>you capture the female villain
>now that you are upclose you notice how hot she is
>Would you pay her back for all the problems she has caused you
Raping the female villain?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes. by giving her over to the proper authorities.
Yes, by dispatching her and allowing the judgement of God to be levelled upon her soul
Yes, by turning the other cheek.
Why make a thread about your fetish?
I guess OP just wants to be the villain...
Yes, by making her apologize and telling me her personal problems so that I could empathize
I have only had one character who would actually do this, and she was a cutthroat marauder. None of my other characters would even consider it.
Nah, for some reason I don't get off to that sort of thing.
>She proceeds to genocide an entire country after being let go
1. That's a really good way for the GM to pull a "hah, she was a succubus and she just ate your soul" kind of thing.
2. Sage.
If you're evil and torture your captives, then maybe
If you're sane and don't happen to play online ERP with NEETS, probably should pass
No I geased her into being my bodyguard and dragged her to courtly social events.
>OP makes another rape thread.
Hard pass no, but I'd still like the sauce.
>not recognizing Hirame
as for the specific doujin I think that's either
>Would you pay her back for all the problems she has caused you
I would, one punch in the face at a time. Not by having sex with her, you dunce.
My nibba.
Actually this on
page 14, sideways
T-thanks. I'm a hentai casual.
>heart pupils + lean body = Hirame
>heart pupils + bubbly body = Asanagi
>regular pupils + lean body = ShindoL
>regular pupils + bubbly body = Mizuryu Kei
>regular pupils + toned body = Mikoyan
>regular pupils + petite body = Nanashi
>crazy pupils + lean body = Ganmarei
With an axe to the hymen
>Implying the thot even has a hymen
I hope it was a country of good christian Martyrs
No, he is a gentleman. He executes her swiftly and painlessly after a fair trial.
Captured... After we pacify the villains it's hard to say where the villain ends and concrete starts. So unless you are really into burned and brutalised landscape I doubt you'll be able to do it.
Fap before posting on Veeky Forums
Okay, it makes sense for the curve to trend towards zero as the explosion size increases, because you have no social problems at extinction. But why would it be monotonic? A thermonuclear war, for example, might actually create a ton of social problems, on net, if it were waged between two otherwise successful and prosperous societies. Also, doesn’t the shape of the curve imply that there’s a point which maximizes the number of problems solved per quantity of explosive material?
I know it’s a joke. I just can’t help reading into it.
Depends on the character I'm playing and the group I'm in
Both my ranger and my wizard would absolutely rape her, but both groups would freak out if I did something like this
My characters are not ones for torturing people, and neither am I. So depending on the setting and situation, she'd be ...
* handed over to the relevant authorities
* trialled and punished appropriately
* executed without a trial
* ransomed to her liege or family
* sold
It's a curve for s single person or small group - PC party for example. Not for society as a whole. So while society as a whole could very well get a lot of problems party gets less due to sharp decline in number of people with whom they need to interact outside of their closed circle.
>Would you pay her back for all the problems she has caused you
I consider rape an act of torture, so it would depend on if the character I'm playing is okay with torture AND emotionally capable of enacting such a thing- which typically isn't the case, so no.
There's a higher chance I'd kill her more than anything- it'd just be the pragmatic thing to do. You don't let someone you're going to hang ask for some water, you hang them immediately, a lot can happen between the time it takes to fetch a cup of water.
We're pirates, so yes.
Don't forget to sage, friends
In my culture if someone did big problems like lets say killed someone, you have to kill someone from their family. There is a way to avoid it though. First you have to pay the family of the person that was killed, lets say her hoard covers that to a degree, and the second thing you do is you have to marry of people, this way you are family and no blood fued is in effect. There can also be additional rules, like if she didn't kill someone directly from your closest family then your not first male child goes to the family of the killed person to live with them. If they won't have any children of they own it can inherit, but it can't inherit from you and if the family has other children, then it does not inherit, and when the parents of the killed person die it ends up working for their children or grandchildren. And only exeption from this is A being enrolled in to the army or B becoming part of the clergy, although for that the parents of the killed person have to give an ok.
So ending up sexing here is possible.
Yeah I'd turn her other cheek.
>In my culture if someone did big problems like lets say killed someone, you have to kill someone from their family.
So how's life under Hamarabe over there in Babylon?
I'm playing a paladin, what the fuck do you think OP?
Yes, she would stand trial before a tribunal of beings of pure law and good who would judge her and sentence her. If their will is a mortal punishment then i will oversee it.
Maybe stop inserting rape into every game you play OP
If we're the good guys, it's purification, not rape.
>not raping the bloody, scorched and cracked tiles
yes, by killing and then burying her
This is a very disappointing magical realm thread
T. Russian
Don't lie, you are just trying to waifu the villain.
I would force her to repent and eventually make her fall for me
After she becomes my wife we will have consensual missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreation while holding hands
I like how everyone in this thread uniformly rejects OP.
all middle east has rules like that balkans too. there are whole families where they hide for years, because of an accident that happened 10-20 years ago, but they don't have the money to pay. For some the only to have a life is to try to escape to a foreign country, because as a general rule familial law doesn't get executed there. Not that of course from time to time some crazy albanian or bosniak doesn't go crazy, because someone killed his grandfathers uncle 40 years ago in a car accident, and kills your cousin in Hamburg. It just doesn't happen that often.
yes but i'd kill them afterwards
I want to get raped by her though
Post tile user!
