>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
Whats your ideal gish anons?
>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Wild
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
Whats your ideal gish anons?
>Wizards (any variant)
>Bard (any variant)
>Milestones (not using the superior xp system)
>Using Point buy or the Standard array
REMINDER: If you use any of these you are GAY, THAT GUY & should stop playing because your ruining everyone's game.
Now that there. That's an anime OP.
Rather then making new spells to add to the infinite list of spells most abilities should be class abilities that replicate some spells where it's appropriate.
Then again a gish suffers the same sort of issue as any magic caster in that you're making a bunch of seperate classes/archetypes who ae variations on the same chassis.
Getting to the point. Pick a class, give it a balanced nature of physical v. magic ability and avoid making a whole new class for donut steel
So, /5eg/, I've been crafting a magic item, and am currently looking for some benefits to add to it beyond what it currently has. I plan on making a rare and very rare version.
Portable home(humble)(Rare)
This average-sized, finely-crafted, chest opens to reveal an extradimensional portal at the bottom. The chest locks from the outside or inside with a supplied lock.
Upon entering the portal at the bottom of the chest it is revealed that a small home is inside. This small home contains 1 room, having enough space to hold a kitchen, fireplace with cooking pot, a single bed, a small toilet room, a small desk and bookshelf, a 5ft by 5ft by 5ft storage closet, and a slot for one additional crafting table of your choice(Forge, alchemy table, etc.)
Only 1 creature may sleep in the portable home in a 24 hour period.
Portable home(luxury) (Very Rare)
Deactivates into a small statuette like the secret chest spell. The chest will not shrink when it is locked from the inside. It shrinks when the lock is affixed to the outside and the key for the supplied lock is tapped against the chest.
Increases room number to include a full sized bedroom with a larger bed, a crafting area with space for 3 crafting tables, a full sized bathroom with a bathtub and heated water, a full sized study, and the guest count increases to 2 people.
My question is that I want some sort of mechanical bonus for taking a long rest in the chest. Any thoughts /5eg/?
This is going to be a wild 350 posts.
Moon Druid it is then.
Your telling me.
Bladesinger needs a buff to make it better in melee while also keeping its full caster status.
>Whats your ideal gish anons?
Hexblade Bladelock.
Are monks any good? I always hear people shitting on the Ranger but i don't hear shit about the monk
You can make that a lot better imo. I'd say a very rare item could be the equivalent of a 6/7th level spell, such as Mordekainen's Magnificent Mansion, and that spell is a lot better than what you have.
If you don't want to do that you can give something like a d8 Bardic Inspiration after spending a long rest in the Portable home. Something like temporary hit points works too, 2d10 or something.
As a sidenote, I'd specify some technicalities, such as the amount of air (like it does for Bag of Holding), as that's rather significant. Why can only one creature sleep in it? Is there not enough space? What about 2 Small creatures then, or one Large? Is there not enough air?
They're not great in the mid-late game, but unlike the PHB Ranger they have a very clearly defined combat niche with their mobility and stunning strike. Most official adventures only go up to level 11 at most, which is well before the Fighter pulls far ahead, so they're still an entirely usable class.
I made it with the idea of a 1 person home.
The idea came from my Kobold sleeping in a chest that he found.
What character are you playing right now? What is their alignment? Represent them with one song.
I will start - CN bard in a mixed CN/CG party. Entire party is dedicated to fucking systems up and tearing down whatever government, organisation, or hierarchy they encounter from the bottom up. Prone to drug and alcohol abuse and fistfights in taverns and city streets. Reaching lvl 15 so at that point all sorts of cosmic forces of Law are starting to express visible concern.
you're pushing it.
What's pushing it?
Yes, I truly enjoy playing characters that don't have a single stat better than +1.
Since none of you are willing to do it yourselves.
Neutral Glamour Bard. Got picked up by the party together with his roommate to lead them through a jungle we were familiar with. He's a bit of a coward and tries to stay out of trouble, preferring a "I won't hurt you so please don't hurt me" policy. Problem is most of the party members have murder hobo tendencies.
How far do you let your players go in being stupid, do you give them a little nudge now and then?
>Playing Red Hand of Doom
>Second session, they acquire a map detailing the plans of the invasion, with dates and all
>Literally the biggest portion of information is given to them now, the rest of the campaign depends on them knowing this
>No one bothered to study the map
I'm torn whether to give them a small nudge, like a NPC asks if they learned anything, or not. I could just not do anything at all and the chance exists that they'll only find out once it's too late, leading to ultimate defeat and the end of the campaign.
To some extent I don't even dislike that, except for the fact that my next campaign is a homebrew I'm very excited for and it kind of relies on things going well this campaign.
