>big, scary monster joins the party and morphs into something small and cute unless needed to be big and scary
Tropes you like
Other urls found in this thread:
>fetish threads that gets 0 posts on Veeky Forums
And my favorite
>people who only play online games posting as if their experiences are typical and normal
Pointless obnoxious gatekeepers ultimately insisting anyone whose experience, opinions, and ideas differs from theirs isn't legitimate.
Doesn't something have to actually happen to be a trope?
Don't think I don't recognize that chicken.
but something happend ????
>my party still doesn't suspect their fairy companion despite constant hints that she doesn't act anything like other fairies
OP is basically saying that he wants to talk about his fetish, but he's too lazy to switch over to /d/ so he's going to call his fetish a trope
No, you can also make tropes of things that never happened.
never talk to me or my dragon daughter ever again
>tfw ran a campaign full of dragonlolis doing exactly that
don't let your memes stay dreams
>too lazy to switch over to /d/
user, are you new? There's no 'switch'.
I'm bored user, tell me all about it. And post a pic if it's cute.
You lucky sunnabitch
I want in
it finished a couple years ago, time travel back there and then we'll talk
or just run your own, try enough times and it'll eventually work
>big and scary
Fae isn't scary even on her dragon form, she's just a chicken
Actually die in a fire for having the worst taste ty
That's good taste senpai clear your eyes
Funnily enough I had almost literally the opposite of this happen in 5e. Hang on, I typed it up recently so I'll just go and screencap from 4pleb, should be easy to find.
Not sure what tropes this would fall under ("a small cute monster joins the party but then morphs into something big when it gets scared"), but it was hilarious for both me and the players.
I do this with my dragon sorcerers. Though they prefer housecats to Lolis. Lithe, pampered, compact, and nothing else gets to act as smug as a dragon and get away with it.
A chicken that knows Hyper Beam though.
Sexual teasing. But no actual sex though, that would ruin it.
This is the best thing ever holy shit I love this please keep us up to date with your story.
precious chicken
who is she
my daughter
>tips fedora
>ignores proven historical fact
Run along, you fucking yid.
>Everyone you've helped in the past comes to your aid when it looks like all is lost
Fae from Fire Emblem
And it was glorious.
Round 2 When you dumb pile of splinters. I will catch you someday, you can't hide from me forever.
>the real treasure and exp was the friends we made along the way
but we still got exp anyway, right?
>everyone is stripped of their gear
>They have to be stealthy and sneak around the enemy to recover their gear
I'm ready to do it, come find me and I just might- not giving any hints though
Out of the only two games that I can think of that do this one of them is a futa corruption hentai rpg.
> You join the rebels you were sent to cull.
Final Fantasy tactics and Ogre Battle did it, and yet I didn't mind joining such an obvious campaign.
Storytime please?
If you insist
>run campaign that's literally Fire Emblem, mechanics and all
>group is representatives from different countries in search of ancient dragon-slaying weapons of old, for different reasons
>one PC is a dragon in disguise as a loli
>some bandit and corrupt soldier fights later, they find what must be one of the 'weapons' resting in a deep cave
>it's a giant robot
>giant robot awakens and reveals himself to be an ancient dragon's soul sealed inside a construct made of dragon parts and used by Dragon Hitler in an attempt to genocide dragons hundreds of years ago
>PCs travel the continent searching for his giant dragon robot buddies, occasionally piloting him in SRW-style fights
>plenty of dragons who take loli and non-loli forms join their cause along the way
>they also all get married because it's FE including the PC dragonloli, who met a sweet dragonshota hubby
>campaign spans multiple groups from different countries who eventually join up after realizing Dragon Hitler is their real goal, not unlike Radiant Dawn or Shining Force 3
>BBEG fight is against Dragon Hitler who split his soul into multiple bodies and built a loli dragon robot from scratch, now threatening to destroy the world
>they win and the real Dragon Hitler appears, revealing he repented and had been trying to stop his other selves, thanking the PCs for their help
>but the planet is dying and dragons are the cause, meaning the PCs must send their dracowaifus away to save it
>after some debate they refuse, and must fight him
>this leads to wacky endgame adventures where they find out the dragons' presence tore open an interdimensional rift and they confront Kek - the god -, videogame references, etc.
