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So the first draft of the Battle of Polytopia gauntlet is complete, and I'm open for feedback.
I've said it before, but this is a mobile game which is basically a simplified Civilization, so I wouldn't worry about knowing the setting to jump it or give feedback. Even the two sentence descriptions of the tribes are longer in the doc than their actual written lore in the game.
Are the perks reasonably balanced? Can you work out what everything means? Anything that's cool? Anything you don't like? Any feedback is appreciated.
Feel free to post builds. I'm curious as to what tribes people will choose or import.
>Either way it would make for a great blessing on someone who came to pray to me.
>Villager Hedge Wizard comes to pray to jumper
>Please powerful god grant me a boon that I may save my village
>Jumper casts Regen and Refresh
>Villager hedge wizard now has neverending mana and health that regens in seconds
>Cant use all this mana
>Fireballs for days
Im not sure if that is a blessing or a curse, you might have created a minor god.
Why is it pink?
to reflect that ur gay
Fuck it, I'm gonna bite the bullet and make an Unsong jump.
Big if true.
No, my friend.
Y is for Y. Pestis
Dear god my eyes are literally bleeding trying to read that.
Same colour scheme that the game uses.
Also I like pink.
It looks alright on my screen. I could always upload it alongside a text only version.
Zanshin Average is a story about how an Evil God finds a girl with eyes that make every one shiver, see its like her eyes hold all the evils of the world (or so the story says) so he tells the girl he will grant her a wish. She wants to be absolutely average, so he sends her into an isekai kind of fantasy world.
Turns out he made her absolutely average for an evil god, as in take the stats of all the evil gods and get the average and put them into this girl, stuff her with so much dark power she almost pops.
Turns out it was a long scheme to see if maybe he could get some kin for low investment high return (kin are basically like relatives on the same side as you, kinda like vampire children and sires or retainers) he hoped that by shoving all that power into her and sending her to a fantasy world she would somehow pop and turn into a god controlling a portion of that world. Which he could cash in on later because he helped her get there. Low effort low risk high reward.
Re-reading All-Star Superman as we speak. MUCH more concise and easier to follow, and less content to keep track of while still tapping into the fun parts. Also this story punches me in the soul a few times so that's a bonus.
I'll be converting some of the perks from the original draft over, but I'll be doing some tinkering to others so they fit better. I can probably safely sort out powers by race and have various character/science perks so you could make stuff like the Serum and other super-science as well. Is there anything from All-Star Superman specifically you folks would like to see?
Im ok with that, at the very least I can also cast dispel on them if I need to bring them back down to earth. Always have a contingency plan.
What's that?
That actually sounds kinda neat. Is it finished? Got a link to it?
The ending was a little out of left field but I liked it.
>Battle of Polytopia
Still sounds like a super-ambitious epic-scale porn.
I'd love to give you feedback, but a few seconds of looking at that hurt my eyes so . . . yeah, no.
How did you feel about the sequel? Personally I disliked the new MC.
>tfw you have no sweets at home and can't be assed to go to the supermarket so you just eat cooking chocolate
What were some low points in your chain, Jumpers?
Havent read it yet, I was actually about to start it
Damn. This is a lot different to the feedback I got when I first asked what people thought of the design.
How would you recommend I change it? A darker pink so the white stands out more?
>eat cooking chocolate
That's pretty low, user. I got lucky and mom sent me a bunch of Girl Scout cookies. Samoas are fucking amazing.
>How would you recommend I change it? A darker pink so the white stands out more?
Something, at the very least. That color scheme is murder.
Darker pink, black borders on the text. Not thick borders, just enough to make it distinct.
Transistor user here. Transistor Jump is just about finished, all items, drawbacks, Transistor rules, the obligatory "stay, go home, keep jumping" ending part, and most of the Perks have been finished, and there are plenty of pictures as well!
I'm only lacking in a small handful of things right now, and I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do with them, so I've decided to drop by and pick your brains for ideas and help. What I need help deciding is
>Drop-in 400cp Perk
>Drop in 600cp Capstone perk
>Civilian 200cp perk
>Civilian 400cp perk
I had considered making one of those perks a "forecaster" perk based off of Henter Jallaford, but I couldn't decide on whether to give that to the Civilian or Drop-In origins
Also, because you guys whined and it caused a whole debate last time I posted, I went ahead and got a trip. I'll probably never use it again though. I've never used a trip before, so hopefully I'm doing it right.
