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Skaven Gonna Skave edition

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Look at this nerd.

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This thread is heresy, but the rules of this malefic board demands that I do not schism.

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We should get a new book just to keep track of skaven grudges

Attached: Damn+skaven+are+at+it+again+_eb0d3e8b823ce431dcd78f8556c07d9f.jpg (800x799, 112K)

You wouldn't need a new book if you ever struck grudges out of your old ones.
But you only accumulate them and talk about vengeance instead of actually DOING something.

...unless its you closest ally who doesn't expect you to attack over two pence. So you can only clear grudges by backstabbing someone.

I fucking love em4.

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What're the big dudes

Then paint them

Id take a badly painted army on the table to a pile of grey any day of the week

They just arrived in the post today; I don't care how good you are, you can't clean, base and paint 150 orcs in four hours.

You're simply not enough of a DRIVEN MAN, user.

pour a bucket of green enamel on them

green orcs whose clan color is green

And have looted moss-covered weaponry and armour from tombs.

its called verdigris, you mongoloid, it occurs on copper and copper-based alloys with time

I wasn't aware that spear staves or bows were commonly made out of copper.

okay, those can be covered in moss, fine

can't Slann used their magic to give themselves muscular chad bodies? why do they rely on Temple Guard when they could be ripping rat ogres in half with their bare hands?

Those look a lot like Heroquest orcs.

They are pretty old school, yeah. To be expected as the moulds were made in the early 90s. I plan on mixing a few of the Heroquest/early Citadel orcs into them as well.

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Because that's their job. There's a fucking plan, and part of it is I get to sit on my ass, sleep, eat, and be worshipped while you go out and fight 60k rats throwing literal shit at you. Now be a good lizard and be autstically clingy to ruins. The old ones love you.

they focus on thinking too much

Just bought myself a boob-snake and holy fuck I've forgotten the pain of working with metal. Lots of superfluous metal shit that've leaked from the molds or whatnot, the pieces fit like fucking crap and the halberd was bent to shit.

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anyone got that skavenslaves meme picture?

>Thinking about making a knightly order army
>look at gw because surely they wouldn't throw out the empires knights out
>I mean sure bretts are in a garbage can, but there are other armies calv that are saved and surely not the empire would be trashed
>mfw they did it
I am currently skreetching autisticly right now

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There's lots of web stores in the US that still stock old and new models for dirt cheap. Alternatively just use like Perry some of the Hail Caesar War of the Roses models

Now you can kill someone with it

>when the staves/spears/long weapons somehow get bent
>try to carefully fix it
>it bends back way too easily

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Oh man, I've got a bunch of those on the left...I think it was Grenadier was selling them via mail order for a while. Tough to get a good paint job on them since they are all bunched up.

Look even fireforge has Pegasus Knight's

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How long until they scrap the warhammer universe and decide to do a daemontide set in 40k indomitus crusade with a space marine, an inquisitor, a farseer, a squat/demiurg and a beta-level rogue psyker ?

Fuck, wrong thread, ignore the shitty post please

Deathwing not being just that made me really salty.

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Even worse
>bending it back slowly it feels like it's helping
>its working
>gently now
>almost straight

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Shame that game flopped so hard when it is the ultimate spacehulk experience

The storymode not being playable in co-op completely killed my boner.

Use hot water

You can now ? I think they made a patch for that.
Anyway i hope the promised big overhaul comes and give the game some much-needed playerbase

If that was the ultimate Death Hulk experience, it must be a real piece if shit game.

GW has never been known for it's standalone boardgames. People meme all they want about battlefleet gothic, shadespire, necromunda, epic, blood bowl and space hulk but fantasy and 40k have alway been the real heavyweights

40k and Fantasy were the heavyweights because that's where the money was.

All the specialist games required a fraction of the minis and didn't need or really get the constant edition updates that spurred new creations in 40k and FB respectively.

It's no coincidence that games Bloodbowl continued to have a strong, vibrant community a decade after they discontinued it.

Mordheim and Necromunda have an almost cult like following, and BFG is like the only GW property that got a damn near exact 1 for 1 recreation into vidya. Other than the Beast that is Bloodbowl.

And fine, Final Liberation was pretty spot on for Epic.

