And please, not a "le scuse to post shitty lewd" kind of thread.
Talk about Goblin cultures, they niceh in your setting, the differents kinds of them and to post cool art.
Again, go to /aco/ to shitpost lewds or semi-lewds and /a/ for the le so epic Goblin slayer shitpost.
Goblin Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I have to say I love Russ Nicholshon gobs.
Confrontations art was so good. Such great designs in general.
>multiple goblin threads
Goblins in my setting end up being drawn to various warlords. Their homeland's a mess of bands that'll last anywhere from generations to a few days before being killed off or conquered. They have tons of children and mature by age 7 (living at most 50 years), so while tactics and playing smart gets around their numbers it certainly ain't easy.
Some goblins have emigrated and left significant racial minorities in other countries. They work out a lot better for themselves as feudal peasantry or crafstmen. Typically the latter, because most goblins build shit. Primitive shit, but building learning basic trades nevertheless.
Do you think you are original or something? Christ the third post, try something a bit more interesting next time.
What kind of goblins are they? Tipical greenskins like the ones from WH, a bit more varied like the ones of magic or the not even one is the same as labyrinth?
>Tfw when no frog goblins.
make a thread that isnt about goblins next time
But then what is the point?
I love how 5e basically made Hobgoblins be the go-to race for Wizards
I wouldn't know how to classify them in terms of popular media, but I'll go down a list of common traits
>long ears perpendicular to the head, isoceles triangles with the long side face-up
>black or red beady eyes
>long/pointed noses
>shortstacks yes, but much less exaggerated than you see in aco
>exclusive black hair
>skin in shades of green
>slightly overlarge hands and feet
Honestly a pretty good angle for pirate gobbos.
Literally the only decent thing from this """""""""""artist""""""""""".
Goblins usually range from benign to mischievous. Domestic goblins are famously shy, and it's generally a bad idea to surprise one when it's going about work, but if you leave out a bit of rich food at night, they'll do small chores for you or leave odd little toys for children while everyone's asleep.
Wild goblins are more troubling. They'll ride around on livestock and steal unattended items if the proper wards aren't maintained around farmsteads and villages. And travelers are advised to take shelter near one of the ancient warding stones as night falls, lest you be beset by goblins - which might honestly be least of your concerns - and get carried around the countryside, or dragged to a hag's shamble, and likely a terrible fate.
Occasionally something wicked takes hold in the Faerie, though. A Fey Prince makes a power play in one of the courts, or a Redcap appears amidst some blood-soaked site of tragedy, and suddenly the goblins shift from a nuisance to a threat. Infants are abducted, cattle are slaughtered, farmhouses are razed. And then you have to pool your money for the Feygeld and hope some faerie hunters are nearby to get to the root of the problem.
It's a whole big thing, and generally not great.
They had a strong magical tradition in 3e too.
Honestly, just look at Froud stuff instead of trying to find something good by Diaz.
Honestly, I love to use folklore goblins. They are so many kinds is mind blowing, and lots of them have little touches than make them silly or terrifing.
Like the Sumicu. It's a goblin than steals objects you had in front of you, or moves them where you don't expect, becaus he hates disorder. Normally you can retrieve them using a saint or a little prayer to them, but if you anger them? They will steal what makes you, yourself, if your persist they will make you into nothing with the same power they use to hide object.
Broken clocks are right once in a while user. This was it, probably because he stole the idea from better artists. I really do love the muppet/fraggle look to my goblins. They can be menacing while also a little pathetic.
This gels nicely with how Tolkien used goblins/orcs. Like they were will-less poltergeists looking for a master to command them.
How do you like mutation-prone goblins, Veeky Forums? I'm thinking of setting up a table of physical oddities such as horns, cyclopean eyes and similar to roll for all goblins in my games.
Also obligatory post of Best Goblins.
It's a great idea. Post it soon.
That's my preferred form of goblin as well.
When was the last time you saw someone unironically using the word "le"?
Because bat goblins are better.
It depends, I would loath for it to devolve in a chaotic (like in Moorcock or gloranthan Chaos) mess of tentacles and all that, but otherwise is a great idea.
Ten minutes ago.
I actually have a hard time coming up with stuff for it. I want to avoid "superpower" mutations such as gills or acid spit, which limits my options. Some Ideas I have so far:
>Cyclopean: you have one large eye. This might mess up your depth perception
>Horns: can sometimes be useful in unarmed combat, but makes finding a helmet difficult
>Semi-upright: Short legs and long arms have left you with an unusual gait. On two legs you are slightly slower than others, but when running on all fours you are faster.
