tell me about what atrocities you or your players have done so far doesnt matter if IC or not
Tell me about what atrocities you or your players have done so far doesnt matter if IC or not
I once set my cold drink on a wood table without a coaster.
I once held hands with my girlfriend in plain view of everyone mid-session.
I once came to a game without a pencil.
I once did something I didn't like so that the rest of my group could have fun, then I didn't complain about it.
One of them raped a female NPC. Others didn't find it fun.
Another one, a half-orc barbaric fighter, collected enemies' ears. He also tortured a bandit once, can't recall how the scene ended.
Third one drugged and mind controlled a NPC into his service.
Thinking about it, our games are pretty tame.
I once brought Capri-Suns and orange slices to a game.
We were playing pirates dying of scurvy.
We had a good cleric gnome in our group. He had a Disguise Hat in his possession.
We invaded a tavern looking for a specific evil NPC.There was some resistance but we were well above tenth level in AD&D, so no tavern brawling or anything.
The bad guy wasn't there, but there was this old lady who supposedly know information on his whereabouts.
Long story short, our Neutral Good Mystra Cleric Gnome raped the old lady with his gnome cock.
Since she didn't give in, he used the Disguise Hat's power to shapeshift into a human, with a larger cock than a gnome's.
She gave in when he threatened to transform into an Orc and rape her for the third time.
Burned down an orphanage in call of cthulhu. The screams, my god the screams.
I wasted two months finishing a shitty introductory adventure because I didn't want to kill the game by dropping out.
I covered the roll20 map with my character's token since I can just drag and drop from my journal picture.
Several times.
On 9/11 I put dozens of character tokens in the shape of a plane and the twin towers.
Just to be annoying.
IC, I dunno, I play pretty clean characters. There was one time where I tortured an orc and then showed him a sanity-destroying thingy when he wouldn't break, at which point he lost the will to live and gave me the info I wanted. I think he died from malnutrition after refusing to even eat afterwards.
Picked up the habit of punishing enemy spellcasters by throwing them into the Far Realm.
I've eaten a man's face for betraying us
We've killed two guards who were just doing their job at the sporting goods store while we tried to rob the place
And we've used at least four civilians as human shields
In this one game I DM there's this player who's basically Charlie from it's Always sunny but with magic powers.
Some of said powers include the use of Wild Magic Surges, moreover we use an expanded table that has 10,000 possibilities.
Usually his magic surges causes small things like "nearest enemy has his pockets fill with ice cream" or "caster goes colorblind for 1d4 hours"
But then there are times where it gets genocidal.
One mission the party had to do was deliever food to this keep that was holding a massive celebration where around 3000 people were going to show up. Something to note is that this fort was built over a wide and deep river, making most have to cross it with no other choices. During the party the player cast "Detect Magic" (I allowed him to modify the spell to also detect rats upon choice, which he views himself as an exterminator)
Due to this he had to roll on the Wild Magic Table, the one he ended up rolling was "Nearest river doubles in depth" aka the river they were above
Needless to say the supports under the keep gave way and the party was barely able to make it out, leaving about 2600 to drown.
It's also worth noting that because of this, this player has killed more people single-handedly then any other mortal creature in my world.
Well in one group there were two people who had a good bit of attrocities under their belts. The first one just had a Konga line of attrocities which have had a major impact on the world done for all manner of reasons including betraying and damning entire nations including his own, slavery, dabbled in dark magic, and genocides. The second one was more focused on making profit which was not good for the people who decided to get in his way.
I /accidentally/ spilled a bioweapon off a tower on a garden world
I mean, it wasn't a garden world for long after, but still.
We ended up using a family-owned space station's grocery driver to tank a blow from the superlaser coming in to glass the planet. We got off the planet, nothing on the ship infected with the Bioweapon, but there wasn't anything living on the planet within a month. Good thing we were already slapped on the list of the Alliance's equivalent of the FBI's Most Wanted, because oh boy.
That's hilarious. What was his response?
Accidentally fed dairy to a vegan. twice.
Underrated post
Do you have a link to this table? That's exactly the sort of shit I'd pull with a sorcerer
I was given a ring that could store heat and release said heat on it's owners command, the first thing I did was visit a volcano, the second thing I did was leave a dormant volcano, the third thing I did was drive orcs to extinction.
