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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Does someone have that updated list of Jumps on hand? I think the one on the drive is supposed to be pretty outdated, right?
Mardukth, a question about the Prison Break drawback in Infernals: Is this a case of "escape within ten years or else you fail and get sent home whenever you actually do manage to get out?"
Tell us stories of you Xanatos gambits. When they never saw the true goal until after it was all over.
So, aside from The Labyrinth and Generic Isekai, what other Jumps allow me to have my own loyal tribe/clan/horde of Kobolds? Or really any kobold/kobold-esque follower thing in general
There's nothing in the text that even remotely suggests that. What a ridiculous question.
How do you feel about soul destruction?
DC Occult gets you Dimension Lord. You are basically god of the pocket dimension and can fill it with any race you want. Or there is a QQ jump that nets you a castle with 5,000 people of any race you have been. You are also worshiped here and they give double prayer power. Just be a kobold and net the castle or go DC and net millions.
It's bad and I don't like it.
No worse than death in a materialistic universe, but still something to be avoided if at all possible. Certainly not something to seek out.
Damn. I was hoping to be able to use it to have Yozi flavored Solar charms.
Now I'm wondering if creating Heretical charms by combining Yozi and Solar charms is possible. I doubt it
How about Angel Notes? You could grab that Feather perk and spawn Kobolds if you had such a form. Only limited by your size and power I believe. If you choose to be an Aristotle you could even have your form be a giant Kobold.
Unless it's some eternal force of perpetual evil, don't do it
I only use it as a last result. It is sad to see that kind of destruction.
Do not throw souls
I'm fine with it. There are plenty of universes where souls don't exist and killing something ends their existence forever. Destroying the soul of someone that has one is functionally identical to just killing someone that doesn't. Just make sure to destroy it in a clean and environmentally-conscientious way, no one wants soul gunk mucking up the less.
t. Weak Jumpers
>Angel Notes?
I've seen that series mentioned before, what is it?
To all those people complaining about the Spawn jump not covering the whole series how do you feel about the dozens jumps made during a series and doesn't reflect all the new material that was revealed/released since the jump was made?
Y'all are pussies.
A waste of tasty souls.
Alternate future timeline of Tsukihime, or is it Fate? One of those anyway, the Earth is dead and it called the other top beings of the planets to come kill the humans.
Oh look, the Generic Jumpers are piping up.
Jump duration is 10 years. That's standard.
Prison break says you're there until you manage to escape, even if it takes longer than 10 years.
If it takes you a century to escape, that's more than the 10 years. Ergo, it's possible that you simply fail and get sent home, or you just move right on with the chain. Being a drawback, and a high value one, the former seems far more likely.
People constantly complain about them and suggest new policies to resolve the issue. If you read these threads ever, you should know the answer.
I don't use it, and is one of thew few things someone can do that will make me actually take my gloves off.
That being said, I have to study it and understand every aspect of it to not only protect myself from it, but others as well.
>t. Weak Jumpers
>Y'all are pussies.
Pretty sure I've already confirmed such things.
For the most part I don't see it as different from ordinary death but that's just me having trouble with understanding afterlives and such. In places where I know there's a cycle of reincarnation or afterlife, I'd probably be against it unless I'm really pissed off.
It's very much a last resort. The kind of fate you save for, say, Nagash.
Was supposed to be the Nasuverse's equivalent of The End Times, but Nasu never got around to writing it. It's essentially just a bunch of notes (hence the name Angel 'Notes')
People often complain about those but I'll take the time to point out that those are made for ongoing series and at least cover all currently released content at the time. The Spawn jump doesn't cover a third of the currently released content and it's still ongoing.
Do you need Fuinjutsu Prodigy to learn Fuinjutsu?
Only if all options are exhausted and there is no choice.
That's completely off the mark. It's just a short story Nasu did long before any of the other Nasu stuff that he then sorta partially maybe made canon and uses concepts from it.
I don't like it. I figure, why destroy what you can repurpose? Make them a better person by cleansing them and giving them a second chance. Of course, if all else fails I suppose I might need to resort to it.
Can you answer these Val?
>The virgin jumpmaker - struggles to make a functional jump out of settings that are full of established lore.
>The Chad Valeria - makes a popular jump out of a short story, footnotes, and napkin writings
Is SentaiAnon around?
>That's standard.
