>Every setting, every time
Why do you do this you autistic faggots? Why can't you be an orc just this once instead?
Orcs are boring. We kill 50 of them in any given raid.
obviously a bait thread, but here's a real answer:
most fantasy races are just human stereotypes. Playing an actual human in a fantasy setting forces you to actually create a character with a personality, and it also normalizes the party so that you can actually engage in meaningful diplomacy with NPC humans.
Also, most non-human races are just special snowflake mary-sue fantasies. I'd rather DM for an all-human party than a party with a single Tiefling in it.
You can be an orc if you want.
Humans in a fantasy setting are a fantasy race. There's a world of difference between a human from Stormwind, Bretonnia, Nilfgaard and Khorinis. How humans interact with your setting already differentiates them vastly from regular, Earth humans even if the environment is literally "15th century Holy Roman Empire, but with wizards". Instead of propagating the superiority of human only settings, settings with no humans at all, or approving or disapproving of what others play, you could just handle those things on a case to case basis while mostly keeping that shit to yourself.
If I made a human female, you'd call it fetishbait or the "you are gay if you spend hours staring at man ass for hours while playing an RPG" syndrome. If I made a swarthy man, you'd insist his surname is Barbosa. If I made a black female, I'd be accused of a chocolate fetish. If I made an Asian, I'd be told that I have yellow fever or just want to make a Bruce Lee knockoff. If I made an elf, you'd call me a Peter Jackson loving fag. If I made a dwarf, you'd expect me to talk only about beer, beards and hammers. If I made a gnome, you'd expect teh pengu1n of d00m. There's no winning with judgmental fucks like you.
t. rolls characters of every race based on a whim, including male human fighters
Does skin color even matter for an character?
Every time I tried to make a non-human PC they died on their introduction session protecting the party. They never had time to show enough personality for other players to get invested in them. They would then resurrect my dead human character because everyone really liked him. I tried other races, but human was the only one that stuck.
>Playing an actual human in a fantasy setting forces you to actually create a character with a personality
It's even more fun when making countries in nation builder games. If someone decides to be a nation of dwarves, other players know how to deal with them. When a player picks humans, nobody has a clue how they will react because they could be anything from bloodthirsty imperialists to benevolent diplomats and anything in between.
>implying if I played my Not!African ranger who mainly uses javelins and spears you wouldn’t call me racist
>implying if I played my totem of the Gorilla barbarian you wouldn’t call me racist
Fuck off
I can do you one better, fampai.
>short brown hair
>combat focus
If you’re a liberal then it’s the only thing that matters.
I dont allow negros in my games or in my home.
>Friend makes human sorcerer
>Lives for-fucking-ever
>Makes a gnome barbarian
>Dies in second encounter
>Makes dwarf necromancer
>Dies in second encounter
>Makes human monk
>Almost dies, but had to leave early so I said he was immediately stable
Really, he plays humans just because they tend to stay alive for more than one session.
>If someone decides to be a nation of dwarves, other players know how to deal with them.
Original Master of Orion gave its numerous races a strong tendency towards exhibiting certain personality traits, but they still were subject to RNG changes. Meklars, the cyborg race, tend to be isolated industrialists and extremely volatile diplomats, but this guy rolled Meklar that were actually heavily expansionist and sought out tech at all costs.
You could easily imagine Dwarves that *weren't* defined by greed and rigid hierarchy.
>Every time I tried to make a non-human PC they died on their introduction session protecting the party.
Wrong image OP
sounds like you're targeting non-humans for death, GM-fampai
>I have yet to find a matriarchal race or society that wasn't written as evil.
I want the Cultist to stop talking.
You'd have to be imagining it though because only human kingdoms have depth.
My current character is Italian so according to /pol/ that's not white.
Checkmate, atheists!
Depends on the setting. In Faerun, it probably doesn't matter at all unless you're a Drow. In 1920s New York it could matter quite a bit.
>You could easily imagine Dwarves that *weren't* defined by greed and rigid hierarchy.
Then you could easily use human society instead.
The main point of fantasy races is that they are a rigid one-dimensional stereotype, no ifs or buts. And because they're that, they're bland and boring.
>The main point of fantasy races is that they are a rigid one-dimensional stereotype, no ifs or buts. And because they're that, they're bland and boring.
