What actually killed the standard? Will Dominaria save it?
What actually killed the standard? Will Dominaria save it?
No. Standard has gone utterly to shit three times since I've played the game 'seriously', and it recovered each time. The game will recover eventually on its own regardless of whether Dominaria is great, shit, or mediocre.
Standard has been in a cycle of shitness forever.
Standard is the worst format
The sets are all designed by people that care more about "diversity" and the over-representation of (ugly) women and ('non offensive') minorities than the fucking gameplay now. I'm not surprised standard is shit.
Is that Teferi? He has kind of a jacked young Danny Glover vibe going on.
Incompetent "people" infesting WotC
No set will save standard or Magic. There needs to be a massive overhaul of the employees.
Standard is the worst format because Wizards designers and testers are absolute morons that can't even catch basic bitch infinite combos that most experienced players saw within five minutes of AER spoilers.
Too bad digital card games and Chinese fakes are so high quality, eh? I wish magic was more like it was in the old says.
Basically this, they're spending so much time on encouraging diversity and policing social media like they're the fucking FBI looking for a bomber to the detriment of the quality of the card game. It's all quite silly really since Wizards at any point can basically print money. They just have to ask store owners what people want/buy and then fucking print the stuff people want.
I think an overhaul in lands/manabases would also help standard, namely stop screwing with them and make a whole bunch of non basic mana lands perma legal in standard, sure you need to cycle out the spells and shit to keep it fresh but for fucks sake don't make people have to spend hundreds just on getting their lands every time standard rotates.
I'd love to find this exact quote on ancient forums when they announced Mirage
>don't make people have to spend hundreds just on getting their lands every time standard rotates
Can't you use reprints from previous sets?
Don't worry instead of worry about fixing standard they'll look into another Un set.
"Funny" will save "fun" right?
When does dominaria come to stores? I need a playset of 1 card for my new legacy brew.
After reading the spoilers I have hope.
Do people really think that they're somehow removing the people that handle the gameplay aspect of MtG and instead spending the money/time on SJW stuff?
They just expand their SJW departments, it would it no way be done at the detriment of the game design departments. Just say that the game is getting shit, the progressive boogeyman is an separate issue
Of course, we all know its going to keep running for years to come in any case
>Do people really think
No, people on Veeky Forums do not think
it's what happen when you let the jews in.
1.) Energy
2.) Mythic rarity.
3.) So many dull/boring cards.
4.) Set design has been shit for almost a decade.
5.) Instead of embracing Modern as the golden child that it is, they ignored it for the clusterfuck that is standard.
They've just lost the touch and seem entirely incapable of genuinely understanding what made standard seasons fun 4 or 5 years ago and back. I think their design and attitude towards power level and complexity is best summed up as "cowardly." In turn they're trying to compensate for declines with an excess of premium products like masters sets and dumbass peripheral shit like precons and other gimmicky shit.
They refuse to address their fundamental problem. Around a year or two ago it was obvious that Magic is in a definitive downward spiral, albeit a slow one; It's not recovering from it. It's too big to just crash and burn, but within a decade it will be a whole bunch of nothing. Everyone should just pull out while they can.
>3.) So many dull/boring cards.
New-ish player here.This is what keeps me out of standard more than anything else. It's a fucking shame because I really think ancient Egypt and pirates v dinosaurs v vampires are cool settings but the cards are so underpowered and boring.
>these shitty sets would be great if there were less women and black people
>lol who cares about the actual set politics are more important
>everyone getting tired of WotC shitting its bed
>bad sales
>even lower consumer confidence, FNMs barely firing in many stores
>they're more trigger happy with issuing bans in Standard now
>sales so bad they're releasing Challenger Decks at $30 for the first time in Standard history
It sure is fun watching these things unfold as a guy who used to really enjoy playing this game some 10 years ago. I kinda quit after KtK because the SJW angle they're pushing really discouraged me from spending any more time and money into it.
There are a lot more hobbies/things to do in the 21st century anyway. We have other engaging video games/youtube/netflix/movies/board games vying for our time and attention too.