No, it's not. It's common, but by no means mandatory. Jumps that last longer or shorter than 10 years aren't all that rare, and this is something that can potentially force a longer jump on you. What happens if you exceed the jump length is solely the province of fanwank/house-rules. Unless it explicitly states as much, there's no reason to assume anything. You're asking for clarification on invisible house-rules.
Questionable Questing. They have lewd Jumps.
It has its uses.
No, Fuinjutsu has some basic techniques that many Ninja eventually learn, like the creation and usage of explosive tags and storage scrolls. it's just the more advanced stuff is complicated and tricky.
Never heard of it before
And what if the jump was created near the beginning of the series and a shit load of new material has been released since then?
Not very well, it's not designed for things with limitless growth caps. Originally I'd had it as just screwing your growth over but playing the game more to the point I hit the level cap, realised the perk needs adjusting.
The growth curve perk works as normal up to where you normally hit the level cap and then you just lose the benefits of the growth curve perk and grow as you normally would past the cap.
Check the notes on the second one, it details these sort of things.
Why do you think I care, especially when we're talking about Spawn and it's not the case there?
No, I'm asking for clarification on a drawback in the document, based on a standard of the game (10 year duration is the default and assumed standard unless the document says otherwise - this one flat out mentions the decade duration.)
He's angling for shitposting potential on another jump.
Probably Fairy Tail or some shit.
The closest I can say about QQ is that it exists and and only the vaguest of the things about the jumps. For example the castle. I am not allowed to even tell you which jump it comes from. That is for you to look up.
So Mardukth, one last question about Infernals - the Glove of Reality's Architect...what book is the closest thing to it in?
>Check the notes on the second one, it details these sort of things.
I did check the notes. Thing is there is a massive gap between making Kiritsugu's Origin bullets to recreating Excalibur for example. And the centuries benchmark, kinda gives me an idea but not really? Seeing as Noble Phantasms are crystallized legend, I am not certain if they count as above or below things such as adding ideas into someones mind or making atomic explosions. Hence why I was hoping for more of a ballpark like around like six decades or something similar
I'm about to jump this and I wanted to know how should I handle dying in this jump. Guardians are essentially immortal as long as their Ghosts are around to revive them and they don't die in an area corrupted by extreme Darkness. Canon has Guardians training by killing each other (the lore reason for PVP).
Do that thing NuBee was too afraid to do with Dark Souls - unless you fulfill those criteria, you don't die.
There is also the fact that the First Magic could like summon Reality Marbles into the actual world by permanently creating a bounded field in an area since they are a place that could exist. Which I am not even sure how that stacks up. I mean Iskander did summon a legion of soldiers in his but those were all heroic spirits
You're asking him to clarify the drawback based on your house-ruled assumptions about something that was left unstated. It'd be like asking if the jumper has control over companion builds. It's ludicrous to expect an answer on things that are up to the individual writer. What happens when you exceed the "standard" jump duration is something we don't have solid rules on, ergo fanwank territory.
Not everything is shitposting.
It just seems a bit hypocritical to complain about the Spawn jump for that when we have several accepted jumps on the drive that also don't cover a whole series. Should those be considered invalid now?
NPs are on the centuries mark yeah. Lower ranked ones are probably in the 100-150~ years stuff but things like Caliburn and Excalibur and so on would be a handful of hundred year sets.
>Should those be considered invalid now?
They already are. For some reason we just have a bunch of idiots arguing that they are still valid.
>It just seems a bit hypocritical to complain about the Spawn jump for that when we have several accepted jumps on the drive that also don't cover a whole series.
And people complain about those all the time. People complained that there was a jump made for KSBD. Even in those cases, the issue is usually that the content doesn't yet exist, so the jumpmaker can't do anything with it. In the case of Spawn, the author has a whole wealth of content that isn't represented in the jump. They're really not comparable.
>Should those be considered invalid now?
Yes, but that's a completely different issue shitposter. Most of those jumps where made with the lastest content at the time, the fact that they became outdated is because the lack of updates from the maker. Besides none of those series where completed at the time of their making, unlike spawn.
This was already explained to you once and I'm not doing it again after, I'll consider you a shit poster if you ask again. People do complain a lot about jumps made too early but that is not the problem here. The problem here is that the jump is made and doesn't cover the majority of currently published content despite being made now and not decades ago when none of the content was published. This is not a matter of a jump not being updated to match newly released content, it is a matter of a jump being made out of a small, incomplete part of the series.