They changed the name now. Samoas are no longer allowed to be sold because someone complained about samoas being a racist name.
It's oppressive, non-inclusive, and it's place is in the past.
How the fuck is that racist? Calling someone a samoa is not the same as calling someone a nigger or a injun or whatever. Anyway, my box was labeled Samoas and they were very pleasing.
Any idea how you'd do that on Google Docs? Or am I gonna have to venture outside of my comfort zone?
I like pink. Pink is nice.
>Any idea how you'd do that on Google Docs?
No idea, I avoid gdocs like the plague.
Samoas are still sold where I live.
A quick google search says that it basically depends on which bakery the girl scouts get the cookies from?
How is this in terms of legibility? I'll be uploading a text-only version when it goes up on the drive regardless.
Much less eye rapey.
The text still could use a black border though
Looks fine to me
Hey, in Mars of Destruction, I'm wrestling with description length again.
If I don't outright state that a certain background is the Drop-In equivalent, but specify that this background comes with no "citizenship, relatives, or memories" will people generally get the picture, or should I try to be clearer than that?
Still uncomfortable, but not as immediately skull fucking. Do the black border on the text and it should be readable for how short it is.
Always assume your readers won't get the picture.
Much better, but pls black border the text.
People will generally get the picture, but some people are idiots.
Should still be in there, yeah. Not sure how to handle the perk trees yet, whether it'll be a big list with some racial options or three backgrounds (Supes, Lex/Quintum, Lois/Jimmy). What sounds better?
When it comes to /jc/, assume a lack of comprehension close to illiteracy or high density.
Never assume you're clever enough to say something to the reader without saying it. This is jumpchain: be specific.
Gotcha. Has anyone got any recommendations on programs I can convert over from google docs to which let me add text borders?
Ai'ght, I'll mess with the wording a little to make it fit.
This is a myth. The name Samoa vs Caramel deLite has to do with which bakery is used - Hell, they're not quite the same cookie either since the original bakery owns the original recipe. It's the same with the Tagalongs, Trefoils, Do-si-dos...
Aside from the canon examples, which Mythical Figures wpuld make for good Hanged Man Personas?
What would happen if we tried to steal the hearts of a yozi, persona style?
For a moment I thought you were the same namefag
GIMP probably does, although I'm not a GIMP user. Word does I believe. I use a different publisher I picked up a few years ago. If you don't want to learn GIMP or pick up another publisher, I'd go with Word.
Nah, just a weird coincidence that we're usually posting around the same time.
Something for always finding another way? Like Superman's answer to the Ultra-Spinx? Also, how are you planning on dealing with intelligence? There's a bit of a gamut, with Superman and Lex being 8th-9th level intellect, and Brainiac being 12th. Assuming Brainiac appears in All-Star, I don't remember all of the details.
Don't think Brainiac ever shows up, no. So that's not really an issue. While raw intelligence is an innate feature of Supes' powers, the sciences he picks up aren't so I can divide those into science perks either side can purchase. This does mean stacking them will be most effective if you want to be a super-science build, but that will by nature be more expensive, so it fits.
I’m thinking one origin for who you are when out of costume (Drop in, Reporter, Businessman) and another origin for who you are when in costume (Hero, Villain) along with a powers table.
Kind of like what Superman the Animated Series has.
Once they figure out what's going on? Their labyrinths become unpassable unless you can figure out away around their perfect defences.
Tfw more DC but no Imperial Guard or Tau :(
Well, StAS combines the who you are in costume and power table parts, but I think you see what I mean.
TFW more of settings we already have, but no new IPs
It is likely to start loudly protesting its kidnapping. Fetichs aren't used to being stolen.
Just reposting the 1.7 for more feedback, close to finalising
>I can probably safely sort out powers by race
Any fifth dimensionals or others can banish you if they can get the jumper to say REPMUJ ?
Is that a wolf I see?
Jumper: Well, I successfully stole Malfeas' heart...
Companion: We can tell. Now how do we explain Ligier hovering overhead here on the Blessed Isle?
I like the origins idea. I'll see if I can't set it up that way. Powers table...eeeeh. Aside from the Parasite and the time-travelers, it's almost all Kryptonians and their off-shoots (and Jimmy being Doomsday For A Day) and super serums, when not counting super science things. I don't think I'd have enough to work with for a full power table in this case. Certainly no shortage of items, though.
