>X-Wing still beats 40K.
X-Wing still beats 40K
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Will be interesting to see how Legion compares.
More people get into the game that's infinitely easier to get into. More at 11.
I doubt it's going to do that well.
Have you seen the quality of the minis? They're garbage.
... people still play Warmachine?
It's dropped off a fair amount since it's peak, but there's still a dozen or so players at my FLGS
>beats 40k in non-gw stores
Yea.. that's nice dear. Who cares either way?
LOL at Warmahordes. Remember when it was big?
>40k can only win in stores where only 40k is sold
Did you have to consult the divine for help with that revelation, or are you simply a genius?
How do you figure?
>Did you have to consult the divine for help with that revelation, or are you simply a genius?
He is probably saying that since GW has stores only for their stuff, if those were also counted, 40k might have been higher.
As those stores would have a good amount of sales by their own.
Funny to see how Age of Sigmar is nowhere in sight.
His point is that 40k in 3rd party stores is only about a third of total 40k sales, while it's a good portion of x-wing sales.
Have you seen them in person? They look really naff
will be second or maybe third if 40k has a really good quarter
>Funny to see how Age of Sigmar is nowhere in sight.
anyone that isn't up GWs ass realizes it's a flop
More likely because it had next to no releases that weren't yet more stormcasts which even normies hate.
Where's AoS?
Way further down the line
Any stats on how Shadespire's doing? Really don't want it to die as it's the only GW thing I've enjoyed for 10 years
No. However, the up-close pictures I've seen of unpainted ones look fine. There's a lot of bad paint jobs floating around, sadly.
It probably helps that I'm sick of GW's current trend of jamming every square inch with detail just because they can. It makes the model too busy.
>Funny to see how Age of Sigmar is nowhere in sight.
Based on my visits to several normal game stores in the past month, not in the least surprising. One had only the demons, and only because they work for 40k.
Also, note that Privateer Press still insists on separating their two big games, so Hordes is lurking in the 6-10 range, as are, most likely, Malifaux and Infinity. All three better regarded than AoS.
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that, in the case of AoS, Kirby was inadvertently correct. Those buying into AoS right now are buying for two reasons: Knowing that some neat models will never be cheaper, and hoping that a good game will emerge. WarHams Fantasy players have always taken a longer view than the average 40kid.
I think it's more amazing considering thst chart is showing top sales. People are still BUYING Warmahordes.
>specialist game not die
get ready for the inevitable. maybe it will get a (half decent janky) video game one day like Mordheim
A good paint job can help, but looking at the unpainted miniatures in person, there models really aren't that great.
I expect a decent number of people will buy into it on the strength of the IP alone though.
WMH players are looking at the ongoing corrections of Mk3 and coming down in three camps: Sit on their current collections and wait for the shitstorm to finish flushing; continue to buy their current faction to keep current "knowing" it'll all work out eventually; or selling off everything and walking away.
While all three groups pop up in any group or forum, the second is still a big crowd.
I suspect you're right. Their much-hyped 'ongoing support' for Blood Bowl has completely failed to materialise, too. Will prepare for the worst.
BB has been steadily going along with just fan-support for decades. You'll be fine
You guys know what cracks me up about this thread?
Every quarter the ICV2 is brought up in a thread to show how AoS is completely "failing" because it's not in the top 5 on the chart.
Except one quarter AoS ended up in the top 5. When it was brought up, people countered that the charts don't count because they only represent a small portion of the the stores in the US and it's only what the store owners report, so it doesn't mean anything.
Then another quarter goes by and AoS is not in the top 5, so it gets brought here to show how it is failing.
Classic stuff.
I don't know about Legion but I've had many issues with the X-Wings, especially Lambas, with the ships breaking at the peg point. I'm not sure how I'm going to fix it.
In the bottom 5 list.
>Fall 2017
>Every quarter the ICV2 is brought up in a thread to show how AoS is completely "failing" because it's not in the top 5 on the chart.
Not to mention that it's still making more money than WHFB
It's third on the list. It's still big.
the icv2 only counts for orders from stores that use their distributors, like alliance. i found a lot of flgs' will often even use GW directly, and alliance for other games, which would explain why neither of the gw games are ranking very high
this is especially the case since within the last couple years it is easier for stores to be GW stockists
Thank you user.
You know that is false.
WHF was keeping GW afloat. Then the greedy fucks tried to milk the player base while doing crap like reducing the model count per kit while increasing the price.
Making it impossible for new players to join due to the retardly high cost of entry.
