Does anyone else here ever feel like a loser for playing miniature wargames? I try to tell myself that "don't care about what normies think" stuff, but at the end of the day, when I look around at the guys I'm playing with at my local club, and then myself, I can't help but feel like I'm a massive disappointment to myself, my parents, and my ancestors.
Does anyone else here ever feel like a loser for playing miniature wargames...
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I was taught to play wargames by a Colonel in the British Army who was working on a PhD in History so no.
Damn right you should be ashamed.
Warhammer is not a miniature wargame.
I did then I grew out of being a teenager
I am part of a Warhammer AoS group that meets in a dedicated gaming room in the basement of a banking executive. Almost everyone in the group is married or in a long term relationship. Half of the group have kids. Most of us have full time jobs that have nothing to do with retail or food service.
You being a loser and playing tabletop games have nothing to do with one another. Get your shit together and play your games without caring what people think.
Yeah but you know damn well that's not what most of us are. Your average mini-wargamer wears Tapout shirts and fedoras and smells like he hasn't showered in a week. They're just 20-30 year old children. At least at my club they are.
trips of retardation
As long as it's not the only thing you do with your time it should be ok. Hobby should be a hobby. Unless of course you are going to do the models yourself and sell them. Then you can make it your work.
Childhood is doing something in fear/because of fear of what others think of us.
adulthood is realisation, that life is too short to care.
Also you know what one of my teachers told me when I told her about that hobby? That there's nothing to be ashamed of. It makes you more interesting. She had no idea about what is it all about other than painting mini soldiers, but she didn't laugh off her ass at all. Most people have something they're interested in, what others rarely do and understand. It enhances you as interesting person. Believe me or not there are people who have 0 hobbies. You're far better than them.
If any normie attacks you over that, explain to him/her, gently, but firmly, that it is none of his business, and he should spend time pusruing his own goals, rather than waste it on laughing at you.
Get a better club. No one's like that at mine.
>Hobby should be a hobby
This. Who cares? Hobbies are meant to be things you do for fun, and if fun involves playing miniature wargames then so what?
Also stop comparing yourself to other people in your hobby, because that's stupid. You don't enjoy the hobby to show other people what/who you are, you do it because you enjoy it. And sure, there may be a lot of border-if-not-full-on autistic people playing miniature wargames, but so what? You shouldn't let the way they are stop you from enjoying something, because you do get them in every hobby - fine, it might be more noticable or prevelant in hobbies like this, but again, so what?
>parents and ancestors
Again so what? Your parents should be happy you have a hobby, and if they don't approve, fuck 'em. As for your ancestors, guess what? They're dead! So who cares?
Enjoy whatever you want user, it's your god damn life (so long as it isn't illegal, don't go doing that).
>m-my teacher told me that I'm n-not weird
>i-if a normie laughs at you, say "s-shut up!"
Sounds like the problem is the people you spend time with rather than what you are doing, find another circle and do the same thing.
I own a bar and I can assure you most of the people that would judge someone for playing a wargame have far worse stuff to be ashamed of about themselves. Well adjusted people just don't care, especially nowadays that this stuff is much more known to the "outsiders".
so a massive nerd who probably writes to his MP weekly, knows every member of his local council by name despite contributing nothing to local government but complaints which begin "in the Army...", is growing an impressive mustache that his wife hates because his wife hates it and he hasn't worked out how to kill her and make it look like an accident yet, and has several hard drives full of Susanna Reid videos and upskirts he took of meaty teens at the university
on top of which he can't heat up beans without risk of death, thinks shitting in a hole is jolly, and is profoundly deaf in his right ear with 40% hearing in his left
in other words a disabled, middle-aged or elderly man who hangs around with younger nerds playing fantasy games because his reality is terrible
no he's right
there's no pocket edition
teach them the riddle of steel
>Narn themed tau
Oh shit that works well
Warhammer 40k isn't for losers, but you are most certainly a faggot if you play Tau
Lemme guess, you vote Labour, right?
Who fucking cares mate keep playing and have fun, fuck normies.
Or a close friend of the family, a successful author and historian with several published books on the Napoleonic war who has a successful and storied career in the Armed Forces, traveling, advising and fighting over the world, isn't particularly interested in politics, cooks very well, happily married and has had children (now in their 20s) who runs marathons on top of his other interests.
Where did all that nonsense you were stating come from?
t. Hero is a crusty old Commie.
