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Come discuss how various magical girls and their related forces would fare within the various Warhammer settings (Fantasy/End Times, 40k, AOS) or other such immensely grimdark settings.

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Every time I see Usagi saying she doesn't know how to use a computer I remember Ami printing the lyrics to Highway to the Danger Zone and telling some dude that it was some science shit.

>I remember Ami printing the lyrics to Highway to the Danger Zone and telling some dude that it was some science shit.
Kek. Usagi's silliness is truly a wonderful thing.

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So, what are Hayate and the rest of the Yagami Family's chances of getting out of the Book of DArkness incident (or the Scaglietti incident in Agito's case) without an Inquisitor deciding the best solution is to just kill them?
What are his chances of actually succeeding?

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>So, what are Hayate and the rest of the Yagami Family's chances of getting out of the Book of DArkness incident (or the Scaglietti incident in Agito's case) without an Inquisitor deciding the best solution is to just kill them?
Pretty decent considering their natures and the spells they have on hand.

>What are his chances of actually succeeding?
Likeky slim to nil.

EXTRA THICC Princess. Alas, they can't sneak such scenes anymore, I think.

>Alas, they can't sneak such scenes anymore, I think.
Truly saddening, to be sure.

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Princess aired only like three years ago, it's nowhere old enough for it to be "man, those were the days"

Marine best girl

If you ask /a/ or /v/ everything older than last season is old enough for "man, those were the days"

I want to play a magical girl game, but I wouldn't want to play a magical girl game with people who'd want to play a magical girl game.

How bad could it possibly be?

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On the one hand, they'd be an ally against the Great Enemy. On the other hand, their presence is not anticipated in the Plaques.

So how DOES pic related look at, say, a TSAB intervention?

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>So how DOES pic related look at, say, a TSAB intervention?
>"Oh look, The Old One's are back to check up on their science project. Only took them an eternity or so".

>"Now then, prepare Hexoatl for war".

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>they were the Old Ones the whole time
Do the Slann remember what the Old Ones looked like, even?

I could see Al-Hazard and the Old Ones being one and the same if someone were to want to swing things that way. The Belkan Empire fell too recently for me to consider them, and we know they were humans rather than Frog People.

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>Do the Slann remember what the Old Ones looked like, even?
Probably only the absolutely ancient individuals remember, and they certainly aren't telling.

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If there's one thing I like about PMMM is how it knows that the idea of a being exploiting girls by taking the ultimate expression of their beliefs, aesthetics, and identity, and letting it burn away until they're left with nothing, is the single slimiest, most horrifying, and despicable thing ever, and it's totally aware of it.

QB makes keeping the universe going seem like it's not worth it.

Also, the implication that QB didn't give a shit if humanity died to Gretchen means that for all their Faustian bullshit, they've absolutely got no interesting in protecting the livestock they abuse

How would Walpurgisnacht fair in 40k/and or Fantasy? How much havoc would it be able to wreak before one of the various factions in either noticed it?

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Important question: Would all these magical girls be dropped off all in the same place? Would they have some knowledge of the other teams? Or would we end up with a superhero meeting where they beat each other up until the real threat appears?

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It's a nation-level threat that can only be hurt by magic and a lot of it, so... quite a lot.

Frig. Didn't have the thing. This post was meant for

>nation-level threat
It's at best region or city-level threat.

>only hurt by magic
Moemura and Madoka killed it. I assume Moemura used human arsenals because she doesn't have access to anything else.
This means Walpurgisnacht can be hurt with conventional weapons, and 40k's dakka is diddlier than todays.

Which makes it all the funnier when Madoka breaks the whole system and just fixes it all.

I have been posting with the assumption that the entire magical girl faction basically get's plopped down on one spot on Terra, all together, with knowledge of at least their own franchise allies, and at their strongest in their respective franchises (so if they have super forms or weapons, they have access to it) as well as any necessary accessories, like fairies or the like.

I imagine the ones from the same series would end up in the same place as each other, though that still leaves questions.
For example, Nanoha and Prisma Illya have an official crossover, so would they start in the same place?
What about people who aren't Magical Girls but work with them, Like Tuxedo Mask with the Sailor Senshi, Syaoran with Sakura, or Rin and Luvia with the Prisma Illya girls, do they also get brought along? If they do, what about Nanoha and her team, do they get their entire support crew, or just people like Yuuno?

She will turn all of fate's misfortune to nothing.
She will flood the earth with magic,
and take all of humankind into her play.
A moving stage construction.
If everything is a play, no unhappy things will exist.
It may be a tragedy, but it'll all be part of the script.
The play stops on Walpurgisnacht,
and the earth does not turn even once more.
The story will not change.
Tomorrow, and the day after, is the night of Walpurgis

Madoka only killed Walpurgisnacht when she made her wish to remove the existence of ALL Witches, from every timeline and point in history. Do remember that due to Homura's time-jumps, not only were the strings of fate that bound Madoka getting stronger (thus making her wish and subsequent witch that much greater), but Walpurgisnacht was -also- getting stronger, getting the second largest portion of that power, followed by Homura in last place.

