What would be his stats in Warhammer Fantasy?
What would be his stats in Warhammer Fantasy?
WS7 BS 4 S5 T5 W4 I5 Ld 10
Full plate armour (4+)
Great weapon
Brand of Sacrifice (Daemons get to reroll hits against Guts)
Not Bound by Causality (4++)
Don't forget his repeating crossbow and arm cannon, oh and there is no way Guts would abide by the Strike Last rule for great weapons.
Don't forget his permanent +2 to edgelord
I would lower his toughness to 4+ but otherwise it seems pretty accurate. Not sure if I would call dragonslayer a great weapon partially because he swings it around easily enough that it shouldn't impact his initiative.
better question, what would these three fine warriors' stat's be and can they be deployed as a unit?
Why are we here?
for serious discussion with exactly zero fuckery and bants?
I'm not totally familiar with WHFB statlines but probably stat him as a champion of Khorne with rules + never strikes last, and dragon Slayer negates supernatural protection so I'm not sure what that would be depicted as in WHFB
He also has a single shot hand cannon (literally) and a repeating crossbow and throwing knives. This isn't taking the berserker armor into consideration
Great Weapon that ASF, ignores Ward saves, and a special rule where he can trade all of his attacks to strike every model in the first rank of a unit. He also probably ignores any rank modifiers to combat resolution as he's been hugely outnumbered before and still hacked his way through it (100 man slayer, and this was BEFORE he got the Dragonslayer and started killing huge demons, as well as the Berserker armor.)
With the Berserk armor he's Immune to Psychology, has Regeneration, and Frenzy.
You forgot his cannon arm. idk if you'd treat it like a bound Fireball that can't be dispelled or what.
Artorias is probably statted like a high power chaos lord.
Lancelot as a Berserker heroic servant is several orders of magnitude above either of them, probably closer to a character Greater Daemon in stats and abilities.
Void = Tzeentch
Slan = Slaanesh
Conrad = Nurgle
Griffith/Femto = Daemon Prince of Nurgle
Khorne = ???
>not the new God of Chaos Undivided
Sadly the Godhand don't have a 1 to 1 comparison to the 4 chaos gods. Slann is clearly Slaanesh and Conrad is clearly nurgle (like, almost 1 to 1) but both Void and Ubik show aspects of Tzeentch (Ubik is the tempter and deceiver, void is the great sage and knower of fate). Femto is clearly a chaos undivided sort of deal.
Neither Zodd or Skull Knight are true God Hands, but they could be argued to represent Khorne and Malal respectively
Berserk started so long ago i'm not sure its an apt comparison, even more so with how little presence Warhammer has in Japan - especially back then.
If he got inspired by anything it was probably the Elric novels and that itself is a big maybe.
What a sensible post I am impressed.
I still would change something:
Initiative of 6 or 7
Leadership of 8 but immune to fear or rerole fear tests.
Gets +1 armour against missles (using the sword as shield)
servants are hard to stat due to how wonky they are portrayed at times, sometimes they move faster than the eye can see and others its just 'above almost any human' in speed
I think Elric was one of the more popular Western fantasy works in Japan. It even had a Japanese Roleplaying Game with Yoshitaka Amano cover art.
Not to mention their effect on the physical world ranges between "Nuclear demigod" to "Children's cardgame hologram"
Heroquest was actually pretty popular. Not sure if Warhammer Quest was though.
The Godhand are not very good representations of Chaos analogies.
If anything they are a direct antithesis. They are Gods of Horrific Order there to ordain the Universe.