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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
>New Geist preview
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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
>New Geist preview
>New Deviant preview
>General Creation Kit
Reminder that Demon: The Fallen is one of the most elaborate Aristocrats-esque jokes ever put to paper.
Requesting ____ the ____: Player's Guide and Night Horrors: ____ _____.
>Ear drum keeps you in locational space
>Powers that easily fuck with this
>Muscle Fibers doing that first of the north star and what people in epileptic fits do
>Introducing any given chemical to the body that it tries to break down and recycle only to multiply said foreign substance in it's lesser form all the way through the body
>The fucking apendix
>Virbration and sound frequencies that trigger certain reactions in living people
>Scales and bone thickness V Blunt Trauma- or just Bone hard Cartilage
>That one disease that causes skeletons to take over people's bodies and grow in place of muscle
>Anything that lets you fuck with, and or trigger recessive genes in people to multiply
>interfering with the spine in any manner
>Causing someone's tonsils to rupture with infection
>Causing any form of frontal lobe damage or degeneration
>Activating their Pineal Gland and making them DMT high
>Any form of intestinal parasite being present inside of them
>Single injection of a foreign substance that can cause cardiac arrest, or just fucking air
>That one instant suicide breathing technique
>Anything involving the HIV Virus and Bugcatchers as an undead
When you think about it, living adversaries really shouldn't be any kind of issue with these sorts of flaws, against the ilk of those with body function fuckery powers.
On that note, Vampire Gile de rais as a Psychiatrist trying to bring about the second coming of Jea'darc by replicating her given insanity.
Also, dangerous Australian Vampires ex-zookeepers/Steve Erwin/Andre Ulces type vampires.
Want a person sussed out of a building? Fills it with snakes.
Wants a Snack? Eats ticks.
Wants to spy on people? Tarantulas in the walls got him covered.
Wants to find a cryptid? Pretends to be cryptid until enough people come looking, joins a group, waits for shit to go down, gets cryptid.
Also, unleashes Zoo animals on unsuspecting normie populace and watches the chaos unfold.
After bitching and moaning from anons I started writing some stuff up for 2e VtR Elders.
Anyone have any requests for me to add in? Like, is some new merit needed to represent massive influence in mortal spheres, or do Allies suffice?
Not sure what you mean by that.
When are woofs and their imaginary friend going to be added to the OP?
Remember the Satanic Panic? How roleplaying games led people to worship the devil, do his work and corrupt the virtuous by leading them from the one true path, namely of the worship of Christ?
Well, in Demon: The Fallen you play as a demon who rebelled against God and you have to tempt people in un-Christian ways in order to fuel your dark powers with their faith. Some of you even are direct servants of Lucifer and are trying to install him as the ruler of Earth.
There's also Kill Puppies for Satan.
But Lucifer is legitimately a good guy in D:tF
The only sucky demons are the Earthbound, Raveners and half of the Lammasu (Belphigor's followers)
Yep, kill puppies for satan (note capitalization) netted the author a lot of hate mail by people who didn't get the joke.
half of the Faustians*
Now that's just what the Satanists trying to corrupt our innocent youth would claim, isn't it? Clearly there are sinister forces at work here!
name a greater petty asshole more evil than God in oWOD
protip: you cant
Oh we know the truth. Thing is, to outsiders who don't care and have an agenda to push this would be the perfect fuel for their crusade, hitting all the pointers in just the right way. And it came too little too late for them.
And ultimately, at the end of his apocalypse scenario, he fucks up the timing of whatever he's planning. Which is kind of cool. Even if it's only off by a second - who knows what happens next?
"they killed the universe again, oh well"
>smites creation wholly
>remakes the tellurian, put caine in the sandbox for another cycle of torture
the world is literally caine's hell
>Gaia vs God
who wins?
Gaia, because God has to rebuild his toys if he actually fights. That's what the angels were for; to rarefy his power so it could operate on a level the universe could survive.
Yet Reconcilers want to go back to God. Fuck Reconciler fags.
That goes for Celestines too, to certain extent
Gaia loses, but it is God who'd die.
They just want that tasty Faith rating 65
How is it Gaia can't just fuck up the Weaver or the Wyrm in the Deep Umbra? The latter is doing his best to try and kill her, so she has no excuse not to.
God: Hey, hey, hey Caine. Watch this. It'll be funny. I'm going to distort his future sight by a SINGLE SECOND. And.. ta-da! Round infinity+1 for you!
Why does nobody play mummy?
Not the user you wrote it for, but...
The concept of Incarnations is good.
I find that some of what you've got is a little what I feel is outside the realm of vampires (the plant life bending around you?)
oWOD? Because they're filthy tasteless heathen fucks who wouldn't know a good game if it broke into their house and fucked their dog.
nWOD? Being forcefed an entire egyptian transliteration dictionary is a bit intimidating. Not really hard to deal with, once you're used to it, but god, that starter. You feel like you've just started playing EVE online.
