Is selling evil-doers into slavery an evil act, a good act, or merely a neutral act? Assuming they are kept in slavery, then you are eliminating the threat, enacting justice, and of course making a handsome profit all at the same time.
Is selling evil-doers into slavery an evil act, a good act, or merely a neutral act? Assuming they are kept in slavery...
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How do ypu know the people you're selling them to aren't working for him?
Evil act.
If I find out later that they are, then I'll just come back and sell both of them into slavery. That's two slaves, plus the money I already got selling the first evil-doer into slavery in the first place.
Depends on the nature of the slavery and of the treatment of the slaves.
Dispensing appropriate punishment upon evildoers is always a good act. Whether this is imprisonment, forced labor, etc.
When this is done purely for personal gain (tracking down bandits to capture because slaves are in high demand) it is neutral at best.
When you inflict 'punishment' for personal reasons (haha, your raping days are over, now it is only appropriate that I rape you in return!) then it is evil.
They're bad guys user, it's not like them getting treated badly matters.
Of course it does. Every creature, good or evil is owed a chance at redemption and remission of their sin
Yes it does
Enslaving them as a just punishment would be a good act, but if you're enslaving the villain to sell them for a personal profit, it's neutral or evil depending on the prevailing moral attitudes toward slavery in the setting.
So just making sure I understand you correctly, if I were to find a slave owner that treated them proportionally to the crime they committed then that would be a good act. If I were to find the slave owner that would pay me the most, that would be a neutral act. And if I were to keep them as slaves for myself to enact my petty revenge and cruel fantasies, then that would be an evil act.
It would be lawful evil. A punishment for their crimes, as the scales of justice demand, but a cruel and inhumane one. I find it amazing how so few people don't realize that lawful =/= good.
>Dispensing appropriate punishment upon evildoers is always a good act.
I'm glad we're clear on that.
Depends on the crime. Making a villain repay their debt to society with a lifetime of servitude is okay for some, probably not appropriate for a random pickpocket. Also depends on who you sell them to - handing over Darknar the Devourer of Worlds to Baron von Starscream is probably not the best idea.
I don't recall anyone saying that slavery was legal in the setting user, it could very well be a chaotic act, delivering appropriate justice in spite of the fact that slavery is outlawed.
>Every creature is owed a chance at redemption
Bullshit, redemption is a gift given in grace, no one has the right to expect anything put punishment befitting the fullest extent of their crimes.
If they are truly evil you should execute them for all to see. This way the populace will see you show no clemency for evil.
If they are a foe who has surrendered without resistance or insurrection then you should subjugate them.
If they are a foe who has drawn sword against you, or has held up in a fortified position and called a challenge at you, then you should destroy them with prejudice. Then you should take their women and children and those men who are not fighters and sell them in the markets, or distribute them as wealth to your soldiers.
I'd say it depends on the context, but regardless of context I'd say it's a pretty dumb act since as a slave they're going to have a lot more opportunities to break free and go back to being freely evil than being confined in a dungeon or being executed would afford them. I guess if they're a really petty evil-doer who isn't capable of escaping from slavery then it's not as dumb of an act, but also a more blatantly evil one.
No, user. Taking them to court and running them through the worlds justice system would be lawful good. Forcing them to atone for the crimes by helping those they harmed would be neutral good. Killing them in battle or right afterwards would be Chaotic Good, possibly neutral and lawful as well. Punishing them, however, with slavery or any other form of extended suffering, is evil. The good do not torture, ever. At best it is a chaotic neutral act.
>The good do not torture, ever
Really? Cause God sends people to Hell, so clearly there are some situations in which torture as punishment is okay. I mean heck, an extended stay in prison could be viewed of as torture in itself.
Source on the anime?
Koko is loco.
Because slavery is in itself evil, it is evil but our group did that to an enemy of us. Captured him to be interrogated, we saw him later as a Arco-flagellant. Was pretty disturbing.
