue him in...if he made that assumption at all, which we don't know because there's literally nothing in the movie that supports him making that (retarded) leap of logic.

>Jedi healers can't heal people who aren't dead yet.

Ok, so you just have no arguments left. Got it.

>Or Jedi healers.

And this is where the argument is over because his marriage to Padme is a secret. His concern for her is predicated on their love and she is pregnant. Taking her to a Jedi Healer is absolutely out of the question, and this is something even Padme herself would shoot down.

Bait confirmed. Stop replying, lads.

Why would a senator not give birth in a hospital?
Hell, you said it yourself here-
>the one she's slated to go to


There's also the Saboath Fighters, Bombers and Defenders which were all pretty good.

And since Hoersch-Kessel Drive made a lot of CIS ships, and their R-41 Starchaser is described as a clone era fighter I figure a few CIS allied worlds were using Starchasers.

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>He had precisely one vision.

Nope. Episode 2 establishes that he's been having a lot. He's been passing them off as nightmares. He and Obi-Wan talk about it very early on in the film. You haven't been watching these movies you're so desperately trying to shit on.

we have dumber arguments than this, but somehow this one is dumb in a new and innovative way


What, exactly, prevents him from saying to said healer "Hey, I saw my friend dying in childbirth. Can you be with her when she's due to prevent that? She's a fairly prominent Senator and ally of the Jedi."

And why the fuck would Padme shoot it down?

The obvious conclusion would be "Huh, I didn't see her in a hospital, so something keeps her from the hospital and she dies due to complications from not being in a hospital. I'll arrange something to prevent that and be by her side myself in fight off whatever keeps her from getting there."

Alright /swg/, I need advice. I'm setting up a Sith order consisting of three distinct cults.
>the first specialise in sorcery
>the second in quick offensive attacks

I have no idea what to make the third. Potentially infiltration? It could be a cult that revolves around manipulating non-Force users? I'd really appreciate suggestions

One vision over and over again. It's the same event, user. Stop trying to bait.

It only exists because for some reason some people NEED to think that the prequels are bad, logic be damned for whatever point they are currently harping on.
It's like, I COULD act like, say, Yoda not doing anything but sitting in a swamp for years breaks the OT like this guy is with "muh hospital, muh healers", but why would I?
He doesn't like Star Wars, he likes internet fights.

Any pdf of Dawn of Rebellion floating around?

If common sense breaks the movie, it's not a good movie.

I'd love to know how Yoda hiding on a swamp planet for years from a massive Galactic Empire trying to hunt him down goes against common sense, though.

You have never refuted this simple idea- after his mother dying, why would Anakin leave it to anyone else to stop this vision?

Luke overpowered Vader. Yoda could have curb stomped him. Coordinate his position with the Alliance and go for it.

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>Why the fuck would Padme shoot it down.

As soon as they're back together in the beginning of Ep 3 Anakin says he's been thinking about ditching the order because he's tired of hiding their marriage. She tells him not to say things like that with a serious look on her face. Actually, she looks horrified. This news comes before the news of her pregnancy. She would not want Anakin to be expelled from the Jedi order.

>"Hey, I saw my friend dying in childbirth. Can you be with her when she's due to prevent that? She's a fairly prominent Senator and ally of the Jedi."

Jedi insight.
You can't even say that "what if the healer kept it a secret," because as you said in your post, Padme is a very prominent SENATOR. The Council would absolutely find out.

Kasdan actually asked Lucas if Yoda would be any good in a fight, and Lucas' response was "Not against Darth Vader."

He cited Vader specifically.

But that's bullshit and contradicted by the films in which Yoda displays a much greater power in the force than Luke.
>citing non-canon BTS

>You have never refuted this simple idea- after his mother dying, why would Anakin leave it to anyone else to stop this vision?

Because he's not a healer, nor fucking brain damaged enough to think he can do the job of one. Ideally, at least. I suppose you can argue the plot makes sense if you assume Anakin is an idiot, but that kind of makes me not care about him as a character at all.

>Luke overpowered Vader.
Vader had conflict in him when it came to actually killing his son. Yoda wouldn't have gotten the same treatment and he knew that.

Have you all truly, never enjoyed a woman's touch? Anakin's motivations make complete sense; he didn't want to lose his bitch.

If you only knew the power of pussy you wouldn't be having this completely inane argument.

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What's the best Tech for QD? i'm going between PA and Optics

>Jedi insight.
If jedi insight would instantly reveal anything, how the fuck did Anakin keep his marriage secret for fucking years? The Clone Wars has him making out with Padme every chance he gets, including with Jedi nearby. Fuck, Obi-Wan comes withing seconds of catching them in the act, but even HE (who knows Anakin best) doesn't cotton on. Are you even trying anymore?

If we're going just by 5 and 6, all he does is lift the X-Wing out of the swamp. He looks fucked toasted afterward too. Then in 6 he dies. He actually says "I'm sick."

>Because he's not a healer, nor fucking brain damaged enough to think he can do the job of one.
But why would he leave his wife's fate in someone else's hands?
>Vader had conflict in him when it came to actually killing his son
Did you miss the part where Luke overpowers him?
Did you miss the part where Yoda is shown to be able to move things around with his mind much more easily than Luke?

Obiwan probably didn't want to think Anakin was like that, that's why he says he can't kill Anakin to Yoda; their bond is too strong, Obiwan sensed something was wrong but ignored it.

Wait, so you're fine with interpreting Lucas's intent with his characters to mean whatever you want it to in RotS, but Lucas literally states a fact about the universe and you disregard it because it blows the fuck out of your argument? Jesus Christ, man, have some dignity.

>all he does is lift the X-Wing out of the swamp.
Which is MUCH more than Luke could do, and he lasted a few swings against Vader.

I think I like pattern analyzer a little more

but I am a sucker for S-loops

You're the one acting like Lucas is credible in one instance (Yoda +) and not in the other (his plotting of RotS).

>How the fuck did Anakin keep his marriage secret for fucking years.

By not being flagrant about it (in the films, which we're discussing).

>Citing Obi-Wan

Obi-Wan knew Anakin had a crush on Padme in Episode 2. Obi-Wan saw Anakin flip out when she fell out of the carrier in Episode 2. Obi-Wan took all of 5 seconds to figure out Anakin was the father of Padme's children.

He knew.

More bullshit. You have nothing to say but "Maybe Obi-Wan knew all along!" No, he didn't, which is why he was fucking shocked when he realized Padme's baby bump was Anakin's.

And you STILL didn't answer the rest of the post, which was "If even talking to another Jedi about Padme would instantly out Anakin and Padme, how has Anakin kept it secret for three years?"

>But why would he leave his wife's fate in someone else's hands?
...you know, you may be brain damaged yourself. That might actually explain why you think it all makes sense, But I'll say it again:

You can prepare for an eventuality to give you some bit of control over a situation without doing it entirely by yourself.

Vader was shitting on Luke for the entirety of Episode 5's fight. I just rewatched it earlier this week. He's got the upperhand from start to finish and as soon as he starts using the Force any and all pretense of Luke having a fighting chance goes right out of the window.

>MUCH more than Luke could do.

Not really. That was the entire point of the lesson/scene.