You know that sort of musty, shitty smell that comes from having numerous sores around your groin and buttocks as a result of sitting on a chair all day baking in your own fluids?
My table smells like that now because of one of my players. I could stick a bunch of Jews in here, take a picture, and it could pass as a Holocaust image. I'm thankful my sense of smell is absolutely shit, but my players eventually had to force the fucker to go and shower before he played just because it was so intolerable to them.
I found dried cum in my shower.
>You know that sort of musty, shitty smell that comes from having numerous sores around your groin and buttocks as a result of sitting on a chair all day baking in your own fluids?
What the fuck? No.
I didn't know that either. I thought it was his armpits until he told me.
doing gods work, user
PC cleric of Talos went around waterboarding surviving enemies as a form of proselytizing.
I'm glad the place I go to has enforced cleanliness guidelines. I would die before walking into a cesspool like that.
It was an accident and I felt terrible though. I was so careful about meat, but then absentmindedly used eggs in a cake and cheese in lasgana. On two separate occasions, since apparently I don't learn gud.
He said they were good though...
The FATAL miscast table also works.
My players hm... one of them started getting REALLY annoyed with one of their NPC followers. He was a shady-looking guy, they knew OOC that he was (had betrayed the previous party), and it was sort of a joke that I'd play him as obviously up to no good, twirling his mustache and laughing suspiciously.
But he didn't really have time to do anything of the sort, since the PC in question went through a pretty taxing sacrifice (part of his soul), to which the NPC made a sarcastic remark. That apparently was the last straw for a character that was pretty mellow before.
The NPC got his tongue cut out. Then later, he tried to sneak and run away since the party was obviously going to kill him sooner or later, but the angry PC ran after him, put two arrows through his throat, and tried to flay his face.
I mean, the follower was a jerk and he'd have betrayed them sooner or later, but damn, PC, you went far.
On the other hands, there were plans to rape a god they knew was sleeping in another dungeon room, because the players wanted demi-god babies.
I'm very thankful I made the god in question an inhuman giant, of ambiguous sex, and with no visible genitalia.
One of my players also loves to bully every other characters, other PCs and NPCs included. She's got an NPC apprentice whom she trains by throwing lightning at her.
player's superhero, galaxy, was tasked with protecting a section of the city. the city had been swallowed by a pocked dimension and the super villains wrestled control of the city and divided it up. the heroes killed one of the villains and took control of the district. the party face, a superhero with the ability to shift into a void form, spoke with a villain controlling a nearby district and agreed to sell the people in his district to the villain in exchange for a VERY nice house in the villains district.
when he planned the move another player went looking for friendly heroes in the city to help them move. she had many hero friends and knew one of her friends and his team had been swallowed by the pocket dimension as well. she found them, and they did not like selling the people to a villain, they agreed to take charge and protect the district so her team could continue to do good in the city.
galaxy receives a radio call from the other player and her exact words are, "i'm sending a viglante to help you protect the people, his name is slayer, he is our friend and will not harm us. dont move the people yet, he says he will protect them."
Galaxy just assumes this means slayer is going to come and murder everyone and he needed to "trail of tears these people" in order to get his house
slayer goes to the hospital first because the villain sent a crew to go ransack it while the heroes migrated the people but he sends one of his team mates to go stop the migration and explain the situation
galaxy whips the crowd into a panic making them move faster and causing several people to lose their lives in the stampede. when the hero arrives on him motor cycle and tries to explain that he doesnt need to sell the people to a super villain galaxy mocks him and tells him these people are his thralls, the hero aims a weapon at the flying galaxy, who is fairly bullet resistant, and galaxy lowers himself into the crowd. his atrocities only continue from there until he eventually kills himself because he cant stop being a little cunt for 5 seconds so the villain he made a deal with breaks him out of prison.
I enabled a woman to discover her latest fetish.
>testicular electrocution
Why do those nurglite players always have to flaunt their affiliation in the most disgusting way possible? You won't ever meet a khornate that wears skulls off his belt, you won't meet a tzeenthite bodmodded into chaos spawn, you won't meet a sllaneshite that sucks someone off every second of his existence, but lo, there comes bloated and rotting sperm whale, eau de merde avec fromage.