Which is why TES has like 5 different elves and each setting has its own take on elves, which includes "elves as hopeless magic crack addicts", "elves as tree-huggers" and "elves as matriarchal feral warriors".
Fuck outta here with that shit.
Those literally aren't elves though. Those are Mer.
As I said, one-dimensional stereotypes.
>It's another thinly veiled /pol/ thread
Remember to sage and report /pol/ faggotry.
>"Playing an actual human in a fantasy setting forces you to actually create a character with a personality"
>makes the same gruff human martial (likely fighter or paladin) with PTSD and survivor's guilt that a million guys have already made before
>white male people representation in fantasy games is high
has a lot to do with the demographics interested in the game imho
>Those literally aren’t elves though. Those are Asur, Druchii and Asrai
Because i'm not a fetish-fueled furry faggot.
>Assigning traits to an entire race/gender is bigoted
White men are bland by default and nothing can be done to make them interesting, even though they exist across all possible archetypes in the entirety of Western fiction
I don't know whether I should detest or pity progressives.
The number of minutes this thread remains alive is directly proportional to the number of cocks the jannies suck.
This shit just ain't popular in africa/asia
Wtf are you talking about about representation? there is zero neckbeards in D&D modules to begin with
>obviously a bait thread, so here's a real bait answer
I mean, I’m glad you’re changing up your pasta, but it’s still pretty rank, bro.
I prefer humans.
>White men are bland by default
he says, when white men have made modern society, contributed to every field of art and science and experienced every emotion that has ever existed
I didn't say that this doesn't also apply to every other race you fucknugget. Saying that white men are boring is like saying that humans are boring. Considering that humans tought about and made every piece of culture that you cherish, do you see the hypocrisy that is blinding you ?
We agree, mate. I just forgot to put a meme arrow before the second greentext.
Because when I play a black guy I get accused of "blackfacing". I was accused of this on PSO2 for fuck's sake because I'm white but my character is black.
I like being the straightman to the other 4 special snowflakes in the party.
I see what you did there.
I don't understand
This is why I liked the gay dwarf from dragon age 2
Why is that /pol/? Just annoying that people don't ever reach outside their comfort zone.
This is bait but you'll get a real answer:
I like playing a mundane, normal person in weird fantasy situations. Although I've actually mixed up my gender and skin color many times.
Best character was a flamboyant NOT-ARAB character.
>makes the same gruff human martial (likely fighter or paladin) with PTSD and survivor's guilt that a million guys have already made before
It still makes you ask questions: where did he fight before, what did give him PTSD, what companions he left behind, how he copes with that?
While all questions about your drunken greedy dwarf fighter could be answered as "it's a dwarf thing dude!"
That's kinda oversimplifying nonhuman characters, which is hilarious when you're annoyed by them oversimplifying human characters
I always play female characters because I like to paint sexy female figures and draw cool and cute girls.
I'm not annoyed, it is just that you can't justify something cause it is human thing, cause due to "diversity" there are none or to few "human" traits to build character on, forcing you to do go beyond species sterotype. You can say that it is nation thing but it boils to a problem where different species are different nations in fantasy.
My DM won't let me.
In reality, all you end-up doing is the same milktoast carboard cut-out over and over again
My little Bilbo can't be this cute.
>Why is that /pol/?
Because OP is pretending to shriek about WHITE PEOPLE REEEE in the hopes that some applesponges will see the thread and take it upon themselves to continue shitposting about real-world social politics on Veeky Forums instead of the appropriate containment board.
then he is a faggot
get a new DM
Is it ok to lick a hobbits hairy feet
as long as you wash them first
>tfw about to play a Goblin Warlock
Its gonna be FUN!
>Mentioning skin colour.
Literally only time I've done this is describing goblins and orcs, who are a whole rainbow of fuckery.
Except you don't, you fucking idiot.
>M-Muh generic anime protagonist tho
They mostly tend to be HAREM protagonist. In the case of the far right a harem VISUAL NOVEL protagonist to boot. They look like generic Japanese men on purpose: they're supposed to be easy to self-insert into. For harem protagonists the rule is: the more generic, the better.
What you're doing here is just as dishonest as saying "French actors can't act" and using exclusively French porn as examples.
