So P2E is coming. We really need an ultimate race and ultimate class book so we're not looking through 30 different books to make something obscure. What else do we need
P2E book ideas
A book devoted to anthro races obviously.
>not thinking a furfag containment book is a good idea
>wanting their degeneracy sprinkled throughout several splatbooks
furfag detected
No. One book to rule them all. Burn the rest.
My dick is a d8 weapon which becomes d12 in the presence of any animal.
I'm not going to lie. That would be good
I'm hoping core is just built well enough that we don't need half a dozen fixed versions of rogue or whatever. Much as I adore slayer and vigilante, they're classes that really shouldn't exist at all with how they overlap with core options.
Ideally I'm hoping we can avoid big patch books entirely. Add one fleshed out class every once in awhile that doesn't bleed into the others, include individual races in other books as they become necessary.
Pathfinder 2 chainz: the unchainining
This would legitmately be a great idea.
Instant: All sources accepted except X
Boom, no fucking goblins, no fucking kitsune, truly master race.
I hope they go the opposite of 5e. Instead of making every class almost exactly the same, make each class wildly powerful in very different ways.
>inb4 muh class only good at combat is bad, all things must be perfectly balanced
Hahaha! You fool!
It's not any worse than all the management required for lolrandumb hobbits, but yes.. I knew that.
Hopefully Pazio won't flood it with hundreds of completely useless feats and archetypes like with core PF. I kind of hope they just copy of of 5e and make feats like semi-universal abilities that are about as useful as milestone class options as well as having archetypes the same to boot.
Classes who are only good at combat IS bad when every class is capable of performing adequately in combat.
For reference, it's like playing Rock-Paper-Scissors but only choosing Rock.
Except it's not, rock-paper-scissors is a gross over-exaggeration. It's more like rock-paper-scissors-Nuke where everyone hates the Nuke because they're not as good outside combat.
From the looks of how the feats and skills are set up, this is going to be incredibly easy to do on your own.
>It's more like rock-paper-scissors-Nuke where everyone hates the Nuke because they're not as good outside combat.
Which implies that Fighters are the best fighters in the game, when that's not even the case when comparing the Fighter class to other martials.
Even if that was the case, you're going to spend the bulk of your time outside of combat regardless, so only being good at combat ends up being a reliability when the group has to deal with exploration or roleplaying.
Damn, I just read that twice. I've made 4 separate 5e characters this week and I am literally starved for customization options.
That's a lot of customization put in at each level, and a lot of different skills. I'm kind of worried about how insane making a high level character will be without hero labs or something.
The calculation for boostign skills in PF2 looks to be like - if you spent all of your feats on it - something like 40 skill upgrades over 20 levels, for any character. I think that martials will be fine for skills.
>Which implies Fighters are the best fighters in the game.
They're adequate, they can solo their CR+4 all the way to high level play. CR supposedly being for a party of 4 people.
But you're right, they're mistreated in basically every game that isn't B/X or DCC.
Talking about the other classes, a Barbarian can kill any encounter your DM can think of before your wizard can finish reading the paper with his first spell, so there's definitely some trade-off.
My point is that Rock-Paper-Scissors doesn't sum it up fully.
>You're going to spend the bulk of your time outside of combat regardless
Depends on the group.
Some groups, especially those that do Pathfinder Society or Adventure League spend basically all of their time in combat and 0% exploration, 10% roleplaying.
Might not be so hard at all. As far as the assorted feats are concerned, we should be able to just go down the list and pick them by level. The bulk of time spent on higher level Pathfinder character creation is on working out required item bonuses you need to keep up and making sure your build doesn't just fall apart on the first encounter to build traps. Hopefully that'll be less of a problem here.
>Some groups, especially those that do Pathfinder Society or Adventure League spend basically all of their time in combat and 0% exploration, 10% roleplaying.
Literally how? Do they just go "okay, you guys move to the next room, and you encounter X, roll initiative!" or some shit? Even then, I cannot think of an encounter that we played that actually took more than an hour outside of late game boss encounters that were meant to cap off the end of the campaign.
