Draw Your Party Thread
Draw Your Party Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Posting Some of mine.
And my most recent
Current party, which I finally got back to GMing for recently. We just finished session #48 of our campaign.
Earlier party portrait, which includes some former members of the party, as well as some important NPCs.
Another campaign I ran for the same group of players (well, minus one and plus another, but close enough). Hopefully I will get to continue that one some day as well.
I guess no one else draws their parties anymore...
It comes and goes with the creativity on the board.
But what I've noticed is that as more and more people browse Veeky Forums on their phone, they don't contribute with OC because they're nowhere near a computer to create it on.
welp, I guess I'll act on an impulse and do mine
Same. I'm guilty of phone-browsing myself, but I do try to contribute some OC when I am on my computer.
Our DM's sister actually draws our characters.
Here's a party shot of all our characters from our main campaign.
Welp took longuer than expected
anyway, here it is, I'll try posting it every now and again
WTF setting is this for?
Bottom Panel, from left to right:
>> Harrah - Kensai monk, does the most damage and the least work
>> Steely Dan - Hexblade warlock, consummate liar and thief, robs casinos for his patron
>> Mira Thunwall - Cleric librarian, the party brains and suggestor of evil schemes, gets blamed for everything
>> Alexi Belmont - Bard propagandist, claims to be the parties face but has keeping up with the others antics
>> Mason McMurphy - Ranger/cop, a criminal turned cop turned inquisitor, gets in fights with hobos and doesnt afraid of anything (including dragons much to the parties dismay)
>> Baldrick - Dead Ranger, turned out he diddled kids so got killed by Mason
>> BA Barakus - Crippled Paladin, got his back Bane broken by a six food tall dwarf.
Sburb (the universe of Homestuck), but it's not a fixed universe per se, more that there are constants and rules. Most of the universe is determined by the players who, at the beginning, are their 13 years old self, along with their idiotic usernames. They have to do a buch of bullshit, die, become gods, breed a frog and create a new universe for them and their people
I know it sounds strange but I'm summing up a whole lot here so that it kinda makes sense, it's basically a tabletop based around the idea of a modern creation myth
The whole idea of Sburb is so much cooler than homestuck deserved. What system are you using?
The art style does definitely look tumblr-y, yeah. Still, it's a nice gesture and gives some visualization.
Ahh I know of homestuck. Okay that makes more sense. Are you using the official system for it?
Here's a pixel panorama of my party facing down a fleet of enemy airships, hopefully this will keep the thread bumped til morning so I can finish my Pathfinder party.
What setting/game is this?
It's for a Savage Worlds campaign I am running. Basically gunpowder fantasy where one character (second from the right in the picture you replied to) is the main driving force of the story due to the insane shit he does and gets the rest of the party into trouble. Meanwhile the guy to his left is a crazy druid bent on world domination / annihilating humanity. And the two on the outside, the left one is just along for the ride and the one on the right is a bandit who wants notoriety. Needless to say, after stealing one of the kingdom's 400-foot dreadnought airships and dealing with a barely-loyal crew, as well as dealing with the fact that an extraplanar army is invading and they are doing fuck-all about it (except for one decently-long excursion into their territory where one party member drank a conversion potion that linked him to the far realm and ended up in a dream battle with a very powerful outsider and died), they are in quite a lot of trouble.
If you want a bit more detail, here are the session notes (so far): pastebin.com
The Boys™ have arrived
we're using the SKRUB system as a base but I've had to make quite a few things myself since stuff like aspect powers aren't done yet
I kept most of the stuff in the most recent version and a few things in the older one (because they haven't been redone yet), aside from the group and leadership mechanics which are fucking retarded (according to these rules, players cannot make a party on their own if their characters aren't social enough or if someone's leadership isn't high enough)
That's the only really bad thing which I've noticed, the rest is pretty solid
I'm not even sure whether to call it a circus or a freakshow by now.
well, scratch that, apparently the tumblerita in charge of it has gone full retard, I'll post the pdfs for the version that I use when I'm home
Warhammer Fantasy group
Are they all boys?
That's a beautiful character sheet.
from dead campaign where pcs were all skeletons
kinda wanna run it again
sick art, my guy
>pcs were all skeletons
hell yeah
bumping again so that I can finish my pathfinder party pic
Bumping for pathfinder user.
I'm making a 40krpg version of the template. Any requests? Doing mostly imperial stuff now, xenos later.
Offtopic, but how is playing with 8 characters? Do any of you even get anything done when playing all together at once? I'd imagine having a discussion or progressing personal motifs taking an entire session.
Not him but I played in a campaign that hovered between 5 and 9 players and it was okay. Mostly just dungeon crawling and people hanging out.
