We have scottish, nordic, mexican, greek/roman, germanic, and turkish marines. Who are the Italian Marines? vid related
We have scottish, nordic, mexican, greek/roman, germanic, and turkish marines. Who are the Italian Marines? vid related
ultrasmurfs are romanesque
yeah but i mean like "spicy meatball mama mia pizza" italians. like the crimson fists are mexicans.
Blood Angels
I don't think there is one. Also because I don0t think there's one for modern FRance, Germany, England etc. either.
If you look in the Imperial Guard, there is no direct reference, but you could see the Vostroyans as a mix between the memes of WWII Russiaand WWI Italy, the latter being referenced with "I know that mines, machine guns, artillery, Big Fucking Monsters from Outher Space and other shit exists, but I'm still going with the human wave tactics anyway because elàn."
Prolle some disloyal warband where nobody is sure to which side they belong.
The Emperor removed Italians from the genepool even before the Dark Age of Technology.
Screw that, who are the french marines ?
I want to go beat down some Xenos with Power Baguettes in each hand
Crimson Fists are Spanish. There are no Mexican marines
actually, the legion that will become the iron hands supposedly took its recruits there before the great crusade.
Night Lords.
Pre-Heresy Word Bearers are Vatican Marines.
>space wolves
>nordic in anything except names and runes dude lmao
Marine Malevolent
Watch Italians "play" soccer
Because they are sissies in power armor?
Mamma mia! For the Emperor!
Space Marines aren't generally based around modern countries because space marine themes are meant to be archaic. Its why you have knight marines, mongol marines, roman marines, greek marines, etc. but you don't have any modern US military or WW2 Germany marines. Space marines are generally portrayed as warriors, not soldiers they are obsessed with close combat relative to even WW1 armies and have a huge focus on heroes in the form of champions and commanders who are far more skilled than even regular marines. Essentially a space marine chapter is something like Geats and their chapter master is Beowulf.
Granted I could see Renaissance Italy marines being a thing.
>Homeworld is divided between city states and small kingdoms waging constant wars through mercenary companies
>Since this is 40k and Space Wolves are able to recruit from boys killed in battle this chapter recruits from young boys fighting in mercenary companies (I guess like Guts when he was a kid)
>Each company of the chapter is recruited from a single mercenary company, its coat of arms and general style of warfare is based around the company the marines fought in as boys
>Chapter uses power spears, thunderfire cannons, and bolters to essentially allow for a mobile equivalent to pike and shot with cannon support
That sounds more like an IG regiment than a SM chapter
The roman themed ones, so, like, all of them.
Perhaps, but then again the Iron Hands are based around clans that wander the planet on rolling fortresses. It isn't much of a stretch to go from rolling fortresses to roving mercenary bands.
Plus it works far better than basing marines off of any modern army where the infantry and cavalry (or armour) are of significantly less importance than of historical armies with significantly more emphasis placed on artillery and air power. And sure while some chapters are known for having good pilots or liking artillery they are still built around their infantry since they are super soldiers and you don't need to be 7-8 feet tall with steroid injections to be a good artillery man.
Raptors are fairly modern
Dark Angels.
Cmon user, don't tell us you don't know what goes on in Turkish baths.
I never knew that i wanted Condottiere Mehreens, now i want Condottiere Mehreens
>Marines based on a modern army
>They just sit around in army bases jacking off and going on ineffectual patrols while the Airforce and Navy to all the muscle work.
Sounds fun.
Got your regiments mixed up there. Vostroyans are Tsarist Russia and rely on fancy artificer gear. Valhallan Ice Warriors are the human wave ruskies.
Vostroyans are Cossacks.
Quite a specific sub-faction of Ruskies and Ukranians.
Seems pretty standard, Set them up on a Feudal world and even have Knights there. So while the Knights forbid recruitment from the Noble houses, the Space Marines instead recruit from the various Mercenary guilds and orders.
Maybe each company recruits from a specific mercenary company and one of the greatest chapter trails is to overcome the rivalry of their past to become brothers in arms.
You can even use this as a segway with maybe the chapter often working as bodyguards for Rogue Traders or defending tradeways.
I might be the ignorant idiot here, then. I always thought Vostroya was meant to be Tsarist Russia. Can you tell me more?
I think it's even better if they still maintain the rivalries of the past, but in a more productive way. Ie, each company is constantly trying to outdo and outshine the others in balls-to-the-walls heroism.
Cossacks are a sub-culture in a few slavic countries, mainly Ukraine and Russia.
