>party gets sent to save the daughter of the orcs' high chieftain
>save her from bandits
>turns out she doesn't want to return to be wed away for some arranged marriage and instead seek her own ordinary life as an adventurer
>she actually is a capable fighter
>her jewelry she would offer the party would equal the reward for returning her
What do?
Party gets sent to save the daughter of the orcs' high chieftain
There had to be a better way to start your fetish thread
Bring the bandit leader’s head, a bunch of ears cut from the bandit themselves, and some (not the most valuable stuff if possible) of the chieftan’s daughter’s jewelry to the Chieftan, explain that is all we could find of her, so we slaughtered them like dogs.
Orc Chieftan thinks Daughter is dead but avenged, we still get reward, and daughter is free to be an adventurer.
If she thinks I'm about to go piss of her Chieftain father by letting her get away, and thus getting the entire orc clan after me, she's sadly mistaken. If I gave my word to her dad that I'd bring her back, I'm going to complete that mission. She can work things out with he father on her own.
That's a pretty okay way to introduce a new player's character.
Pic related.
Next time, try an original hook. Adventuring princess has been done countless times, you'll need a really masterful execution if you don't want it to become stale.
Good thing we're not taking her back to her father. Orcs are pig-disgusting and we've already killed the clan awhile ago. We take her jewelry then turn her over to the Paladins for questioning and our reward.
And when he finds out his daughter is still alive?
The only correct answer. Deus Vult!
Hey, we didn't find her. If she's alive and well, then it's not on us
He sends a band of orcs after the party and you get an engaging bit of plot where the party has to decide whether and if so, how to retaliate against the father of one of its members. This gives every member of the party the chance for a characterisation, as they roleplay their character's motivation for the decision.
Would play with this user.
Ha, what an absolute asshole you are.
Go ahead, give me a fantasy questhook that makes sense, but I can't find examples of in popular media.
Check my contract for any loop-holes usable here. If there aren't any, she's going back to her father even if I have to hog-tie her and carry her the whole way.
Yeah I don't get why people always try to avoid anything that could have negative consequences ever. Those can be fun.
>There had to be a better way to start your fetish thread
Wanna know a secret?
Everything's a fetish if you try hard enough ffs...
Good on you- but I complete jobs properly. I'm no goddamn thief.
If you want to forge a life for yourself, feel free, but don't incite fraud.
Now we're going home, and because I clearly cannot trust you, you get to make the trip manacled up on my saddle.
*crits you*
Ooh, well don't you feel like a big man? We got a big man here, everyone. Putting manacles on a princess because he's a real strong man. You must be proud of yourself, huh? Real big man, you.
Orc princess*. Probably has an higher strenght score than both the wizard and the rogue combined.
She goes home to daddy. They can deal with their shit then or she can fuck off again, whatever floats her boat but it's not my problem anymore.
>Good on you- but I complete jobs properly.
>I'm no goddamn thief.
>If you want to forge a life for yourself, feel free
>but don't incite fraud.
Did you have to fill some non-sequitur quota for today?.
Not arguing against your point, but I do think it's funny because my last wizard actually had Strength as his second best score.
Yeah, I can't see how she's inciting fraud by any stretch.
i agree with the second user; come up with something completely original and i'll sing your praises as a gaming god
Return her home.
>being unprofessional
I am a fuck mothering murderhobo, and I killed a lot of people and did a lot of shit to get that title. Some cunt's opinions won't sully my reputation of a person who gets shit done and leaves no one behind.
You never claimed to find a corpse. You made an assumption.
Take her back, fuck getting the Orc's High Chieftain pissed at me.
I mean like, if she offered to pay me I might help her slip away after getting back and getting paid, but not before.
Getting paid twice trumps getting paid once and having an Orc ruler angry at me.
>Chaotic Lootral
Is that a challenge?!
Depends, is she a cute orc?
Alright, so my character has fierce loyalty to his own tribe as a character trait. Helping an orc tribe doesn't sound like something he'd do without being told to by his elder, so I can only assume aiding the orc chief was a mission he was entrusted with. Therefore, he'd carry out his orders as faithfully as he could for the glory of his kin.
Cute orcs get tied extra hard. For their own security, of course.
>Kill and loot entire orc clan, never hearing the chieftain's request
>Do the same to the bandits if we ever show up on the place
>Probably not even bother on killing the princess and just leave her on the lair's dungeon
The most profitable and fair way
I'm sure there is a way to break the wedding and that allows her to join you guys in an adventure.
