>Draw a cow
>Call it a dwarf
This is the freshest spin on beer-guzzling barrel-shaped autists. You cannot dispute it
Draw a cow
I like it. Got more?
Japan was a fucking mistake.
>He doesn't get the joke, and is thus part of the joke.
Granblue fantasy my dude
your mom was a mistake
>touch the cow
>do it now
Are they still beer-guzzling autists though?
Poor form, user. "You were a mistake" would have been better.
your mom would have been better.
This one is
It'd be fresher without the dimorphism.
This. I like animu and mangos as much as the next guy but japan's contribution to western style fantasy races, cultures, creatures, settings, etc. are universally trash.
Cygames a shit
Shadowverse a shit
Granshit a shit
why is japanese fantasy so shit fellas?
I love Draphs. Much better than standard dwarfs and make many times more sense.
I'm not entirely sure. Perhaps it's that our cultures find different things cool and the lameness is highlighted when placed in an otherwise familiar setting. Perhaps it's because 90% of western style fantasy is isekai and 99.9% of isekai is created by talentless hacks. Perhaps the japs just have shit taste.
Because average western fantasy is not retarded trash just as bad as isekai right?
GBF is a much better setting than any D&D official setting.
It is not. Those YA medias with mary sue chosen ones are though. Like hunger games and such.
>Attacking Hanwasabi instead of cutting your losses and trying to run the fuck away
Don't know why he bothered. She's only worth 1 xp and 2 gold.
>It is not
Yes it absolutely is.
factually incorrect
Because anime is so hyperfocused on otaku culture and moe for the last two decades that the very notion of fantasy not based on sweet tits and JRPG power fantasies is a rarity. Most fantasy is isekai that can't stand to have anything that's uncool to a 13 year old boy.
No. It really is. Have you looked at a random lineup of fantasy novels lately? The median fantasy novel is fucking garbage.
You could never give examples. Average D&D novel is worse than average isekai. Not even mentioning garbage like Age of Sigmar books. There is so much trash fantasy produced in the west nips could never compete.
>take dwarfs
>make them look like a warrior race actually should
>give them heavy sexual dimorphism so they are not humans 2.0
>actually give them culture
Yet idiots will cry because they gave girls big tits. This is why nobody takes you retards seriously. You probably only play D&D too.
Now you're being just plain facetious
Now you are just trolling. Provide examples that are not 10+ years old.
The more recent Wheel of time books, Brandon Sanderson's various series.
So few books. Out of thousands.
Now name a single good isekai to come out of Japanese media in the last two decades.
>No. It really is. Have you looked at a random lineup of fantasy novels lately? The median fantasy novel is fucking garbage.
Well Sturgeon's Law...
Do they still live primarily under ground?
Because I do dislike the purely aesthetic animu horns and even more so if they were confined to the low spaces of tunnels and shafts.
That's just off the top of my head. There's around twenty books, so how about you name 5 isekai that's equal or better, or hell, just not about blatant teenage wish fulfillment devoid of more than the most basic of plots.
Now and Then, Here and There
They're the only ones who still care about lizard dudes so you can go fuck yourself user.
Why is this suddenly about isekai only? Isekai is a shit genre with few okay series appearing from time to time. There is much more to japanese fantasy than isekai.
Because it's a half understood cultural appropriations, same way Americans suck ass at any attempt at animesque shit.
Cept bloodborne
These shits need more doujins, i am tired of boat sluts and servants.
>someone on Veeky Forums has shallow knowledge of a subject yet acts like an expert
What a shock.
>japan's contribution to western style fantasy races, cultures, creatures, settings, etc. are universally trash.
When they actually go into western mythos, they end up more accurate than the west
Like what?
Soulsborne series by From Software is a good and recent example
Harvins as Halflings is Granblue's greatest contribution to fantasy.
Is that spikey midged a halfling ?
NGNL elves.
Wheel of time is what I think of when I trying to find examples of what western fantasy series is worse than of hentai games like Fate. Literally more shoehorned fetishes, worse characters, more stereotypical plot and even worse case of filler.
Brandon Sanderson is basically on the level of the mediocre isekai novels with the generic cast and plots but elaborate magic systems. 12 Kingdoms is still better than anything his written (I had high hopes for stormlight, those died with book 2)
That's true.
Personally I think most fantasy ends up being shit because it's a copy of something else, which is usually a copy of something else, etc etc until you get to JRR Tolkien (who was copying traditional myths).
It's like running a single document through a copier over and over again until your left with a shitty unreadable mess.
One game did more with halflings than entire western fantasy put together.
GBF's equivalent
In nip fantasy character's race is just a small part of their personality. In the west your race shapes your entire character. Every dwarf is the same, every wood elf is the same.
>Because average western fantasy is not retarded trash just as bad as isekai right?
is the progenator of that argument chain. There isn't a whole lot of western style fantasy that isn't isekai. Feel free to post some however, I'm always looking for new stuff to read/watch
I was talking about original additions
Aren't they just FFXI/FFXIV tarutaru/lalafells?
