What's everyone least favourite player character race and why?
Pic related, every edgy teen plays a half elf with dead parents and who broods all the time
What's everyone least favourite player character race and why?
Pic related, every edgy teen plays a half elf with dead parents and who broods all the time
Dragons should not be PCs.
Kender. Because they are midget gypsies.
Kenku. Motherfuckers have no purpose and shouldn't be one of the few race choices.
Players who play kenku either ignore that they don't make new sentences and ideas and shit or get reeeeeeeeally old.
>every edgy teen plays a half elf with dead parents and who broods all the time
When did you grow up, 1965
or around people who watched critical role and loved vax
Green-haired lesbian tranny orcs.
they seem fun for a oneshot but I can't imagine playing more than one or maybe two games as one
Dwarfs/Gnomes. Every negative Muslim/Jew stereotype in one nasty bundle.
It could be worse. He could've been a full elf.
To play, any of the small races. 5ft movement penalty is annoying in a system where they literally made it so each race only has bonuses and no minuses to base stats.
But conceptually probably Tabaxi. Literally only exists to bait furries.
In the PHB though half-orc. At least a tiefling can be seductive and exotic, some smelly half orc rape baby should be killed on sight in any civilised city
What's worse about full elves?
yeah I don't quite get half-orcs in most settings. I can see half works working in a setting closer to like, the elder scrolls where orcs are just another race who live mostly peacefully with the others, but in a setting where they're the generic goons, half-orcs don't strike me as something you'd ever want to actually play.
>What's everyone least favourite player character race and why?
Humans. Nearly every player I have met who makes a human PC is either some "humanity fuck yeah XD" spouting dipshit, or the most boring individual in the room, and isn't actually all that interested in the game.
I mean, conceptually humans are fine, the game needs a baseline. But the people I've played with have poisoned them against me, and I'm of the belief that if humans weren't an option I would meet a lot less annoying or useless players.
Being elf. Ass in grass, nose in the sky holier than thou cunt. Centuries old, yes still barely matches those that had few years at most to train. Edgier than a half-elf.
In all my years, I have only seen one kind of gnome.
Always chaotic evil, always a wizard, always lolrandumb. Maybe I'll meet someone who doesn't play gnomes that way, but I've never met a gnome PC who was good for party dynamics.
>>Centuries old, yes still barely matches those that had few years at most to train
>Adult elf
>Not a murderfucker that should only be playable on high level campaigns
It's not their fault people play them wrong
Dwarf. I never see interesting ones, everyone that plays one around me plays the same character with the elf hate and the booze and the gruffness. Not that they're the only race that tends to be homogenized but they're the only ones whose player base will complain about other people doing the same
Does it still count as terrible if a half-elf never knew his parents and was instead raised by an order of druids to be a slayer of the undead (setting has it that druids interested in preserving the natural order are sickened by undead because they are unnatural), and instead of brooding all of the time, he's more just endlessly friendly with everyone around and wants to know more about the world outside of the home of the now disappeared druidic circle?
I've never heard of kender before this thread
How can you tell a half elf from a regualr one
They were the bane of D&D back in the 80s and 90s. Beloved of That Guys and pedos. If you played them correctly, they were horrible group-disrupting assholes; if you removed everything that made them awful, they were just halflings.
I know a lot of people share this sentiment, I find myself conflicted. Every time I play a dragonborn (I've played about 3 in my last 12 characters) I find I never get to do any dragon cool stuff. I just feel like a dude who can breath for once a turn. One time we got a cool dragon related plot but that was irrelevant to my race, as it was Central to the campaign, although being able to speak the language certainly helped.
One time I got to bear witness to a CoS game with a duo of dragonborn paladin's and I agreed it felt really out of place in gothic horror, but when I do Dark Sun they seem normal as dray merchants, slavers, and defilers.
Where are a of these games where dragonborn get to do dragon things? What are they like? Has it gotten better or worse after Skyrim popularized the term?
I have no fucking idea what you mean by "cool dragon stuff" and I'm not convinced you know either.
>not browsing 1d4chan for fun
It's like you want people to know you're new
Veeky Forums cares way too much about how other people play things instead of what they actually is.
Things are what are done with them.
>Muh humans are useless
The real problem is that there are races that are Humans But Just Better and why isn't your hero one of those
>every edgy teen plays a half elf with dead parents and who broods all the time
clearly you haven't run across the teens that play half-tiefling half-assimar half-vampire half black pudding half golem half fairy half dwarf half elf half saiyan that carries a katana with the power to shoot more katanas infinitely with an infinite ring of infinite wishes that can totally be used out of turn.
>muh didn't read the post
Where the answer is nearly always:
Extra Feat Munchkinning
Spergy Guardsman Player
Not Invested In Character Creation
I honestly fucking don't man. I started playing right when 4th came out, so it's been like almost 10 years, and I have encountered a whopping 3 dragons. One of which was just a dumb monster because it was there, another was a neat gold dragon NPC and the last was Dragonlord Ojutai in an MTG themed game.
Two of those were in the last 2 years and the middle one was when 5e first came out.