Well, kinda, you basically start off at wherever you need to be with few to no adventures having you have to travel there. A very small handful might tell you you travel for X days to arrive somewhere.
Then you fight, walk down a hall or two, fight.
There's some minor exploration to get to the next encounter, but you have to finish them in a set amount of time so things go fast.
The only ones that stick out to me is that there is a super crazy deadly high level one where it railroads you into the ocean and crushes most of the party with low strength scores to death while preventing concentration. But even then, there's fighting.
I'm a 4 star PF GM and have been doing a lot of D&DAL lately
There is a lot, lot of time spent in deliberating on the optimal choice each level. You might re-look at your build several dozen times while choosing.
"Do I want +5 to passive perception, or to be better at diplomacy?"
Hyperoptimization is the curse of 4e and 5e. Starfinder is much, much more forgiving of a lack of optimization. I am hopeful that PF2 continues this trend.
Logan Bonner sounds like less of a retard than Jason Bulmahn.
I want a social focused thing as soon as possible, but then again I want actually good social rules in general
pathfinder 2e version
Socializing already has rules. Why do you need to shove dice in there on top of it?
Guide to building an army from scratch so your players can create a Crusade/Horde/Militia/Levy/Resistance/Colonization Expedition.
full detail from supply chains and manufacturing centers to logistics chains, border checkpoints and trade routes, taking into account the technology of different countries of origin, roles within the army for all Player Classes, magical augmentations and dramatic event tables for cultural/national/ethnic/racial relations within such organizations.
forgot religious differences.
basically, i want the technobabble chart from Firefly but for Pathfinder inter-army units. :D
Rolemaster has a book for that.
Pathfinder already has one and it didn't help in the slightest.
need a ruleset that isn't dogshit
>Hyperoptimization is the curse of 4e and 5e.
You can literally play both games by picking options at random and get a viable character, unless you're 2hufag levels of autistic and believe that 5% less DPS means unplayable.
I want a toolkit book. a book that has rules (not guidelines, but fucking rules) for creating your own stuff so it balances.
want to make your own feats? it is in there.
wanna make your own spells?
wanna make your own monsters?
your own races, your own classes? it is all in there, plus a bunch more that I haven't thought of.
If you aren't maximizing your character, you are literally playing wrong and against design amd I hope you enjoy going from full to negative 50% hp in one DM roll against the dragon.
For 5e, that's just because there are no options.
>I'm autistic, please let me play with you
Don't believe the memes user
t. never played 4e
>If you aren't maximizing your character, you are literally playing wrong and against design amd I hope you enjoy going from full to negative 50% hp in one DM roll against the dragon.
When has that been true of any edition past 2e? You get so much HP as a result of being X levels in a class and most attacks will only oneshot you if you're vastly underpowered compared to the thing you're fighting.
It's true in best D&D where tactical combat is difficult and rewarding because you feel like you accomplished something. Plenty of solo monsters are actual threats who deal ridiculous damage.
I don't understand why you insist on hating on our game.
I'm not the dude that you're talking to, I'm just commenting on how wrong he is for stating that building wrong will cause you to get oneshot.
Personally, the more I hear about 4e, the more I start to understand why so many people like it.
You're right. I've been running it nonstop since 2008. 2hufag levels of optimization is needed only if one or multiple members of the playing group are autistic.
>falseflagging this hard
Yeah, this!
>trying to back up nonsense claim with
>"I'm an expert who plays it nonstop and has for 10 years"
>on Veeky Forums
Sigh, is this the level of trolling against people who like a certain game has reached?
oh, sorry.
At this point, the only reason to ever bring up 4e is to take the heat off of 3.PF, which makes no sense because nobody even plays 4e anymore and the ones that do generally keep to themselves.
Why would people think they're putting heat on 3.PF? The company is flourishing, has a ton of money and employees, has huge tracts of land at conventions, and a very fast, high population general on Veeky Forums. Pathfinder 2e looks like they're stealing a ton of good shit from all the systems (including 4e) and leaving behind some of the bad shit.
I really don't understand why 4e becomes the troll derailing topic for you guys in every single Pathfinder thread. Can't you just talk about it in the general?