Not that guy, but what the fuck? Project much?
>what the fuck? Project much?
I think you're on the wrong website m8
I'm a lawyer and I know a lot of lawyers who played 40k until they ran out of time to do so. As much as people hate lawyers, they're usually pretty well-adjusted and social people who wouldn't fit within the definition of "loser." However, there is something to be said regarding the "used to" I mentioned above - really successful people don't have time to paint and play 40k or similar games, generally speaking. But, so what? Most people aren't on the level of a your typical fortune 500 CEO, investment banker, etc. and so that hardly demonstrates that the average player is a loser. The average person on the street is a loser, too, by that measurement - which would sort of defeat the purpose of the term "loser".
If this post doesn't make sense it's because I'm really fucking hungover, tl;dr see this
>You being a loser and playing tabletop games have nothing to do with one another.
>smells like he hasn't showered in a week
That's easy to fix - shower and do the laundry.
>really successful people don't have time to paint and play 40k or similar games
This. I have been a part of my AoS group since right after the first General's Handbook came out. No one in my group has a fully painted army because we have time to either play the game or paint and we would rather play that game.
do you actually know anybody who's been in the forces or are you just thick as shit
ps half of them vote labour too
you're basically repeating what he said, with a different focus
>Tfw too busy/poor for warhammer
D-did i do it? Am i sucessful now?
I went the other way, I became a successful, well-adjusted person without enough time to do both and so prioritized my painting. It's something my friends and I gather to do still, just sit, paint, and shoot the shit. It's pretty good.
Op. What u are feeling is a beta status compounded due to hobby being beta tier and having fucking lmfao people to play with. U need to do other shit to make urself feel more alpha to substitute the beta associations the hobby has.
Ur ancestors wont be dissappointed if ur also doing cool shit.
welcome to Veeky Forums
we're all losers here.
>I base my perception of myself entirely on how I assume others perceive me!
>AND I think this is emotionally healthy!
It doesn't matter if you're a "loser" or "weirdo" or not, as long as you're a good person, not hurting others, and are happy with your own life, you've won. If you spend your entire life trying to be "successful" you'll almost certainly not end up being happy. You have to know when you're in a comfortable place.
This isn't to disregard self-improvement, but shit if you're not going on mass murders or joining cults you're automatically better than many.
Says you. Maybe it depends in where you are at, but I am in the Midwest and everyone is pretty mature, clean, and generally nice about things over here. I am sure that the historical crowd would be even jollier. If only I was a history buff.
The people I regularly play with are a guy studying archeology at the university and actually goes on digs, a guy studying some environmental science shit, a pharmaceut, a guy who I have no idea what actually does, and an Afghanistan vet who is now a dad. 4/6 of us have been in the military.
Sounds more like a local problem.
From my experience it varies like mad. The wargaming club in my university is nothing but neckbeards and autists, but the scene at my LGS is pretty based, and all my friends who wargame are pretty well-adjusted.
Get a job, take a shower, lose the fedora and get an ivy cap. Ivy caps are cool.
I'm ex navy, dean's list at school, great job prospects with Lockheed, steady girlfriend, ride around on a shitty 80s rice bike and get trashed with outlaw bikers. Bounce at a punk bar, shoot guns, smoke grass and plays 30k/necromunda/xwing at the flgs weekly with an epic entrance straight outta pro wrestling. My flgs serves beer and we get loud and rowdy, throw dice at another, wrestle around, etc. I don't know what a normie is, because I don't go to /pol/ and insult myself.
My local club are all adults with jobs, lives, etc. If you feel like an outcast cuz "muh bullies at skool call me nerd" then you can either A: get a shrink and cry, or B: grow a pair.
Cool fanfic. You can lie to the internet but you can't lie to yourself, buddy.
>The wargaming club in my university is nothing but neckbeards and autists
That's because only the neckbeards and autists let their hobbies define their lives. Think about how sad fat slobs that do nothing but watch and talk about sports are. Same thing.
I lied to your mother when I said I'd call her back.
Wash your crotch, I can smell your beta from here.
>dude, YOUR MOM! xDDD LOL xD
You have to be 18 to post here.
So are you actually encouraging beta behavior? You want to lay in the filth or depression because socializing frightens you that bad you'd keep yourself comfortable sadness rather than risk human contact?
Throw more memes around, debase yourself further. Prove my point. The world is waiting for you to come out of your cave, they might toss a friendly jibe at you to encourage you to adopt personal hygene habits, but eventually you might even discover what a vagina feels like.