>waiting for that fag to post how one of his players severed the spine of female bandit leader again.
Well I suppose there are a couple my Queen character did.
She reworked the properties of the cycle of recreation in her capital city so that anyone who died within it would be reincarnated into a being of pure solar energy that was bound to defend her city forever.
She linked her very essence to those who follow, serve or even live under her banner so that should she die she would instead regenerate over several days back to the picture of perfect health. While a massive portion of the afformentioned people would die in ways VERY STRANGELY CLOSE to the way she died. If she was burned to death, a horrific fire would sweep across one of the cities she ruled, burning thousands. All in all it was a good time.
You've done a good thing
indeed, I think so.
after the party the guys were looking at getting their own neon wands, and the girl had 3 people she could call over for some shocky zappy fun-time.
it was a fun and safe time.
Once I led a peasant revolution. that's not the bad part, bad part came when the peasantry installed my character as the new King and I initiated Stalinist level purges of the nobility, stripping lands and killing those who disagreed. I then distributed the lands to six "Magistrates" and installed the other players as Cabinet officials. while the positions were elected, same as my characters own, we always won the elections.
... Because I rigged them.
I turned a feudal European kingdom into an African dictatorship and regret nothing.
At the very first day of the campaign, after the party formed, the players met a little blind girl, a poor beggar on the street.
They didn't know she was basically the endgame boss and one of the most powerful beign in the campaign.
It was supposed to be kinda an "easter egg", something i would have mentioned months later in the campaign and they would have been OH SHIT NIGGA FOR REAL? ITS THAT FUCKING BEGGAR
"so...I kill the girl and rip and drink her souL"
the player could technically do it because muh edgy homebrew and a lot of stupid skills and shit were in there.
"are..are you sure? why?"
"because I feel like it"
My n.1 rules is to never really say to a player what they can and what they cant. So I allow it.
Obviously he fails, enrage the bitch, the whole party get pwned hard and even tho they manage to escape, half of the city gets obliterated and the blame is put on them, so they became fugitives and ends up looking for mafia help in the nearby town to a faggy elf help who dresses bad and plays other people nerves like violin chords.
It ended up beign my best campaign.
I know it wasnt that bad just to murder a helpless girl but my gaming group was kinda cool
Oh, and there was a time in Vampire the masquerade where one of my char sold the entire party for a copy of Norton Antivirus.
I’m sure his chakra or karma or whatever was fine.
Set off four suitcase nukes in crowded civilian areas to kill like ten people without drawing attention to the hit
I like the way you think
>I initiated Stalinist level purges of the nobility
okay but what was the atrocity?
That they put me in charge in the first place.
Whole kingdom went to shit again fast, turns our running a country is hard.
I was going to post it but I decided not to.
Seriously though is there anywhere to find out the results of a woman's spine being severed by semi-competent surgery? or the effects of a spinal infection and how long they would survive?
>Killed the father of 2 middle-aged men, tore out the eyes of the eldest and cut off the hands of the youngest. Both were then made to draw our cart, then sold to the gladiatorial pits of a blood-hungry city.
>Ate elf flesh and enjoyed it, particularly the ribs
>Casually killed a maid of a longtime noble friend's house we were entering
Once a smalltime villiage labourer, now an unstable, nigh-unkillable shadow of his former self inb4 ow the edge
Went around an orc camp lighting tents on fire, with no idea who was in them. Also simultaneously splitting the party over a 150ft wide camp/fortress. It was the women and children in the camp.
The players all died that session, total party wipe
Different campaign, one shot, we were on a salvage mission raiding this weird metal coral. The players found some other salvagers, a father and son, and couldn't trust they weren't weird alien zombie people or something. One player said out loud let's just kill them, so the father attacked us. (That one player is kinda dumb, his first time playing). We beat the father into submission, and tied them both up. Not wanting to leave any loose ends, we later came back and decided to murder the dad in front of the kid, and then cut the kid's throat. On our way back outside, we found their boat-they were real people. After a successful salvage, we stole thieir boat (it was nicer than ours) and headed back to the docks of the local town. The dockmaster asked where the father and son were (fuck if I could remember the names), and without question or hesitation the dumb player cleaves him in half with an axe.