What was the 30 year war of the WH fantasy world?

closest thing would be the Vampire Wars probably.

Don't fuck-fuck with that scribe, he turn-flipped the tables on his Grey Seer master at the end and bit-chewed his throat out, then doomed the Grey Seer's Clan to be sacrificed by Queek and/or Skrolk to the Great Horned Rat.

What about the Age of Three Emperors?

With moussion being Huegaunats, whfb made undead an allagory for protostants
I am so happy

Which one contains the cardinal richelieu like figure
That's how we prove its the real deal.

the Vampire Wars happened in that period, but that Period lasted almost 200 years or more I think.


>You'll never own a comfy Dreadkeep in the mountains of Naggaroth

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Nothing says comfy like rampant murder and screams of pain.

That part of the game makes no sense, Mors and Pestilens are ON the Council, why would their overlords vote to sacrifice their own clans? Why the hell wouldn't they go behind everyone's back to warn their subordinates to save their own furs even if they were outvoted?

Has there ever been a Tilea or Estalia army list? Looking to make a human army with a bit of a twist. Maybe just a regular Empire army with Italian aesthetics.

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Asrai are all sluts for BIG EMPIRE COCK

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Only thing I can think of is Dogs of War, which is 5th edition I think? Does have a Ravening Hordes list though

Attached: Dogs of War (6th).pdf (PDF, 1.72M)

Just get banned already.

They don't have a Ravening Hordes list, that's a Warhammer Chronicles list with Regiments of Renown. Their 5th edition army book should be in the pastebin somewhere


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Kek, that never get old

She does have hair, this picture is a lie

I know Avatars of War have a general that works as a Tilean or Estalian. And for the footmen, perhaps a certain selection of heads and paintjob would do the trick?

that is pretty cute if you imagine her hair into the picture.
Cuter than you'd think from her waystalker mask.

Did you ban evade?

Well let's remember: they are only working together because the horned rat came down and slapped their shit during the last civil war. The grey seer incharge of the vortex initiative probably didn't tell the other members (grey seers are a clan on the council), and pretty much said "the summoning of our God kind of outweighs the standing of a few thousand rats that would be replaced in a month.". Other members didn't know what was involved at the end, since they arnt the religious sect.
The grey seer was suprised the scribe knew a bit of the ritual from the pillar, and when it started to become evident what the last step was (sacrificing himself and his clan), self preservation kicked in and he spilled the blood of the seer onto it instead. Marking that clan for sacrifice.

I did not got banned, and am not

Why does this turn me on?
OH god I don't want this fetish!



Looks like Fireforge is well aware of why some people are buying their miniatures.

Attached: albion-s-knights.png (800x577, 1.76M)

if you need minis, got to MoM and AoW

Run it with Perry Twins Italian Wars minis. Make sure you get a Carracio.

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>finally a cute Dreadlord(female) reskin

Attached: Dread Lady.png (277x344, 205K)

>"This was Council's desire all along."
They gave the Grey Seer a bell clapper to sacrifice an entire clan, which would include those members sitting on the Council. Which is why it makes no sense for their councilers not to go behind the others' backs to avoid getting sacrificed.

ooops, uploaded the wrong version
ahem, once again:
behold my mad skillz!

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what a silly haircut

do you think Lord Araloth banished Kerillian because she was a cunt?

>Lord Araloth

reading about the End Times always makes me so angry, especially compared to the Storm of Chaos stories.
Everything is pure shit and all the Characters become literal trash. All the tweests are the lowest hanging fruits they could have found and just ruin decades of lore. All the side plots either go nowhere or are just cut short.

>literal who doing shit
yeah no, Araloth is a cucklet
Besides she's not that much of a cunt considering the part of Loren she comes from

>all the Characters become literal trash
except Arkhan

Lord of Talsyn. She apparently knows him as she comments about being lucky he can‘t see her using shitty human arrows.

>Lord of Talsyn
lord of what?

2 Seconds in google.

Arkhan becomes part of the worst storyline I‘ve ever had the misfortune of reading. The whole turb being in tandem with the Archy Saga doesn‘t make it any less atrocious of a Character genocide and lackluster dumping ground for entire factions.

