The Middle Ages

The time when people forgot how to deal with poop

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Blame the catholics

Not really. Crowded cities were more of a thing of the following more urbanized eras.

If they had designated specific shitting streets like civilized folk they wouldn't had any problems

Is this your chosen replacement for the guns in fantasy threads? We just had a thread on this.

Here, read this.

Attached: Jorgensen-Medieval-sense-of-smell.pdf (PDF, 3.55M)

Having enough open space to safely ignore the issue isn't the same as knowing how to deal with it, user

Is there a purpose behind this thread besides spouting shitty badum-tish meme history?

This is your brain on Rick and Morty.

>mfw my elementary school teacher taught us that medieval people shat in bedpans and just threw it out of their windows when they were done
>mfw I believed it
>mfw they teach children medieval man didn't know not to shit where they eat
>mfw this implies everyone was constantly diseased and infected with parasites, but survived somehow
Public school sure is great! I love how children are forced to spend so much of their early lives with underqualified civil servants!

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Medieval cities hat negative population growth due to disease and poor sanitation. Ideas which were common in the classical world such as Sewers were lost in western Europe after the fall of Rome in 476 and would not be common or as well developed until after 1600.

Attached: Roman Sewer.jpg (1600x1064, 549K)

I get that, but there's a huge gap between "medieval man forgot how to build sewers" and "they threw shit right out of their windows".

Did anyone in this thread claim that is was the case?

>mfw my elementary school teacher taught us that medieval people shat in bedpans and just threw it out of their windows when they were done

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>>mfw my elementary school teacher taught us that medieval people shat in bedpans and just threw it out of their windows when they were done
Ditto. On the other hand, I'm Eastern Euro and spend my early childhood in rural regions, where you'd shit in a hole in the ground when weather was tolerable and in a bucket when weather was harsh.

Plus this. Say hello to Liberal brainwashing in public school. In this thread, how they vilify religion because the Left doesn't like moral authority higher than their own.

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He's not entirely wrong, you know. Since at least the Russian Revolution, and probably earlier, the political left has always seen religion as a rival to the absolute, totalitarian authority of the state. The whole "opiate of the masses" thesis. You can see the "counterthesis" to this in Civitas Dei, where St. Augustine tells us that earth will always be shit because humanity is flawed, and the only perfect city is one governed by God. Marx wants to destroy the City of God, so he can turn the City of Man into paradise. It's the greatest form of hubris, and naturally only preceeds disaster.

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>when they try to btfo an argument with reaction pics but get btfo'd themselves without realizing it.

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Good job finding yourself

No no, he means "blame the heretics who broke from the eastern church" obviously.

Obviously protestants weren't magically better at plumbing than catholics, But the orthodox had plumbing and didn't reject it as too "earthly".

What is this? 2007?

I wish

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>All ideas which go against our narrative of history is inevitably the product of Marxism and thus evil!
Typical Far-Right idiocy.

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you just describe every third world country, you moron. And this is /tg go to the fucking /his

Yeah. Third world countries are less sophisticated and have less laws on disposing waste than medieval cities.

>Excrement in the Middle Ages: sacred filth and Chaucer’s fecopoetics

If theres any fact of those ages about information it is that information was really, really quick to just disappear. A clockwork computer was already being mass produced and one bad storm apparently killed any mention of it even though it was highly sought after.

And I mean the medieval people did find it again and managed to solve a lot of it(but they ended up thinking they were essentially gods).

It's actually fascinating stuff.

1. Literally NOTHING in that picture contradicts what I say, namely that it has been an active policy of the Left to destroy religion in both the public and private spheres as to eliminate competition to the totalitarian power of the state.

2. Unlike the Far Left, every single one of the men you quotemined was a proponent of freedom of religion. Yes, even Paine. None of them sought to actively limit its practice.

3. What are those quotes even supposed to mean in the context of my point? Hell, James Madison and John Adams (pic related) downright agree with me. I do indeed believe in the separation of church in state, but the Left sure doesn't. Where Islamists believe the church should dictate the state, the (far) Left believes that the state should dictate -if not exterminate- the church.

You're actually undermining yourself here. You claim I'm "far right" and propose counterarguments I agree with, undermining the idea that I"m far right. Then again, if you think a moderate opinion like mine is "far right" that says a lot about where you stand. The Overton window is a thing. Either that, or you're an idiot who thinks that St. Augustine's "City of God" is something that can exist on earth.

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>Unlike the Far Left
Devils advocate here, they're not actually against freedom of religeon. They're against the freedom of "groups with power/privelage" which is more like saying "We want a new coat of paint the old one is boring." if you take their sayings.

>the Left sure doesn't. Where Islamists believe the church should dictate
Again, just to be fair: The far left is not islamists, they simply beleive its kitsch. The actual Islamic state and many of the korans writings are hard right.

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Gosh, /pol/, thank you so much for coming! We’re always so glad to have you here and don’t at all want you to fuck off back to your containment board.

This is untrue. I'm sitting here looking at my "Far Left 2018 Agenda" and I don't see anything you've described on it anywhere.

Wait, nevermind, I found it. Carry on.

>Marx wants to destroy the City of God, so he can turn the City of Man into paradise
>dude trying to make paradise on earth is a bad thing just conform to my slave mentality that tells you its fine to be oppressed irl because it'll be fine in the end (but only after you fucking die lmao)
BIG think


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Fuck off applesponge

There were active laws against it in london so some people must have done it once or twice

The point he was going for seems to be that the destruction of the city of God for the sake of earthly paradise isn't a new Marxist idea. They inherited much of it from important men during the french revolution. And those radical men did influence the founding fathers, especially the deists among them. I think that was the point of the picture.

If you were to get technical it's basically as old as the devil. Nothing's new under the sun user.

And they don't view themselves that way of course so you won't get anywhere with them shitting up the place.

Pride is a bad thing: it involves overestimating your own ability, such as believing your utopian concept is the inevitable next stage of history, which as you may guess can lead to disastrous consequences when it turns out you aren't capable of all you set out to do, consequences like the totalitarianism that characterized the twentieth century.

they got if from the french apparently, parisians in particular.

Also it wasn't at all that they didn't understand sanitation, its that they (very broadly speaking) lacked the expertise to make adequate sewers when held in comparison to previous eras of roman city planning.

Except pride in your faith and belonging to the ONE TRUE RELIGION, that pride is just a sign that the universe is exactly how you think it is.

what that isn't true? My teacher taught me that too. I'm in Sweden if it matters.

Not an argument

Then get going fag lord

Did they teach you that between mandatory makeout settings with other dudes and how to better protect Muslim rape gangs? Sweden is a liberal piss stain and you should be ashamed you live there.

It's funny how the US has one of the most medicated populations in the world and yet you somehow didn't get your crazy person pills today.

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I'm in the Netherlands and I got taught the same.
I think we've stumbled upon a conspiracy here, mates.

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Americas problems with the Medieval Era and the whole "Catholic Dark Ages" Myth has way more to do with Evangelical Protestants then the modern left. The Curriculum for Western Civ in America hasn't changed in any meaningful way for at least 30 years.

same in serbia tbqhwyfam

Same in the UK, even though it's utterly debunked in the most casual reading of the historiography on medieval towns.