Depends on the setting, but in general; two wrongs don't make a right.
Jormungand, AKA your waifu will probably die.
The idea of 'sinners in hell' being poked with pitchforks forever is a modern creation. Thank Dante's divine comedy for that. Not sure if he created it or cribbed the idea from elsewhere, but the bible is rather clear on the dead just being dead and not going anywhere.
Isn't it not that god sends them to hell, but that he refuses them entrance to heaven, and they either sit in purgatory/limbo if they're minor sinners or go to hell if they're bad enough for Satan to claim them?
>The other kind of rape whistle
I'm out of the loop but I really, REALLY want to be in the loop.
God is lawful, so are prisons. I wouldn't classify them as necessarily good. Not bad either mind you, just not as simple as "they have authority so they are right". Lawful, evil, chaotic, neutral, all those might go for slavery. But not good. A truly good man doesn't want revenge, nor does he take pleasure in the pain of others.
the C.I.A bitch(not the blonde one) is the worst girl
>Dispensing justice
Good act
>Selling people into slavery
Highly evil
>Eliminating evil threat
Good act
>Profiting from something
neutral act
Of course you are not "eliminating a threat" if anything you are giving them kindling for revenge.
>A truly good man doesn't want revenge
That is, a truly good man does nor act purely for revenge. Sorry for the mis-wording.
>is owed
>of their sin
You don't know how redemption and sin works, do you? No one owes you shit, that's the point. You owe God your everything.
>>Dispensing justice
>Good act
*lawful act
Hex is pretty awful, but let's be honest here, Koko's plan is so unbelievably stupid that she instantly becomes worst girl the second you hear it.
Justice Girl is side character in Akame Ga Kill, she has cute familiar / pet, lots of cool gadgets and unyielding sense of justice that maybe goes a little bit overboard sometimes.
t. baptists
Basically a "True Lawful" character that cares primarily about punishing criminals and is extremely helpful and friendly to any law abiding citizens
She got her arms and legs ripped off during a fight and got prosthetic limbs with guns implanted. Along with a genetically augmented attack dog.
she gets very, very enthusiastic when dispensing justice. Not in a sexual way, she gets downright vicious and sadistic.
Why was there a thread beyond this post?
Why are all the players that pretend to be moral secretly massive fucking edgelords?
>tfw you actually enjoy playing a truly good character
>tfw you enjoy helping the weak and showing the evil that good people don't have to be like them to defeat them
>God is not an infantile, petty, sadistic, narcissistic grudgebearer.
I'd hit it
psychotic LN paladin crazy
Just my character's speed
Darn, I was hoping she'd be one of those "you raped someone so now I have to rape you to deliver justice" kinds of people. Of course then again, even if she was real I would never rape anyone, so I'd never get to experience being raped by her, so...
>blonde CIA bitch
I'm pretty sure you're mixing it up with Black Lagoon
>Of course then again, even if she was real I would never rape anyone, so I'd never get to experience being raped by her, so...
Nope, she will either just have you eaten by her dog, or she will shoot you, one, either, or both.
Evil, unless you can be reasonably sure that they're not treated like shit.
Okay, that? That makes it 100% evil act, no ifs ors or buts.
>nless you can be reasonably sure that they're treated like shit
FTFY user. It wouldn't exactly be a punishment if the evil-doers were treated nicely as slaves, now would it?
She would probably only go for the most extreme and degenerate of sexual acts and partners.
consensual sex in the missionary position with the lights off while holding hands and kissing passionately with a law abiding partner with the intent to procreate.
If you're SELLING someone to slavery, you probably don't particularly care about their punishment anyway. At that point it's just petty revenge, not justice.
Plus she would be the kind that makes up for the lack of experience (because Justice a pure) with sheer enthusiasm.
If you're going to punish someone, you might as well make a little money while doing it. That's just being smart, not evil.
