What if GW releases a box set contaning a Xenos vs a non Imperium army and what would be the Impfaggots reaction
What if GW releases a box set contaning a Xenos vs a non Imperium army and what would be the Impfaggots reaction
I hope its Tau vs Space Marines....Chaos Space Marines
Delightfully devilish
>Suddenly a box of Tau vs Kroot.
Probably won't happen, but the admech v necrons box is a step towards the direction of that entering the realm of possibility.
>what would be the Impfaggots reaction
Probably pretty minimal. It wouldn't contain models they could use for the armies they play so no reason to be that positive, but I doubt there would be any real anger outside of a few spergs on the general at most.
I hope the kroot become part of a lizardmen faction equivalent
Yes it is
>a delightful Devilfish, Seymour!
Is that the new codex?
If thats the new codex then what is the Starfire Nexus?
Who cares?
>t. impfag
When you say box set do you mean a starter box like Dark Imperium and Assault on Black Reach or just a box like Forgebane and StormClaw?
As an Imperial player I think it would be neat either way. I'd probably us it as a jumping off point for an army if I'm interested in either side.
Does the warp affect their travel
It doesn't seem to be the case with wormholes. That said, the 4th did have warp engines. It changed their attitude towards aliens.
How's the 5th expansion's progress
4th sphere = Warp Drive.
5th Sphere = Wormhole.
No about the expansion of their empire
They have at least three new septs.
I would like to see more Chaos vs Tau.
Do they have any new units or not?
There are no new units in the codex. We will have to wait for new campaigns/army books.
>When you are alone on the other side of the galaxy and suddenly you notice an horrible smell.
If only a certain heretekal tech magos managed to reverse engineered it
Did they have any success and failures when trying to conquer worlds
The fourth sphere of expansion has established an independent Tau empire that hates xenos as they see them as vectors for daemonic possession.
So the 4th sept became the imperium but inspired by Imperial Japan
If only the tau has a xenos ally that could be psykers for them and someone that could deny the witch
But isn't there a tau that was possessed by a daemon of Tzeentch
Did one of their worlds became a daemon world
Khorne, but it only had a limited effect (buffing him up but leaving him with PTSD). Daemons often miss the Tau entirely, seeing them as a Will-o'-the-wisp instead of the huge flame that is an human soul. A Daemon also commented on how difficulty corrupting the Tau due their ironclad adherence to the Greater Good.
No, that's the 4th sphere ending up on the other side of the galaxy in an area where the Death Guard was present. Another bit ended up on Blood Angel's space.
Did the codex mention anything suspicious about the Ethereals?
So GW forced grimdark things in the codex just like what happened to Brettonia
Newfag here
What did they do with Bretonnia ?
Just like the tau, Bretonnia used to be the goody two shoes noblebright faction until they add the peasants being treated like shit part and the male magic users dissapearing after being taken by Lileath
Its from Warhammer Fantasy and not 40k and their equivalent in 40k is the Imperial Knights minus the elf goddess
God, do I hope for another slim, sneaky, difficult to hit flying railgun or missile battery. Giant slooow humanoid robots should be Imperium thing, not ours.
And let us have High-Intensity Networked Markerlights on anything Hammerhead and bigger, it's only reasonable with creep across the board.
Bretonia started out as foppish arrogant Frenchmen with inbred degenerate peasants as troopers; and ended up as inbred degenerate arrogant superstitious Frenchment with inbred degenerate peasants.
Basically the same but with more scars and more mud and more warts
Had they fixed our plasma cannons?
the ree'ing would be unmatched and the sale of SoB body pillows would skyrocket as imps would look to cheer themselves up the only way they know how.
The 40k fanbase......oops i mean the impfaggot fanbase is truly on par with the Steven Universe fandom
Todeskorps and Tundra Wolves are fine by me, but I agree, the rest of them are squealing spoiled faggots.
So, no. We still behind even shitty plasma pistol after gets hot rework. Fuck.
What if all you Faghammer40gay tards stayed in your containment thread?
What thread would interest you?
>hey so people are complaining tau aren't grimdark enough
>also they still have these auxiliary things we can't even pretend to give a shit about
>boy do I have an idea!
And this is the end result of GW making all the lore cater to Impfags
Bretonnian peasants were always treated like crap, it was just more satirical originally
Where did the male magic users go?
But what if I was to buy chaos space marines and pass them off as loyalists? Delightfully devlish Seymour.
Thats not dark angels
Implying that they even trying.
Why are there chaos icons in your astartes, Seymour?
To Lileath's magical realm if they were lucky where they became grail knights and then her daughter's harem. Or as eternal shota servants of the woodelves who probably ate them the moment their balls dropped.
Raped to death by Wood Elf wardancers.
A most enviable fate.
I'd prefer the sisters of the thorn myself
So let me get this straight, the Tau in the 4th Sphere expansion killed all the non-Tau, and now there are no auxiliaries left in all the land they recent conquered in their new expansion?
And to think I was hoping for some actual expansion of the auxiliaries.
Muhfuggen mechas. Whitey gun pay.
Just model cadians with pulse rifles and paint them in sept color.
>> Read the whole thing dumb shit
>> They we’re cutoff from. The main Tau empire for hundreds of years while doing that and ainempire thought they were all dead
>> We have no idea how the 5th is doing as all the leaked lore concerns the 4th
I would buy forgebane to have necrons and mechanicus...... Dark Mechanicus Delightfully devilish Seymour
I would suck a dick to use use lizardmen in my Tau army.
>containment thread
Veeky Forums was literally created to keep 40K stuff off /b/. You might as well complain about too much crypto on Veeky Forums or too much wrestling on /asp/
As an impfag I would love it since I am actually interested in seeing where the Octarius campaign is going.
>new fag
>knowing what Bretonnia is
pick one
It's pretty amazing that GW is releasing a starter kit without Space Marines (Necrons vs Mechanicus). That's one hell of a start
4th Sphere isn't a Warp Drive, at least not in the Star Trek sense... that was straight up entering the Warp without a Geller Field
is that green thing any alien race in particular? this looks like a fun army
Oh, uh, that isn't a chaos icon. It's an octagonal aquila!
Guard player here, why would I care? Most box sets are SPESS MARINE vs CHAOS SPESS MARINE currently, seeing some Xenos love would be pretty cool. I could finally add to that Harlequin army I keep stalling on progress with, or maybe expand my nids.
>where the Octarius campaign is going.
Oh they already resolved it behind the scenes with a pathetic single line footnote, "Orks won, now moving onto more interesting things, modern footwear in the Mordian Subsector"
I came to this thread to savour the salty tang of butthurt Tau player in the morning and was not disappointed. Aaaaah, that's the good dtuff.
Also lol at the retard qqing about "impfags hijacking the lore". It must be be difficult being an npc faction.
But how would new players know who's the good guys and who's the bad guys??!?!!?1?1//1?!?
just stop with the fucking Death Guard already. It's been six months of non-stop them.
You are already in one
A fair point. OP should have said "Space Marine" instead of "Imperium", guard have never been in one of the starter sets.
>tfw no Damocles starter with guard vs tau
You call that an aquila?
gtfo 40kids. your setting is shitty and immature.
I know you are but what am I? ;^)
this is the mind of the 40kid
Honestly i'd be glad. I hope GW stops making SM models and just makes more upgrade packs for Iron Hands and Ravenguard.
What would you put in it? Some fire warriors, stealth suits and a crisis suit against some guardsmen, a command squad and a chimera or some sentinels?