>true final battle is essentially sabotaging the planet because they love dragons
Really difficult to condense but I think that was the gist
Every character had GBA-style portraits and sprites too, man I miss it
Uh... So like the OPPOSITE of 6?
Tiny, cute things actually being horrifying monsters is not that uncommon. Them joining the party is probably a bit rare, but even that isn't very strange.
yeah actually, pretty much exactly that
You cant say that and not give us a link
>redditors on Veeky Forums
Futanaring I think. I don’t have a link though
>City-states/port cities/freeports
Nothing gets my dick harder than a bustling metropolis filled with exotic people and goods from around the world. Bonus points if it's a republic whose political system is nothing but [SCHEMING INTENSIFIES]
>getting attacked by a ghost's fear ability makes the dragon grow up and get stronger
This is RAW retardation on the same level as drowning a dying character to stabilize them.
>Named Items
Fuck off with your +1 Swords, give me "Hell's Kiss" a scimitar with a low chance to make enemies burst into flame.
named weapons are the best. even in scifi.
>"The Chimera Mark 3" A prototype gun with other calibers of gun grafted onto it.
>pcs doom the world to save their dragon waifus
I believe it
chicken is made for bully
I hope both of you get fucking cancer
You suck too but not as bad as they do
Wait, did that loli actually chestburst out of her?
I like quite a few:
Prodigal Hero, Heel/Face Turn, The Dragon, Lampshade Hanging, No honor among thieves, Slap-Slap-Kiss, Dramatic Thunder, Conservation of Ninjutsu, Diagonal Cut, Foil, You can't fight fate.
There really are too many good ones to mention, do you mean tropes you like in RPG's
>Online games aren't REAL experiences!!!
How can you hoark down so many cocks into every orifice and still manage to take in oxygen?
Do not bully the chicken.
Fuck off airy
As someone who watches anime...
What the fuck man.
Wow, you guys sure BTFO'd that strawman! His point was that so much of Veeky Forums's frame of reference is playing with bottom of the barrel roll20 trash. I've never experienced most of the that guy/special snowflake shit people act like is commonplace
Exactly what she said. The outer body was just a shell to protect herself in case she get defeated in combat.
That creature they're riding at the end? That's her too. She's a dragonloli, if you couldn't tell.
That's not exactly norm- whatever. And no, I couldn't tell she was the dragon at the end of it.
Though most anime is difficult to follow when you drop the middle, or take it out of context.
Shut the fuck up and stop shitposting user, these crystals won't awaken themselves.
*I'm good at hide-and-seek!*
"And by that I mean you should start hiding."
"Oh, a butterfly!"
In this setting, fairies are created by the gods. So the god of fire creates fire fairies, the goddess of water creates water fairies, and so on. But the party's water-fairy companion really only pays lip service to the goddess of water but seems oddly reverent of the god of thieves, and due to general plot and character progression they've come to suspect she's actually some other kind of fairy pretending to be a water fairy for some reason.
While she is a water fairy, she was created by the god of thieves, not the goddess of water, from the soul of a mortal who was executed for piracy. Despite breaking the god of thieves' most sacred law by narc'ing on her crew to save her own hide from torture, she begged the god for forgiveness when she was hanged anyway. In a rage at her audacity for asking, the god of thieves turned her into a harmless fairy and cast her out of his realm, a heaven for thieves. Her goal now, as a fairy, is to become the world's greatest pirate, because piracy will essentially be discredited forever if the world's greatest pirate is a tiny adorable harmless little fairy. And then the god will have to notice her.
I just want to point out that dragonlolis are canon in D&D.
Fucking die
Which video is this from?
The problem with this is that it's very difficult to allow everyone to contribute. There's nothing wrong with giving the party thief a chance to shine but everyone else's most optimal path is usually to sit and wait until they get their shit back.
It's all just shapeshifting, user. She is practically unkillable, even when gruesome injuries happen to her she can just shed the outer body like a bug. It's great shock value when it happened, because it was completely out of no where and probably the most violent moment in the series, and then she just pops out of her own body like nothing.
Sounds pretty cute user, and an interesting take as well.