The entire concept of rotating formats inherently being unacceptable jewry is what killed standard.
If I buy a card, I want to use that card until the sun dies and the planet becomes a barren rock. Fuck your planned obsolescence scam.
People tend to sacrifice quality in the aims of being all inclusive to SJW's, you can see this in movies, TV shows, video games, and even comic books and it's a combination of the new blood not understanding what made the series great while simultaneously using the series as a platform to mount their soapbox upon.
I mean, compare Marvel comics before and after they started appealing to SJW's?
I don't disagree, but you'll get Yugioh if you don't have a rotating format.
You'll have to print more and more powerful cards to make the players buy the new ones, eventually it'll become so powerful you're forced to roll out aggressive bans every few months to keep everything sane.
>I mean, compare Marvel comics before and after they started appealing to SJW's?
The difference is, the SJWs in Marvel were given writing duties. The people who want more diversity in MtG aren't the same people building the mechanics.
The mechanics are just shit now, its a separate issue. If everyone was white and male the mechanics wouldn't be any better.
You won't because Mirage wasn't pandering nonsense made by thoughtless, talentless hacks.
problem is you end up with a situation where either the new sets have increasing power creep to make the old ones worthless, or you have newbies unwilling to enter the game because they need a bunch of out of print, expensive cards to get a foot in the door.
Planned obsolence has lots of problems, but I understand why they did it. Also because of money, but even aside from that theres reasons.
>The mechanics are just shit now, its a separate issue.
It's a symptom of a greater disease that infects brands that succumb to the "all-inclusive" meme. The designers remove everything that might scare off the newbies, retract the art/story to be as inoffensive as possible, and finish it off by trying to filter all criticism into a narrative that states that white men hate women/minorities based on the fact that the characters represented therein are women/minorities, rather than it being because the product itself sucks ass regardless of who is being represented.
So they chase off their old fanbase to welcome a new fanbase that never shows up, and then they blame the old fanbase for not being accepting enough, which just feeds into a downward spiral that most companies never get out of due to the rarity of most companies admitting fault without someone stepping down for it.
What's a fun, really cheap deck I can play on MTGO in Standard?
>If I buy a card, I want to use that card until the sun dies and the planet becomes a barren rock. Fuck your planned obsolescence scam.
That's why you have different formats to play. Standard is not just a mtg thing - you can find it in other games like pokemon tcg
Nice conspiracy theory. Upvoted.
>a fun
>really cheap
I'm afraid this happens to be one of those "pick two" scenarios
Buy a challenger deck and vote with your wallet on reasonable mtg products
While this feels right on a kneejerk level, it's really completely wrong from a broader view. Stores need to sell packs to keep mtg as a viable use of play space. Packs don't sell if all the good cards for a format were printed 10 years ago. So either you have format rotation, or you go full yugioh and have never-ending and rapid power creep. Mtg, for all the shit it's done wrong, has done a remarkably good job at holding power level steady (relative to other tcgs), and this is almost entirely due to the existence of rotation. Rotation can suck, but the alternatives are all far worse.
>5.) Instead of embracing Modern as the golden child that it is, they ignored it for the clusterfuck that is standard
As a former EDH player, the less attention Wizards gives to your format, the better.
If you have a month to wait, unironically this Challenger decks are a great product, and need little to no changes if all you're doing is taking them to fnm. In terms of cost-to-power-level ratio, they blow every other option out of the water.
It amazes me how, after watching this exact scenario go down multiple time for movies, music, video games, comics, etc. there are still people who believe that this shit doesn't end up ruining series.
Like are you blind or just pretending it doesn't exist because it hasn't affected something you enjoy (yet)?
Mythic rarity was probably one of the most detrimental elements to rotation. Rotation is perfectly fine if new sets aren't a a massive money sink, and the rares you need are only like 5 bucks a pop at most. That's how it used to be. Mythic rarity in conjunction with the format not having a broad spectrum of viable decks that utilize the available cards and make demand more even across a given set means individual rare/mythic cards are stupidly expensive. Standard decks should be 50 to 100 bucks or so, not 500 to 1000. It's all too fleeting and they disrupted the balance that made it feel like a justifiable expense.