Now meanwhile my character has this harpoon gun with a rope to shoot out and drag something back to me. Well this little kid sees the whole dockmaster incident, and shrieks and starts running. Now at this point I decide we''re committed to the whole murder hobo schtick, fire off my harpoon at the kid, drag him back impaled and toss him off the dock into the water
>>Casually killed a maid of a longtime noble friend's house we were entering
Besides the obvious edge, i have to say your character is straight up a cunt. There is a difference between killing random schmucks and killing your long time friends employee.
The friend had been absent for more than 2 months in-game, and his son-in-law had temporarily taken over the manor.
Given that the son-in-law had known ties with mimics and hags, a long time enemy and known threat it was less of a "what my character would do" and more a precautionary "anything goes" especially when the mimics had shown they could mimic our own armor/weapons/class abilities/effects.
One of the more memorable instances of this was when the paladin smited one, and then on it's round proceeded to return the favour in kind except with my greatclub.
Still was regrettable though, since resurrection materials cost 10-100x their normal PHB price.
you FUCKING deviant
That sounds like an origin story for a bad guy.
I started out with the goal of playing a hard working immigrant doctor. I was the party's healer, it was alright but started getting boring. After awhile I stopped bothering to heal NPCs I didn't like. Once we almost starved so I cannibalized a deceased elf. Nowadays I eat the rude. I've become unencumbered by restraint and I now play a late mediaeval Hannibal Lecter.
>Impersonated an official, resulting in a crucial port being captured by enemy forces
>Stole a dude's chainsaw that he literally sold his legs to get
>Sold it immediately afterward
>Pretended to heal a Noble's ill daughter for the reward, while this failed before anything could go awry the intent was still there
>Took on a quest to help an old woman find her niece with half-pay up front, proceeded to leave the town
>Murder a Conditionally Immortal thousand year old Warrior King whose legend literally stated he would only rise to defend his Kingdom
>Donned an armor that existed to devour Souls, proceeds to devour most souls that fall in battle.
>Did nothing to prevent a known villain from extorting a young girls business
>Once they were targeted said extortionist, brutally slaughtered it.
>Threatened to positive-energy nuke an innocent Vamprire, while not a sin is still kind of rude.
>Gambled the lives of an NPCs wife and child in an attempt to kill Evil Wizard # 5
>Unstuck a malicious God of Time from his stasis for the reward
>Murdered a Prince and his Crew for their Airship in coldblood, effectively causing Fantasy World War I in the process
>Killed the chosen one of the Goddess of Nature, crippling her and lead to her death (Note: This particular event was done before knowing the creature's true nature)
>Unsealed a godless killing machine from its eternal slumber, proceeded to make friends with it
>Found a small child who was attempting to resurrect the long dead Tarrasque
>Mentally raped her with debuffs until she could not succeed a will-save and was compliant
>Aborted a Tarrasque-fetus with a greatsword
>These events lead to the explosion of a nuclear reactor, erasing the city it was underneath.
>For good measure, it was the city the previously mentioned Old Woman lived
>Through magic, escape to an unknown location, turns out they ended up in the nation of that Prince they killed
>Call their friends to fly the airship in for a pickup, begin slaughtering guards once they get discovered to buy time
>Get branded as Criminals through a message projected over the fucking sky by the leader of said pissed off nation.
>Head to a Super-Prison designed to hold literally the worst creatures known to man, including several immortal wizards and a Demi-Lich
>Using a legal loophole, kill the Warden and get fully pardoned the next day
>Head to Fantasy Las Vegas, proceed to pull off a heist to steal a Macguffin
>Nearly give an old man a Heart Attack after mentioning they Unstuck the aformentioned malicious God of Time
>After several trials, head back to the previously mentioned angry Kingdom (The REALLY angry one)
>Murder the leaders seven strongest warriors on display of the world
>Head in to see the leader
>After several asspulls to try and stop the party, he fails ultimately
>Party decides its time for the final showdown
>Party crafter shows up with a mountain-sized space ship. Turns out he was embezzling funds from an allied Kingdom
>Leave the "BBEG"s right hand man perfectly unharmed since he wasn't bothering them
>In fact, try and do business with him before the final battle, though this does fail
>Get to the head of the Castle, another ruler of a nation if anybody's counting
>Proceed to murder him well and proper, though this shouldn't really be concidered evil
>Finally, in a literal instant Karma hits hard and punishment is delivered on a Divine scale as its revealed they've been played like a damn fiddle the entire Campaign
And that was the first half of the game. This isn't to say they were pieces of shit to everyone the entire time, and in fact were heroic quite a few times. But there wasn't a single player that could admit by the end of it that they weren't being a bit of a dick at times.