If Warhammer Fantasy is a City, End Times is the Landfill.

>I know nothing about anything but I feel qualified to comment on lore discussion

I know well enough, I have WE armybook
doesn't make Araloth less of "who?" and Talsyn less of "what?"

that kind of thinking gave us Age of Sigmar where minor characters don‘t mean shit and the same 4 Lgendaries get their shaft waxed over and over again.

Talsyn is the biggest realm inside of Athel Loren. I have honestly no idea what the fuck you want.

Attached: Araloth the Bold.jpg (470x700, 153K)

except Araloth is major End Times character, everything about him is utter horseshit and Talsyn just popped up in last book with zero development, just so he can be a lord of some shit

piss off

Araloth is a nobody. Characters with less than two editions of history are nobodies.

I liked it, it was a pretty good send off.

>Araloth is major End Times character
he got a Character Assasination in End Times like countless others, but he was only a throwaway plot device with a side story that went nowhere besides to further jerk off Belakor.
Talsyn existed long before End Times and giving the lands more depth is never a bad thing.
you must have a very strange idea of what makes a good sendoff.

>you must have a very strange idea of what makes a good sendoff.

Nah, we got some big cataclysmic battles and the books were very nice.

Then who is the goose?
Is it vlad? He died, but then got better.

if you mean they had some nice illustrations I am inclined to agree but that‘s about where the nice parts ended.
>Cataclysmic Battles
oh boy you must love AoS then where cataclysmic battles happend everywhere all the time.

I prefer the buildup and Battle of Middenheim in the SoC over the skubby shit that is ET any fucking day.

What's wrong with it?
Can you actually explain or are you just upset?

>I prefer the buildup and Battle of Middenheim in the SoC

Okay, but the End Times was the end of the world. Storm of Chaos was a summer campaign.

Do you expect him to write a wall of text on everything that's wrong with it when other people have done that a hundred times before? Hell you could just go read the 1d4chan article on it.

Not that user, but one problem with the End Times is that when you have big cataclysmic battles in every book, some only mentioned in passing, taking out huge armies and ancient cities, it gets a bit boring, and a bit of a piss take if your favourite faction gets taken out like that

End Times was the squatting of a setting to facilitate a frankensteins monster whereas SoC was a community event of epic proportions.

If you didn‘t see anything wrong with it I am not really gonna bother going into much detail, but it was pretty much everything from the writers subpar understanding of in-universe rules and themes to Characters being completely misapropriated to drive their shitty hack job of canning the whole setting and destroying any charme the setting ever had. It was a catastrophe of unprecedent proportions and anyone defending it has immediately lost any credibility in my eyes. Because they can‘t have ever loved Warhammer Fantasy in the first place.

1d4chan is written by stupid memers, and I don't just assume people have their opinions based on memes.

It's the End Times, of course things are going down.

>If you didn‘t see anything wrong with it I am not really gonna bother going into much detail, but it was pretty much everything from the writers subpar understanding of in-universe rules and themes to Characters being completely misapropriated to drive their shitty hack job of canning the whole setting and destroying any charme the setting ever had. It was a catastrophe of unprecedent proportions and anyone defending it has immediately lost any credibility in my eyes. Because they can‘t have ever loved Warhammer Fantasy in the first place.

You're not actually justifiying anything you're saying though, at best you've got a no true scotsman thing going on.

Not all clans have a seat o the Council

>tfw no Bretonnian Vermintide 2 character

Attached: 20180221151135_1.jpg (1920x1080, 557K)

>No Chaos Warrior character

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It's one thing for things to be going down, it's another thing all together when it's done so often and kinda crappily that it gets boring or stupid. Like Marienburg gets taken out in a chapter of one book. Marienburg, one of the most famous cities in the setting, a gnarly fantasy Early Modern Amsterdam, gets a chapter for its demise. Talabheim gets the same treatment, the same city which was the studio army paint scheme for a while. Bretonnia gets dealt with prior to the first book. The dwarf empire and the lizardmen get covered in one book as the skaven just fucking win everything. It doesn't lend itself to the gravitas of the situation is my point.

And just because 1d4chan is written by stupid memers doesn't mean that they can't have a view on whats a good story or not