Future of coud computing
>tfw I want to invest but have no room in my portfolio for it and have no extra cash to dump into it
U better make room. This rocket is about to take off!
mfw everyone is shilling DADI when the future of cloud computing is already here
I'm super sceptical about DADI with all the shilling. I read the white paper and found it really lacking in any technical details beyond just a broad explanation.
RLC = 30% of my portfolio.
Other 70% between xrp, ven, itc
so comfy
The excessive shilling just makes it look sus
in since .50 cents. which these fucking exchanges would get their shit together so i could buy the dip.
>mfw everyone is shilling DADI when the future of cloud computing is already here
What's the price forcast for this coin qtr 1 and qtr 4
I'm 50/50 ENG/RLC. This feels about the same before ENG mooned, great project with all star team, little to no interest from biz before the moonshot. It feels really comfy
For me Q1 will be $10, as partnerships are expected and new listings on larger exchanges.
Q2 is where it will launch with the release of V2. Im expecting anywhere between $30 and $70.
Q4 could possibly be $100-$250 if growth is maintained and new partnerships are brought on throughout the year, particualarly IBM. $250 is highy speculative but actually possible
Big dreams mate
$5-8 EOM, $30-50 EOY
Seriously...stop posting so I can accumulate....
Why this over DADI? RLC is compute only, which DADI covers and a whole lot more, storage, web services, etc.
stop posting about this so i can accumulate. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>Why this over DADI? RLC is compute only, which DADI covers and a whole lot more, storage, web services, etc.
dadi is a pajeet referral link scam
I really feel this is the Ethereum of 2018. I know its a big if but may as well dream big. Especially in this market
Iexec has hired alpha males and phds and a woman in office management while dadi has women directing project management and tech implementation. Whoever buys into dadi deserves to lose their money when they inevitably fuck things up because hormones.
req partnering with i.exec really just says it all
you are an honest to god cuck if you miss this coin. The whitepaper + team behind this project is 10/10
Top 3 undervalued projects atm.
Not to mention the founders and a lot of the team worked at Airlock, a digital marketing company. Make me skeptical as to why the branding/marketing is so top notch.
DADI is solid as fuck besides that referral bull shit. I already invested in the pre-sale before Veeky Forums got wind of it, but iExec has always been my favorite coin (besides LINK ofc), and DADI will cover much more than them. Team like DADI doesn't fuck around - same with RLC. I guess it's good to cover all the bases.
What about SONM? They seem to be a trusty similar offering.
I know mate, this has potential to reach ETH heights, but it will take some time. I'd say Q4 2019.
whitepaper: iex.ec
team: iex.ec
Read the above and get the fk in before it's too late
It's not a platform coin though. It offers a specific service. I just want us to be realistic.
Iexec has a god tier team and focused on fewer things. Dadi’s is questionable and focuses heavily on marketing while promising a ton more. Which is more likely to do a better job? This is like Chainlink vs aeternity...iexec is the clear winner.
dont listen to op he is part of that pump n dump group
they are targeting iexec dont end up with BAGS
I think for the near-term (say this year) this is correct. Long-term could be different though if DADI pulls it off.
>dont listen to op he is part of that pump n dump group
>they are targeting iexec dont end up with BAGS
faker than your moms titties