>all that shit
have you even read the series?
like braid tugging?
exdeath is the greatest japanese contribution to fantasy.
look at this guy.
fucking. metal.
This. 99% of jap media that makes it to the west is the Japanese equivalent to the avengers; an industry that has, for generations, been analysing exactly how to appeal to 14 year olds as much as humanly possible. There's still plenty of great Japanese fantasy, like Berserk and Mushishi, but it's drowned in the tide of light novel adaptations along the lines of "I can't believe my step sister is a werewolf with giant tits!"
Harvins are capable of getting old or looking somewhat adult, though.
>industry that has, for generations, been analysing exactly how to appeal to 14 year olds
How I love when idiots talk about things they know nothing about.
You are talking about generic shonenshit. Anime industry is aimed at older people.
I can't think of anything else I regret having wasted so much time on
But I see you haven't learned your lesson yet so why don't you strip and take the customary study pose while I get the switches
Western fantasy takes itself so seriously it bores me to tears. Give me the Japanese stuff any day.
I don't really think it's meant to be sexually appealing as the spanking isn't described so much as faded to black. Although now that you mention it there was a lot of female on female flogging.
haha are you serious? You've never read the Isam summaries or anything?
god "characters show up" *almost* made me not regret this series
>reading a book review
>of books I've already
for what purpose?
Isekai fad is already ending in anime. Plenty of non isekai fantasy stuff was already announced this year.
and that's a good thing
ever watch an abridged series? it's like that
Thank fucking God.
I don't agree with this sentiment at large, but with regards to the halflings I agree. Them being 3-foot tall but otherwise completely proportionate humans is just unpleasant. Tolkien, to begin with, describes them as less stocky dwarves, not "humans except just smaller." Nor does it serve any purpose; making them humans just literally smaller makes them even more one-note than elves and dwarves, and doesn't in any way dissociate them from gnomes (who are also a tiny proportionally human race except bug-eyed fey horrors in 3e-4e). Outside of having a giant fetish (and sprites/pixies exist for that) I can see no fetish that proportional halflings satisfy either.
Now I'm not saying that forever loli halflings are the right answer either, but at they're not "humans but smaller" in the absolute most literal sense. Thankfully, 5th Edition DnD is finally moving back towards stocky little people rather than honey I shrunk the humans.
I'm not thrilled at Gnomes either but I can at least understand them given that they have a deeper mythological root. Even so, I kind of wished they were just garden-gnome type tiny old people.
5e's halflings, for reference.
>Brandon Sanderson is basically on the level of the mediocre isekai novels with the generic cast and plots but elaborate magic systems. 12 Kingdoms is still better than anything his written (I had high hopes for stormlight, those died with book 2)
Those are words. They're even strung together sensibly so it can't be that you're illiterate...
Obligatory picture
They work in mines a lot but don't really live underground.
>the example of a "normal" sized man provided for comparison is about 5 foot 7
>There is so much trash fantasy produced in the west nips could never compete.
Depending on how you define "the West", you're looking at near to 750 million people, user.
So, yeah, you're right. 127 million or so people can't produce as much trash as about 750 million people. Have a cookie.
For the record, I defined "The West" as Australia, the United States, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, and every European country west of Germany, Austria, and Italy, inclusive, although I admit that I didn't include fecky countries like San Marino or The Vatican. Luxembourg was as small as I went. Ended up with 749,046,410 people.
Properly speaking by most definitions I should have included all of Latin America as well, but somehow I get the feeling that you're not the sort of person who considers Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America to be part of the Western World.
Arguably Israel, South Africa, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan should also be counted.
Agreed, I always liked japanese silly and/or cute fantasy creature depictions. Sadly everything is turning into lolis or sexy monstergirls and It's getting oversaturated
Not every harvin can be Guzaletha
I'm glad there are at least a significant minority of male, masculine harvins instead of just lolis or draph-level sexual dimorphism.
Mad Max hobbits were hilarious.
Literally nothing is as bad as isekai shit
Alice in Wonderland is isekai. So is Escaflowne or 12 Kingdoms.
So Berserk?
God bless Japan.
What system should I play not-Granblue in?
...Is it? I guess I haven’t really kept up. Well, that’s sad, if so.
Farmland Saga.
Why must every dwarf be the same yet elves have a lot of room for variety?
Is there a chart not in moonspeak?
So huh
We're just gonna ignore the luchadore then?
Granblue meme, don't worry about it.
They're called Draphs and are a flavor of the token almost-fully-human Beastmen that Japan loves so much, as a race they're not grumpy and aren't obsessed with honor, beer, or grudges. They have children in litters.
The only thing they have in common with dwarves is liking guns but so do fucking Warcraft Tauren who also have horns
Porcs are far superior to green human orcs.
I love Draph but Magisa is still breast in show for me, mostly because of that spicy doujin starring her.