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Is there something wrong with this?

Black people are verboten.

Attached: yuri.png (720x960, 333K)

>We must censor certain creative freedoms and aesthetics because some of it might have connections to real life things certain people would not agree on.
Welp, I guess star wars and 40k is going to the garbage again

Is this Malifaux? I haven't checked it out at all but I really like her look.

Star wars is garbage though, but because of Rey.

>You may not like something if something bad has ever happened at one point
Wow I guess its time for me to hate 80% of all my favorite things

Not really. Seeing non-whites and women portrayed in a positive light just hurts the feelings of racists and sexists

They react by trying to denigrate those portrayals by claiming they're disingenuous since they contradict deeply-held ideas of racial, cultural, and sexual superiority of white men (and the implied inferiority of other sorts of people). That's the basic idea of the "we wuz kangz" meme; to brand any positive portrayal of dark-skinned humans as the delusional, ahistorical fever-dreams of inferior groups and their sympathizers.

I find it funny that the quackery at the root of the original "Kangz" meme (Yakub and all that) is basically little more than a palette swap of several white racist quackeries of a hundred years ago, wherein there was an Atlantis-style mythical golden age that was ruined by the invention of black people.
Some of those nutjob theories still have adherents floating around, too, but the internet barely cares about them.

It's The Other Side, which happens Earthside in teh universe of Malifaux.
It runs kind of counter to the small-scale point of Malifaux, and also has a few other 40K-like problems (guns bigger than big men wielded by small women as an example, and Knights/mini-titans).
It does still use the deck of cards mechanic, card suits to trigger special abilities, and variable objectives like Malifaux, though there are of course many differences in the core engine.
As a Malifaux player the game doesn't appeal at all, but there are a few nice models in the line.
Also it has black people, which unfortunately brings a lot of the retards out of the woodwork and often derails threads.

Attached: Abyssinia Crow Runner crew.jpg (639x749, 180K)

Which is stupid since Malifaux had black people since day 1.

It's 10 years too late

Is The Other Side compatible with Malifaux á la Warmachine and Hordes?

So the models aren't compatible with Malifaux despite being from the same setting? I'm not really familiar but that seems kind of lame.

>brings a lot of the retards out of the woodwork
I'm surprised that there's this kind reaction from people. I mean, I know a fair chunk of Veeky Forums users are pretty racist, it comes with the territory, but I wouldn't expect them to just be outright triggered by the existence of people who aren't white.

Amusingly enough I'm pretty sure Abyssinia have by far the best line of minis in the set.
Most of the Burning Man Cult look like budget GW chaos, with a bit of generic steampunk nailed on.
The King's army mostly look like generic steampunk with a bit of generic steampunk nailed on.
The Notyranids look like Tyranids with some extra sea shit nailed on.

Attached: Abyssinia.jpg (1640x914, 178K)

That looks really nice, a blend between aftican and european without descending into Oooga Booga

No. It's a completely different system like asking if blood bowl is compatible with fantasy

I like the seamonsters because legit aquatic seamonsters mini are surprisingly rare

>Is The Other Side compatible with Malifaux á la Warmachine and Hordes?
>So the models aren't compatible with Malifaux despite being from the same setting? I'm not really familiar but that seems kind of lame.

Co-rrect, it is pretty lame.
At the same time, Malifaux doesn't need four factions-worth of bloat hard-injected into the game.

Depending on who has bought into it at the FLGS, I might pick up a few infantry models to use as Malifaux models - stuff like the Crow Runners posted above might make an interesting twist on Von Schill's Freikorp mercenary list (armoured PMC-style boys).

There's actually an ongoing Malifaux thread () for once on Veeky Forums as well, so it's a pleasant surprise to see both games posted about here given how rarely either crops up.

Attached: Chaptain Goodfellow.jpg (1000x1000, 65K)

>I like the seamonsters because legit aquatic seamonsters mini are surprisingly rare
That's fair enough, but there seems to be some pretty nice aquatic seamonsters alongside a shitload of lazy "let's make a sea thing look scary" and a few "surely no-one will mind if we also release Tyranids" models.
I just don't really like the faction aesthetic as a whole, though there are a few good models.

To be fair though, that applies to all the factions.

Attached: The Warped - TOS.jpg (750x750, 606K)

Well said. I'll mail you a Nintendo Switch later.

So funny how no one said anything racist in this thread but the hyper sensitive care men jumped out of their pram anyway and started typing wall texts about how whites do kangz too and blah blah. Stuff no one was talking about. Literally attacking phantom alt righters Who arnt there because of nothing. Really shows how they don’t see blacks as anything other than a surface to project their warm feels stories on and gain virtue points off of.





Who and what are you talking about?

Could you not post your /v/ tier muh black people shit here senpai?



What I REALLY don't get is the We Wuz Kangz image is from Age of Empires: the African Kingdoms expansion, i.e. it is a literal African king. Like surely you would post a Yakub-tier image for the meme?

I love this character.