It was actually quite late into Tsarist Russia that they started romanticizing the Cossacks as symbols of Russia, Well after the "Westaboo" Tsars
You can see the design here the best.
I see what you mean. So Vostroya is basically a bunch of Space Cossacks, gotcha.
Is it wrong to assume there are leanings of Tsarist Russia when it comes to their aspects of overworked factory workers?
Not him but I don't see where you get the connection between the Vostroyans and cossacks
Because they are literally Cossacks?
>they are literally Cossacks
>Cossacks in the Russian Imperial Guard wore red uniforms and bear skin hats.
And in the photo you quoted, literally showing traditional hair and mustache designs.
These are not Russian Norms. Especially not North/West Russian.
Ah, the visual design. Well, that's the way 40k works.
I mean it's hard to do actual Cossacks when they own their own planet, but donating their first born to the Imperial Guard sounds very much like a Cossack thing.
Weapons being handed from father to son is another.
I think he's confusing the Spanish motiffs of the Crimson fists with Mexicans.
I thought the Iron Hands were supposed to be a Scottish/Texan mix.
Where the fuck did you even get that?
GrecoRoman and Byzantine stuff should cover Greeks and Italians; Custodes and Imperial Fists have lots of Byzantine elements and terms (not sure about the fists), Iron Snakes are ancient Greek and Roman or rather GrecoRoman material is all over the place in various chapters. Including Chaos as Perturabo Olympia was the original homeworld. The GrecoRoman element is everywhere.
Where are the Eskimoes, that's what i want to know. Where are Vietnamese and the neglected culture packs?
we wuz marines para bailar la bamba
>Who are the Italian Marines?
They are supposed to be good at war, so none.
who are the scottish marines supposed to be?
Storm Wardens. They mostly appeared in the FF rpgs.
Italian Marines hahahahahaha Someone didn't hear about Italians during WWII and after. Most...worthless.....nation.
Um, who are the Scottish marines?
Why would you want a completely inept, incapable, useless and poorly equipped and armed army like the Italians.
At home with their mother waiting for their wellfare and complaining about how the country has degraded.
Storm wardens.
Tartans highlands and claymores
I've always kinda gotten a very Italian vibe from them now that I think about it..
T-turkish marines?? who?
Yet the red coat of Vostroyans is clearly inspired from the streltsy instead of cossacks
Black dragons.
Where are the not conquistador marines?
Texas Marines should be a thing. Power bowie knives, six shooter bolters,
Marines Malevolent
They're spaniards.
Perhaps they consider custodes Ottoman guard themed seeing as the emps was supposedly from there.
Well yeah, but the emperor lived in Anatolia a lot earlier than the Ottoman empire, so I doubt he would've been impressed enough to adopt a tradition thousands of years younger than him and specifically that one, seeing as he probably went trough a lot of places.
Blood Angels.
Wrong types of hat.
But the Streltsy were a type of Military formation, Which often had Cossacks in.
Crimson Fists.
Imperial Fists are more HRE than Byzantine.
They follow Italian renaissance naming conventions (or are ninja turtles).
They've got a huge Highlander thing going on as well as the generic Scottish thing, I believe they have a relic that's basically just Ramirez's katana.
This is bait
But the fur hat of Vostroyan isn't either the typical cossack hat but the Boyar hat (gorlatnaya), which is a cilinder.
Therefore they are a mix of elements of Tzarist Russia pre-Peter reforms and cossacks
>Tfw Italian
>Never played spiderman or anything
>I still know how the song goes
>even the lyrics
Could the obscure Red Scimitars apply for?
But I mean know that you stop and think about it, the blood angels scream italy and not just the names, all the sculpted abs, mask, Sanguinius himself and the sandal sculpting etc.
They're Italian renaissance and Venice rolled into one.
That poem things sound more like some arabic golden age stuff tho.
The Severan Dominate from Only War are Romans too.
Imperial Fists are Prussians.
I meant the Marines Malevolent
Italian Marines are Turkish Marines
Imperial fists are habsburg, crimson fists are the spanish habsburg part.
As an Italian myself, I'd go with Alpha Legion.
I'll eleborate further Blood Angels are thematically and stylistically Italian Renaissance, but if I we are talking about how an actual Italian legion would behave I'd probably be something like the Alpha Legion.
Also I wish I could find an equivalent to pic related in 40k.
As an Italian myself (not the Alpha Legion one), I would say that it depends on what historical period of the country said Space Marine chapter would be based on.