But I can't quite put my fingers on it...
Is the orc band evil and not overwhelmingly powerful? If the answer to both is yes, then she can adventure so long as her first quest is to help us take them down. If the answer to either is no, then we're not about to piss off the tribe for one girl's flights of fancy.
>is she a cute orc?
Is orc.
orc girls are the cutest
>If the answer to either is no
So if they're evil but not overwhelmingly powerful you're just gonna sit there and do nothing? Shame on you
>the thief steals her jewelry during an encounter or while she's sleeping (while stealing some of our other belongings and hiding them somewhere)
>sell her back to the chieftain
>we now have double the reward
There are multiple way to do this
>lawful neutral/evil
Bring her back
>lawful good
Bring her back but support her in the decision to choose her own life, but she needs to come clean with her father
>true neutral/chaotic good/neutral
Eh, ok.
>neutral good
Ambivalent, depend on personal simpathy
>neutral evil
Ambivalent, depends on what he has to gain from it
>chaotic evil
Kill her and take her jewels, bring the bandit's heads to the chief and say you were too late, then ask compensation for avenging her death
>>lawful good
>Bring her back but support her in the decision to choose her own life, but she needs to come clean with her father
Unless her father is an unjust or evil authority
>ordinary life as an adventurer
That's a oxymoron son.
>come up with something completely original
"I shall now read from the Book of Tumblr..."
>arranged marriage
>When it's actually fucking canon that Orcs literally hate tits and breed only on value of strength, the tits only being signified for how goo one is to raise kids because of milkies
They deserve to be mixed into Oblivon.
You think Mongolians didn't have arranged marriages?
Well they sure did, especially for the children of important people. But also just for almost everyone too.
Use magic to swap her gender. Problem solved.
>Orcs literally hate tits.
I'm now imagining a world where orcs raid and rape human villages all the time because an orc hunter or something sees a particularly curvy girl and returns to his own village to incite them into a blood frenzy over tits.
Welcome the new party member
The second reason for that is that Orc Breast Milk is Gray and fatty as fuck- like, we're talking literal Veeky Forums tier Protein shakes come out of those udders.
See you in three days.
I think means orcs don't 'arrange' marriages. They just raid each others villages to steal anything with XX chromosomes and force them into making new warrior babies for the victors.'Marriage' implies too much consent, contractual law, and/or negotiation.
They need to sort out their own women, I'd imagine the old chief would hand her off to his favored warrior whom he expects to take the reigns after he dies and ensure his line continues being in charge, or in the very least that his daughter ends up in the best position possible.
>means orcs don't 'arrange' marriages. They just raid each others villages to steal anything with XX chromosomes and force them into making new warrior babies for the victors.'Marriage' implies too much consent, contractual law, and/or negotiation.
Good luck rape'n'pillaging your chieftain's daughter...
Take her back to her dad, then diplomacy it out. The chieftain can always have more daughters, but one child that is annoyed with him can lead to his death. Furthermore after his daughter had her fill of adventuring, she will return as a powerful individual with great artifacts and will bestow her knowledge and power upon his grandchildren.
No no no, you don't raid your own village for women. You prove yourself a grown orc by raiding OTHER villages and stealing THEIR women.
You add to the stash, not filch from your bros. That's Orcin' 101.
Make a show of asking the chief's daughter's hand in marriage.
We then adventure as a husband-and-wife in name only then we fall in love for real
Now that's some top-tier half-orcing.
Let her go, present the least valuable of her jewellery to the chieftain as proof that you found the bandit camp, say it's all you could find of her but you killed the bandits. Chieftain thinks she's probably dead but at least knows that her killers have faced justice. Get both rewards.
>Helping orcs
>Not purging them
Ilmater curse you.
>No no no, you don't raid your own village for women. You prove yourself a grown orc by raiding OTHER villages and stealing THEIR women.
But where are they gonna raid their women from? It's just gonna be one big circle of villages raiding each other.
Why would I be offending Ilmater? I'd be letting the orc princess go on her way while placating the chieftain, ensuring that he won't be rampaging across the countryside in search of his daughter. What's the evil in coming out ahead in the process?
Of course, that's how we keep from inbreeding. And that's why it's important to raid only those to the East - and once every two years to the North.
>half of Veeky Forums often wonders why half-orcs would even be common in a setting.
>The entire other half of Veeky Forums literally wants to fuck orcs
This is gold.
>manages to be captured by some bandits
>still want adventure life
What does she thinks she will do? Pose near dragon corpse for rulebook cover?