It didn't help that some armies didn't got an update after years, rules and model wise. While GW kept making this big ass center piece models that looked good on the sales report, but where not profitable in the long run, since no new players where joining and the old fags made a single purches of them. It was not like the Knights of 40k, more like a Magnus single purches and be done with it.
But yeah AoS is totally selling more than WHF when it was a dead game with no support and being kept alive just by stubborn fuckers.
The prepainted lunch-break game based on the most sucessfully merchandiced IP is ahead?
Truly boggling.
>inexpensive, pre-painted game for the biggest sci-fi IP in existence is wildly popular
Stop the presses, lads.
>WHF was keeping GW afloat.
Yeah, maybe like 15 years ago.
Face it, even before things went downhill with 7th and 8th Fantasy was far less popular than 40k. Store owners were having to stock 12 different factions with no clear expectation as to what would sell, unlike 40k, where they were able to stock Marines with confidence that the product would move.
>blaming the consumer for GW failing
your best bet is probably to drill out and pin the ship to the flight stand. Obviously wire is stronger, but if you don't want to paint the stand to hide the wire, you could try some acrylic rod. You'd have to check how brittle it is, though.
Where in my post did I reference the consumer?
They look good nude, and painted half decently.
They don't compete with Games Workshop quality (because literally no miniatures company does), but I think they're solid overall.
... How many lambdas have you bought to have this as a recurrent issue? Have you asked customer support if they'll replace it?
Here's fall 2016, for comparison
Contrary to popular opinion, Veeky Forums and especially Veeky Forums is a miniscule part of any community
It died out around me. Personally i found the game to be "meh", its too hyper competitive and attracts WAAC fags. But the main reason it died was that the press ganger was a total dickbag.
I have played warmachine here and there but never at tourney level. i was interested in hordes so he offered to give me a demo game saying you can play warmachine vs hordes so i could use the stuff i had and he would play hordes to show me how its fury system worked.
I remember moving to set up a shot and asking what his minis def was. and then confirmed what i need to roll to hit it and decided to boost that shot. after i roll high enough he gets a big crap eating grim on his face and tells me a missed. So again i asked that i needed to roll X+ to hit his def of Y and with the same smile on his face told me that mini has stealth so all shots over 5 or something inches auto miss no matter what is rolled.
Keep in mind at this point i had played like battle box + 1 or 2 unit games of warmachine and had a very basic understanding of the core rules. he was also know to take his tourney army to a demo game and give the other guy a custom built pile of shit list so he could mop the floor with him.
>with the same smile on his face told me that mini has stealth so all shots over 5 or something inches auto miss no matter what is rolled.
That IS Warmachine. It's a game about combos and synergies and knowledge. Almost the whole game is about knowing what your opponent can do or losing; but that's what it's fans like about it. The ability to craft combos and synergies and tricks, and to "cheat" in little ways.
40k used to have a lot of that too, which is why WMH appealed to so many burnt out 40k players.
>It's a game about combos and synergies and knowledge
And when you are doing a demo game for someone its best if you both have decent lists and the person running the demo explains the rules.
Now in a tourney no. But when you have someone who is new to the game you dont give them a shit list just so you can feel like a bad ass when you mop the floor with them using your toruney netlist. thats how you get people to loose intrest and make a game die out.
Im sure there are other press gangers that are not asshats. but the one we had killed the game in my town and the 2 towns nearby.
Legion is gonna flop
I've had two, that picture is the second one I got after getting the first one got replaced. I've basically just assumed that is how they are. I haven't played any of them since wave 8 so it's not a huge deal, they are more on display then being played.
No, I completely disagree. He accurately demoed the very core of what the game's about.
He wasn't being a dick (although I've no doubt he *was* one besides), the game itself is dickish. He successfully demoed to you what the game is about, and you correctly intuited that it wasn't fun.
Got evidence to prove that? So far FFG has been killing it in the Star Wars department.
>No AoS
Ding dong diddly based
>all these people not playing malifaux
AoS isn't a game, it's an excuse to put up alternative space marine sculpts and mediocre pin up models for sale.
Well of course the easy to play Disney game wins, kids love Mickey mouse and shit.
>Pathfinder, most reviled of Veeky Forumss enemies
>still extremely high selling with a ton of players, a very strong second in the market
>Warmachine, most hated of Veeky Forums tabletop enemies
>Still well sold with plenty of players
>X-wing, not talked about almost at all on Veeky Forums
>Still very high selling with a ton of local play groups
>especially Veeky Forums is a minuscule part of any community
Whatever gave you that idea?
At its best it managed to meet fantasy at its worst.
I think we can all agree despite our stance on AoS/Fantasy that Kirby was pure cancer.