Race doesn’t make a character whether they’re human or whatever. Boring characters of all races exist. Moral of the story: there’s no bad races, only bad players(except kender, those are objectively bad).
>they're supposed to be easy to self-insert into
Which is exactly the issue with people who just play Human as a race in a fantasy RPG
It's a meme
Because every other race has certain specific classses accosiated with it because they are objectively better at those classes (wood elf rangers, halfling rogues, tiefling warlocks), while human can be good with any class. That said I do make and play non-human characters (5/9ish characters I've played were non-human)
I am a male, therefore I choose male, especially in a rpg where I am voicing the character. (Never played a female character, though I have played as female NPCs)
I don't always make them white, but I am white and therefore it's the default for me unless I am making a show of the character's skin color, or I find a really great picture. (1/4-ish humans I've played were non-white)
Also, yes, this is bait.
I'm literally seething.
>while human can be good with any class
humans can be average with any class
the only class humans can be truly good at is the Rogue, if they use a feat to increase the skill-monkey aspect to the extreme
You got the meme wrong you retard
>Everyone who plays a human does it to self-insert
I have literally never played with someone who played their race as a stereotype. Of course they exist but they're not common let alone universal.
>I have literally never played with someone who played their race as a stereotype.
Don't worry about it. OP has literally never played with anyone.
Everyone who would not be able to play other races in an interesting manner
>Dark skin
>White features/structure
Drow are whites in black face, so it's double racist
which makes it double awesome
>>Dark skin
>>White features/structure
That's not double racist, that's the best of both worlds.
how so?
Eh, they can still be good. +1 in primary ability and any feat of your choice makes it good at any class in my book. Maybe not optimal, but certainly still good.
The implication is that the other guy is seething, not you
This goi gets it.
>nation builder games
it's spelled milquetoast, for future reference but I'm glad you tried
Carry on with the thread
t. always rolls race, class, background etc. randomly and constructs a character based on the results
>Not liking every fantasy race
Fuck off. Humans only fags are the new furries. Nobody needs to hear your gay little opinion shitposted in every thread.
>these models
It looks like something out of Might & Magic 6.
So that is why you are outside and not playing any games.
White human males are objectively the best people in the world in every respect.
You say white like it's a bad thing. Racist ass bitch.
Nothing new under the sun kiddo.
If I was a irl gay black female and made a black gay female character you wouldn’t say shit.
How about we simply create an interesting character on it's own and then, near the end before we buy equipment or similar, we slap a race paintjob on?
Instead of the nobles son you are the son of the warchief.
Instead of PTSD survivors guilt you try your best to get into worthy dwarven not!-valhalla.
Instead of a human outsider living with elves you are an elf living with humans.
now this isn't so hard, isn't it ?
It’s Palladium Fantasy rpg
I play humans because they get that bonus feat.
It's pure optimization.
Because the moment everyone starts being a "snowflake" by not taking a human white dude, being a human white dude starts being unique again.
>Every time I tried to make a non-human PC they died on their introduction session protecting the party.
I would make a non-human character, a dwarf, a lizardfolk, an orc, etc either as a backup character or to stand in for my fallen human (who I started the game with). The new non-human character would be introduced to the party by our commanding officer, and we would go on a quest. I would roleplay as my new character, but before I could really get into it we would end up in a really dangerous fight. I was often playing the party front line, so I would wade into melee to save our casters. Then I would end up dead when the cleric didn't position right, or because the paladin chased a retreating minion rather than helping me tank a boss, or a ton of gunners would blast me to bits when I jumped in front of our squishier characters. No matter what I did, my non-human character would die on the same quest that they were first introduced in, usually just past half way though the session.
>nation builder games
Every player creates a nation and picks a location on a map that the GM creates before hand. Each week the players make deals, declare wars, talk to minor NPC nations, request buildings/research/armies/magic from the GM in accordance with their current wealth and power, answer the worldbuilding question of the week, and shoot the shit in all-chat (which is usually a sort of fantasy UN). There's creative writing, conflict, backstabbing, and banter all around. Some of the most fun times I've ever had GMing was for a 14 player game last summer. Complete havoc, but loads of fun.
sounds like a GM problem tbhsmhfamalam
u da boss, boss