Me too. Rape is abhorrent and tg is good enough to know this.
Anyone know any hentai with this sort of plot?
How often do women orgasm during torture?
See, you say that. But in one game I've played in, the female villain was literally raped to death by the PCs.
It wasn't funny or sexy at all. The female villain was a sexless misanthrope because her father abused her. One of the PCs actually dug up her father's body, used Speak with Dead to interrogate him, and Polymorphed into him after the final confrontation.
Then he set out to make the last four hours of her life the most miserable anyone had ever seen. Basically, after beating her with his belt, she was fucked until she died. It took her the whole night to die, but she was already broken long before that.
I mean, a sample of dialogue was:
> "Daddy - Daddy, no! Plllleasseeeee stttttoopppppp"
> "You know what happens to girls who are bad."
Not quite the same but does this count?
Sounds like a good way to round out a game to me.
I just sort of felt unclean after that, you know?
Well... yeah. Of course you would.
According to some videos I've seen, fairly often.
Were the players just being edgy or did she really fucked with them to elicit this kind of response?
Rape? I think not! A thorough paddling and then locked in the stocks for some time to contemplate her misdeeds, that is punishment enough.
>"Daddy - Daddy, no! Plllleasseeeee stttttoopppppp"
> "You know what happens to girls who are bad."
I believe that this happened.
Jesus christ.
Why did your players do this?
Wu really is best girl.
dicks out for hammurabi
Veeky Forums has lost its guts
try eating less soy
people get whats coming, talk shit get hit
for fuck's sake
What did the villain do to them that made them that upset?
Murder their entire village, and deepfry their dog?
Yes and no, I would manhandle the shit out of her and make her feel as small as posible. But I wouldn't lose that power over her by actually raping her, I would prefer her to be constantly afraid of the rape then pop her cherry and have her be broken, used up, and bitter.
The build up for me is 100x better then the release, so I would edge the shit out of her fear
Maybe put her in stocks then grope and spank her a little to annoy and shame her
>killing her after she called you daddy
To what end?
Fake, but hilarious.
No, because I don't play basic bitch adventurers. A true patrician finds a way to force a captured foe to do penance.
not exactly the topic at hand, but I there was one instance where a player of mine regularly beat their captured enemy (they were captured in the middle of nowhere, a long ways from civilization) while returning them to stand judgment.
the reasoning was to make them less capable of escaping, and the beatings generally avoided anything that would interfere with marching/transportation
i allowed it but I also thought it was kind of edgelordy. anyone here have an opinion?
probably cause you're not a sick fuck like OP
>dm is girl with typical "girls can do it too" chip on shoulder
>she is decent artist, draws good maps and occassional portraits of npcs
>draws bbeg (that's big bad evil GIRL you silly boys)
>stereotypical, anacronistic female armor that shows all kinds of t and a
>girl DM has her bbeg drop in on party once in a while to toy with us
>every time she did this, i would aggressively make passes at her, giving the girl dm laser eyes the entire time
>girl DM thought it was funny at first
>i did it every. single. time. in a months long campaign
>eventually foil bbeg's plot and beat her ass in combat
>party looks on as i stand over her about to deliver the coup de grace
>"she's prone so i have advantage on melee attacks correct?"
> girl DM "um, yup, I believe so..."
> I drop my mace, party and girl DM like 'wait wut'
> "I rape her to death" roll attack. 23.
>her entire villainous career was a form of flirting with you
>you "rape" her but she stil wins
>that edgy 'my girl rapes XD' post
Oh my I'm so surprised/shocked.
long greentext with 0 punchline. also fucking fake and gay
One, maybe two, dickings and she'll be good.
Treat her with the respect she deserves, and hang her for treason like any other criminal. We don't discriminate agaisnt gender in my setting
You could get a dick slave out of it, though.
>"Seriously, I could fuck her once, or I can fuck her over every Saturday for the next ten years. I'll make a habit of it: Stop by the soup kitchen, put a five in the tray and wave to her. Why crush her spirit once and utterly when I can crush it five hundred times? Community service is a bitch."
Someone would probably say these exact words.
Unironically yeah. If she's an actual villain it's somewhat legitimized
>Defeat and rape early female villain
>Dozens of sessions later learn the hard way she's been powerleveling and has gone full yandere on your ass
If my players did that, I would let them.
But the next villain would be something so fucking hard to deal with it will almost surely end up with a complete team wipe, and the new villain would have the moral high ground too.
I would unleash the most bullshit kind of GM dickery just to make sure I'll let them do whatever they want as long as it makes sense, but that extreme actions have extreme consequences.
Logs or it didn't happen. I refuse to believe this was done IRL, or even over voice.
Why would raping one villain lead to the next villain being even stronger?
>Veeky Forums is a bunch of self-righteous lawful cunts
Get those sticks out of your asses
Haven't you seen the "what would you say" threads where everyone says some beta neckbeard grognard cringe?