Love DMing this party. The tieflings always argue morality between themselves, the barbarian picks fights but is a good sport about it and the rogue is just terrified about being in a party with these adventurous killing machines. The orc fighter mostly just tags along on their shenanigans.
one more bump I promise I'll post it tonight, I just have to write up descriptions.
>The tieflings always argue morality between themselves,
Of course lol
One of my players drew this. The angel and the drake were NPCs.
It was a shorter campaign, 8-ish months, in the fantasycraft system. My first time as a DM. Were a few hiccups near the beginning, but overall I think it went well.
>"I need healing!"
i laffed, user
Fuck me, I wish I had this kind of talent. I'd love to be able to do detailed pictures of party moments. Best I have are these dumb chibi things I made from a template.
There's a lot that I should change about this image since a lot's happened since I made it, new party members/npcs/Edoc not being a smoldering pile of slag in the dirt, etc. But I can't be assed at the moment.
For my Sci-Fi game that I run
From Left to Right
Captain Maria Ulysses: A Former Racer, Merc Pilot then Diplomat Inherited the ship from her mother with a request "Assemble a worthy crew and do some good in the Galaxy"
Heavy Weapons Gal Gauss: An occasionally unhinged AI that was able to move to different machines. She was found by the captain in a Blender before being put into an android shell.
Pilot Jacque Lamontagne: A blue collar driver who was fed up of that life and wanted to explore the galaxy. Is an amateur streamer and hover bike racer
Muscle Jarnish Irgnar: A former fighter pilot/ex con who escaped his prison due to a freak accident. He's free now and was a good friend with the Captain before his incarceration, Still is.
Engineer Gary Epokian: Was a human Popsicle (Cryo frozen) for an indiscriminate amount of time. He was thawed out and is trying to figure out exactly what happened to get him frozen.
Medic Remu Demasi: An Alien Doctor who was with a crew of salvages before being separated from them. She, alongside Jarnish crash landed in an pod on a planet the party were exploring
So far the party have
>Explored an abandoned planet of ancient dead aliens who seemed to be centuries ahead in augmentation technology.
>Gambled on one of the party members participating in a bike race thus earning them money to upgrade their ship.
>Engaged as neutral mediators between two hostile alien races concerning a planetary blockade solving the Dilemma ) Infiltrated and destroyed a pirate base owned by the BBEG (who was wanting to interfere with the talks for his own agenda
> Explored the wrecked remains of a prison ship that was destroyed by the BBEG
They're about to explore a nearby planet where the prison ship's escape pods were ejected onto.
FINALLY finished my Pathfinder group. Spent a lot of today on it. It needs some formatting fixes but I figure I better upload it before the thread dies, I can't bump it forever. Anyway hope you guys enjoy it. Also I hope you get to see it.
Thanks user, I am glad you like it. Pixel art is nice because it makes up for the fact that I can't draw worth a damn.
>Mallenchite Durak: Dwarf Oath of the Guardian Paladin, holds the frontline of any fight to allow his allies to return fire with ease. Has a habit of pulling through in hopeless situations.
>Eruantian Oronar: Wood Elf Variant Ranger Commando, stays at range to rain hell on foes, but is not averse to fighting in melee when the situation arises. Ironically the party face even though he wears a mask.
>Stubbs: Half-Orc Totem of the Bear Barbarian, dives far into combat to disrupt enemy formations as much as possible. While he may have the intelligence of a brick, he hits harder than a pile of them.
>WIll Blackwater: Human Eldritch Knight, pretty much a dude that got lucky a few times and ended up becoming a folk hero. Uses his spells as his first offense until melee becomes necessary. Extremely prone to streaks of luck.
>Crack Tusk: Luxodon Domain of Life Cleric, uses healing magic to ensure the party is always in the fight. Provides most of the utility for the party when needed. Extremely averse to heights.
How do I make my setting and campaign fun for my players? I have some ideas but I don't really know if they'd enjoy them all that well. I'm not very good at writing stories.
If you're not so creative. Just take elements from things you like. And shake it up.
For stories. Just think of obscure movies books TV shows and games you don't think your players have watched. And just use that. Thre are a lot of guides online to help you.
what font is that?
Not quite a standard draw your party, but just a quick thing i whipped up so that the rest of the party would understand how fucking HUGE our 32' golem is.
Please do, would love to run a campaign with this sometime.
Lack of trench coats and crowbars is saddening.
Don't worry user, this is cute as hell if you drew it yourself.