You know better than to stop with the words "and that was the first half of the game."
As much as I'd love to continue, the game itself only lasted for a couple more months. Intraparty conflicts involving a girl coupled with one of the players deciding to run a game concurrently lead to the party breaking off into two halves and the game itself dying. Definitely the best game I've ever ran though, even with out a conclusion.
>All that in half of a game
>Death by girl shortly afterward
How much was planned? How much did you lose?
Copy? Or License?
I sacrificed the entire population of a metropolis in exchange for an answer to a question I proposed to an abyssal creature. But I don't do things like that often.
More than I care to admit honestly. Powerscaling was crazy from the beginning due to a combination of munchkinism and my own inexperience as a GM at the time. At level 3 the party was taking down CR 8 encounters and I had no method of dealing with this beyond increasing hitpoints and literally making up abilities, the "final boss" of the first half had something around 3K Hitpoints and they blew through that pretty quick, though to be fair they were Mythic at the time.
With out going to deep into it, the Time God the party let loose figured the easiest way to deal with the party would be sending them back in time to the last era of protagonists, to try and keep the players interested in the new world, I had it be the first campaign I ever attempted running which most of the same players were a part of. Since the players seemed very interested in getting revenge on the deities or becoming some themselves, I had started working on a Divine Rank system to try and prepare for the upcoming shitstorm. Given that everyone seemed to be enjoying roll-playing I had it designed to make Mythic look like a fucking joke, with at least some interesting abilities here and there, that was probably the biggest loss.
Beyond that, I had some plans for the players to take the Crafters rivals spaceship to the Moon to fight the God of Invention, a showdown with that Right-Hand wizard spanning a Solar System, and getting a few irredeemable NPCs redeemed since the party wanted to turn over a new leaf at the start of Part 2.
Probably the biggest plan I had was buying everyone plane tickets so we could have the final session in person, with some gifts related to each of their characters, I had a five-step boss ready for the God that was pulling the strings and I wanted to make sure it was enjoyable for everyone.
Burned an entire library full of ancient magical texts just because they couldn't be bothered to steal all of them.
Playing a vampire campaign and my party turned the stone is an orphanage to flesh.
In an alternate universe, "galaxy" is the right hand of the villain he made a deal with.
I hurt someone's feelings once
Had one character torture an assassin monk, and attempt to surgically remove her limbs to seel her as a fuck-nugget.
A party member murdered a shopkeeper because he couldn't afford a pimp coat and hat, he then proceeded to convince the shopkeeper's retarded nephew that it was his fault, and that he had gotten angry and lost control and hit his uncle too hard.
Accidentally skinned an important NPC alive, and eventually fed him to a shark or something to get him to stop screaming.
Gave an orphan a case of flail chest inside a church in front of praying villagers.
arrested a ship's quartermaster for a really old bounty AFTER we had gotten to our destination and made landfall.
one dude jumped out of a building wearing baby armour.
how does one accidentally skin someone alive
we thought he was dead He was just unconscious.
Was he fat?
Sold an entire planet into slavery. Character regretted it so much he was turning full Captain Harlock but the adventure ended there before we could explore that.
Execurting 12 defenceless surrendered mercenaries.
While I think it is legally perfectly fine to shoot surrendered mercs, they will surely enjoy having a reputation of psycho killers.