TN Heavy Crossbow Fighter. Shameless Conquistador knock-off, goal is to either get rich enough to buy a title or marry into a noble family, doesn't care what kingdom. Enjoys drinks, gambling and pretending he is of better birth than he is.
Whatever you have planned, let something go just wrong enough that it'll affect them.
I recognize that tuhu
I give them suggestions on their options in case they forget some important things like something they've learned from npcs or items they own. I mean, considering the players have real life to deal with, it's easy for people to forget even important bits of information in-between sessions and as a DM I like to give them the benefit of doubt because It might have been my fault. I might have not made my descriptions clear or didn't emphasize important information.
It helps the story move along and the characters who live the adventure wouldn't just forget an important map but players who play once a week might very well forget things so I don't feel like it's cheating, it's more like negative metagaming where characters have the access to this information but players don't because they forgot.
Thats Nanoha user.
I knew that. I was just giving you shit. I would play a Magical Girl if any of the homebrewed magical girls worked at all instead of being bad warlocks.
Don’t give me that madoka one, madoka a shit
I find this one to be pretty alright.
WotC should just release a Sorcerer or Warlock subclass that has the level 3 feature of activating some special kind of "casting mode" for the characters that buffs their magic and combat.
What's wrong with just being a fey pact warlock?
A couple of weeks ago I posted about a player in my game who got his 5th level druid and our rogue transported to carceri, split from the rest of the party, by being dumb.
They managed to barely get out alive. Problem is they did that by tricking a bunch of dumb Demons into believing the druid is a powerful demonlord and taking them with them (the Demodands with them realized but don't care). Problem is, he now basically got drafted into the Blood War.
Did I mention this is the players' first game and they have no idea where they are or what the blood war is? Also, the druid character is known for trying to taste pretty much any liquid they come across and has in the past ingested several kinds of ooze and other dangerous stuff. Last session ended with them approaching the Styx. Btw, the Druid is the only one able to keep up their ruse.
This is gonna be fun.
>loli in the OP
user this isn't the paizo thread
No this is /5eg/. Can't you read.
Nothing intrinsic, I suppose.
That’s not bad, actually.
I know, you fucking retard
Favorite setting you've played in?
Yeah, I agree with that philosophy. Now that you mention it, the session did come to a rather abrupt close with someone leaving for their gf, so the player that got the map just wrote down "parchment in leather case" and didn't think of it anymore.
>I know
No you don't if your calling this the Paizo thread.
>We're 5 sessions in and still haven't found any leads on the Death Curse or the Soulmonger
>The Chultan natives know nothing
>The Aaracokra in their monastery know nothing
>The ancient and cursed Omuan Queen knows nothing
Seriously, none of them even know that the Soulmonger is a thing that might exist, it seems like the woman who hired us is the only one in the world with any knowledge of it. Our guide keeps pushing us to go visit this oracle, so I assume we'll get something once we talk to them, but I'm having serious doubts about this thing's existence.
Plot twist:
>There is no Soulmonger or Death Curse, and in your employer's insanity, they made everything up.
>In order to prove that they exist, the employer loops around in their fractured mentality and creates a facsimile of a Death Curse and a Soulmonger.
>Nothing in the campaign is planned by a BBEG, it's just local monsters taking shelter from the shit weather in dungeons or the local bandits finding something shiny
>The Guide was their own BBEG all along.
They have no idea how fucked they are.
>isn't the paizo thread
>can't you read you retard
Stop baiting please.
I actually dig it, a cool blend of Warlock and Cleric elements. Though I would change it so that dismissing your radiant weapons is no action, as with the Warlock pact weapons.
Shame none of my friends are weeb enough to let me include that in a game
Action Points
>The Eberron campaign setting introduced this concept to reflect characters who are larger-than-life
heroes destined for great things. Action points allow a player to add a bonus on any d20 roll so that characters can dodge or at least mitigate the effects of bad luck. This rule inspired the “Hero Points” optional rule presented in chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. You start with 5 action points at 1st level. Each time you gain a level, you lose any unspent action points
and gain a new total equal to 5 + half your level.
You can spend an action point whenever you roll a d20 to make an attack roll, an ability check, or a
saving throw. You don’t have to decide until after you make the roll and learn if it succeeded or failed. If you spend an action point, roll a d6 and add it to your d20 result, possibly changing a failure into a success. You can spend only 1 action point per roll. In addition, whenever you fail a death saving throw, you can spend an action point to make it a success.
Anyone tried this for their campaigns?
Are there any good homebrew Sorcerer Origins?
I want to play a Sorc badly but all the established Origins feel so lackluster.
(I can't believe there isn't a Fiend origin either)
Does anyone know they have it? Maybe if it is so important, have the faction that lost it send some powerful assassin's to reclaim it. Say they used locate object or something.