By the time Madoka made her wish in the final timeline prior to becoming the Law Of Cycles, Walpurgisnacht was likely too powerful to so much as be scratched by even the most powerful attacks that any magical girl could conjure up.

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I still don't get how the Incubators were worried at all about Entropy when they can grant shy teenage grieving lesbians motherfucking Time Travel.

Even if normal weapons can hurt Walpugisnacht, and lets assume they can, it's PERMANENTLY invisible to anyone who can't use magic. That makes fighting it pretty hard.
>Madoka only killed Walpurgisnacht when she made her wish to remove the existence of ALL Witches
Wrong, it was killed at least two other time, once by Homura and Madoka in the timeline where Homura gave Madoka a Mercy kill, and once in the timeline immediately prior to the show where Madoka saw Homura fight it and lose, became a magical girl, then one-shot it.

The teenage girls are giving themselves time travel, that's how much energy they produce through their emotions, incubators just made a machine to tap into that energy for useful purposes.

Didn't one time-line have Madoka defeat Malpurgisnacht, but at the cost of becoming Kriemhild Gretchen and the entire city being reduced to ruin?

Yeah, but time travel means INFINITE energy, and even more, the fact that causality can be reversed means that Entropy is not a fundamental force.

>Wrong, it was killed at least two other time, once by Homura and Madoka in the timeline where Homura gave Madoka a Mercy kill, and once in the timeline immediately prior to the show where Madoka saw Homura fight it and lose, became a magical girl, then one-shot it.
Huh, I remembered those encounters, but the details regarding those battles escaped me. Thanks anyway.

But even so, the point still stands. By the final timeline, in which it was fully and totally annihilated from all of reality, it was so strong that the only things that could rival and exceed it where Law Of Cycles Madoka and Ultimate Kriemhild Gretchen. And another thing to keep in mind is that Witches derive strength from grief and suffering, in all forms. And the vast majority of the various Warhammer settings are built on loss, grief, psin and sorrow, which means that even low-tier instances of Walpurgis will be wrecking all kinds of shit sooner or later.

That's what I was talking about when I said
>and once in the timeline immediately prior to the show where Madoka saw Homura fight it and lose, became a magical girl, then one-shot it.
It's not time travel in the sense that Homura is going back to her own body at a previous points in time. There are discrepancies in the timelines that show that what she is actually doing is traveling to an alternate dimension that is not as far along in it's timeline as the one she left from was. This is shown by some timelines having divergences from BEFORE Homura went back, such as in one timeline Sayaka's not-boyfriend pays guitar rather than violin.

It's obviously greater than a city-level threat if it just rolls over top-tier megucas the way it does.

Most Megucas, even really high tier ones, aren't that strong on the scale of Magical Girl power levels. Most are probably around building level. Aside from Madoka in the later timelines the strongest attack we see is Mami's Tiro Finale, and that's a large house at most.

Isn't Kyoko's soul burst bigger than that?

Stop worrying about chaos and the warp, just forget everything and be happy little lesbos in school

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That one slipped my mind honestly. Still, it's a suicide technique, so that limits how useful it is, and it still doesn't make her more than City Block level.

Get out of here Akuma Homura. Nobody likes you.

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I like homucifer

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>homu works her devilishly stylish magic on 40kay
>emps, the chaos gods, gork and mork, everyone turns into troubled amnesiac schoolgirl lesbians

I can dig it. I bet hivemind would be best girl.

>When did it all go so wrong?
Kyubey. Kyubey is when.

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>Homura did nothing wrong
Impossible, only one meguca can claim a position of such rightness, and it isn't her.

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Wouldn't that work perfectly? Out of sight, out of mind means a lot more when your problem is mind demons.

Slaneesh would get a kick out of Homu's Madoka Obsession, tho. Like a hundred years of pining.

>100 years of denial and a literally suicidal climax

Slaanesh would be proud

Yes-yes, frilly man-thing. Pay no notice-attention to the burrow-tunnels! Nothing to seek-find there, no-no!


You’re just as tainted as homu.

Nonsense, what fault could you find in a love as pure as this? Their Meguca uniforms are literally a bride and groom outfit.
Plus neither of them ever killed god because they took a comment out of context, from in a conversation where the person saying it had amnesia.

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>Listening to the Great Betrayer

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Go dive face first into kyoko’s thighs you S L U T

>Calls someone a slut
>First thing Homura does upon gaining infinite power is put on this

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This is how Tzeentch would deal with magical girls.

Of course, that includes the part we he spends several hours trying to corrupt them, allowing time for them to get saved.

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Implying a little tummy rub is gonna stop magical girl.

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I feel tue same way about world of darkness games m8. You aint crazy.

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Source pelase? Google, Yahoo, and IQDB have all failed.