I feel like everyone and their mom is ignoring dragons to be like subversive or something. Fuck me for wanting to play it straight sometimes right?
You are honestly right user, I have no idea what cool dragon stuff is, but I presume it has to at least be cool enough to make up half the title.
aren't tieflings already half demon? I really really hope no one actually does any of that stuff.
Tieflings are like demon-octoroons, max.
Cambion is more in line with a half-demon, though strictly speaking a tiefling could be half demon there's no hard rule, it's just tainted/cursed blood. You could even become a tiefling by dabbling with dark magics or curse your offspring by doing so.
Purely anecdotal of course, but I've seen way less cringey half-elves/orcs/etc. than I have humans.
Feels like 9 times out of 10, every human character is some gruff martial with PTSD that comes in two flavors: gritty peasant and fallen noble. That remaining 1 of the 10 is a generic wizard.
For all Veeky Forums likes to go on about how one-note everything but human is, every fucking human is the same character.
Well, what's the highest level you've reached in that time? Because it's kinda cool the first time your dumb party gets wiped by a young dragon, but more experienced players tend to think it's dumb to find sub-Adult dragons, and adult dragons are statted at medium levels where a lot of campaigns never reach due to falling apart.
I have 2 human characters, one is a highway robber duelist Fighter, and the other is a Paladin heavily inspired by Lemillion in MHA
>aren't tieflings already half demon?
Tieflings are tielfings, half demons are half demons.
My next human character who s going to be a Wizard based on Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Kaiba.
I fancy myself to play a rather wide variety of human characters, since there is a lot of shit I like to play but then again I don't mind it if others play different kind of races.
I wanted to make a retort here but the only half-elf i played did in fact have dead parents and was super broody
Pretty much, but I can do the YGA voice better than the Brock voice from the dub.
Plus Abridged Kaiba is a lot more quotable.
My current character is level 9 - (only dragon we've seen was one I introduced as an NPC when I got to run a one shot), and the highest I've played was an 11-16 game (have had a 16th level Ranger and Paladin) where we fought the last dragon who was also a monk and a wizard. Admittedly we were also the bad guys in that one.
I never saw a dragon in my entire time playing 4 or 3.5 where my highest levels were 8 and 10. Not even whelps. The other one I fought in 5th was at 8th level in another MTG themed campaign. I know there are dragons at these CR, or even just enough to stumble upon one? I have slayed dozens of orcs, hundreds of kobolds. Fought 2 liches (1:1 so far on those), and an archmage, and encountered one mind flayer but why is an intelligemt fucking dragon so hard to see when they seem everywhere in the product even for that level range?
I have never seen half-elves as anything but genial, affable people. Why the fuck would they be brooding? One of their parents was so awesome they fucked an elf, and they're the result. That would cheer me right the fuck up if I knew that.
>Why the fuck would they be brooding?
Probably the "dead parents" part.
I find that people who play humans generally do it because they're more interested in being part of the setting at large than imposing their character on the world.
They also tend to come up with more interesting characters than HE'S A HALF-ORC, HE'S ANGRY AND SULKY because humans are such a blank canvas.
And most dwarf players in my experience turn out as the same drunken Scottish gimli knock off. Every Elf is either a generic wizard, sans the beard, or just legolas complete with a name like greenleaf. Gnomes are never tied to the world in any meaningful way and exist only to poorly attempt to be the humorous heart of the party. Halflings are gnomes but without the humor and with a conscious effort to try and not step on Tolkien toes anymore in their every choice, or trying to imitate tolkien's hobbits to the fullest: no in between. Tieflings, like drow, are either ridiculously edgy played straight or basically drizt. Tieflings just tend to be warlocks if they go edgy. Aasimar are everything you've seen humans be humans but enthusiastically religious and good. Or they probably would be if anyone played them.
Of course all of these and your are true in worst cases only: in best cases you all have fun even if a few cliche characters are involved and nobody complains online.
>t. Variant Human Fighter/Paladin #503049304950
Every player I've ever met with this mindset has been the most boring and passive character in the game. They're so afraid of people branding them a snowflake they refuse to interact with the world outside gruff requests for money in exchange for goblin winkies. At least the angry half-orc has something resembling personality and is actually proactive.
You're not a good roleplayer, just a stick in the mud
That's very sad, my friend. One of my favorite characters I ever made was Bildry Applecorn, a rough-and-tumble Gnome ranger who was a money-hungry mercenary and would follow any mission to the ends of the earth if it meant he was rewarded justly. To him, an offer of payment was the purist form of trust and respect, and it was on his honor to always get the job done. He was a 3-and-a-half foot dude who thought he was 6 feet tall, and he had an outrageously-thick Australian bush accent, which made him a blast to roleplay with the group. To this day, the girlfriend of one of the players calls me Bildry instead of my actual name.
You just gotta find the right people, man.
Find better groups, we got three humans in mine and they're respectively: hyperactive swashbuckler girl who loves fighting, honourable thief guy architecture enthusiast, and a chatty air-headed male elementalist. Only one martial, no grittyness, not gruffness, no PTSD. The girl is a noble but in good standing, she just likes adventuring.