Attached: 21EFF6A2-260D-4B68-8358-97BF3C85781B.jpg (480x521, 64K)

Come the fuck on nigger. You know as well as I do this was an attempt to push the strong black womyn shit people have been ranting about since E3 this year into Veeky Forums.

Case in fucking point, you whiny cunt

Hold on, I'm pretty sure I met her at the supermarket earlier today!

Its nothing more than a half-hearted attempt by corporations to get liberals buy their stuff, nothing to get your knickers in a twist

Attached: stop it with the boogeymen, guys.png (740x578, 33K)

>attempt to push into Veeky Forums
Wait. You're serious?

Is that a reference or something?

Erm, you really don’t understand how representation works. How do you think it feels to be one of the large afro’ed strong women of colour who play tabletop wargames and don’t see themselves represented IN THEIR OWN GAMES?

I'm irritated because there's nothing wrong with the unit in the OP and none of the people complaining will even be playing Wyrd Games (which, if you'll remember, is the same company that told that one woman ranting about how she was chased out of a game store as a teen by the people inside chanting "OLD ENOUGH TO BREED, OLD ENOUGH TO BLEED" to STFU).

Yet we still have to have threads like this where people pretend to be offended or outraged by it or that it's some part of a vast socjus conspiracy designed to oppress them (which is totally not born of their own feelings of inadequacy, oh no).

Or this shit where we pretend like because most players are one demographic the game should only represent that demographic, which is especially fucking retarded and braindead when you consider we have games like Helldorado where you're playing demons or Infinity where you're playing African and Eastern European war criminals consigned to a floating space prison alongside GM catgirl medics.

There has been a serious uptick in /pol/ memes and threads on Veeky Forums since Jeremy Hamblin was kicked out of MtG.

>there's nothing wrong with the unit in the OP
See Pretty much as anons like have pointed out, people like you are complaining about people complaining who haven't even shown up yet. And even then, you're completely misrepresenting what the "outrage" is all about with your bullshit strawman arguments.

Let me spell it out for you champ. Nobody here is upset over representation of a people they aren't a part of. What people DON'T like is when you take the most generic and overdone idea imaginable (i.e. the "strong afro womyn") and have your developers waste time with this clearly pandering bullshit when they could instead be actually putting effort into their project. If you're going to be a hack who's trying to get brownie points with a group that's very unlikely to start playing your game just because you threw them a bone, then why not actually put some effort into it so that EVERYONE can enjoy what you're doing?

Meant to link to as the example.

The jabbering run on sentences in this really won me over. I need more cringe racial caricatures in my games now.

What was that wakandan space marine chapter that forge world did or did I
dream that? It was lion themed I think.

In what way is this "clearly pandering bullshit"? It's a black woman character. Wyrd Games have had black characters for a long time. They're definitely not trying to get brownie points for being SJW, because they told an avid SJW gamer to fuck off directly when she went on a big whine about it.

The characters fits in fine with the game aesthetic, and will probably be like any other unit in the game. When the thread starts off with SHEEEEIT then I'm not complaining about people who haven't shown up yet, I'm complaining about the fucking retard who was triggered by this in the first place. Besides which, how in the fuck do you know what developer time goes to from a game company whose game you do not even play? Why would you NOT enjoy the game, if you enjoyed it, from this one character?

Because it's a woman with an afro and a gun? Nigger, Cleopatra Jones came out in 1973.

Shit senpai, thank you. I feel bad now because you being a complete fucking retard hasn't won me over at all.

Yeah, but yakub isn't S M U G

That's the best part about kangzposting. The sheer smugness of that image.

This. You guys aren't fooling anyone with your innocent routine. We can scroll up to the top and see OP referencing the /pol/ memes right fucking there, fagits.

Okay I think its time for us all to stop and agree, that Burning Man is worst faction

Yes, of course. That doesn't even need to be discussed.

It was called Blaxploitation for a reason.

The problem is that said 'representation' is exploitative pandering.

As was shown in , can we see a different fucking archetype already?

If you can’t tell why this stereotype character that appears in everything now is cringe then you’re autistic.

If you get this mad about someone lampooning that phenomenon by typing SHEEEEIT you should neck yourself desu.

They do have a cool looking titan though, honestly he looks better than any other titan out there

Representation, diversity, pandering, wherever it comes from, can't we all agree that more cute poofy haired black girls in fiction is a plus for everyone?

Attached: elf-ester-conceicao.jpg (1920x2444, 867K)

What happens if you try fucking the hair?

Having a Cleopatra Jones type of character is no different to having a Sylvester Stallone or Jean Claude van Damme type of character. It's not like this is what every single one of Wyrd Games' black characters is like, so there's no issue of exploitation or stereotypical representation.

You would already have seen different archetypes if you were actually playing any of these fucking games.

I mean, I agree in theory.


I would ask nicely first and proceed depending on her answer.

Do you ever see the “archetype” as you put it, of an obnoxious violent low IQ black who fucks everything up and no one wants to be around, or are they only your autistic hero/heroine genius strong cartoon characters.

I always thought it was a filtered thing. It's not like there's a legion of Foxy Cleopatras running around. Everyone failed, only the competent one survived

Applesponge it's time to stop posting

You've never seen an obnoxious black thug in a work of fiction? Or do you just want them to only be that?

