What are your thoughts on this man?
What are your thoughts on this man?
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low testosterone
Should I know who he is?
The how does he have a beard like that?
He gets paid to DM RPGs for itmejp
I think that he's a good DM for his particular style and group and he puts a lot of thought into it. I do think it's still YMMV and his preferences and ways of doing things won't work for every group.
He obviously looks extremely gay but actually is IIRC.
low estrogen too. same way women get mustaches when they go through menopause. He's an all round hormone deficient gremlin
Good dm, goofy hair, 110% Canadian.
This dude is the very definition of soy boy holy shit
wtf i thought is was misterMV at first
His face does legitimately look like a baby’s with hair glued on.
Nothing against him personally, but I hate the way he GMs. He likes to prop himself up as this great, big creative individual, but his campaigns and adventures are ultimately stale and trope-ridden. Plus, his style as a GM is just so painfully convoluted and mediocre, never mind the fact he tries to run fairly open-minded games, and yet his ego and his own ideas often override the players' choices, leading him to be a railroading piece of shit that pretends he's not.
Anyone that thinks he's even a half-way decent GM has never seen or played with an actually talented one before.
I don't recall it being in the original beastiary, which page?
He seems like the type of person to be in a one-sided open relationship
We have this thread every week.
i miss steven
soy boy leaf
He is a queer "Relationship Anarchist" which means that he does not believe in any form of monogamous relationships, and actively discourages traditional unions such as marriages. Memes aside, literally a queer, pink-haired, anti-family cuckold activist. I honestly think he is the main reason why the views on Rollplay stagnated over time, he is a caricature and a much worse DM than Steven who left the crew.
a good gm and a find game designer. I enjoy some of his youtube stuff.
He still streams with Maggie and the girl from the very first Rollplay show JP streamed. Not sure what and when, but I think its on his twitter.
Yeah. Neal was awesome until he started hating the players even though he taught them everything. Steven was absolutely awesome and JP fucked himself when he kicked him.
Yeah. He was pretty humble for a GM, and while not the most creative person, there was a subtlety to his ideas that made his games enjoyable all the same.
What happened with JP and Steven?
Jp didn't kick him, though? He said on his stream that he had work pressure and couldn't keep up.
this and so much.
thats good to hear, don't know how i missed that. is it still that awkard steven with geiger influences
He makes a lot of guys furious with envy. I think he seem like an ok dude. Likely to be better company than the majority of the posters in this thread.
I remember Steven being really down because the videogames he was developing were not going great and his bosses were stifling his creativity. He would sit for 2-4 hours and stream making detailed plans for every West Marches area, looking up weird ideas and integrating them to make the locations feel truly alive. He was aying that this is his favourite thing in the world and is really glad he gets to be creative and create his own thing without anyone telling him what to do.
This turned out being a lie, Steven said on twitter he would have stayed but JP insisted he left or something along those lines. JP later confirmed that and said he will not talk what everything was about because its private business.
Getting defensive only prove the point of the post. Work on thickening your skin newbie.
I can't sit through any of his the stuff he DMs but I'm not sure if it's his fault or the players.
>is it still that awkard steven with geiger influences
I haven't watched any of it. I just mentioned him in a conversation and Maggie mentioned they were still playing together.
I don't know what that is
Pretty much the first guy who started making bank from streaming DnD. You can blame the "normies invading the hobby" phenomenon on him.
I think he is a pretty goog GM and while I don't mind that he's gay, I wish he was less of a faggot.
can't blame jp for wanting to make money, don't we all but damn sometimes it gets the best of him.
im still annoyed he killed the best show he had over some stupid shit like that.
I think he's bi and in a relationship with a woman actually.
>can't blame jp for wanting to make money
Yeah you fucking can.
I think his hair says everything I need to know about him.
look at . He is anti-relationships as a whole, at least official relationships. He calls people he is sexually involved with "partners" and does not believe in any sort of exclusivity or the "right" to feel jealous. He is queer (guess that means bisexual/pansexual) but not gay.
And it's not like he has any redeeming characteristics beyond being first, boring and edgy at every opportunity.
in this case he was wrong, retarded and greedy
>can't blame jp for wanting to make money
I am not against him making money, but he has always been a shithead who treats the community terribly. He rarely if ever listens to input, shits on people at every opportunity, kicks people and cancels entire shows on a whim, etc.