Reinassance Space Marine would be very cool, to be honest.
WW2 Italy fits better an Imperial Guard regiment. A badly equipped, under-funded, badly-led regiment.
Not to mention that one thread where we had one of them caber-tossing a tank.
Literally Raven Guard. Asian guerrilla warfare experts. Primarch that fought against imperialist oppressors and slavers.
>Communist E M P E R O R
Nice! Saved my comrade! Who would you guys say are the Communist Space Marine Chapter?
Definitely blood angels. Their names are all latin/Italian and they have a very distinct catholic aesthetic
Who the fuck are the Turkish-themed Marines?
t. supportfag
>Papal state Blood Angels
>Roman empire Ultrasmurfs
>Crusader Black Templars
user the Italians are over-represented if anything.
user, how often do you see the crimson fists wearing sombreros and going "Taco taco, burrito Alamo!"
You don't, because
A: They're Spanish, not Mexican
B: Chapters get to be themed around a culture, not an American stereotype of a culture. Hence, 3+ Italian chapters but no chapter master "Pizza man pizza"
An Italian chapter
>Chapter is divided by latitude
>"Families" constantly try to undermine the established hierarchy
>All the companies low-key hate eachother
>Unless blood sports, Motorbike races or the emprah is involved
Honestly a vietnamese chapter based around defending their home world from invading threats for thousand of years would be fucking sweet and actually true to life as well
They could focus up on FORTIFYING their position via tunnel and building massive underground fortress instead of the typical sneaky guerilla most people think of, attrition warfare would be the main go to here
Maybe throw in an AK-based bolter pattern too idk
These guys are in a lot of chapters and are basically spesss Arditi (WW1 Italian spec ops)
I do prefer the continued rivalry thing, also I think they should be a pretty spread out chapter. They have their companies of course but they send more marines to fight in deathwatch than most chapters and are regularly hired as bodyguards by rogue traders and inquisitors in exchange for favours.
Could even have a story about their homeworld being attacked so they start calling in favours from all of their various allies, inquisitors diverting teams of inquisitorial storm troopers to aid their world, a Magos-Explorator arrives bringing with him his personal warship and his panoply of arcane wargear, a Rogue Trader pulls some strings with Imperial governors to redirect military aid to their homeworld.
We still lack samurai marines
This is more pressing
Power swords of different cultural variety when? Enought with the generic yurope long sword already
You forgot lose every war they're in unless it's against primitives. Have crappy armor and equipment, drag other chapters into wars they don't want to be in, have stupid leaders and cant shoot for shit
Mantis Warriors, dude
Find me a Mexican named "Cortez".
Go ahead, I'll wait.
Oh good, this thread is still here! I would unironically enjoy a chapter based on Reneissance Italy. Here's my idea.
>Hive World that produces a variety of goods but mostly industrial farming
>The various Hives are all super competitive with each other and war frequently
>The Space Marines encourage/allow this to breed soldiers
>This results in each hive having a crack PDF, as well as a class of itinerant mercenaries that travel from hive to hive offering their services. Most Marines are recruited from these war gypsies
>most recruits already have an incredibly well rounded education in warfare by the age of 12, which is when the Space Marines come looking for recruits
>Each Marines armor is highly individualistic and stylized with colors and embellishments added by the marine themselves. The more successful and/or senior the marine, the more embellishments and customizations typically
>They operate in companies, hiring their services out to other Imperial groups and powers in exchange for supplies, equipment, or favours
>excellent all around who can cooperate with outsiders well, but may demand "extra consideration" when put upon
>Condottieri Marines get contracted to help liberate a ship yard from heretics
>Show up and fight well
>But the shipyards get damaged in the fighting, interfering with the clients ability to pay up
>Condottieri Marines mop up the enemy and unilaterally loot some supplies from both the enemies and clients ear material to reimburse themselves and fuck off, to the complaints and fury of the governor
>Thinking "Nordic" Is a real word that means anything
The term you're looking for Is Scandinavian, southerner.
>Ctrl+F: Malfi, no matches
Seriously, you guys? I know it's FFG lore, but Malfi is Italian af. They're all about that old school Italian vendetta shit. Their planet is a reference to The Duchess of Malfi, a play about some dudes who Italian vendetta the shit out of each other. They're infamous in the sector for being a bunch of decadent, backstabbing assholes, which is as Renaissance Italy as you can get. I thought you guys loved Dark Heresy.