Would you play a campaign based upon 90s underground gangster rap?
Would you play a campaign based upon 90s underground gangster rap?
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I'm about to dm a setting in the 90's where lizard people secretly rule earth.
You're damn right it'll be in it.
Only if I get to play the police mole.
Unless the group was good.
My current group is not good....
.what is there to discuss in this thread????
the underground rap scene is Subterranean
Hells to the yes.
Nope. I've got better taste in music...
That's just our typical vampire setting, to be honest
Fuck yea. Any ideas so far?
I'm going to need more details before answering.
Why I would base my campaing to that cringey shit?
Isn't that just Def Jam? I'd play that.
I've been thinking about running a Def Jam meets Street Fighter kind of game at some point in the future, using probably Strike. Play the whole thing as a huge melodramatic battle between superpowered kung fu rappers. The RZA will definitely show up with his iron fists at some point.
Wyrd Is Bond might be worth a look. It's exactly that, albeit with magic.
I could see it being fun, but that's about all I can say
Oh I think I remember that thread. You're doing a conspiracy setting set against the 90s and rap, Right?
I think it would be legitimately great with supernatural horror elements
We really don't need to recycle this thread already.
Fuck yes I'd play the shit out of this. Can I get a lowrider?
I seriously wonder why this isn't a thing. Ebonics speaking niggas with attitude. Glocks, Macs and AKs. Crooked cops and Illuminati conspiracies.
As long as the INT stat is maxed at roughly 8 and averages in at 4 (functionally illiterate) then no.
is complete garbage and sounds retarded
When and where?
Hell yeah, i'm a Bone Gnawer-fag
There's a reason San Andreas was the best GTA
My nigga
You need to broaden your tastes, friend.
That user was clearly a troll.
Pathfinder niggas
World of darkness niggas
Oh definitely.
Reading Hip Hop Family Tree has gotten me incredibly interested in the scene.
Also goddamn, some of the art and people in rap are like straight outta comic book.
I pretty much always integrate stuff I've seen in gangsta movies when I RP or DM.
I wonder what system would work the best for 90s gang warfare? #Savage Worlds comes to mind because it's fast and has rules for drivebys. It would be great for simulating power fantasies from rap lyrics like 'yeah nigga then I hopped the fence and shot down a police helicopter with an RPG, dodged a pitbull then bus down the do with my 9'
But then again I think I'd rather go with something highly lethal to simulate the reality that at any time someone can run up on you and end your life with a cheap pawn shop Jiminez .22 pistol and the whole thing is posted on instagram.
What rules systems would be good for that type of thing? It seems with firearms you are either playing with autistic rules heavy stuff like twilight 2000, gurps and Phoenix RPG, or you are in wargame territory, in which hexes would be pretty awkward for simulating cities that are mostly laid out in square grids.
pic related. it's my 9