If the sultan is most vulnerable - to an attack OR a request - when seeking gremial comfort from his harim, how should the players best take advantage of this?
If the sultan is most vulnerable - to an attack OR a request - when seeking gremial comfort from his harim...
fuck off with your thinly veiled ERP thread
Not sure I understand the prompt, user.
By breaking in and executing the sultan by shoving the palace eunuchs up his ass.
You are doing this to piss people off, aren't you.
lmao dude just transform ourselves into harem girls xD
Is this a feasible scenario?
Bomb the palace while he's on a day off, I guess.
Elder Evils book?
Is this PF? I vaguely remember some harem-type demons or djinns in PF that were actually a pretty hard fight on their lonesome.
Although if I'm reading this right a female blue dragon with a conventional female harem who also transforms into a beautiful human woman and spends time with the harem guards (who are her own sons) is a whole new kind of /d/.
Is harem posting the new gun posting? Are we on a new bait cycle?
>Of or pertaining to the lap
I learned a thing!
I blame WotC for this. I don't know why, but it's their fault for this.
Hi Touhoufag
>Permanently polymorph into a beautiful woman
>Become part of his harem
>Eventually become his most trusted and precious lover
>Comfort him in his times of need
>Eventually the comfort grows more cold and confrontational
>"You know, you really were in the wrong here"
>"Those peasants may actually have a point"
>"Are you sure your taxy policy isn't a bad idea?"
>"When you put it like that... you're actually a horrible person"
>"You do realize we only pretend to love you because you pay us, right?"
>"Nobody would miss you if you were gone"
What kind of evil are you?
>drive the king to suicide
>somehow think this is going to work out for anyone
>Is harem posting the new gun posting?
That would imply gun posting is over.
It's not.
>look at me i am smart i know how to google words
Easy there Satan
It's OK to use words.
I doubt you're gonna be so smug when he knocks you up
Link me to the doujin, thanks.
>8-MiB image
>of text
What's this from?
>Not sure I understand the prompt, user.
OP wants us to post replies in his thread. The content of the replies is irrelevant.
>Ref +3
>CR 11 encounter