>Thinking redemption is something you just hand out like fucking Halloween candy
But you're NOT punishing someone you sell to slavery. You don't have any control over what happens to them. They could be set free the very next day, for all you know.
Of course, one would have to debase oneself in the most perverse way to be with her.
It would have to be a loving committed monogamous relationship
That's...a surprisingly good point actually. I better keep him as a slave for myself then. Only then can I be sure that he is treated with the proper amount of cruelty and never escapes.
But that just encourages you to gradually loosen your personal definition of "evil" to justify making more money by selling more people into slavery, and eventually you become that evil dictator who throws anyone who disagrees with them into the gulag to work the mines, or something like that.
>I've learnt to read and write so that you wont be ashamed of having an illiterate wife
Slavery has no morality, it depends upon the victim. Making a good person a slave is bad, making a bad person a slave is good, making a neutral person a slave is neutral.
Found the prison warden
>Cause God sends people to Hell
This is an extremely common misconception and whoefully incorrect and I think one if not more of the dangerous misconceptions that american McDonald's Christianity spreads: God does not send you to Hell.
Heaven and Hell are states of the soul and it's presence, quality, condition, are all dictated by your relationship with the spiritual (or God if you will): you are not 'placed' into Hell so much as your hang ups, misgivings, grudges, materialism, and sin makes you impure and 1 dimensional- you aren't sent to 'heaven' so much as literally cannot exist in heaven because there is nothing of substance to you, you lost your physical form and never developed a spiritual presence nor maturity.
The Bible uses parables and metaphors to express the pain, misery, confusion, and torture of Hell not to describe it as a place, but how awful and difficult it is to basically piece your immortal essence together without any context or assistance- just floating in the endless void.
Hell itself is a misconception.
>Heaven and Hell are states of the soul and it's presence, quality, condition, are all dictated by your relationship with the spiritual (or God if you will): you are not 'placed' into Hell so much as your hang ups, misgivings, grudges, materialism, and sin makes you impure and 1 dimensional- you aren't sent to 'heaven' so much as literally cannot exist in heaven because there is nothing of substance to you, you lost your physical form and never developed a spiritual presence nor maturity.
>The Bible uses parables and metaphors to express the pain, misery, confusion, and torture of Hell not to describe it as a place, but how awful and difficult it is to basically piece your immortal essence together without any context or assistance- just floating in the endless void.
If you cut off the toes of the evil-doer then it prevents them from running, which makes it much harder to run away as a slave.
>making a neutral person a slave is neutral.
no it's justice! never trust a neutral!
It's a profitable act. Which is all that I care about if the possibility of selling them is on the table.
You guys would do well as slavers in the Immortal setting
Reminder that slavery ain't evil, in many societies slavery was the best way to ensure that debts got paid and prisoners didn't go back to fight or commit crime again.
neither good or evil, it's simply stupid since by sparing the fucker you're basically giving him a chance to come back and stab you.
>applying modern morality into pre-enlightenment settings.
Slavery wasn't really considered bad or immoral until very recent in human history, for thousands of years it was practised. It could be considered on a similar level to jail.
Plus slaughtering your conquered enemies leaves nobody to work land and alotta bodies that start to smell after a while.
Selling evil people to slavery is bad, because you deal with one evil and commit another. Also it's unprofessional as fuck. A bullet to the head or chop to the neck>your shitty moral choices.
Because in the end you're essentially doing mental gymnastics to stay clean.
Cut off their toes and brand their face and they'll never escape slavery to stab you ever again.
This is reasonable to me. Slavery isn't an inherently evil institution: it, like every kind of hierarchy is just in need of serious limits lest increasingly inhumane abuses happen as the relative difference between top and bottom widens. It's just that on a personal scale between master and slaves.
A humane and just master can make it functional and fine.
>Jesus Christ
>When this is done purely for personal gain (tracking down bandits to capture because slaves are in high demand) it is neutral at best.
More like lawful evil.