I usually play lawful neutral/evil characters so a promise is a promise. I am bringing her back to her father kicking and screaming if I have to.
>manages to be captured by some bandits
Have you ever heard the tale of the band of twenty good men?
Buttsecks until Camshot.
Anywhere that isn't your village. C'mon, haven't you ever heard of the Sabines? Or even stereotypical vikings?
Leave home in a boat with about ten over orcs, sail to Denmark or Angland, murder some monks and loot a convent full of nuns? Or even just ride approx. twenty miles down the road, kill the Norweigans, and take their daughters back with you to Sweden?
They don't have to be other orcs. Just not currently in your village. Those are for either the chieftain, for the lads to practice on until they grow to adulthood and take a Salt-wife, or broken hags used for house serfs.
C'mon, prove you've got some chops.
You must be a riot at parties.
>tell the bandits to turn her over and all their loot and we wont kill them over some orc slut and a vengeful orc chieftain wont declare a vendetta and send assassins after them as long they live
>take all the jewelry from her and beat her unconscious
>tell her father to pay more because of the extra danger involved
>lie about how she was brainwashed by bandits into trying to join them, and how they managed to escape
>sell "information" we made up on the spot about the bandits and the cult behind them
>if he offers a new job, accept it, demand payment ahead but never return
>poison the orcess with deathcap juice so she dies in liver failure a couple days after we have left and never gets to blow our story
>if we can convince the chieftain into taking vengeance personally then we will just let him ride out with the warriors then turn on the village, massacre everyone, loot everything we can carry and spread some of the loot we took from the bandits to implicate them in the attack
>turn in all the money and loot to our handler and hope we will finally get promoted from wetwork operatives to intelligence operations.
You've got talent, my fine friend. A real sharp mind and ambition. I like that.
How's about I offer you a job? With your can-do attitude, you'll make management in no time.
Just sign here, here, and here. Inkwell's a bit dry, but I'm sure we'll make due with whatever's on-hand.
>Pulls out a pin and hands it to you, point-first, while looking for a clean table to place the contract on.
According to 5e, it's where some half-orcs come from.
Barbarian orc and human tribes ally together to raid civilized nations, seal the alliances with a marriage.
Not Most.
You've got something against self-financing meat shields?
I certainly am I typically achieve some sexs or two in one of the guest rooms friend
I can't imagine how it could backfire by, say, father believing his daughter more than you about how she got beaten by you.
Birthday parties you stalk in Chuck E. Cheese don't count
You get me wrong. I dont think single ork female must destroy thugs gang if she wants to be an adveturer. I think after being prisoner of many angry evil man she rethinks her thoughts about adventures and stuff. Its a hard life and people who live that life usually social outcasts. Unhappy marriage is still better then dying from steel in your guts in the rain and cold.
The fuck are you on about? His daughter is unconscious and never going to wake up.
deny the jewelry and instead ask to adventure with her and fuck her
>Orcs hate tits
....Wait what?
Id like to think that “marriages” are more like the olden day caste system. Completely arranged. It isn’t exactly written in fucking pen but it’s civilized enough...most of the time
They have little to no need for rape or whatever because it’s just implied that the biggest and most vicious orcs get their choosing of brides
Is Orcfu posting back on the menu, boys?
Yes, post more please
In a meta way, yes, in character, no. Why would my character say "You know what, I wouldn't mind being chased down by an orc tribe and having a bounty put on my head, that sure sounds like a good narrative for my life"? No, he'd say "Fuck that shit, just give the twat back to her dad and let's get on with things".
hah, thats not nearly enough of an ammount to make me lose face by failing
shes coming back to daddy whether she wants it or not
Your job was to bring back the chieftan's daughter. You brought back a head and jewelry. And yet, you expect to be paid?
So that's how orcs all get swole.
I mean, who doesn't want to fuck orcs?
You couldn't pay me enough to fuck that trailer trash looking orc.
Nah. Being paid by the chief would be a bonus. Freeing a person to choose their own path instead of getting forced into marriage is the point.
any sane person?
orcs are the same kind of disgusting shit as dwarves and goblins
>money and your reputation arent worth someone elses liberty
Why don't you join a charity then if you are so happy not to do your job.
Those bandits must be really close to the sanctum pf the high chieftan kf the orcs if you can present her battered but still alive body to the chieftan before she wakes up. Also, neat poison that you apparently administered while she was unconscious and therefore not swallowing, but which also isn't detected or cured by the orcish healers who are tending to her because of aforementioned battered body.
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