Because that's how the writers decided the story should go? We don't know her motivations just like we don't know God's
She's still up there with God in the theoretical power hierarchy regardless
A player wants to play this bitch based character. After I failed to dissuade and convince them to just take Obfuscate and some Vicissitude or Protean variant, I gave up and gave the player KotE books to prepare, and from the looks of it they're more than ever into it.
Had any of you ran VtM/KotE chronicle? What I could use? What should I watch for?
There's more book keeping with a Kuei-Jin, and you'll need to keep an eye out for opportunities to play with their power stat through their dharma path.
Don't let them take the Prayer Eating discipline, because cults are a fucking hassle. Try to steer them away from devil tigers. Done well, they're great fun. Done poorly, and they almost are, they're edgy that guys. They're a bit tougher than your average vampire, sort of, with weirder tricks. But the kuei-jin and vampires generally hate each other, so have a good reason as to why he's involved. Maybe he's an orphan the locals adopted as a sort of scrappy mascot, oh look, isn't the little shit adorable, it's going to suck when we eat his face. Maybe he's an ambassador from one of the quincux courts. Whatever.
Also I'm pretty sure Ming xiao is on the Song of the Bone Shadow path, so that should make your job as ST a bit easier.
Can a mage get a (spirit) claimed familiar? I think there was one cat claimed by a fear spirit in Dave's Soul Cage, but I'm not sure how that applies to 2e...
Thanks. The player's yet to flesh out the background, but from the barebones we've discussed later, they're on the run from Kuei-Jin proper, try with middling success to pass for Cainite, and they've managed to get in the coterie that trusts them, more or less. The rest of the players won't be told that one of them is a Kuei-Jin. I think I'd make use of your ideas, maybe use an orphan as the pity bait that would expose the player or gets them their little minion, and ambassador would be a hunter after their head, or something along these lines.
I would say not. A familiar is a spirit in and of itself, and even embodied it's still a 'spirit' and wouldn't be able to be claimed.
God, because Gaia is Ziana, the Seraph of the Cycle and Autarch of the Sixth House, who remained loyal to Him during the Fall.
If he's 'on the run', point him at one of the heretical dharma. Tempest of the Inward Focus is probably the best bet, if only because someone so devoted to balance and taoist ideals is easier to fit into a group of kindred.
Being able to control plantife is actually canon, it's an Animalism based devotion in 1e and in 2e it's the purview of the Acolytes.
Yes, incidentally that was the Dharma they've picked.
an one-liner saying that Ziana "become the World Tree" and therefore we can assume she's now Gaia has the same intrinsic weight as the passage claiming Ennoia became the spirit of the planet (Earth), therefore we can assume she's now Gaia.
No. No more than Ennoia is Gaia.
Oh, so he's more interested in the Kuei-Jin themselves than Ming Xiao.
The only other thing that pops immediately to mind is that their disciplines are *really* hit and miss. A high ranking one can let them teleport all over town like Frank the fuck bunny. Then there are others that just let you turn your limbs to taffy.
Does anyone have the screenshot where Phil complains about archspheres?
well, she is. Werewolves are her children, after all, together with Gypsies
What book was this from again?
In the oWoD gypsies are actually supernatural monsters? I thought they just had their own magic traditions or something.
Both, as it is consequence of finally playing Bloodlines on my recommendation a month back.
Use of flashy disciplines would be complicated and rather difficult to abuse as coterie would include a paranoid Tremere.
The unquiet dead.
Eh. Not every character has an encyclopedic knowledge of disciplines and vampiric capabilities. He'll probably work it out eventually, the tremere, if he's paranoid enough. They do have some subtle self boosters, so if he's having trouble, maybe recommend playing the character as a martial arts obsessed nong. Feeding in public is 'impolite'. That isn't a shintai, I'm just practicing my martial arts forms. Yes, I do have celerity, no, I'm not a trujah.
Do me a favour and let the thread know how it all works out.
Ennoia is 8000 years old, werewolves have existed for hundreds of thousand of years... and before then we had the great Dragon Kings ruling Earth some 65+ million years ago
They mention that on some level, the angels break time. Like, the moon was sculpted by a woman singing for two days on one level, and over billions of years of cosmic fuckery on another. That sort of thing.
>implying Werewolves are infallible
Yes, they were. There was a reason WoD: Gypsies was seen as one of the most offensive books in a quite offensive gameline
Yes, that was the general idea. Will do.
What? I'm pointing out the disparity of time frames between werewolves and other changing breeds and vampires, the cosmologies don't work together
So what was their deal then? What could they do, what made them so scary?
What book (and page) says the World Tree is specifically Gaia, user?
Why do you assume Werewolves are correct about their interpretation of the cosmology?
