The emperor vapulates the most beautiful members of his harem publicly, day after day. This excites the common folk, but upsets the nobility - for many of the concubines are noble daughters. Tensions have risen and the nation is on the edge of crisis. How do your players react?
The emperor vapulates the most beautiful members of his harem publicly, day after day. This excites the common folk...
Enslave the emperor, and have the harem vapulate him in front of the crowd of common folk. Then kill him.
I hire an adventuring guild armed with assault rifles to solve the issue.
Why would he do that?
>Excites the common folk
He's probably so far down the sadist rabbit hole it's the only way he can get his rocks off.
Might be best to just rebel now and save ourselves his inevitable mental break. Not like we won't have noble backers.
>The emperor vapulates the most beautiful members of his harem publicly, day after day.
I had to look up what vapulate means.
I thought it was when you took in a big puff of hookah/marijuana smoke and blew it into someones face and you just want me to voice my opinion on the emperor's ill-manners.
How many times have you gotta make this thread, man?
By repudiating inquiries into the annealing of either caucus until they can agglomerate commensurate oodles of cognizance of this discombobulating bailiwick.
Agreed. Make it so.
>the common folk are easily excited, the nobles are hard to please.
Clearly someones gotta depose the king.
Divine right to rule has probably gone to his head. Sadistic desires, no impulse control, no boundaries. Bathory type situation.
Why's he beating his mother, aunts, grandmother, sisters, nieces, wives and daughters?
Because not only is that pointlessly sadistic. It's breaking social taboos and likely laws and is not just upsetting the nobility but would be probable cause to have him arrested, maybe even executed.
I depart the Magical Realm and find a DM who's not a faggot.
I leave the table.
I assumed it was a poorly formulated attempt to convey "vaporize," and thought it sounded a little extreme.
The only right answer.
OP is cancer.
I photosynthesize with that statement
Hmmm... I think I heard this kind of story once.
Do I have two pretty daughters, age 11 and 14, ready at hand. I have a vague plan involving teaching one of them a fuckton of stories. I haven't planned through fully yet though.
I'm surprised I actually understood all that without having to look up a word, but had to google "vapulate".
It just depends how frequently you encounter words. Most anons on Veeky Forums probably have a pretty decent vocabulary.
Context in their respective sentences does a lot of the work, and a lot of the second user's words are at least vaguely familiar. I've never heard vapulate before, and the sentence gives no further context as to the meaning; all we know is that it's a verb.
>How do your players react?
I put guns in my medieval fantasy simulator.
What am I missing here?
Frequently spammed shitposting threads.
Multitrack shitposting.
Veeky Forums goes through phases where a single specific thread topic gets forcefed down our throats by like 2-3 people who think its funny. The latest is haremgirl posting for some reason no one can figure out, but guns in fantasy and adventuring guilds were the flavors of choice just a few weeks ago.
But user, I hear you say. Those could be legitimate thread topics.
They could be, sure. And maybe the first one was. But when you have 8 threads on the board at the same time, all of which start with differently worded variations of 'But why are you so mad about adventuring guilds?' and the week before that wasn't a thing, it doesn't require a genius level intellect to see that someone has an agenda. A stupid, stupid agenda.
Every day we get a new one with the same old replies and it only serves kill off old threads and expand my collection of harem girl images.
How many of them do we have atm? It all seems to blur together after a while.
Treat them as legitimate threads, don't rage or spam, instead stop posting when discussion gets boring
Spam posters get tired of them quicker that way
No, they don't.
Damn you for making me Google a word for flogging.
I cast Depart Magical Realm
Experience has taught me otherwise, also it leads to a more chill board and less shitposting and sperging out
No, they won't. These threads attract enough idiots that will happily continue shitposting in them or hornoy idiots that will turn these into their personal smut threads. Yes, OP might at some point find a new shitposting topic, but until then let's hope the mods actualyl browse this board from time to time.
Dude, the bulk of the catalog is the same bullshit because people cannot stop biting onto the bait.
You have a better chance of Hiroshimoot creating a new board for Veeky Forums generals than you have at finding a mod who actually does their job.
...So is your fetish harem girls, or word-a-day calendars?
That's the mystery, isn't it?
>the emperor is gifted a new thesaurus and proceeds to annoy his court every day with obscure words
>he imagines that it's the concubine-whipping that bothers people, but really it's just the weird sentences he shouts while doing it
>he's otherwise not an especially bad emperor, but better candidates do exist
>This excites the common folk
What. Why?
If I was a normal woman who had to spend half the day weaving, and the other half of the day taking care of my house and children, it would warm my heart to know that a daughter of privilege is paying in her own way for her life of luxury.
Ha, no. Report and ignore. And if you must post, make sure you sage.
Cos either the author is fapping to it, or the common folk serve as an audience-surrogate to the whippings
Quit killing threads just to post pics of your harem girl fetish.
>Killing threads
user we both know they'd be dead anyway
Sage is a lost art.
Did anyone outside of /jp/ ever figure out the proper use of sage?
It goes in every field.
Making sage invisible probably did more harm than good. It seemed like visible sage was only a problem on the garbage boards that needed special rules like thread IDs, invisible post numbers, or outright removal of dubs.
Somehow the use of the word "vapulate" summoned all the relatively intelligent, reasonable people on Veeky Forums to the thread.
Pretty sure it's just that OP has been making a daily "your party is transformed into sexy harem girls wat do" threads every day for about a week now.
How is this prompt 'your party is transformed into sexy harem girls'?
I don't think he's actually made that one yet, don't give him ideas unless that's what you want to talk about that what you want to talk about?
Well, we did have a "disguise as harem members via transformation" already, and I also belive a "bbeg turns the party into his harem", though I'm not to sure on this one.
Come to think of it, haven't seen a decent arab themed villain in some time.
Keep your hand out of your pants.
When has unnecessary violence ever NOT exited the common folk?
>This excites the common folk, but upsets the nobility
So something no Emperor would do ever. Got it.
What about Caligula?
I believe there are actually 2 or perhaps even 3 distinct harem shitposters.
Caligula was an absolute literal madman, he doesn't count.
Caligula did literally LITERALLY nothing wrong
Probably one who honestly likes them, probably another who does it just as shitposts
That was not worth the bump.
>something no emperor would do
>literally the thing most emperors did
Victim of a Christian smear campaign, so doesn't count.
Or he wouldn't, if it wasn't for the fact that manipulating the plebs to counter the aristocracy was something Roman emperors did all the time.
In either case, I prefer them to the shitposting prudes.
"Harem BDSM wat do" is trite, but can lead to interesting discussion (e.g. the plebs vs optimates dynamics common to most states); "reeee, fetishbait btfo" is just contentless whining.
>letting the nobility rule your life
What good is being the emperor if you still act like a slave?
The money and the nooky mostly
Hey sad reality many emperors had to deal with
Send demons to rape and murder the emperor in front of everyone, then release the harem girls. Actually release them, not harm them.
sow dissent from behind the scenes
then play the war for profits and bleed their coffers dry- while buying up now useless land and capturing as many slaves as possible
when the war is over and the ruler seeks to assert himself sell the land for a profit, keep any particularly delectable slaves and sell the rest
Real life has that covered at the moment.
We have a senate for a reason, call for a vote to establish a regency and remove the unstable sadist from power.