When they have to go all out against some enemies who specifically want that info, they'll probably want to know what the hell is on it.
Who wants to GM a game on Roll20 in 1 hour?
Look into this.
Hey, /5eg/ can you help me with my first homebrew world? I'm thinking about a classical D&D medieval world, but with a 1984esque twist.
The current government (or king) is trying to make sure it can stay in power forever, and for that they want to make sure that they are the only ones that have access to powerful magic.
To do it they are secretly kidnapping/killing any arcane casters above a certain power level, and offering for the general population rewards for any magical creature (basically anything you can't find in the real world) with the excuse that those creatures are not natural, and are actually the creation of a powerfull wizard that used to rule the world centuries ago (a lie that has been repeated so much that most of the population believe in it now)
The PC's would start doing hunting missions for the government and eventually they would be contacted and maybe recruited by a group of rebels.
What do you guys thing? Could it work? What could be added? What should be removed?
What were they thinking?
>perfect class for a Tiefling
>no Infernal option
How do you guys interpret/like to envision the Arcane Trickster? I really like the idea, but I can't help but think of them like failed wizards turned criminals and that's kind of off-putting.
they were likely trying to avoid doubling up sorcerer bloodlines and warlock pacts
Rogues and sneaky people that stole some wizard books and taught themselves how to use magic.
By giving everything interesting to Warlock?
I gave my Arcane Trickster the Entertainer background and fluffed him as a stage magician. His shows utilize a beguiling blend of sleight-of-hand and genuine magic. I even took Expertise in Performance, which I'm sure will give /5eg/'s optimization nerds a hernia. It's just a shame I can't cast conjure woodland beings with this build. Maybe I'll get lucky with magic items.
Okay, but now that we have two different undead warlocks, an archfey bard, two death domains for cleric and a necromancer druid can we please have a devil-blooded sorcerer? I think they stopped caring about "doubling up" after the first splat book.
>I really like the idea, but I can't help but think of them like failed wizards turned criminals and that's kind of off-putting.
think of yourself as a skilled professional who dipped into magic as another set of tools for their job. as opposed to a normal rogue, you might actually come out of an academy intended for training spies or assassins, with the resources to give students a basic primer on magic in addition to other skills. remember that in the fluff becoming a full-fledged wizard can take many, many years and likely involves spending much of that time buried in abstract theory or doing chores for crotchety old men holding out the promise of eventual power. for a person in love with the academic side of magic that's fine, people who regard magic purely as a tool likely have other things to be doing and other skills to hone.
either that or you're a ninja
>bad guys want to ambush party
>party has a paladin that can turn fiends really effectively (DC 18)
>main force of ambush are fiends with +0 to Wisdom saves
>bad guys are aware of all of this
What would you do if you were the bad guys here?
Good 3rd party book for spells to introduce into a campaign?
have the ambush take place in a town, fiends if turned will scatter and will be harder to find. they will be able to cause untold chaos to the townspeople by the time the party catches them all. becomes a moral choice to turn them
>rolling probably the most OP class in the game
Must you? Your power level breaks encounters and you outshine all other PCs.
So if i activate a smite smell and don't hit anything in the duration, do i still burn a spell slot?
It will take place in a town, I hadn't considered that... So if my player decides to use Turn the Unholy, should I outright tell her what will happen and let her make an informed decision or should I let it happen and then tell her the consequences?
Depends if you'll reuse the concept. Having the encounter end because the fiends all got turned and bolted should strike them as odd. If they investigate a little they can find the consequences of their actions. Then the next time you throw a similar ambush at them they should stop to think about what could happen
>smite smell
what do divine smites smell like? i imagine burned rubber
Looks interesting. Im running a magical girl character in an upcomming 5e game. I made a celestial patron warlock, with the pact of the blade. Took the disguise self at will invocation to do the "transformation" aspect.
Post custom house rules that your group uses to good success.
Semi-spoiler I guess, but in Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Childermass is an arcane trickster. He's the wizard's go-fer, and he's done it long enough he's memorized some spells on his own, not just relying on scrolls.
>RAW, you can't use Extra Attack with the Ready action
Should I just ignore that? How do DMs rule this?
It depends on the deity, but I suppose "fire and brimstone" is the cliché answer.
RAW the ready action lets you ready another action, so I'd say the attack still counts as an attack action and as such works with extra attack.
I always liked Jinxed from Fallout games, and have been toying with the idea of some sort of a crit fail aura in DnD. I know 5e nat 1 isn't a crit fail per se, but maybe the aura could actually make automisses actual crit fails (self-damage, trips, losing grip of weapons and all that) and increase the fail range from nat 1 to 1-2 or something. Would this be too powerful if it affected only the enemy and too annoying if it affected everyone?
