Since the strongest advantage of Unchained is that they can't really be detected and nobody really knows they exist, I think if I had a DtD player, the first time they break cover and get a Hunted condition, they'd get a high ranking angel or swarm of low ranking angels that just gangstalk the demon to death.
>No, you can't change Covers when you are being watched.
>You are still being watched.
One, the analyst, welds itself to the demon and simply follows it in Twilight, maybe even "gluing" itself to the demon with manifestation conditions. A psychopomp turns the demon into Infrastructure with Create Influence, allowing angels to hook up to it and recharge, or even other demons to do so if they think about it. They increase the difficulty of compromise checks, and bully them, but don't usually attack. They influence humans to spy on them and follow them around.
The Destroyer is pretty weak but typically survives destruction and typically just shows up and starts stabbing or beating him, like Mr. Shivers. Its mission is to attack the demon, but the mission has nothing to do with whether it kills him or not. The demon is not sure whether the Destroyer is the same angel each time or a number of different ones.
>"Oh boy, I can recharge aether at home for some reason! Wait, what?"
The Psychopomp is probably the most dangerous, as it uses Create Infrastructure to turn the demon, his house, his friends, etc. into Infrastructure, further penalizing compromise rolls.
The Guardian got confused and thinks he's supposed to protect the demon. It does so by crafting biomechanical monstrosities out of any bodies and broken things lying around. It hides them in the demon's house, trunk, attic, "upgrades" friends and family, etc. They become A N G E R Y when the demon is attacked but have a hard time knowing what's going on, and usually just start smashing things.
The Messenger is the one that actually organizes humans. It tells hobos to sort through the demon's garbage.
Attached: Demon Character Concept3.jpg (3508x2670, 553K)