If you do not understand the difference, please don't respond because I don't want to waste my time with someone looking for shitpost fuel.
Are there any perks or combinations thereof that would let me take my N.O. portal from FLCL and move it from my forehead to either my mouth or the palm of my hand?
Pic probably unrelated.
>I am not allowed to even tell you which jump it comes from.
Unless a jump states it's making an exception, the standard rule is that death is Game Over for Jumpers.
The fact that Ghosts rez their Guardians after death doesn't change the fact that you died, and the jump does not make an exception.
So you'd be sent home - where your Ghost would be able to rez you if you then died again, but your chain would still be over.
Reserved only for those things so bad the universe needs them to be deader than dead.
Would a fully upgraded Gate of Babylon be like a D rank or an E rank grand noble phantasm? (or an E with minuses)
I vaguely recall one of Val's jumps having something like that, but not where you'd find it. Sorry I can't be more help than that.
Denying someone's existence is ten times more fun.
Rules are the jumps are banned and can only be talked about in very round about ways. I don't think we are even meant to name the jumps individually, just as a whole.
>Not everything is shitposting.
In /jc/, you'll have to excuse me for calling nonsense.
One or two of the lewd jumps are halfway decent, but most clearly had very little thought and effort put into them.
>Should those be considered invalid now?
They already are. We're just waiting on to replace them piece by piece.
>It's ludicrous to expect an answer on things
The drawback in the jump itself potentially exceeds the duration. I asked the jump author for clarification for the drawback from the jump, as it was probably written with a specific intent.
Would it be more appropriate to conquer the Iron Islands just in time to save the First Men from the Andals, or just in time to face Aegon in battle?
Either way they're going to hate me there.
Rule is the jumps are banned, and that if you post something related to them soliciting discussion (like "what did you do in x") or spend more than three consecutive posts on the subject, then you're a shitposter. They can be mentioned even by name, but they must not dominate even a portion of the thread.
Eh, I guess I'll stick to the /JC/ jumps the and use The Labyrinth as my jump of choice
Fully upgraded as in it has the auto recall function as well? It'd probably be E rank.
Does the untapped mineral wealth beneath the Lonely Mountain in the Hobbit replenish for our next jump if we mine it all?
A grotesque waste of perfectly good slaves.
The auto recall and the auto repair tool that fixes all weapons used
One of them is over 50+ pages long with so many origins. Too bad I don't like the setting. But I do admit the jumpmaker had passion for what they made.
DC Occult. Just get the pocket dimension and fill it with loyal kobolds if that is your thing. Personally I filled it with Pokemon for animals and DP half-ghosts as a base population.
Not the maker, but unless a drawback specifically says you fail the jump/chain, then it shouldn't make you fail. And you make the choice to stay/go/continue after the jump ends. So eitherit should just be an (unpleasant) extension or the jump needs correcting.
What if they are destroyed via digestion because we ate them to become stronger?
>we have several accepted jumps on the drive that also don't cover a whole series. Should those be considered invalid now?
No. They should be considered WiPs. Many of them abandoned WiPs.
So the rules of a setting doesn't matter?
Yeah, E rank.
Hey Val, would that one perk from Nobliss that let's you mess with the aesthetics of powers let do what he wants?
I forget what it's called, but I'm pretty sure it specifies only allowing changes that don't effect the utility or strength of a power, so I'm not sure if what user is suggesting crosses one of those lines.
>So the rules of a setting doesn't matter?
They never have.
Perhaps in that setting, but it would need to be stated in the doc.
That's actually a smart way to handle some of them.
e.g. All of WakfuAnon's.
Does taking a Demi-Servant with a reality marble twist your soul accordingly?
They matter where they don't conflict with the rules of JumpChain. And one of the rules of JumpChain is that if you die without another JumpChain rule (e.g. a 1-up perk) providing a way out, then your chain is over.
Eh, that seems like a utility change honestly. I don't know how the power is used but if it needs to be activated, hand based seems a lot easier than forehead.
I'd need more details on the power to know for sure though, I never saw FLCL past the first ten mins at a con.
>And one of the rules of JumpChain
Is outdated and needs to be brought up to modern standards.
It does.
And one of the rules of JumpChain is Diminishing Returns. You can count the people who still abide by that on one hand.
>modern standards
The more people use these words the less I understand what they MEAN by them.