Having PCs just use dodge action and have the enemy crit fail itself to death is a pretty amusing thought.
Would it be cheap to throw a cursed magical item at the players that a bbeg can scry through undetected?
Honestly it doesn't change that much for anybody but a Fighter, it just depends on how important Readied Actions are to their playstyle and how much waiting you're inevitably willing to put up with because of it.
If you have a cursed item like say a hellhound cloak and you remove the curse on it can you use it normally then with no downsides?
Not ambush.
When something doesn't go our way, we whine constantly until the GM relents.
Nah, you're a professional who dabbled in magic to get something you wanted. It's like Hobgoblin mages: they don't really care about studying the weave or the ways of magic, they just want to know how to blow something up and be done with it.
So what's better
Duelist or a good old 2 handed sword with two handed specialization?
Reminder to report the shitposting lolifag OP like usual.
actually better question
why the fuck does duelist exists as an option for anyone who can get access to heavy weapon specialization?
How is he shitposting?
Finesse weapons?
Anime OP is against 5eg quality standard.
This ban evading asshole's done too fucking much in the past, posting porn links, images, linking to dandwiki and critical role.
Every time the image is some loli shit.
He's been permabanned but he keeps evading, so you just have to keep getting rid of him.
ah, dexfags...
An Aasimar cleric that erroneously believes he's the direct descendant of his patron deity. Sometimes alternating to a delusion that he is the god incarnate. It's a very genuine belief of divinity and natural superiority, with no intentional ill-will. It can give airs of being arrogant and even petty, but he defaults to a charitable and good-natured disposition, since it validates his position and, as he sees it, extends the will of the parent he's representing.
How do you suppose it's the same guy? Many people here love lolis, including me. Posting anime is not against 4chen ruurus.
is the following weapon balanced?
1d8, versatile (1d10), finesse
Shut up Sperglord.
I would probably rule it the same way, but I asked because technically, Extra Attack specifies that it works "when you take the Attack action on your turn".
I'm imagining a situation where an enemy archer uses their movement to retreat to full cover at the end of their turn. The ranged fighter could ready an action to attack when the archer emerges to shoot, but would only ever get one attack by RAW.
This is somewhat unrelated to /5eg/ in specific but on Homebrewery is there an option to get a XGE type background instead of the standard PHB type background? XGE has a lighter coloring that I really liked.
Are you asking as a common weapon, or as a special/magical weapon? It's a straight upgrade from all other finesse weapons AND versatile weapons, so it's unbalanced for a regular martial weapon. But as an uncommon item (eg. a finely crafted elven longsword or something), it's a fine piece of loot for a low-level adventure.
I was making character for a one-shot session I'm planning and this character was going to be an elven, dex-based fighter to be kinda like a counterpart of a str-dual wielding ranger that I already made.
problem is that I neither want to lag behind in terms of damage to the other guy nor have similar combat style, so I kinda imagined him to be like the tolkien elves with those long ass, but stylized swords that move as if they were weightless
Maybe it isn't bad to give him that upgraded weapon, since they start at level 5
>Posting anime is not against 4chen ruurus.
You are correct, but as is proven time and time again the majority of /5eg/ prefers non-anime OPs (mostly because anime OPs almost invariably lead to shitposting threads) and will relocate to another thread even if that thread was made later just to avoid it and stay on topic. If you continue to post anime OPs despite knowing that this will happen just to cause a reaction, you're just attempting to troll, which is against the rules.
Anime itself as a concept is fine as long as you aren't being a faggot about it, like posting unrelated lolis or ecchi, or asking shit like "How do I Magical Girl/[FOTM anime character] in 5E?"
t. An elegan/tg/entlem/a/n
just play a celestial warlock
The "majority of /5eg/" doesn't get to decide what pictures are acceptable as the OP and what aren't. If someone posts a topic for which a thread already exists, they're flooding, and therefore breaking the rules.
Asking "how do I magical girl/[FOTM anime character]" is a legitimate question. People play these games to have fun, and if playing a magical girl/FOTM anime character is the way they want to have fun, you have no right to deny them. If playing a magical girl/FOTM anime character is a problem, it's between the player and the rest of the table. Not you. Derailing the thread because someone is having badwrongfun is trolling and therefore against the rules.
>posters don't get to decide what threads they post in
Ok, keep getting your threads deleted because you apparently don't understand how a forum works.
what are the differences between haflings and gnomes? It gets a bit confusing for me
I mean, just from a physical description I wouldn't be able to tell the difference
A player has asked me if he could run this homebrew class because he always wanted to just be a "kaboom" mage
I have no reason to object because lorewise I can always make some bullshit because its a very whimsical non-serious campaign, but I'm terrible when judging if this stuff is balanced or not
consider that we are only going to play on lv 5 for now