>he brings his fetishes into the game
You guys never do this. right?
>he brings his fetishes into the game
You guys never do this. right?
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Everybody brings their fetishes to the table and everybody partakes.
Mine is pretty niche and not really bound to show up in a game.
No, I just threaten to when I DM. I haven't followed through with it...yet.
What if my fetish is tabletop games?
Hell yeah I do.
My fetish is descriptive DMing and subversive yet coherent setting.
Sword and crown are worthless here, I invite everybody to dance. Laborers, lawyers, church and gown all make their little prance.
Every damn time and my dm enables and parties of it.
every girl has a dick but we fade to black sex scenes so nobody but me and the dm know that their characters are getting anally fissured which also serves the purpose of ensuring the players don't have a hundred mile long streak of illegitimate children.
Wait, do you not try to shove your fetish in as subtly as possible without the players noticing? I thought that was the only reason people GM'd, and that the only difference between a good and bad GM was that bad GMs are too obvious about it.
>DM's powerful characters tend to be little girls
You really got noggin joggin now.
This is probably truer than the author intended it to be.
My fetishes are so weird that it would take considerable effort to actually put them in my game.
No, in fact i actively avoid mind control spells when playing a spellcaster.
Then you might like the game I'm making where people are captured and shrunken to be put in a terrarium while slime people who look like Nick Cage take their place.
(most of) my fetishes arent really very sexual
is anyone going to notice when i describe most of the women as being some combination of
>1.) black haired
>2.) tall
>3.) pale skinned
or stuff like that?
>mfw my fetish is subtle enough that I can bring it up constantly without anyone catching on
If they knew the things I know, they'd be repulsed.
Tell us your secrets, user.
I wish i could say that. I once used tentacle monster as foe when i DMed. It's pretty much what shambling mound from MM is anyway, but...
I also find it difficult to pull out reasonable RP when playing my waifu, as i am imagining her to be in passive position to the story (because that is my fetish).
Sadly, this knowledge is also learned from experience.
He has a fetish for manipulating 3 dimensional objects with all faces being equal regular shapes.
Oh man, I take mind fuckery all the time, but it's not really my fetish, just enjoyable to have mooks fight amongst themselves or serve the party in some menial capacity like opening doors or testing for traps.
Thankfully, my fetish most likely won't ever show up in games since it doesn't really have widespread appeal or common uses for story/combat.
>When one of your players starts hitting on a catfolk NPC, and you don't find out until later that he's a furry.
And here I thought he just liked the NPC for their personality.
Turning a male human character into a female werewolf is perfectly fine and normal, especially when the transformation is slow.
It's a mixture of things, chief among them being crossdressing, traps, humiliation, guro, and sadomasochism. My campaigns have contained many crossdressers, people who are aroused by bloodshed, and horrific acts of sexual violence.The key is to use them sparingly and work them into the world in a way where they don't seem out of place. When I write about transvestite hustlers and sex-obsessed flagellants, I characterize them as complex individuals so they're more than just fetish gratification.
I am started to think that every piece of fictio is actually tied to author's fetished. Seems about right when I remember how I tried to write fantasy when I was 14 years old.
Not necessarily fetish, but all pieces of fiction are tied to something that interests the author, since we usually put pieces of ourselves into our work. Like I've noticed no one writes a history book about WW2 unless they've got some opinions about it, and while they might not come out overtly, they still influence the language used and the information presented.
There is a difference between preferences and fetishes. Unless it is obsessive or the only thing you can get it up to traits like that aren't really a fetish in the strict sense.
But this is Veeky Forums a place infamous for abusing words until they have no meaning.
I'm just a xenophile so fairly different species do it for me. However, just like my irl interests in people, if they are not someone I would hang out and spend time with I probably wouldn't flirt with them to begin with.
So it could be both.
Do the players not know all these chicks have dicks?
>when your fetish is used as an example of a weird fetish
I mean, it is, but still feels strange
We're Welsh and we're not allowed Sheep in the local library so no.
You and your dm sound like massive faggots.
I have a pregnancy kink, but the closest I've gotten to bringing it out is one of my characters wants to marry and have kids
Sick pervert! That's just too much!
Oh, I remember. I have a trap fetish and someday forced a male character to crossdress for the needs of plot.
A player who played that character was my little brother.
You have a very specific fetish, user.
No. One suspected something was up once but they never seemed to fully get it or if they did they never vocalized it or stopped their habits.
By average volume of a human penis it's only 3.27% +/- ~2% more gay than hetero sex and 3.27% +/- ~2% more straight than lesbian sex.
My fetishes are pretty vanilla, so why not?