>conspiracy theory
All Mossad and CIA agents will hang.
play legacy let them know lads.
Mirage was an internally consistent setting, with aesthetically appealing art.
>non basic mana lands
Do you even actually play Magic
>$2k Blue Decks: The Format.
Bitch, please.
All old Magic art was shit. Nowadays we get the occasional Kraken of the Straits or Metal Fatigue, but in the 90's art that bad was the norm and good art was the exception. The last truly horrible artist on Wizards' payroll, Wayne England, is dead now.
But the main thing that's changed is the fandom. At some point in the 2010s the socially inept neckbeards decided that any brown people in pop culture were there to be political propaganda and the only solution was to have everyone look exactly like them, even though people who look exactly like them tend to not get much done in life. That's why so many Invitational cards stick out like sore thumbs.
>All old Magic art was shit
Heresy the post
>old magic art is shit
>All old Magic art was shit
This. People fapping to old mtg arts are also fapping to hideous old warhammer miniatures
MTG is the white man's country club of gaming.
also why are so many post deleted lol
the janitor get triggered again?
>he actually like CGI
Mythic rarity is part of it, but I'd say the bigger problem is how they're approaching all rarities at the moment. Somehow they've convinced themselves that having cards have strict power divisions along the lines of their rarity is what is best for draft, and hence, what is best for their sets. In the past, there were good commons, like mana leak, doom blade, llanawar elves, and bolt, or even things like rampant growth, delver, and disfigure, that meant that people could accumulate staples relatively easily, and use them to form the core of their decks, using rares to fill in top-end threats and mana bases. Now, staples like that are uncommon and above, and playable, staple removal effects have even recently crept into rare (Vraska's Contempt). The problem isn't so much powerful mythics, it's powerful mythics AND shitty, boring commons. Apart from the need to move packs, there's really no reason Fatal Push couldn't have been a common.
Perhaps another way of putting it is that the ideal of draft and the ideal of constructed have drifted too far apart, and that shitty removal and janky creatures backed up by big exciting bomb rares translates incredibly poorly to constructed formats.
Let's defog those nostalgia goggles by posting some old MTG art.
>t.shitcast collector
Looks fine here, It actually had character back then, not all the same faggot cgi shit over half of these people do now.
Ah yes back when all of the art was actually different and not all the same bland style.
>All old Magic art was shit
Nice absolutism.
>Bad was the norm and good art was the exception.
So which is it? Was all old art bad or was there a mix? Christ. I know this is Veeky Forums, but how autistic are you?
He also has a differently shaped head and a new face, but yes, it's Teferi.
You call that shit? This is shit.
That shit would get laughed off /ic/. At least Chippy got better.
We get it, you're racist. Here's some actual shit.
>caring about /ic/'s opinions on art
You actually have unbelievably shit taste in card art. I'm not even joking.
You forgot to make an analogy about food.
Designing sets around draft was a mistake.
>not understanding hyperbole
Which of you is autistic again, user? Because you just went full-on Drax.
So fucking glad that I started in Cold Snap and ended in Zendikar. Mirrodin, Ravnica, and Kamigawa were still fresh enough to be plentiful. Lorwyn was my personal favorite block ever as far as flavor and fun, and it helped to inspire us in my dorm to run tribal decks of all stripes. I loved by Snow Skeleton deck, my mono-green goblins, and my mono-black goblins. And playing against a friend's zombie deck, another's merfolk decks, another's faerie deck, another's giant deck, another's kithkin deck, etc.
I'm almost glad I didn't keep playing in college due to the lack of a dormitory filled with 20 or so active MtG players with plenty of freetime for games since what the fuck else are you going to do in a boarding school. It allows me to preserve the memory of MtG without having gotten pulled down by shit like Kaladesh and Theros and the Gatewatch.
So Tempest onwards?
You posted a good looking card though. Don't talk shit on Chippy. The only, and I mean ONLY, worthwhile artist they use somewhat regularly now is Seb.