His claim that he canceled the west marches because "He didnt want two shows with the same ruleset" (which is the second version of the story behind the cancellation, the first one being that Steven didnt have time)is complete BS, too. Not only was The West Marches first, Court of Swords started off really poorly and slogged through for 20 episodes or so.
It was clear he had something against Steven himself with the constant shitty remarks he was making towards him towards the end of their stay together, constantly being antagonistic towards him not just IC but also OOC.. I have stopped watching him since it just feels like he is an actually shitty person and I do not want to give him any support whatsoever.
yeah i can get behind this, he isent the most lovable person ever... and he shits on his viewers and it doesn't feel like banter either.
He's the sort of fucker that makes you want to buy some microphones and prove you could do way better.
He's always come across as a really shitty person to me too. Most streamers do though, it's not something you really get into unless you've got a healthy narcissistic streak.
He has fostered a community of yes-men, wich a chat that is barely active during his normal gameplay streams. And even then he barely looks at it, other than finding someone to shit on
I don't know, I don't mind streamers having confidence, it would be rough interacting with thousands of people in a live environment if you arent confident in yourself. But some of them can take the banter and dish some back, while JP can't take any and shits on people rather than joking about it. There is a difference there.
I hope the new show Jesse Cox is going to DM is going to be alright. People have him for a cuck loser, but to be fair at least when people shittalk him he sometimes pops in threads, even on /pol/, to personally engage with them and tell them they are retarded. So he has more balls than TB and JP can ever foster.
>jesse cox
it'd be fun to double team his girl and finish on both their faces, otherwise not too much
The way he fucking cucked the ending of Swan Song made me angry. He actually cut to black before the most important and final decision of the entire campaign was going to be made. 'Everyone will have their own interpretation, LOL!" What a fucking hack.
I like Office Hours but any of his APs are pretty awful, both because of him and his players.
Also Dungeon World is shit.
he's buddies with BlueJay and she makes happy..I have a cyber crush.
The moment I see one of his roll20 Presents campaigns and the cast members are trans abominations, obvious men with they/them pronouns, and blue-colored catladies I know its not targeted towards me.
>broad shoulders
>weirdly died hair
>square jaw
Are you sure this is a "she" ?
i only watched them in the beginning but i remember that he was always THAT GUY during gameplay, like doing things detrimental to the party ex: destroying a macguffin for the lulz
I think they're more than "buddies" mate.
His current Burning Wheel game isn't too bad. I stopped watching it, but that's because BlueJay's character is a mega cunt with no redeeming qualities
Some women have those features, user.
But then there are people who believe Michelle Obama is a tranny, so you do you I guess.
also, the only campaign i enjoyed was the star wars ones
I don't know who he is but I already don't like him just based on his appearance. Everyone I've ever known with that haircut has been an insufferable douchebag.
but...but....he's a faggot....wtf
goddamn it, homosexes stealing our cute goff gamer chicks
'Queer' tends to mean bi or gay.
Don;t worry he is in an open relationship with her so she hasn't stolen her from anyone.
High presence of androgen hormone actually decreases hair growth, because it all but murders the hair follicles.
It's why men get bald spots and the treatment for baldness are mostly anti-androgens.
Yeah, ironically West Marches brought out the best in Adam, whose Dr Grigori managed to make an evil selfish party work, and be one of the most effective groups that ran. I honestly prefer Adam as a player over GM
Wait what's wrong with Jesse Cox?
I've only engaged with his stuff through watching like 2 episodes of The Co-Optional podcast, but he seems pretty cool.
He is an alright guy. Hung out with him once and he bought drinks for everyone present. Really friendly and down-to-earth. Any shit he gets is from his association with TB who has trouble interacting with people online without sperging out.
She looks more like a man than he does.
e-celeb shit is cancerous. It makes even board-tan shit look good.
I want to buy him a Nintendo Switch.
And they invariably end up misgendering their own NPCs, which just goes to show how fucking forced it is.
"He... uh, I mean THEY... um... attack."
"She's... THEY look somewhat wounded"
It's like dude... you already see them IN YOUR OWN HEAD as being male or female. This genderfsggot bullshit was clearly an afterthought designed to pander to leftist faggot normies.