HG Wells played.
If you want to feel serious, check out Napoleonics, Flames of War, or any 6mm game. Or don't worry about it. Souping up your car or truck, taking photos of birds, knitting... they can all be mocked. They can all be enjoyed.
Just try to achieve something outside your hobby.
>projecting this hard
It doesn't matter though.
My wife does all sorts of needlework, crochet, embroidery, knitting, you name it and she does it. She loves it, our house is covered in her projects and they look fantastic. One day she stopped, look at .e, and asked something like "don't you feel like you're married to an old lady?" She's 23.
So I'm going to tell you the same thing I told her OP: no. You enjoy what you enjoy, and there isn't some horde of "normies" laughing at your back and your loved ones might not get it but they don't seriously think less of you. A hobby is healthy, it's important to spend time on tangible things you can enjoy, it's why my wife hangs up everything and why I wear all the things she makes for us, she's proud to see those things and it makes her happy to just see them.
It's not really so simple as "just ignore the haterz yo" but the truth is what they think doesn't matter. My Dad and a few friends didn't get Warhammer or PNP's, so I invited them over for some beers and a game night, D&D, simple. A few, including dear old dad, had a blast, the other few at least started to understand. I did the same thing with my wife and Warhammer, she didn't have a blast but she can at least see why I do.
Point here is, I don't think many people are judging you as hard as you're judging yourself, they just can't relate to your personal experience, and if they can't that's ok because you enjoy it and you deserve to enjoy it.
Hope that made sense/helped.
Only when I've been drinking, son.
Calm down dude.
You're fine, op.
I think we can archive the thread now.
If you are proud of yourself overall, you won't have such thoughts.
I work in a field that lets me help people and I risk myself a lot to make other people's lives safer. I'm really happy with my job and find that it makes me feel useful.
So, when I play with my little army men, I feel like it's time off and just a fun free time thing until I go back to doing actually "good" stuff. So I don't worry about being silly, since of course my little army men hobby is silly, but it's just my free time until I do fulfilling and worthwhile work,
So my advice is to first do something that makes you proud and feel fulfilled, then your free time can have whatever traits you want and you'll fell great. Volunteer with old people or dogs or kids or whatever you feel is a worthy use of time to make yourself feel useful, and I bet you feel better.
>Does anyone else here ever feel like a loser for playing miniature wargames?
No I used to think that people that played miniature games were losers, now I'm playing them, and most of the people I meet are normal boring dudes with kids and wives. The DnD groups that play near us are pretty weird.
I think miniature games are right in the right range where they are weird and niche, so outersiders play them, but have a bar of entry due to painting the models so the really really awful losers don't play them because it would require any amount of effort on their end.
Since I was a kid I've always been into "nerd stuff", I played vidya, read lots of fantasy books, played 40k, excetera.
But I always kept quiet about it, you know, that kind of social stigma that those kind of hobbies bring with them always made me try my best to act as much normie as I could with people that didn't share those kinds of interests.
It almost seems that nowadays "being nerd is cool", but I don't buy it. I still keep my Veeky Forums interest for myself and the few friends that have them in common.
The rare times I actually tell somebody that I was into tabletop rpg/miniature wargames they usually are surprised by it.
This is what keeps me from getting into it in the first place. I know people who are exceptions - one friend owns a successful software company and has a whole room dedicated to tabletop gaming in his house, with custom wall cabinets all around for minis and so on - but none of them live close enough to make regular games practical, and I've checked out the local gaming stores etc. and they're all overrun with the kinds of people I want nothing to do with.
A friend of mine has a 3D printer and I know how to build scenery stuff (dad was a model railroader and I helped him build his layout as a kid), so we've been thinking of sidestepping the whole issue and making our own shit and just getting people we already know and like into it.
Never a bad idea. I think a lot of people would like the idea of PNP RPG's and wargaming if it was introduced to them in a way they can connect with. I got s friend interested by connecting our game with the idea of GoT, which he's a fan of. We expanded out from there and he's really gotten into it.
I dont cry out to the skies my love for nerd shit but if anyone asks what Im into I dont lie or feel bad about it. Fuck it, Im me and these are the things that I like.
It also helps looking like a normy and having a kid.
My friend who got me into it is a Air Force officer in Japan, just got back from visiting him. Another friend is a pharmacist.
For the record, I'm a 2L in law school.