You're talking to a different user. That's why I didn't respond to anything about gaia, only the time scale.
they had blood purity, which was basically their power level, and they could curse people via gypsy magic, secret magic that only gypsies could learn. In effect, they were better hedge mages, only tied to a racial quality
Werewolves are constantly pranked by spirits, who tell them outrageous stories and laugh everytime the woofs believe them
Hi, does anyone have the recent Demon and/or Beast books?
because if I'm playing a Werewolf game that's the many Storyteller Handbooks tell me to use; they very explictly state the cosmologies aren't compatible with each other and that you go with the cosmology of what splat you want to evidence
Why did he type that? Why is he implying Nephandi are somehow echelons above what Mages should be interacting with?
This was made in the nineties, did they not realize what they were fucking doing?
Knowing Nepandi on sight would simplify things. Inconveniently so for the storyteller.
it was a different time when doing shit like this was thought to be virtue-signalling by not excluding gypsies from the game. Just look at Mage and its collection of magical minorities and you get the thinking of these people (which has not changed a bit)
Man, they don't have to *know* what it means, but having something to toss into the aura of a low level one would be nice.
Yes, you can come up with it yourself, but you could come up with the entire aura list yourself, and some poor bastard paid for that book.
It didn't ever really pan out that way, though.
Not to mention that DtF demons aren't even particularly antagonistic towards religious people, being to faith what changelings are to creativity.
God. Only because less than one 1 degree of global warming damaged Gaia so badly woofs can barely step sideways.
Eh, I've liked it. But then again I think that all professional offended should shut up, bugger off and let us enjoy our thematics.
gosh magefags are so petty
Where's the $375 REEEEE guy when you need him?
>be user that paid $175 for a book that tells you about all the things you can't do and why you shouldn't do it
>10 pages of information about spheres
>100 pages about feeding your fat nerd friends some authentic Indian Curry because you're going to talk to an Indian for 5 seconds
I still don't have a problem with that. I agree on the quality of goatfucker's writing, though.
Nephandi are already a fuckin joke on all levels, but moreso if a first level sphere effect automatically rats them out. what do you do if you're doing a globe hopping montage game session? DO you hold your friends at gunpoint, tie them up and force appropriately ethnic food down their throats, screaming CHEW, SWALLOW, ENJOY, FEEL THE FLAVOUR? and hold all the conversations yourself because they're too busy trying not to die from the combination of camel intestines and cucumbers that you've been forcefeeding them for the solid hour?
Woofs can barely step sideways cause their butthurt over certain others being better than them.
I mean, okay, stick some weird little bit of fuckery in there. People know orange is 'fear', they don't know that a tiny mote to the left means 'nephandus'. Assuming the nephandus can't hide that easily on their own. If it wasn't meant to have something, then why wouldn't you put 'no signifier' or better, no entry at all? As it is, it just smacks of snarky, self important bullshit and lazy writing. In a book that, again, people paid for.
>You have to make them eat the Father's Thrusting Cock every time you do a game with the M20 system
PCs figure it out -> the most pathetic mage faction, who had literally only one thing going for them, is now kaputz.
Sounds like a new kickstarter tier. "Donate 20k, and every time you play Satyros "Sex Priest" Phil Brucatto will personally come to your house and fuck every one of your players."
>If it wasn't meant to have something, then why wouldn't you put 'no signifier' or better, no entry at all? As it is, it just smacks of snarky, self important bullshit and lazy writing.
>it just smacks of snarky, self important bullshit and lazy writing
You knew who was going to write it. Why are you surprised?
I'll never tire of buttblasted Magefags because of M20
Hm. Ok.
>W20 gets godlike imaginary friends
>C20 gets volcano vacations after a jig
>M20 gets a father's thrusting cock and 700 pages worth of no fun
WoD20 was a failure. Of the lot only C20 was much better than previous iterations.
Yet you'll only see Magefags whining non-stop like little bitches
Hey user, how do you say a lot without saying anything at all?
By quoting from M20.
What about Wraith 20? Does it suck because the first version that went out flat-out had two pages missing?
W20 and V20 was brilliant, what are you talking about?
A few Jews are butthurt they don't get to have their own special entry about how their grandma has every Arcanoi at 5 dots, but that doesn't matter to me.
Let furfags have their imaginary omnipotent friends, it's not like they have any real ones. Mages cockslapped everyone else long enough, let them eat shit for once. Don't buy M20 books, though.
Everyone else was either buffed across the board or got some really nifty powers, so they eat shit and smile about it.
Actually, werewoofs have had that stuff since 2e and probably 1e.
Will we get M5, and will it be good?
They had them forever. And of the monster lot they're most personable and beloved, for that matter. I'm making fun of the whole situation.
How exactly does C20's Volcano Vacation Jig work? From what I can tell Wayfare 5 does not work that way.