>shit like Kaladesh and Theros and the Gatewatch
What's wrong about theros? Heroic was quite fun, still playing heroic pauper
>fond memories of Mirrodin block
And I have fond memories of Combo Winter, but that doesn't mean it was objectively a good time for Magic. You played through the second-worst period in Magic history.
No, Samut is a genuinely ugly card in art and gameplay design.
>Not the first user but...
Correct. Thank god the game is still fun and enjoyable when you ignore one of the worst ways to play.
There was one TCC video where the professor made a super-interesting point: R&D don't play standard. They play-test it, sure, but it's not a format they play for fun, while draft is. Hence, they're clueless as to what's involved in assembling a good deck through buying singles, and clueless as to what contributes to a healthy (or fun) standard environment. To them, standard is a job, while draft is a passion. It's not a complete theory, by any means (it still doesn't explain how badly Ixalan shit the bed, for one), but it's still something interesting to think about.
Chippy got better, but if you can't see that his old stuff is a steaming pile, you're being blinded by his reputation.
I actually agree that Mirrodin was fun. It was high power and felt great. My only complaint is that they fucked up Kamigawa in a kneejerk reaction to Mirrodin being so powerful.
>it's not generic bland cg art so it's shit
Having standards is racist, goyim.
I used to vote hardcore left wing, but I serve truth, not dogma. If the pattern is there, I am forced to acknowledge it. Racism is logical. Thanks for forcing me to confront that, MtG.
Oh no, it's retarded and can't read. Mirrordin block was 3 years before I started playing.
I like that art though. It has kind of a classic fantasy vibe. It's not as good as his later stuff, but it's far from terrible.
Picking art of someone who looks like a real person and calling it worse than stuff like this is tipping your hand a little. You've got to be better at hiding your redneck spaghetti.
>tfw unironically like Foglio
The artstyle used for Samut is pretty ugly, user. And real people can definitely be ugly.
Foglio intentionally put character like that in his art you fuck. See any of his work. You nu players are so blind
What? Do you realize I agree with you?
Why shouldn't you be racist? It's a natural thing and has logically sound reasons behind if it isn't taken to the extreme.
Samut's art is actually very ugly user, I'm sorry but I have to agree with them.
>What actually killed the standard?
No matter what your view on social justice is, the general MTG audience doesn't like it. theros was the beginning of the SJW boom/infestation and alienated alot of nerds who are willing to dump money into cardboard.
I play commander, standard is a shit show. I can buy cards, play them and even have fun sometimes.
Please explain how that art is bad.
Isn't he an obese furry who unironically writes a comic about "muh grrrrrl powah"?
The fact it was a pretty shitty block as well didn't help.
Because the majority of the cards you just listed were more powerful than the overwhelming majority of rares/uncommons in Limited, leading to many small sets and core sets that were linear and rigidly defined in gameplay. I actually think Rivals hit the sweet spot for common removal - 3-4 mana, works in all/most situations, can sometimes be responded to. It’s also not really a secret that Limited has improved significantly in terms of both a format’s longevity and the available design space at common precisely because of this.
With this being said, I want Pacifism, Murder, Leak, Prey Upon and Flame Slash back at uncommon. There have DEFINITELY been sets that were bad because the removal was bad, and we do not need another Origins-esque format ever again.
The card you posted was from 2016, user. I agree Theros was pretty shit, but it was hardly about muh SJWs. If anything it was because of poor design and it encouraged them to build planes as theme park caricatures of real world locations and cultures.
LOL @ that pic, holy shit
You have to be able to separate an artist from their art, user.
But it seems the politics are the focus more than the mechanics. The r&d team are just laming it out and not being managed correctly.
Argh guys tell me what the fuck was wrong with theros? I started playing with this block and I find it really fun - heroic was a neat mechanic, tribes were fun, arts were decent so why people don't like it?
wow i had no idea you had so much insight about the inner workings of wizards. did you work there?
>it encouraged them to build planes as theme park caricatures of real world locations and cultures.
Wasn't Kamigawa released before Theros?