How do they deal with their poop?
They hold it in until they reach elven territories and then poop and pee in the nearest water source.
I've taken time to do a little research to know what dwarfs do in the privacy of their holds. One of the thing they do is called anal licking, where the-, a dwarfs anus is licked, like this, by the other dwarf. Like ice cream. And then what happens, even poo-poo comes out. The other poo-poos out. And then they eat the poo-poo.
We do not want that sickness in Ulthuanda!
They eat it - maximum efficiency.
The sell it, as the glorious Dwarf digestive system concentrates solid waste into valuable gemstones.
No wonder the Balrog got pissed when they dug too deep.
Pneumatic tunnels to launch it up to the surface. Ideally facing towards the nearest human settlement (Elves are too happy to have the fertilizer)
Otyutghs, or large holes- they can probably make toilets using natural water sources too.
Underrated post.
I can literally imagine a dear friend running with his short little legs holding in a fat one through the woods trying to make it in time. Just to shit in an elf pool.
>Dear friend
How dose auto correct make that mistake?
They bury it, it makes the minerals grow stronker.
Why do you think the duergar and drow are always so cranky? They're continually dealing with unpleasant things from the surface, and dwarf shit is no exception.
W is right next to E. Autocorrect thought you misspelled Dear as Dwar. Then Autocomplete saw the F at the end and thought "oh he must have forgotten a space! Now what usually comes after 'Dear' for these humans that starts with F?"
The rest is history. The moral of the story is, proof read your fucking posts you filthy phoneposting savage
Sewers that go directly into the magma vent/great magma sea/hell. Links up with the garbage disposal chute and prisoner transfer tube as well.
Designated shitting streets, like any other civilized nation.
>I can literally imagine a dear friend running
I know this is fantasy and all, but at least TRY and make it beliveable
>Dwarf defecation
You mean birthing?
They bury it and it becomes fucking gnomes
They don't. They sweat out their toxins like Kroot. It's why elves think they stink.
this and
If you mean running into the woods to poop, and the little shits calling themselves elves, yes.
That is why dwarves kill elves all the time. They are cleaning up their own mess.
Nice try, humanlet
Yeah. I designed an underground dwarf city that had a lake above and to the side of the city, and the entire city had a series of canals and tiny tunnels that brought running water from the lake through each home and street.
>Dear Friend
Stealthy CS Lewis reference detected.
What the hell do you think all those magma tunnels are for!?
Poop chutes that lead directly to a lava pit.
Each village probably has a gelatinous cube or two down a deep narrow hole.
They use it for building materials, because dwarves shit bricks.
That guy actually looks pretty cool.
>Using autocorrect
Confirmed brainlet