Any Ideas?
>half of the faces look human but with bat noses
Shit taste user, nearly fetish tier
The more inhuman the better
>Big Feet. You can kick extra hard. The bad part is your even more awkward.
>Big ear. You have a gigantic ear. You can hear very well in that one. The other one tough is deaf.
>Gaseous. You can inflate yourself while your retain your breath, and float as you do so. the bad part is the stink you give when you release it, it doesn't make you very popular with the other gobs.
Some ideas:
Size: diminutive, small, average, hulking, etc.
Build: Lanky, muscular, rotund, pot bellied
Roll up to three times:
Skin tone: the whole damn rainbow
Facial Emphasis: big eyes, nose, lips, teeth, ears, roll twice
Accessories: horns, frills, manes, tails, vestigel wings, fur, scales,
Wild mutations: hook hands, digitograde legs, cyclopean eyes, hooves, extra breasts, two heads, another, smaller gobling embedded in stomach, goblin tadpoles growing in translucent sacks on back,
Injuries: eye-patch, missing ear, one-tooth, peg-arm, no legs-pulls self around in wooden cart
Objectively true
I was more saying if they where very diverse ala Labyrinth or had one look, it seem the later. Nothing wrong if done right too. What kind of culture do they have?
Starting with Paul Bonner makes you automatically a patrician.
Froud is awesome, he did the designs for Labyrinth, which have my favourite goblins.
These also inform much of how I like to run my goblins.
I like them, explains all the weird small dnd goblinlike creatures and the goblinoids. Goblins, hobgoblings, bugbears, nilbogs, kobolds, snyads, xvarts, meazels, gremlins. All sorts of nasty things.
>mfw the goblins in my setting are the lewd kind
I kinda modeled them after actors/actresses/hollywood stuffs, but less plastic surgery and more breeding programs.
my friend does those for his fantasy setting, and they're pretty neat;
the Dragon & Balrog pic he did is also not bad, and I do like how his Orcs/Goblins & Trolls look like Muppets, which is in my opinion the best way to do those kind of Monstrous Humanoids
I'll need to post my concept, but I'll need to type it up first
Oh, I see. Definitely the latter. Culturewise they don't have much at all, at least not that I've written. Survival and dominance are big for them. The more civilized goblinfolk that move to human or dwarf lands have transformed that drive into extreme motivation that combines with their seemingly boundless energy. They make good workers and they take pride in it. The few of them able to channel magic gain great reverence because they apply that drive to magical studies. A goblin mage, while unsophisticated by elven or human standards, can accomplish manipulations of magic not commonly seen. Enchantment magic especially, because most civilizations execute anyone who tries mind control.
more for my friend's concept
and one more, which highlights not only a Goblin, but also a couple more of the creatures in his setting; an Aitvaras(his version of the draconic/lizard style Kobold, included in the earlier Boogeymen lineup and article), a Reptodite(his version of the classic D&D Lizardman, they happen to tie into another setting of his as well), and a Swamp Kraken(as the name implies they're related to regular Krakens, although my friend based them most heavily off Otyughs & Flumphs)
Demons/spirits and masks are a great combo.
post lewd goblins
Go here.
Is it rape time?
I like the idea, not so much the way they look, but well that's personal viewpoint.
no u
The Goblins of labyrinthg are pretty neat, than they are handmade sculpts and all that is extra cool.
I love hobgoblins, I use them as LoTR Orcs, a twisted version of man for the Fae/evil being to plot with.
An Imperial china or Japanese feel tends to suit them imho.
"We are goblinkind, heirs to the mountain empires of chieftains past. Rest is death to us, and arson is our call to war."
Sound like the Pathfinder crazy gobos. Love the buggers, one of the few things I like about Pathfinder.
my DMs made them into basically Ottomans, which has a great feel, especially with Bugbear Janissary "slave" soldiers
they make for great "evil" nations that can still exist and trade alongside other nations without having to be at war with them 24/7
How abpout goblin’s appearance magically changes to reflect its personality, skillset and self esteem?
I kinda like Thunts goblins as a culture base
The goblins in my setting are slightly different from "traditional" goblins, though I suspect I've subconciously stolen the idea from elsewhere.
They look very similar to traditional goblins - short in stature, nobbly features, pointed ears. However their skin is thin, and more like a "shell". Goblins are actually a form of sentient, thick goo/ooze, which gradually forms a humanoid shape and a hardened shell forms around that.