It's from a manga called Nirvana. It's been licensed by Seven Seas, so there are no other translations.

The vast majority of magical girls are unwilling to kill actual living beings.
Toss a Penal Legion at them and tell the guys that if they kill the magical girls they go free, but modify those explosive collars they have so that if they are knocked inconscious or disarmed they go off.

After they realize they've been killing people the magical girls will break and be defenseless.

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Thank you. I appreciate it.

Sayaka and Kyoko would be totally fine killing people imo.

Also Kyochan is cute. CUTE!

Once in Sailor Moon they proposed the plan "kill everyone on the plan, then revive all of them except the bad guys."
All that they need to do is modify it to "kill everyone in the legion, remove the collars, then revive them" and not only is the problem solved, they not have a Legion of Imperial Guardsmen loyal to them.

>kill everyone on the plan,
on the planet

Bitches are now playing with cheats? You can't win against that shit.

You fail to understand how bullshit Sailor Moon is.

In the last story arc of the manga, someone does to her what the Emperor did to Horus, that is kill her so hard it destroys her soul. She heals HERSELF. She doesn't have someone heal her, she does it herself, despite not having a self with which to do it.

>survived retconning
Talk about OP.

Whoa, I watched GoPri and I don't even remember that.

> a Legion of Imperial Guardsmen loyal to them

It's a nice thought, but I was under the impression that most people are not sent to the penal legions for stealing bread...

The power scale at the end of Sailor Moon tends to go a little out of whack, yes. By the time Moon can access the Lambda all common sense goes out the window.

You can be sent to the penal legions for breathing wrong

Well, when in doubt neither Minako nor the outers are above outright murder to get shit done, so things can be handled.
Also, at least two senshi have some flavor of mind control on hand.

This is all nice and all, but let's gat down to the really important questions, right?

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>>emps, the chaos gods, gork and mork, everyone turns into troubled amnesiac schoolgirl lesbians
>I can dig it. I bet hivemind would be best girl.

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You can end up sent to the penal legions for no fault of your own, if I'm remembering correctly. They're just that horrendously shitty.

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>Be a prisoner in the Imperium
>Set up with bombs to be sent to die against far stronger foes
>Said foes are also really pretty girls
>End up dying, as we were set up to do
>Foes bring us back to life, free of bombs, showing kindness never experienced in this hell hole of a galaxy by these prisoners
>Also they are fighting back against the prior who sent us to die
>Also proven to be able to bring back the dead
>Also they are pretty girls.
Yeah, I could see them becoming very loyal.

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>Iron Mouse, Lead Crow, Aluminium Siren, Tin Nyanko, and Heavy Metal Papillon on the list
They aren't even real Senshi.
>Starlights aren't
I'm not a big fan of the Starlights, but you could have at least put them together with Kakyuu like you did the Asteroid Senshi.
>Chibi-Chibi as her own option
She is literally the same person as either Cosmos or Galaxia depending on which continuity you're in

tl;dr, your poll is bad and you should feel bad.

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My memory is worse than I thought, I don't remember these girls from the anime, either the original or Crystal.

Heavy Metal Papillon, Lethe, Mnemosyne, Chi, Phi, and Cosmos are manga exclusive.
Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta were also only Senshi in the manga, in the anime they only appeared as villains.
This will probably change when (if) Crystal reaches the Stars arc.

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Stars arc may become a pair of movies.
Did this actually accomplish something or was it simply cool points.

>Did this actually accomplish something
Dodge those tentacles and prove she isn't wearing panties.

Correction, I meant SuperS with Helios and all that. Stars arc is just a dream at this point.

I know that the next arc is going to be a pair of movies, and that there is no information at all on Stars. That's why I said "when (if)" rather than just "when."

>Stars arc is just a dream at this point.
I see what you did there.

Mostly cool points, Toei showing off their animation chops and also trying to make the scenes look a lot more energetic and exciting. But really she's just dodging big spider legs, which doesn't demand that much movement or acrobatics.

I'm a pervert, so I keep a close eye for lewd scenes.

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>They aren't even real Senshi.
They are pseudo-senshi by way of Highlander rules, which is close enough fo a waifu poll.
She had her own distinct transformation and personality, plus she's actually fairly popular in the fandom, so I threw her in there.
Yup, got me there, I just plain forgot about them. That one's on me.

tl;dr: I may suck cocks, but I regret nothing.

>Iron Mouse, Lead Crow, Aluminium Siren, Tin Nyanko, and Heavy Metal Papillon on the list
>They aren't even real Senshi.
That depends on the continuity. In the manga they are usurpers, yes, but the anime makes no such suggestions. Considering the partial healing of Tin Nyanko I would even say they are corrupted senshi in that continuity. And I think I remember that in Sera Myu they are for sure proper senshi working for Galaxia, but it's been ages since I bothered with that, so I might be mistaken.

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>we could’ve lived in a world where yuri and magical girls didn’t go hand in hand

This may not be best timeline but it is good 5ineline