ATTN MODS: referral spam needs to be added to the sticky, and enforced. Good work on banning the begging, the board is so much better for it, but referral spam is another form of begging, so please add it!
ATTN MODS: referral spam needs to be added to the sticky, and enforced. Good work on banning the begging...
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Yes would also like to say thanks for cleaning up the board and I agree with OP
Add bazingacoin and bzc to a blacklist while you're at it
Ban discord fags
Agreed, referral spamming needs to be bannable. Legit pre-ICOs and ICOs are fine but this blatant shilling is annoying as hell.
Case in point
That too, discord referral bottomfeeders are a waste of page space
how about you register for my ponzi scheme instead?
dadi posting should be an autoban at this point
Report begging! I like my 4chans pass cause it lets me serial report all 8 THREADS OF REFERRAL SPAM ON THE FRONT PAGE. Feels cozy.
this is now a dadi thread
Global rule 10 already has this covered, it shouldn't need a fucking sticky. what it needs is actual enforcement of the rules already in place.
referrals are the death rattle mark my words
No, these assholes need a BIG, FAT reminder stickied on the top of the page, AND enforcement...
It's hard to believe there are actually so many people involved. I mean it's like 100's of posts in multiple threads all at once. It's got to be bots.
I agree 100%. Referral shills should be banned.
flags/autoban for pajeets
automatic bans for referral links/domains and addresses
there, now the mods have cut their work by 90%
get this pajeet ref/discord spam out of here
Multiple life sentence bans for any BZC posts.
I was thinking that execution might be more appropriate.
Should be a permaban also
wouldnt it be better to post this on /qa/
Please Mods
Bump for truth