Goblins tend to live by coasts and along wide rivers. A seafaring race, they enjoy building boats and engaging in merchantry. They prefer to steal and raid against other races, but will trade within their own kind.
Everyone is trying to rip everyone else off - they all know it, and they're okay with it.
>Pirate sub-culture
Goblin pirates are not uncommon, and the heirarchy within Pirate culture is not disimilar to a Daimyo/Shogun set-up, with Pirate Lords, Captains, Warlords etc vying for supremacy, with their own subsets of honorable and dishonorable behaviours and ideals.
Any thoughts on this? Does it suck? My players have only met one goblin so far and they chased him off when he offered them ridiculous prices for some potions.
Sounds fun, Bugbears are an odd one, they are pretty different to the other variants of goblinoid, you don't thik big hulking and hairy beast when thinking about them. The way I do them is as the priestly caste of the goblinoids, performing sacrifices and all that grisly stuff.
they are kind of weird, our DM has them set up so they while they are larger than most goblinoids, they arent so much hulking thugs as elite footsoldiers
they are rounded up at birth and basically brainwashed to be the Sultans elite troops, think Bugbears that are armed to the teeth, religiously and nationalistically fanatical and trained to fight with the discipline of Hobgoblins
a priestly class is an interesting idea for the Bugbears though, kind of a neat twist on them
Sadly I don't have a pdf or anything.
would fuck
This thread makes me SAD
Anybody else prefer scheming trickster conman goblins to savage retard mook goblins? I'm taking my gobbos more that way for the setting I'm making
It's a reference
I like these, they're big enough to be threatening on their own and still register as goblins moreso than orcs or elves.
This looks interesting. Shame it's third edition, but there's probably a lot of usable stuff. I'll look around the GURPS trove to see if I can find it.
I like both; goblins as a whole are pretty dumb, but smarter individuals are not that rare. They tend do be more cunning and street-smart rather than logical and book-smart. Also, I first read "conman" as "commando" in your post and saw no problem with it.
this might out me as a newfag, but wut? who the fuck runs goblins like this?!
There's a webcomic called Goblins. That's what that comic is a parody of.
ill check it out, see what the fuck this guys smoking
When did Veeky Forums stop having regular hate threads about goblins(the comic)? I haven't seen one in a while. Which is great since hate threads are a big waste of everyone's time, energy and boardspace.
this was a thing?
A while ago. I was under the impression the comic kind of petered out there for a while, so there really wasn't much reason to beat a dead horse . There was a slight resurgence once the creator started trying to raise funds for a cartoon adaptation of it
Yeah, people used to make new threads whenever it updated to shit on it.
Do you still have a little more on this spoon, bro? I never got why the "I'M SAD" character looked like a kobold and not a goblin
isnt that cause it stopped updating?
Seems last update was in 2016, so yeah, probably.
I like Thunt's monsters because he made them as different cultures, people with monstrous features. Love that cause they're not inherently evil just because; as we can see in our world, anyone becomes "evil" when you go to battle against them.
Because especially in early comics everyone's appearance changed frame by frame.
This sketch is the only thing I have found close to how I like goblins.
i....i really like this, they actually feel like they have individual personalities rather than "mindless horde" or "raving lunatics"
My goblins are very much inspired by Warcraft goblins. I have no time for tiny green cannon fodder.
Goblins are first are foremost perhaps the world's greatest merchants. They are almost certainly in your city, peddling wares crafted halfway around the world. Local craftsmen hate them for seemingly always having superior products, but the nobility loves them as goblins provide exotic luxury goods they wouldn't otherwise have access to.
Goblins produce very little themselves though are known to be excellent alchemists and tinkerers.
If they do show up as cannon fodder, it's almost always as hired mercenaries. Goblins value the pursuit of wealth over all else and can be persuaded to support just about any cause for enough gold.
No clue what to do with hobgoblins. I have a vague idea they live with orcs whom they have developed a kind of symbiotic relationship with? Dunno.
For sure, the LotR orcs are the DnD goblinoids, they went on a nother direction with the orc (but that's fine, so we can have it all, the savage big orc and the evil lotr orc).
For me in detail, the LotR orcs are the DnD GOBLINS. The Hobgoblins are the Uruk-hai, pride and all.
These are adorable.
The first ones remember me of the babe.
What babe?
The babe with the power.
What Power?
The power of the voodoo
who do?
You do
Do what?
I got a zombie army and you can't harm me.
Yeah, that got funded with the help of Matt Mercer, Phil Lamarr and a ragtag band of other famous voice actors
patrician taste
Remind me of the babe.
What babe?