>You no longer roll for hp, you just obtain your class score + con score per level
The company is in a serious sales rut as evidenced by a) their swift abandoning of the Starfinder 'experiment' and b) releasing a 2.0 when they basically swore to never do that
>Why would people think they're putting heat on 3.PF?
Because people bring up 4e in every 3.PF thread and generally after people have already begun the process of shitting on it.
>The company is flourishing, has a ton of money and employees, has huge tracts of land at conventions, and a very fast, high population general on Veeky Forums.
And that still has nothing to do with the actual quality of the game or the nature of its mechanics. There are plenty of things that are popular yet flawed and that generally has more to do with the marketing than anything else.
>Pathfinder 2e looks like they're stealing a ton of good shit from all the systems (including 4e) and leaving behind some of the bad shit.
Which is great, I'm cautiously optimistic at the turn that 2e is going in and I'm sure others feel the same as well, I'm just wondering why people keep derailing these types of threads with 4e shitposting when, again, the community is either nonexistent or keeps to themselves.
Weird, the sales data is still very good.
I would think economically it would also be a good idea to abandon a game that isn't making profit and move to a new edition. Since making a new edition is guaranteed sales and money.
>Barbarians can get 100+HP by level 6-10
Well hey, being immune to Power Word: Kill is supposed to be an accomplishment.
I imagine they're trolls and they know when they bring up 4e that they get a lot of other trolls coming to attack and defend it.
I was under a different impression.
Because it's guaranteed raises.
You say 4e and Pathfags fly off their handles.
Oh thank fucking god, they finally started to ignore that hack Bulmahn and his stupid fucking shiting on martials. I hope they steal plenty from Weeaboo Fightan Magic and Path of War.
>I imagine they're trolls and they know when they bring up 4e that they get a lot of other trolls coming to attack and defend it.
>You say 4e and Pathfags fly off their handles.
I really wish people on this board learned how to not take the bait.
I'm worried, Starfinder is known for having high hp bloat. Just because they've said they have a solution doesn't mean I am going to like it.
>pathfags fly off their handles
Yeah, it's definitely just one group of user's trolling.
I have a level 5 barb in 5e who has 70someodd hp, 20 AC, DR 3, resistance to non-magical attacks, and I regen 1 hp every turn, and immunity to fear and charm. That's all if my wizard doesn't buff me. I'm only getting stronger from here on.
Bounded accuracy is the best. My effective hp is at the point where my DM can't challenge me with almost anything anymore. The world of "Fucking martials" has come again.
And how much offense did you have to throw away to get that?
Practically none outside his magic items I would bet, he's a barbarian with extra attacks and bonuses, and offense in 5e doesn't take much optimization.
He's just perpetuating the meme that being the best at combat is okay when their wizard can trivialize the exploration or RolePlay phase like a min-maxed rogue or bard could. While all he's best at is fighting.
>Having roles isn't okay in a roleplaying game.
Fuck off.
>combat and noncombat are roles
no, you fuck off.
Check their off forums. The shitfest about changes to spells in the playtest section is just insane.
Do you mean the whole, each section of a spell is one action? A.k.a. verbal is one action, somatic is one action? Because their suffering makes me hard.
Unless your class allows you to kill everything you hit with 100% accuracy in one hit, you have no goddamned business being a "combat focused" class.
>soldiers aren't real
What did he mean by this?
Thank you for your weak bait.
I will lightly pat you on the head as reward and tell you that that would make for a shitty game and that you didn't explain your reasoning at all, because it's inane and you're wrong.
Soldiers generally have a college degree, in addition to military training.
Done, actually my first screenshot is from one of those threads.
Thank you, I will save that and use it to reply to them in the future. Maybe eventually they will be shamed into using some tiny thought with their posts. One can only hope.
No I mean this . Last time I was there thread had around 300 posts and didn't seem to be slowing down.
Oh wow this is amusing. I mean, heaven forbid a caster has to spend a spell slot to sidestep an encounter or something.
>The only thing a soldier can do is fight all day erryday
There's a 5e version of this, right?