I have had my shit stolen at a club by a fucking greasemonkey sporting a mullet. So yea I judge quality of people hard.
Is it true Warhammer is insanely popular with infantry?
the environment i play in is mostly older dudes with good jobs and disposable income, and when you're a normal person who doesn't act like a huge dweeb, normies usually find the mini stuff cool.
they don't know about ink washes and thinning yer paints, so when they see tiny dudes with clean paint jobs they think you're way better at painting than you probably are
I didn't really meet anyone affiliated with infantry sections, it was Yokota Air Base, which as far as I'm aware is nothing but Air Force Support wings, MP, and like a platoon of marines.
But there was a 40k club on base. Like 30 people in it when I popped by.
Alex Fennel got the $5000 sportsmanship award from a millionaire watching the stream live on Twitch. Millionaire founder of some video game. I myself am not a loser but I worry about some of the people I play with, who appear to spend more on models than their teeth -- and they need spend some money fixing their teeth.
Not really. I at least feel cooler than the faggots playing make-believe elves at least Wargaming is semi-competitive
Your post is pointless garbage, but at least you had a neat picture.
You're projecting a fantasy you've read about online pertaining to cliches that existed nearly twenty years ago and weren't even true then.
I play to have fun, and to engage in a pleasant hobby and pasttime.
I mean, I don't know if that's necessarily true.
Like if noone else but you can even remember your life, or have purposely repressed those memories due to second hand embarrassment, did your life ever actually occur? Can you even prove it did?
>Live in post-communist country
>Tabletop-related hobbies were really pricy until recently and had a language barrier
>Instead of fat monsters with visible ass cracks most older people in hobby are mid-forties affluent guys with management jobs
Of course I don't talk about my hobby to people at parties, but most of friend's I played with turned on the socialy successful side of life and most of them still play from time to time. I think the miniature wargaming turned out to be more problematic than RPG's - it's not just few strange books stashed along with hundreds concerning my occupation, but fucking Dwarfs and X-Wings. Real autism evidence. Still, I think that being overall accepted and successful compensates for fucking french napoleonic division stashed in my cabinet.
Nah, but only because the only people I play with are my girlfriend and my buddy who also has a girlfriend. We all have steady careers except his girlfriend who majored in theater dance
Shiet, I remember when playing computer games was "nerd thing". Tabletop is not as popular (and will never be) but concept of "adult people playing games" is nowhere as ridiculous as it was. Boardgames went mainstream. Rest, well, got kinda accepted.
>my ancestors
End yourself.
Provided my general playgroup is made up of several college grads with real degrees, not liberal studies or sports management cop out degrees, no. I don't.
That said the local shops I go to have their share of human waste, a decent chunk of them are functional human beings
It's alright. Sure, you'll die having not accomplished much, but so will probably every single person you know on a personal basis. You only get one life, I can't fathom why you'd waste it on trying to appease the social sensibilities of people who don't care.
Fuck man, you do you
I'm an engineer for Lamborghini and we still keep lego around for when we're too lazy to mock up something in cad
t. mentally fragile leftbook badmin
>Live in Asia.
>Used to live in Michigan and work for Bells.
>Go from literally drinking a pint of Bell's everyday after work with friends/co-workers. To basically having to make do with Tsingtao, Cass, and Asahi.
>Only real stouts here is fucking Guiness.
Seeing those coasters fucking hurts.
>Or a close friend of the family, a successful >author and historian with several published ?>books on the Napoleonic war who has a >successful and storied career in the Armed >Forces, traveling, advising and fighting over >the world, isn't particularly interested in >politics, cooks very well, happily married and >has had children (now in their 20s) who runs >marathons on top of his other interests.
>Where did all that nonsense you were stating .come from?
So retired Biggles basically?
>Does anyone else here ever feel like a loser >for playing miniature wargames? I try to tell >myself that "don't care about what normies >think" stuff, but at the end of the day, when I >look around at the guys I'm playing with at my >local club, and then myself, I can't help but >feel like I'm a massive disappointment to >myself, my parents, and my ancestors.
Sometimes I do, but if it makes YOU happy do it.
>self-loating Americans: the thread
Man your society really fucks people up, doesn't it. No wonder these kids in High School get really angry and depressed and end up hurting people, or locking themselves in basements to post on /pol/ forevermore.
There nothing wrong with a little self hatred, it keeps you honest. That said, base it on your own opinions, not other people's