>I find that people who play humans generally do it because they're more interested in being part of the setting at large than imposing their character on the world.
For me it's usually because I find the human societies more interesting. But I definitely go about imposing my will upon the world... I like to play wizards afterall.
>But I definitely go about imposing my will upon the world
This is what a good character should do. Reactive characters are boring.
You half to meet them in person.
>I don't wanna be touched by people who don't have magic!
Humans arent tiny manlets
Or willow thin twinks
Ez choice desu
Humans: 1
Tiny non swole races: 0
If you want swole why not play a dragonborn or half-orc?
There is a difference between imposing your characters will in game and imposing your character on the setting just by virtue of existence.
>mutant turtles
Of all the things that make NO sense in dnd, this faggotry is what gets me. No your meme character's Not funny, it's just dumb
Dragonborn are retarded
No one likes half orcs, if i want swole ill play full orc if npcs are gonna hate you, u might as well go all the way
Anything that's under four feet tall and plays a warrior. Fuck you.
That's not what I meant at all. A human character can follow their personal objectives without displacing other parts of the setting. Most other races require the world to be built around them.
There are exceptions of course.
Fuck's a warrior?
If nonhuman races disrupted the setting the GM wouldn't allow them in the first place. I'm not gonna police my own roleplay because I think I understand the GM's setting better than he does.
Your momma.
Fuck waking up before 6
10D-12D health.
What RP?
Half elves: Ooh, I'm broody.
Half orcs: Ahh, I'm angry!
Halfling: Eeh, I'm Oirish.
Dwarves: Ach, I'm Scotash.
Dragonborn: Wow, I do dragon stuff!
Dwarves are jews u grognard
scottish Jews
Dwarves can't be Jew because they work for a living.
>not knowing that the stereotypical Scot is as stingy and greedy as any jew
Someone's not from the Commonwealth.
That's.... not even the correct racial stereotype.
The only thing smaller than an Elves' penis is a Orc's to do list.
Do u have a license for that butterknife u cheeky wanker
That kikes only steal for a living? What's wrong with that observation.
stealing's hard work
I'd vastly prefer a broody half-elf to the mary sue anime clichés I've played with, or the kind who play them like their race doesn't matter and they only picked half-elf for the bonuses.
>mfw someone picks this shit race
Does anybody ever have somebody take another races bonuses, but just have it be a variant human? Elf, magical lithe person. Half-Orc, buff strongman. Etc.
I have one in my group, he plays the ''I am very strong loner I follow group because if i dont I cant play, I be here for combat and also skyrim/game of thrones memery, I be very fun"
Send help
I play a horc thug with a heart of gold. He scares people, but once they get to know him he's accepted pretty easy.
Half-Orcs: Really restricted fluff in most settings, god-awful crunch in 3e. I'd rather just make Orcs have actually decent fluff and let them be a neutral race, ala Warcraft.
Halflings: Apart from 4e's fluff, or the lewder potential as a race of lolis/shortstacks, I've never particularly liked halflings. Mainly because my first exposure to them was Mazzy Fentan, and then I found out the rest of them are just Hobbits sans serial numbers.
Gnomes: Too blatantly done as the "shortfolk mage race" and the "cheesy comic relief" race in AD&D, and they haven't shaken that stigma off yet. They were improved in 4e, but for the most part, I find them at best forgettable and at worst an active annoyance (don't get me started on Dragonlance).
I'd say Kender and Gully Dwarves, but really, do those need explaining?
Also, I don't *hate* hengeyokai, I just hate how D&D handles them in the blandest, most one-dimensional way possible. When freaking Pathfinder has a better kitsune than D&D does, somebody done fucked up.
The only answer is Kender. Fuck Kender.
Why don't we get more brooding characters with dead children? That's way more edgy.
A better name for a fighter.
>Players who play kenku either ignore that they don't make new sentences and ideas and shit
Because if they did it would
> get reeeeeeeeally old
you dumb motherfucker
>"Durr people who play not human are bad 'cuse they not creative"
>Roleplays as class stereotypes, a character they saw on tv or themselves instead
I've actually thought of playing an Elf Paladin with a dead wife and missing half elf child
Half orc with the elf sub type.
Get that shit the fuck out of here, you arent allowed to play a shitty half orc named stain who just wants to impress the elves that took your twisted ugly ass in.
But girls can't love girls and have children from them.
>Finally get an anthromorphic dragon race in something where dragons are a big focus
>Don't have any wings
>"Christ, okay, I guess that's just a 'balance issue' because they're autistic
>Don't even have fucking tails
>Literally big scaly ugly idiots with a mediocre breath attack
>Basically less draconic than fucking kobolds
At this point I've just worked with my players and set up / used homebrewn draconic races in place of dragonborn that actually have some dragon traits
what are you talking about? we have something thats essentially that (orc bard that wore an unfinished girdle of gender changing) and basically spends the whole time seducing bar wenches and merchant daughters into very confused trysts