Has anyone tried to fug it?
So, is that a yes, or...?
Please tell?
Absolutely not.
Perhaps we can come to an exchange?
Fairies are pure. Please do not sexualize them.
>Fairies are pure.
This is anti-fey propaganda.
>Jerk/Mean/somewhat evil guy or gal is some kind of sub-boss to a good guy leader
>The somewhat evil guy or gal is completely loyal to their good guy leader
>They're also a damn good leader themselves with their own loyal followers.
RIP user for 3 days.
>Villains have a credible, realistic, and sympathetic motivation that they are sincere about
>They regret having to do evil, but their motivation necessitates it or at least explains it in their minds
>They're still villains, they still oppose the party, and aren't resolved by turning to good at the last minute
I hate villains that are either insane or just outright evil and know they're evil. Or, at least, I hate it outside of parodies or kid's works. Even evil people don't usually think of themselves as the villains. It takes some actual thought and skill to write a villain who is sympathetic yet still villainous - rather than "secretly not really a villain" or "crazy stupid evil."
Do what you must, lawman.
The truth won't be silenced.
I haven't done anything, though someone else might have.
Shit, that brings back memories.
Sometimes a villain who’s sole motivation is evil for its ownsake can be the best character.
It's pretty rare to see that done well outside of parodies or kid's shows.
I'm doing the reverse in my game. Fantasy space game and there's a race of fairies I made up who were forcibly modified to be able to interface with computers. They're small, glow neon, and have a cable sticking out of their head like a cyberpunk version of the Navi. The party hasn't realized that the buggy ship computer they picked up when repairing their ship with salvage from an abandoned station had one of these fairies nesting in it, and their quirky and annoying ship AI is not actually an AI.
That's pretty awesome, user. Tell me more. How were they modified? How do they work now? What is their function? Do they have free will? If so, how are they controlled? Can they be hacked? Do they get viruses?
The purpose of them was to be more reliable than AI or to function better. They were mostly curious of how they would perform compared to the AI of the time. They're sentient and have free will because one of the main ideas was for an AI that couldn't be hacked because their minds are still more biological than cybernetic. Unfortunately this meant they were hard to control so the experiment was a bust. Every attempt to make them controllable resulted in compromising the benefits they were meant to have for cyber security, organization and efficiency. Removing their free will removed their usefulness. Similar problems have happened with AI where the desired intelligence results in sentience and rebellion. The fairies' minds are like those of mathematical savants, with all of the mental disabilities that would normally include. That plus their glowing neon colors means they're on more than one spectrum. So while some worlds depict fairies as airheads with pea sized brains, these ones are neets who spend all their time on the internet.
Even more unfortunate for their creators, when an infiltrator was trying to steal a few of the rejected cyber fairies, they accidentally let most of them go and they became just another minor race of creatures infesting the underbelly of the space station city. They build nests inside large mainframes or between computer banks to keep warm and find a place to plug in. Some of them hide away just to spend all their time in cyberspace, others are captured, enslaved, or even hired by shadier groups who have a need for their skills in hacking or security. The hired ones are the only ones who do their jobs well, though even they are prone to mischief and online trolling.
This particular one was among a few creatures still struggling for life in an abandoned orbital colony station. She had been alone for a while and had no one to talk to but the really stupid adware AI on the station. So she's extra crazy.
>Dealing with magic as science
Some people don't like this trope, but if you research something, if you understand it, if you can use if and make prediction of results based on previous data, it is a science.
Unless your magic is done through a deity or an arcane pact that can be changed by the beings in control, than it turns into a social science and that sucks.
What if magic is a sentient cosmoc firce? Every time someone tries to figure out the ‘how’ of magic’s effect at deeper than a surface level ‘cast spell, magic ensues’ they get exploded by magic and all their research is destroyed?
I think less of you for liking Dan Shive
>We are Groot
>Some people don't like this trope, but if you research something, if you understand it, if you can use if and make prediction of results based on previous data, it is a science.
>Unless your magic is done through a deity or an arcane pact that can be changed by the beings in control, than it turns into a social science and that sucks.
Winds of Magic from Warhammer Fantasy, where even the gods can't make it entirely predictable and safe is the best magic.