>somebody somewhere living and active in his field of expertise has a deeply complex and fully flushed sexual fantasy of a war between human and machines where the notions of the soul and awareness and what the separating line between the two actually is if there even is any while horrific abominations walk the land carving out new ecosystems and ways of living and thinking all to the tune of god-like AI's
>this is the person helping make cars drive themselves or giving you coffee makers or exoskeleton for any manner of use
>this person actively and readily masturbates to your future while he does his best to make it all happen
I could see that being a thing.
Well, you know, I secretly got a boner when I drived the car for a first time, so you may be not so far from the truth.
Nice mental gymnastics, fagbomb.
Not until my players ask me to
witch is too godam mutch
Nice ad hominem.
Solid game design has been known to give me a boner before.
So yes.
Yes I do.
As much as possible.
Only problem is, it's hard to translate a lot of the bits of a game feeling really good to tabletop. Tabletop doesn't have nearly the kind of exquisite execution feel that I need for that. Though, it IS capable of the charts'n'graphs that are another method of getting to the heart of my boner.
Thanks, I've got some more where that came from, Fagtron 3000.
>he doesn't like what I like or think what i think that must mean he's one of those plebbit boogie men!
>Like femdom to an extent, same as the Wonder Woman creator
>Run a game for my friends (two guys and a girl) and my sister, plus one or two additional players that came and went
>Decide to insert a group of Amazonian women, do it fairly comedically, but have a lot of femdom undertones in it
>Nothing too overt, since my sister is in the group after all
>We end halfway through the session and have to quit, and only one of my friends will make it to the next session.
>My sister brings three of her friends in their place
>They're all tough, independent women types
>My friend and sister insist we pick up from where we left off
>Which was right before a "Death By Snu-Snu" type situation since that was all I had prepared (and would've been funny to my friends)
>Instead it's to my sister, three women I only kind of know all playing male characters, and one of my guy friends trying to follow along
>The women, sensing how uncomfortable this was for me, keep asking me to go into greater detail
>IE, describe the bindings, describe the positions, describe the women, etc.
>Because of my interests, have answers to all the questions, and they don't accept anything but the full answers
>After the session finally ends, one of the friends (short asian girl with a shaved head) tells me verbatim "That was a lot of fun. Do you want a ride back to my place, or are you walking?"
>Everything after was awkward as fuck
>Realized later that my sister invited her stronk girl friends in the hopes that one would pity fuck me, which worked, but really wish she had told me beforehand so I could prepare for it
What's sad is I have tons of other fetishes, and the one time I add one is when it makes things super awkward for everyone.
Nah dude you're just gay (not that there's anything wrong with that)
"Nice ad hominem" is a very reddit phrase.
Can you cite that statement?
What if purging heathens in the name of Sigmar and the Empire is my fetish? What then?
That'd make you a heathen for not purging in the name of The Emperor.
Always. Most people never realize. The ones who do laugh at the others secretly.
>tfw your fetish is extremely common in fantasy fiction.
You'd think it's great but I need to fight down a boner around friends and family all the fucking time.
That's not as much of a necessity where I'm from, 40k-user.
It's a necessity for everyone regardless of their origins. Anything less is heretical.
Not if I worship chaos in the first place. Then it's not heresy to worship chaos.
That's more heretical than average heresy.
I make monstergirls characters and draw them.
Its cancerous as fuck and i know it, but hey, at least i play them in an ok way, and only do that in fantasy stuff that already has mythological shit such as demons and the like. My group doesnt seem to mind and enjoys the antics, but again i could be wrong.
My fetish is hand holding and happy couples who genuinely care about each other and support each other. I insert it everywhere. Once they went to an audience with a king and he was sitting there with the queen, holding hands.
>Once they went to an audience with a king and he was sitting there with the queen, holding hands.
C'mon, at least try to keep it low key, you fucking disgrace.
No, never.
One time I didn't have to, and someone else tied my character up for an extended period of time as we were traveling, but I played it straight and made no indication just how excited I was. I went along of course, but not in a way as to reveal my feelings.
I sometimes wonder if she somehow knew, but I don't know how to bring it up naturally and this was a couple months ago by now.
Sometimes you just get lucky I guess.
My fetishes are consistent worldbuilding and varied, balanced encounters.
Why would I want to sexualize hanging out with my friends?
I don't know if you fuckers are joking or not, but I'm getting concerned over the overall mental well being of people on Veeky Forums over the years I've been here.
Are you really that surprised? It is Veeky Forums after all and fa/tg/uys aren't exactly known for their social graces.
Did noone ever told you "You can be anyone in game of X"? Well, if you can be anyone, why wouldn't you unleash your wildest dreams and fantasies? It took me quite some time, that in most games, you actually CAN'T be anything.
>Why would I want to sexualize hanging out with my friends?
See, this is exactly the question people who do that don't ask. Because for them it is usually not hanging out with friends first, but rather fulfilling their imaginations and fantasies.
I could imagine scenarios where it wouldn't be the case, but i expect them to be fairly fringe cases.