Here's the main pdf and a list of the stuff that I ignored when playing
>You cannot GM this alone (ignored, this is very doable as long as you know how to prepare shit & improvise when necessary)
>Some talents are never or rarely used (wiles, roast, snark, ship, pester...) But they make sense in character creation since you're depicting a personnality. Others, like fashion, are surprisingly powerful (I'm mentionning this to point out that there are a few trap options and even less op stuff, so don't just hand it out to your players if you have powergamers in your group; ie have your players learn with you)
>The whole "relationships and social contracts part" (ignored since it limits player freedom for no good reason in something that is essentially a sandbox game)
>The entire crunch section of the Classes and Powers part (ignored) and the fluff part is basically her take on the classpect system (depends on wether or not you care about someone else's headcannons, personally I don't)
Here's the second pdf
I don't use much from it but it does contain most of the useful crunch
>Entering the game (3.2) is useful if you need a little reminder about the exact process of entering the medium
>Damage scaling (5.3.2): essential because nothing in the previous pdf actually tells you what damage a note of x tier will cause
>denizens (7.4) if you're looking for denizen names
>Ennemy creation (7.5) will tell you the basic drops per monster, their HP per tier, their base damage, etc... As well as the specific rules for royals & ennemies wielding a ring or scepter.
>Every section from the shadow (7.2.4) to Apotheosis (7.3.3) describes the core of the concept of quest here, so everything's essential
There are also quite a few interesting details here and there, like the costs of all phernalia in boondollars and other details which I couln't find again, but they're definitely in there
I'll work on a picture describing how I handle hero powers & ennemy drops if you're interested, but most of the stuff is here
Are you the former artist from Broquest?
That's a great style
>elephant man
Indeed they are
Two parties, same world:
Team 1(right):
>Amnesiac android. Thinks she might be a princess trapped in a robot body. Doesn't like violence. Is the party tank.
>Son of wealthy land owners in a far off land, civil war stripped his family of their status. On the run and actually kind of enjoying it. Naive and full of wander lust. Good with a cavalry saber; not so good with straight up murder.
>Jaded cynical gun slinging con artist. Will get into anything for money, will get out of anything if his life is on the line.
>Mountain lion lady, hunter tracker. Kids are grown, husband dead, so she's off on adventure because why not. Brings a lot of levity and social lubricant to the otherwise self absorbed cast.
Team 2(left):
>Human child adopted by robot scrappers. Spent formative years wandering wasteland and bundled up head to toe. Basically thinks he's a robot, or at least hasn't been given a whole lot of reason to question it too deeply. Inherited a dead robot's rifle, it's nearly as big as him.
>Bison man. A shaman and kind of a pacifist; he doesn't really "fight" and he won't throw punches or wield weapons, but he's not above just picking people up and tossing them over his shoulder, which given his size, he often can.
>Robot butler/slave. Won in a poker game. Missing his arm, and with it his gun.* On a quest to find his arm. Serves/belongs to...
>Lady desperado. Con artist, mercenary, and in some regions a folk hero. Family lost their money so she turned to conning, robbing, and killing for it. She doesn't seem to bothered by it.
*My robot race here are all "born" with a gun in hand. General rule of thumb is they don't let anyone but the rightful owner touch a gun, and losing one is a big deal.
>My robot race here are all "born" with a gun in hand
what game ?
Sounds cool. Why does one have a lightsaber?
I don't have any more parties to draw portraits for, sorry.
Seeing this thread inspired me to update this. It's not complete as I just got a new player but I'm short on time. I'll see if I can get to it later.
What happened to the gnome?
I haven't updated this in a while, I'm such a lazy fuck.
I spent a long time on this so I'll try to do my party later. This is just my character.
What does he enjoy eating?
Grilled chicken sandwiches, or anything else he makes. He is a very good chef.
gotta bump while I finish mine
that's pretty nicely done !
also, contributing, I just finished this image for a high tier mook
well this was fun. smallest campaign I've ever run but goddamn are the characters great.
The system is Starfinder. The guy with the "Lightsaber" is actually a Solarian (Which is what the system basicaly call "Jedi") And the player said they wanted to play an "Orc Jedi". The Lightsaber is his Solar Weapon (He just treats it as a lightsaber)
They're called Diablo and Ming. I just googled "fantasy fonts" like three years ago and downloaded them from the first site I found, so good luck if you're looking for them
Hey thanks. And no I think that's the guy who made the template. I just tried to match the style. I've been using it to make the little icons of enemies and NPCs for the game.
What game/system is this?
>bear wizard
>that wood texture
good shit right there
It's actually from the OP's template
Just 4e with a custom setting and a lot of tweaked house rules to fit it. Pretty basic but it works.
This is the most bloated system I've ever read, but thanks for the PDFs, user. I think I'll take some cool shit from it and put it in a system that doesn't have an entire paragraph telling you to play with 2 GMs.
guess i'm retarded then
I'm Thanks, I'm actually interested to see that picture if it's nbd.
Will post character descriptions tomorrow. Any idea why this thread isn't showing up in catalog?
What system? I like the style
I got here via the catalog, check your filters maybe.
>Any idea why this thread isn't showing up in catalog?
Something in the OP is filtered.