Don't worry, the war will be over before Christmas.
If you mean Fifth Dimensional as a purchasable power option...no. That gimmick as a drawback?...maybe?
No it is a pumpkin citizen
That's a good way to handle it, considering Superman's literal super science pedigree. Iirc Jor-El was 8th even without a sun boost.
>That gimmick as a drawback?...maybe?
That's plenty good , also one where we relive the death of someone equal to what happens later in All Star
Fair enough, I’ve never read All-Star Superman so I’m just working on the general themes of Superman.
So supes is the slow one in the family?
Be the change you want to see, maudlin mega satan.
No. Sort of. It's more a necessity of the writing, especially if Superman is paired up with someone like Batman. Writers need to make Superman fuck up to have conflict and so that other super people have something to do, and sometimes that necessitates ignoring certain abilities. Like his speed or intelligence or his logic defying senses.
I'm bloody working on it.
Nioh's not exactly being an easy beast to scrape inspiration for.
So, for the Digimon World jumps, are we limited to picking digimon that appeared in the respective games?
I gave Word a try, but as it turns out, this is the thinnest outline you can get at 0.25pt. I'm tempted to just darken the pink a bit more and seeing if that makes it better.
Up the size of the page so that it can accommodate a larger font size.
We're way past my level of knowledge here. Could you explain how I'd go about doing that?
Give me a minute and I'll give you something.
Not Regalus.
But probably not. I think you can be whatever digimon you want (Within reason, like not sure if you can become Shoutmon X7)
Is there a drawback limit?
>Y is for Yandere Edition
I'm thinking about reformatting and editing the Generic Yandere jump.
Would there any any interest, or should I just let it collect dust on my drive since I'm not the original jump-maker?
No interest
>Generic Yandere jump.
We have one?
>Generic Yandere jump.
Post it. PLS.
It's an SB jump, and not very well written, but I think it has a lot of promise.
Now Ricrod, we know you love waifu's but remember if you go for yanderes they will kill your waifus
If your companions have a certain 'look' or outfit, do they still stick to that in future jumps? or do they change things up a little? Or do you not let them?
...I'd be interested. That was a WIP never to be finished, right?
Question for Valeria
How does Growth Curve from FGO interact with stuff that lets you grow infinitely like Ordinary Man?
Generally my companions where whatever they want. (We even have a supply network to make magic, nigh-indestructible clothing for whatever setting or occasion we need)
>Is there a drawback limit?
Anything else you want to be added ?
They generally stick to the same 'style', though specific looks and outfits may differ as time goes by. That's mostly just personal taste though.
Except when we do the themed outfits thing. Everyone wears the colourful spandex or spray-paint, no exceptions.
On the one hand, looking forward to that. On the other hand, Unsong's metaphysics seems particularly unsuited to jumping into. More aggressively "has to run by its own internal logic" than most. (and if anything "came in" from outside, far more likely to, _automatically_, lead to doomy doom of dooms given the extent of how everything had to be "just _exactly_ right" to save that world.
Hrm... Might want something in there like "you're not jumping exactly into the canonical world of the story, but a similar one elsewhere in the "garden" that was all keikakued with the expectation of the jumper showing up.
Here's the Generic Yandere jump for anyone that wants too see it. archive.4plebs.org
I have a strict uniformed dress code but they wear different outfits off duty unless they like their outfit and order 20 of the same outfits
I'm not a huge fan of the concept of going into a random generic setting, with the only thing making it a yandere jump being that there's "an abundance of Yanderes".
Why not just use that jump as a bit of inspiration for perks and things, and make a Yandere Simulator jump? That way you actually have a setting to base the jump off of, rather than a regular world but with yanderes everywhere.
Unsong: Alternate world where the Apollo program accidentally broke the divine systems that allowed the universe to run on physics. Divine light starts leaking back into the universe, kabbalah starts aggressively working.
The theonomics corporations rise and start copyrighting and licensing names of god that can do nifty things.
Also, the metaphysics of the universe is all metaphor and pun
Furthermore, hell must be destroyed.
>Why not just use that jump as a bit of inspiration for perks and things, and make a Yandere Simulator jump?
Because the setting is as blank as the generic yandere jump and it's never coming out.
Do you have power point? Word is having issues and this is easier if you have PPT.
What would happen if you combined the Second Magic or the Fifth Magic with the Black of Venus