One of my players have fought a blacksmith and the group collectively enslaved a bandit by fearing him to death and bringing him back to life via Shocking Hands
>sneak into Nazi town dressed as generic soilders
>also have a jap who for some reason the germans thinks is an ambassador
>some rich lady brings us a malmurished child and tells us to 'deal' with the kid who stole from her
>agree and plan on letting the kid go once we were far enough away
>Jap draws his sword to make it seem like that's what we are going do it
>head to an alleyway
>kid is literally scared into unconciousness
>leave him there
>kid dies from the cold and his generally poor health
>spirit of child now haunts the samurai who doesn't give a shit and it tries to kill him for half the campaign.
>>spirit of child now haunts the samurai who doesn't give a shit and it tries to kill him for half the campaign.
Once when the group were all sleeping over at the GM's place so we could play over two days I ended up making out with the girl player in the group all night instead of sleeping
That player was also the GM's girlfriend, he was sleeping in the next room over
One also accidently blew up the moon
They also skinned an orc so they could wear its skin and try to trick them
The fuck
well, you and her are shitty. but seriously, what the fuck?
How the hell do you even make out with someone ALL NIGHT
one day you'll get a girlfriend and find out
It happens man
but is cunt
Shit I dunno guys, we were sleeping on mattresses on the floor I was next to her and I accidentally touched her hand, one thing led to another and before I knew we were snogging.
We were 16, I'd never kissed anyone and I'd been sweet on her for a while. She was cute, what was I supposed to do? I'm only a man.
I'm not proud of it and I'm not saying it wasn't a massively shitty thing to do, but it is what it is and it's definitely the worst atrocity I've committed connected to tabletop RPGs
I dunno, realistically we probably only did it for 4-5 hours, when we started it was the dead of night and we only stopped because the sun was starting to rise and we were worried someone might see us.
What happened next?
We got up and played D&D, acted like nothing had happened, if either of the guys who were in the same room that night heard or saw something they never told anyone.
Probably for the best.
Did you two ever bring it up with each other?
We never talked about it, not once, but then we never really had a plausible excuse to meet that didn't involve her boyfriend and I could never get myself to just invite her over..
Probably avoided a teenage disaster there, user. Pursual would likely have lost one, if not both to you.
Closest thing I did was create a not!shoggoth out of mushrooms and release it on a small town. Or maybe it was releasing demons, using demonic rites to try and fix my problems which included, but were not limited to, the demons, summoning more demons through the rites by accident/on purpose, having more demon problems, using more demonic rites and continuing this cycle until I ascended to godhood by total chance, thus absolving me of all consequence and responsibility. Deck of Many Things can solve every problem, apparently . It really depends on how much value you place on human life vs one's soul/worldy suffering.
>Probably avoided a teenage disaster there, user. Pursual would likely have lost one, if not both to you.
Oh I know it
Worst I had was a player insisting on using two 6 dice and subtract 2 to the result instead of using the fucking 10 dice I game him.
So I changed the rule a little so that the 5 was a critical fail, and 0 a critical success. That dumbass accepted.
>I changed the rule a little so that the 5 was a critical fail, and 0 a critical success. That dumbass accepted.
But doesn't that make the die worse since he can't ever roll a five? What?
Where did you find this guy?
one of my players character got brainwashed, as a GM, I was planning on getting his character healed in a session or two with not much trouble, but he got interested in the concept of a brainwashed character so I let him be brainwashed some more.
He killed the DMPC which the character was best friends with. massacred an entire group of innocent people in cold blood, and is now planning on destroying the PC's headquarters, where their families and close friends live (That means they'd get destroyed too)
Of course he could roll a 5: he could have a result between 0 (1 on each dice) and 10 (6 on each dice). So basically, 5 was the most probable result.
And I found that guy in scientific studies... Seriously.
Since that event, I changed the way I put randomness in my games, not letting any player decide.
Someone party killed a puppy once.
It was owned by a little girl.
The reason was that his character 'disliked puppies'.
It sucked since I had planned for a small quest-line of the daughter being from an affluent family, and her parents would be grateful and trust the party with protecting her at a party.
The worst atrocity here is you giving the thread an anime picture
Oh. I thought you meant he accepted on the condition that 5 on the d10 was a crit success, so he'd have a range of 1-4, 6-10 with 5 just being a failure. Now that you explain it a bit more it makes more sense and...
I can't believe he did that. Wow.
And I still can't believe he didn't realised how I was fucking with his results...
What was the question?