>cant even remember the pronouns of the character you made up in your head
>expect it to be made a social norm for everyone to remember everybody else's chosen pronouns
I think they mean well and want everyone to be free to choose who they are and be happy, but they are trying to do it by forcing language that did not arise naturally from the need for it but is dictated top-down. This is not how things work.
Pretty much loathe him.
>tries to pretend he's a big creator by being one of the two writers for some "ironic" class text for a straight up Apocalypse World-ripoff and D&D-ripoff while stealing heavily from the OSR fags "how to play" pdfs. Literally nothing of value whatsoever. (there are even better ripoffs doing the same kind of trash like Torchbearer)
>doing the whole youtube GM garbage schtick is bad enough but he's actually a shit GM to boot (even compared to the other guy who used to be on the same channel)
>his team are a bunch of washed up SC2 commentators looking for the next thing to make money off
Nevermind the fact that he's a humongous prick who fulfills several Portland hipster checkboxes. (pretends to be a hick and liking hick things because "irony is funny amirite" while really despising them, promotes "open relationship" cuckolding and basically co-opts fag politics but isn't actually a real homosexual, pretends to be an artsy creator type but is really a creatively bankrupt tvtropes machine in everything he does, froths at the mouth over politics any time he's not acting out his fake-ass "stream" personality, this is just from shit I remember him doing years ago)
TLDR: The guy's a cunt by any measure of the word.
I agree with some of his game philosophies, especially that games should be mechanically rigorous and have a reward structure that advances play. I don't care for his politics.
>his philosophies
>literally just the standard view of anyone who isn't a narrativistfaggot and his ripoff game doesn't even live up to it
Basically nothing. If you really want to dig up the past, he apparently had a habit of making an ass out of himself in his pre-youtube days.
My god, I haven't heard that name since I was a fucking teenager.
All of this. May the AIDs progress quickly.
>I think he's bi and in a relationship with a woman actually.
She probably fuck him with a dildo
I have no thoughts on him whatsoever. Thinking of men is gay.
You are all absolute messes. Sort it out.
What's wrong with that?
He's alright. Sure he kinda seems like a soyboi but I thought his 50 minute monologue on B/X D&D was pretty good. Don't like Dungeon World. Didn't like him in the roundtable he had with colville, mercer, and merls.
I have a hard time respecting a grown man who looks like that.
>I think that he's a good DM for his particular style and group and he puts a lot of thought into it. I do think it's still YMMV and his preferences and ways of doing things won't work for every group.
This. Tries to add the progressive card with hammer like subtly in his games (Which is Not Bad! its the hammer approach that drops you out of the moment at times), but he's rather entertaining to watch/listen. Again, that doesn't make him the best-GM-Evar, it just means he's entertaining.
I still miss steve lumpkin, the two made an awesome combo when either were GMing or playing.
He is a good DM
He is also a soyboi cuck with awful political views
He isn't enough man to be fucked be another man.
above avg dm
has revealed himself to be a shitty human being through various outlets. has nothing to do with whatever his personal relationships or politics are. just lacking in perspective and empathy for other people.
on another note itmejp pretty much defines the boring variety streamer who has nothing of interest to say, critique, and no particular tastes of their own. a blight honestly.
I like how mad he makes people I probably dislike.
>Beards have somehow become feminine
This is truly the worst of all possible timelines.
It's okay, it's pretty much only internet nerds who say that shit.
Infodump TL:DR
Adam Koebel is an unironic cuckhold, calls himself "Queer" despite fucking a crazy blue-haired girl called "Bluejay". He has an ego, shit-tier DM, he is uncreative and runs awful campaigns, and gets paid for it.
oh he also has ewok lips.
>calls himself "Queer" despite fucking a crazy blue-haired girl called "Bluejay"
That explains it, she probably identifies as genderqueer or some shit, which by their weird system makes him bisexual.
Having more people like him in the hobby will drive away the neckbeard nazis. Objectively good for the community
move over
West Marches with it's rotating cast was legit good most of the time. Court of Swords just dragged on and got tedious. Very sorry to see Stephen go, he ran a good campaign.
For an example of a really good gamemaster, listen to Dennis Detwiller in Delta Green "And the Darkness spoke"
The only person in his little group of fags who knows how to roleplay is the tranny. Him and everyone else always describes what they're doing like they're watching someone else do it. It sucks.
who this