5e has scaling by level as default for some spells like Cantrips, I'm curious if PF 2e will straight copy that, or legit not let spells scale.
From the Garycon playtest of 2e
>Healing spells are back in the Necromancy school
>Healing spells are back in the Necromancy school
>When the cleric cast Heal, she could control if it was a touch effect, a single person, ranged effect, or an area of effect spell. If I remember correctly, it depended on if she used 1, 2 or all 3 of her actions to cast it.
Their core books may be steady sellers, but their quarterly supplements, modules, and AP sales are slowing down. And they can only coast on corebook sales for so long before they run into market saturation. Plus, like it or not 5e took a large chunk out of them.
Paizo may not be "desperate" as some people in the thread claim, but they're playing the long game. They can't survive on publishing Adventure Paths for a stagnating game forever.
>And they can only coast on corebook sales for so long before they run into market saturation.
user, Pathfinder came out 9 years ago.
Can you please provide evidence that they're coasting by on core books when the much more likely explanation is that they are coasting by on their subscription model?
I'm wondering if they will continue support for it, while also expanding into Pathfinder 2e, or if that will no longer be profitable.
>that moment when you realize that PF was the best selling RPG from 2009 thru 2014
It's a 4rty, why the fuck were you expecting anything else?
They're copying Dungeon World and Shadow of the Demon Lord as well, so they probably will not have very many original ideas.
Bounded accuracy is poor design for one reason.
"You have to stop here - any further and this system doesn't work."
If I wanted to play limited games, I'd play 4e.
cantrips mechanically fit a role that is different than spells: letting casters do repeatable damage that scales as linearly as fighter damage scales, while always being a bit inferior at that.
scalable spammable cantrips actually help make casters less overpowered and close the fighter-wizard power gap, because they allow you to make regular spells less poweful and still have spell caster play during combat.
without something "average" to do each round of combat a first turn "everyone is grappled by tentacles for 3 months, no save" spell would be the only gameplay option left for them.
>Dungeon World
I literally have no idea what you're talking about, I own and play DW and there basically aren't even mechanics to copy from Dungeon World.
I agree user, thank you for sharing your perspective on it. I wonder if they'll consider that in their new spell-casters.
They have unequivocally stated they will continue to print the the books, and any 3pp stuff they are requested and paid to print, as well ass continuing Starfinder. People just love to make up shit about them that isn't true.
I read the announcement, they said they will keep printing the smaller (pretty cool) books as long as they sell, that's not unequivocal. They did say the PDF's will be available forever, though.
I was thinking of something else besides Dungeon World.
Shadow of the Demon Lord's advancement and ancestries are definitely being cribbed for 2e.
I hope that's a good thing. My favorite 3rd party game was incredibly shameless about stealing mechanics from a half dozen games and it ended up being really well designed.
Which book?
That makes no sense, user.
God I hate this shit.
>wizards are overpowered therefore because of that I should be able to jump 300 feet from standstill and grab the dragon out of the air and bodyslam it because a wizard can do the same thing with flesh to stone and fly
Martialcucks are like blacks: they never stop whining about whitey (or casters) and no level of reparations is enough for them. All they ever do is whine and bitch and whenever you suggest changing something about how martials work they will actually sperg out and being squealing about caster supremacy, even if the proposed change is just to make the game make more sense. If you dare to even hint at the notion that a martial ability might be ridiculous or overpowered they immediately start screeching about how a wizard can do the same thing but better, so they deserve to be able to literally scream something to death and stunlock everything around them, like some gay-ass anime, just because a wizard can cast mass hold person. Oh but because wizards can do other things, that means the ability should have no save. And they should also be able to intimidate everything, AND be master crafters, AND be able to fly, AND be able to literally throw houses because "muh greek demigods, hercules was just a 20th level fighter" bullshit. Martialfucks are on the tier of the worst minority reparations activists. They are so caught up in their victim complex, that they can no longer see anything else. They want to completely ruin the game due to something from 2 editions ago, that triggered them so hard that they simply cannot let go of it.
>hur dur why fightman wan impinge my power fantasy? Why him wan be strong too? No fight man you stay bad need feel strong to make my penis the big penis