My fetish is a fun creative session where everyone has a good time.
If you're that careful around people you say you're friends with, either you or your friends are misunderstanding the whole idea of friendship from the bottom up.
The idea of being so watchful around your friends that you can't crack sex jokes or make a slightly wanky character at your games is absurd to me, and I like to think I've played with a lot of people in real life, from career Those Guys over special kids/delinquents to middle-aged career lawyers (though mainly my neckbearded friends).
You're friends. You're supposed to let down your guards around each other, to do what you like without fear of shame because you're comfortable with and trust in each other.
And even if you're going too far, not only any real friend but also any decent person will tell you so first, and won't hold any grudges if you stop.
I think that, like so many other neckbeards, you're too critical and fearful of other people and don't realize that what you're describing as something horrifying is something both Chad 4-Loko and Graffiti Ronnie don't feel anything weird about, and that only people who're going out of their way to be nasty will hold grudges about you being a little too open.
Friends say much worse. Much, much worse. And people are much kinder than you think. I used to live in a basement and think I was never going to get a job, but then I got a job and realized people weren't going out of their way to be assholes to me, and would in fact often be nice to me for no reason besides because that's what people do.
Some are easier than others. Like reverse traps and musclegirls, they’re easier than, say, pregnancy.
I always do this, I just don’t make it obvious.
>playing a Minotaur
The thought of a large, muscular and bestial barbarian casually exposing himself to female party members in camp excites me.
I like short stacks
I could go on but you get the point. I make characters that align with a fetish but I don’t turn my fetish into a character.
I'd love to put in my fetish in game but in all honesty it is downright impossible to do so without it being bizarre, because I can't really think of a way to do it without throwing my players off. Pic fully related.
If friends-to-lovers and forced-sex-between-two-unwilling-partners is a fetish, then I do
Yes, but only in online games with ERP.
I wish my sister would get her friends to fuck me. Your sister sounds pretty based user
What the fuck man
I don't know?
I have so many fetishes, from vanilla to depraved, that I honestly don't know if I subconsciously inserted any.
I wish that'd just go away, but fat girls just turn me on. It's infuriating, even, especially since after I started working out my libido has just increased, and I've less and less attraction to thin girls. It's fucking maddening.
At least have some taste and go for 2D weight gain. I doubt that stretch marks and cellulite are attractive.
From experience, they are. Don't get me wrong, 2D > 3D, still.
But user, that's one of the main reasons for the campaign! The story is actually pretty good, but they're all here for the kinky shit.
Well, They're all into it so...
Speaking of which,
google 'expand&d'
>It's happening in my mind and the DM's mind so that means it's actually happening to a fictional character
If you don't state it in game it isn't real for the other players, and you're too scared to state it in game because you know the sort of reaction your bizarre degeneracy would get.
Oh we'd happily state it if outrigh asked about it. We fade to black to prevent others going into detail heavy RP we don't really care about it want to hear and half the fun is that it's that sneaky little secret that's happening to them they don't even realize(sort like upskirting though personally I don't care for that.). However, if that player who got suspicious ever asked I would have just told him then enjoyed his reaction. He'll, the whole reason he suspected it was a functioning village that was to all outward appearances all female yet whole families existed and all claimed they were their trueborn children no infidelity or surrogacy so it's not like the dm would ever shy away from it either.
I think the point where fetishes become fucked up is when it's not just a sex thing you enjoy but it takes over your life to the point where you start inserting it into completely unrelated things like a tabletop game.
I don't play with people like this.
What if my fetish is giant robots?
Describe them and I shall judge your sins depth.
user, I guarantee you you play with them all the time most just keep to the subtle shit or incorporate it in ways you just accept as part of the game.
Entirely forgot the pic.
The north-eastern lands of Not-Siberia and Not-Finland are inhabited by tribal wolf-girl Amazon Vikings.
Any sort of Giant Robot really, from a Wanzer to Ideon.
>robotlets - when will they learn?
You sick fuck!
>He doesn't bring the game to his fetishes
>Having to go this far to defend your fetish as not be in gay
If you have to go through all this mental gymnastics and math to try and justify how it's not really gay, it's gay. Just embrace it instead of being a faggot.
I mean... yes? But in fairness my fetish is meaningful and equal monogamous relationships...
Also lesbianism but it's sparing and no-one bats an eye about that anymore
Are the girls played by women or just the DM?
Tell me more
My nigga
Unfortunately yes, mostly because it's easy to hide them. My biggest kryptonite is tall, strong (physically or willed) women, with a side of hand holding and sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation. Really any sex that involves nutting balls deep also shortstacks are a lesser one. As the DM I more often than not catch myself making NPCs that fit that bill and last minute change them.
I've heard of it, it's pretty mediocre all things intended. Also doesn't make any sense at all, but alright.