ITT: Real Life PCs
ITT: Real Life PCs
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Good of them to leave out the part where he shouted swears at the bear’s corpse as he fucked it, high as shit on adrenaline.
Is that a religious wizard or a cleric?
It's Gary Oldman as a werewolf hunting priest. So, cleric.
Every time I see this picture it makes me think it should be in the opening scene of goddamn kung-fu movie
>killed this bear with his hands
>beat the bear upon the head with a stick
Good to know someone appreciates the classics.
only a total loser would snort benzos, this pic fills me with annoyance
>peter singh
More like peter rhyme
Yeah, thats the part of the story that indicates theyre fuckups.
Furry shit is so obvious, it doesn't need extra mention. Only times I've heard people talking about snortin dem bars, is with white trash folks. To hear furries do the same is actually quite expectable.
Fun fact about vultures and condores: They're absolute sweeties and quite social, the only reason they aren't domesticated is because everyone thinks they're filthy as fuck and that'd they'd have to feed them rot, even though every other study shows thats wrong, they even help clean and remove diseases by actually dealing with corpses. They are also totally fine with eating fresh food, in fact its healthier for them.
Didn't notice this thread already up.
Gary Oldman counts as a PC, yes.
>only a total loser would....
Well yeah, they're furries.
What were you expecting.
I put a tex on a imaeg
The only pc are the people that believe at illuminati and the illuminati themselfs
PS:This ONLY apply if the illuminati is true thing
>Presenting the Iron Throne's budget cousin the Tetanus Throne
>I said
>Dr. Brandenburg
A disgraced German archeologist, highly controversial for his very unorthodox theories on history. Currently travels the world in search of mysterious artefacts with magical powers, using documents from Nazi Germany as his guideline. He's also the leader of the bunch.
A Masai mercenary and veteran of the Rwanda civil war. Highly nimble and extraordinarily deft hands. It is said there's nothing he can't climb short of featureless walls, and nothing he can't break into short of Fort Knox. Very quiet, his companions have never heard him speak. Some theorize it's because he doesn't actually understand English.
>Brad Smith
An American high school drop-out who just packed his bags and decided to travel the world. A rebel without a cause, he often butts heads with Dr. Brandenburg. Usually goes his own way, but when the chips are down he sides with his friends.
>Brother Sergei
An Ukranian monk who has spent most of his life on various religious missions in East Asia. A Polyglot who acts as the group's interpreter. Despite his linguistic brilliance, even he can't figure out whether or not Tonkei actually understands him or just goes with the flow.
>Brother Wang
Despite their religious differences, Wang and Sergei are actually sworn friends. Orphaned at a young age, Wang feels closer to the natural world than to other human beings. His special talent is being a vegan without being a dick about it
>being a vegan without being a dick about it
Most ridiculous ability of them all desu.
Substitute this image with any other fashion show model.
Oops, wrong pictures
Wonder why technopriests were such a common cliche in early 90s action movies.
Looks like body armor to me.
Nonsense, he's a bee druid.
damn. I want to play twewy now.
'Cause it's neat.
>His special talent is being a vegan without being a dick about it
My suspension of disbelief is ruined.
Cosplayers and larpers don't count unless it's something really special and appropriate.
That's Ashley Johnson....she's Ellie from Last of Us, She's on Blindspot, she's from Critical Role and was Crissy Seaver on Growing yourself
sorry I'll be clearer...FUCK YOURSELF IN THE FACE
He either thinks he's being clever or he's legitimately stupid. Just ignore him.
Wow you're so badass man, defending this poor woman by saying that she's famous. Wish I could work up the courage to write nonsensical insults in all caps someday.
proof the reddit invasion is real
I've been tripfagging since the 3m get on /b/.
but whatever makes your dick hard
you don't have to be from reddit to be reddit
Man you'd think with that resume she could have done a better looking scar.
Doublereading is an OP skill
>on /b/
Confirmed for reddit.
encyclopediadramatica dot /Internet_Tough_Guy
These comorants are trained to catch fish for this guy. Some people will put metal rings or plastic snares around the necks of the birds so they cannot swallow the biggest fish. After some research, I do not think the use of these rings are as widespread as I thought, and learned that some people also string the birds with rope, and/or use large torches to attract fish to the surface when fishing at night.
Nigga 'bout to unleash his Bankai on Boko Haram.
is this hotline miami
Africa is basically an RPG
>Bollywood buddy cop movie
would watch
Godspeed Gasman of Kiev
>I've been tripfagging since the 3m get on /b/.
Then you've been reddit for a very long time