"obnoxious violent low IQ black" definitely sounds like some /pol/ posting, but if you mean are there Wyrd Games black characters with negative traits then yeah, there absolutely are. Marcus is a man who's abandoned civilization to the violence of nature, and Ironsides is a union enforcer who gets a thrill out of beating people up and doesn't care too much about how she's being manipulated herself.

Ah, I see I hit the target with that one.

The reason you are getting so butthurt is because these characters arnt put in to benefit blacks, they don’t give a shit. They are put in to help people like you, who can’t deal with what they really think about blacks, cope. That’s why youre getting wound up.

>these characters arnt put in to benefit blacks
...No, why would they be? Not everything is part of your fantasy "SJW" brigade. Characters can just be characters for the sake of being fun.

Nah, I like Burning Man. How could you hate a faction with a SpecOps grandma?


Marcus ——> black scientist meme

Ironsides —-> literal couldn’t be more contrived muh strong black woman heroine who was the daughter of slaves and is le epic hand to hand maestro beating up the enemy, so noble.

Doubly so when she's literally part of the African faction (She's a dual faction model). It's almost like African characters are part of the African faction or something.

>variations on stock characters
>this is fine

>variations on stock characters... who are brown

Not totally related but because one of our local players hates ten thunders (he says its just "the asian faction" with no depth, despite everyone pointing out they are the organized crime faction and half their shit isn't asian) so we call him the racist against asians guy. We've been making this joke a long time, but a few weeks ago we all realized its actually true when he accused someone of cheating for taking Kirai outside of ten thunders.

Marcus is in no way a scientist. He's a mystic through and through.

Look fag, if you want to experience validation for violent blacks existing that much, go to Harlem with I hate niggers sign like Bruce Willis did in Diehard 3. I'm sure it will do all of us a favor

There's a meme where black professors go "Fuck this, animals rule!", then run off into the woods to turn themselves into chimeric animal monsters?

This, also alternate history scenarios, such as Wakanda and this new Wyrd IP are useful because they show what Africa would be like now if Europeans had never arrived there.

He was a scientist. He just went feral once crossing the breach. His anatomical knowledge is why he's teaming with ressers now

Baxter Stockman???

Attached: 1517832204152.jpg (640x480, 46K)

Well, maybe not 'be like' (Somehow I doubt they'd have flying invisible sonic cannon armed craft) but extrapolations of how cultures could develop in different situations are always fun.

>Once a professor behind the safe walls of libraries and laboratories, Marcus’s studies often brought him out into the wilds. Studying the flora and fauna of Malifaux with a scientific eye...

His origin story is literally that he’s a scientist studying nature

I don't know, but I want it to be.

Now you've done it.

Along with magic rocks.

Why do you doubt that? Their civilisation was far in advance of our own before we arrived there.

Nigger, this is weak bait.

>user who denies he and his thread are racist is revealed to actually be racist
wow who could have predicted this outcome

Wasn't the version where he was black the degrading cyborg version, not The Fly one?

He was black in the Mirage Comics version (Robot), 2003 cartoon (Robot), Same as it Never Was (Robot. Sorta). Yeah, Blackbaxter tends to go robot.

Erm no, do you not think constant violence and rape that they were forced into committing by colonisation stopped them becoming what they were destined to be? If not more advanced you must admit Africa was more peaceful/ more socially oriented than Europe was.

>racists and sexists
How the fuck did you manage to misspell realist twice?

I don't really see the problem. I've always told SJWs to stop bitching about there not being represented in every single piece of media and just create their own shit.

I'll say it: Mafia III, although it was underwhelming in my ways, was still better than Mafia II in every single way. Bitchin cars, bitchin soundtrack, a fuckton of cool guns and some of the best reloading animations I've seen in a game. The stupidity of the police also meant tons of rampage and trolling opportunities which were not available in GTAV. I've sunk 16 hours into the game, none of which were doing story missions, all of which were spent creating huge body piles, reenacting the Kent State Massacre, feeding rednecks to alligators, and burning down segregated restaurants. It's actually a pretty fun game.

Same thing

Ah, okay. Never really got into TMNT outside of the games as a kid, and watched some of the 2003(?) version when it came out.

tbf Veeky Forums never shuts up about /pol/. Despite /pol/ not giving a single fuck about what happens here.

Senpai it's just tiresome. Everyone knows you're being disingenuous, it's not funny, we don't have to go through this.

this thread brings me so much joy

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What’s disingenuous about it? Just don’t reply if you don’t agree.

Are you stupid? The joke is it’s shopped onto a European king.

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Because no African was ever enslaved before Europeans arrived!

Attached: brainlet.png (621x702, 56K)

I sort of understand the racists who are afraid of big black men, but how could anyone hate black girls?

Attached: big_hair.jpg (770x770, 103K)

>actually falling for it

Black men don’t even like black women.

Good, we can all trade.

I for one, am happy that the end of Ms. Neon McHalfShave is coming to am end.

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