>Muh /tg is one person meme
No, his point is valid. The chart of most discussed games on Veeky Forums and best selling games in the wild are completely different (aside from 40k).
why doesn't Veeky Forums talk about X-Wing?
I'm not fond of ship games.
There's a star wars general thread.
It's mostly for the RPGs or just general lore discussion, though.
I don't find the universe all that appealing.
There isn't a reason other than there aren't a lot of Veeky Forums X-Wing Players.
I really love the game, but I don't really need to discuss it on Veeky Forums, there isn't a deep lore that would be good to discuss here, and the strategies are pretty easy to find other places.
No clone wars.
>Games designers have amazing integrity and passion and include expanded universe, video game ships, comic book ships, everything. But don't include the prequels because they are true Star Wars fans.
I feel bad for them because they probably had to watch episode 8.
Not well, the miniatures are ugly compared to GW and are kinda expensive too. Plus Legion doesnt have the edge of having pre-painted miniatures
AoS is still an emerging game.
>AoS is still an emerging game
I don't understand that. Malifaux is like WMH, but better with vastly better models.
>kinda expensive too.
If you swap halves of the core set, you get 90% of a Legion army for around the same price as a 40k Start Collecting box, which is around 1/4th of an army.
Or on a per-model basis, you get 7 Rebel Troopers in a $25 box, versus 10 Tactical Marines for $40.
>Game came out in 2015
>Prscticly DoA
>Only got saved by it's ass hairs because GW realized the target audience it picked at random was bot buying
>Put points in in 2016
>Game has gone through multiple campaigns
>Still dead in most places
>Emerging game
Yeah it emerged alright as a smoking turd.
I wouldn't be as fast to judge it. A year ago, nobody played it in my area. As all the cooler factions started coming out it suddenly became played. It's still not super popular like 40k, but its definitely on the rise now.
>all the cooler factions
Skydwarves are the coolest faction. It got me into AoS.
Hey buddy, warmahordes is two pages down.
AOS died because it was a scenario-based game with no scenarios or fluff to base scenarios on. A scenario-based WW2 game can thrive because there are literally thousands of scenarios I can pull from. If I get three Panzer IIIM and a pak36 to fight a tank brigade that is fine because I am fighting to see if I can outperform reality. If I get one skink to fight 6 bloodthirsters my opponent has too many chromosomes. You need to assign some sort of numerical value to game pieces for a fantasy or scifi scenario to function. You just do.
There was a small spike in whfb sales with end times, but anyone with 2 lobes and 2 eyes could see that whfb was a dying game with no future. end times brief popularity ended not just because they killed the old world, but because people quickly realized 50% lords and heroes and a few new models was not enough to overshadow all the flaws that make whfb terrible, and people just kept going back to 40k or xwing
>AOS died
sorry bro, it's not dead. it's more popular than ever. its community is growing. still not to the height of 40k, but it's growing
wait a minute, Warmachine is in the #3 spot? and that's without even counting Hordes?
Veeky Forums told me it was a dead game. it says so right there in the dead thread.
That's fall 2017, and it's currently spring 2018. Six months is a long time.
Maybe it is alive somewhere, but it's super dead around me.
>tfw no one plays armada
Fall 2017 in recap is all the way up to January, that's only 3 months.
>it's more popular than ever
When I see it I'll believe it.
And all I've seen is two guys (with what looks like 4 armies each).
Veeky Forums also says Starfinder is dead, but the ICv2 top 5 selling RPGs for Fall 2017 are D&D, Starfinder, Pathfinder, FFG Star Wars, and Star Trek Adventures.
>always think/do the opposite of Veeky Forums says
Veeky Forums has the combined intelligence and business acumen of a particularly dense rock. They'll tell you the sun will go out tomorrow and then blame everyone else when it still rises in the morning.
>Starfinder before Pathfinder.
Is that good or bad?
ded gaem is just how you bump threads.
I mean is it surprising? It's a super power of an IP, the game has a really low barrier for entry with no need for assembly, painting or amassing a large force.
Geedubs can make a bunch of snapfits but when the game still costs 300+$ to get into 40k not including time and effort, it's going to bring in less people.
>AoS still out of top 5
and i see a booming community where fantasy was pretty much nonexistent
isnt anecdotal evidence grand?
Frontline gaming is reporting an ever growing aos tournament scene worldwide, reaching heights they never saw during the whfb era.
No opportunity for your dudes.
It's basically just a boardgame.
X-wing beats 40k because it's miscategorized as non-collectible, when it is, in fact, a collectible miniatures game.